The scary actual U.S. government debt
Columnist profile
OTTAWA— From Wednesday's Globe and Mail
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Increase text size Boston University economist Laurence Kotlikoff says U.S. government debt is not $13.5-trillion (U.S.), which is 60 per cent of current gross domestic product, as global investors and American taxpayers think, but rather 14-fold higher: $200-trillion – 840 per cent of current GDP. “Let’s get real,” Prof. Kotlikoff says. “The U.S. is bankrupt.”
Writing in the September issue of Finance and Development, a journal of the International Monetary Fund, Prof. Kotlikoff says the IMF itself has quietly confirmed that the U.S. is in terrible fiscal trouble – far worse than the Washington-based lender of last resort has previously acknowledged. “The U.S. fiscal gap is huge,” the IMF asserted in a June report. “Closing the fiscal gap requires a permanent annual fiscal adjustment equal to about 14 per cent of U.S. GDP.”
This sum is equal to all current U.S. federal taxes combined. The consequences of the IMF’s fiscal fix, a doubling of federal taxes in perpetuity, would be appalling – and possibly worse than appalling.
Prof. Kotlikoff says: “The IMF is saying that, to close this fiscal gap [by taxation], would require an immediate and permanent doubling of our personal income taxes, our corporate taxes and all other federal taxes.
“America’s fiscal gap is enormous – so massive that closing it appears impossible without immediate and radical reforms to its health care, tax and Social Security systems – as well as military and other discretionary spending cuts.”
He cites earlier calculations by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) that concluded that the United States would need to increase tax revenue by 12 percentage points of GDP to bring revenue into line with spending commitments. But the CBO calculations assumed that the growth of government programs (including Medicare) would be cut by one-third in the short term and by two-thirds in the long term. This assumption, Prof. Kotlikoff notes, is politically implausible – if not politically impossible.
One way or another, the fiscal gap must be closed. If not, the country’s spending will forever exceed its revenue growth, and no one’s real debt can increase faster than his real income forever.
Prof. Kotlikoff uses “fiscal gap,” not the accumulation of deficits, to define public debt. The fiscal gap is the difference between a government’s projected revenue (expressed in today’s dollar value) and its projected spending (also expressed in today’s dollar value). By this measure, the United States is in worse shape than Greece.
Prof. Kotlikoff is a noted economist. He is a research associate at the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research. He is a former senior economist with then-president Ronald Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisers. He has served as a consultant with governments around the world. He is the author (or co-author) of 14 books: Jimmy Stewart Is Dead (2010), his most recent book, explains his recommendations for reform.
He says the U.S. cannot end its fiscal crisis by increasing taxes. He opposes further stimulus spending because it will simply increase the debt. But he does suggest reforms that would help – most of which would require a significant withering away of the state. He proposes that the government give every person an annual voucher for health care, provided that the total cost not exceed 10 per cent of GDP. (U.S. health care now consumes 16 per cent of GDP.) He suggests the replacement of all current federal taxes with a single consumption tax of 18 per cent. He calls for government-sponsored personal retirement accounts, with the government making contributions only for the poor, the unemployed and people with disabilities.
Without drastic reform, Prof. Kotlikoff says, the only alternative would be a massive printing of money by the U.S. Treasury – and hyperinflation.
As former president Bill Clinton once prematurely said, the era of big government is over. In the coming years, the U.S. will almost certainly be compelled to deconstruct its welfare state.
Prof. Kotlikoff doesn’t trust government accounting, or government regulation. The official vocabulary (deficit, debt, transfer payment, tax, borrowing), he says, is vulnerable to official manipulation and off-the-books deceit. He calls it “Enron accounting.” He also calls it a lie. Here is an economist who speaks plainly, as the legendary straight-shooting film star Jimmy Stewart did for an earlier generation.
But Prof. Kotlikoff’s economic genre isn’t the Western. It’s the horror story – “and scarier,” one reviewer of his book suggests, than Stephen King.
Nobody else is going to save you but yourself-but how? Read on. I hold no copyright to any articles, save that: 1)You reproduce in entirety 2)Link to 3)Accredit authorship to J. Croft
Friday, October 29, 2010
The Tipping Point has Arrived
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/28/2010 10:24 -0500
Submitted by Mike Krieger of KAM LP
The Tipping Point has Arrived
Our age is retrospective. It builds the sepulchres of the fathers. It writes biographies, histories, and criticism. The foregoing generations beheld God and nature face to face; we, through their eyes. Why should not we also enjoy an original relation to the universe? Why should not we have the a poetry and philosophy of insight and not of tradition, and a religion by revelation to us, and not the history of theirs? Embosomed for a season in nature, whose floods of life stream around and through us, and invite us, by the powers they supply, to action proportioned to nature, why should we grope among the dry bones of the past, or put the living generation into masquerade out of its faded wardrobe? The sun shines today also. There is more wool and flax in the fields. There are new lands, new men, new thoughts. Let us demand out own works and laws and worship.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nature
I believe we have finally breached the tipping point in the socio-political landscape of the United States of America. There will be no going back from here. Everyone on all levels of society including the elites must make a choice. Will you stand for real reform and an end of the feudalistic rule of the oligarchs and their paid-off puppets that line the streets of Washington D.C., or will you keep your mouth shut and play the old and dying game in the context of a completely different cultural environment?
While many will disagree with what I am about to say, I believe the oligarchs and the Federal Reserve have already lost.
This will not be clear to the vast majority at this time because the powerful institutions that dominate and rob us will continue to fight for survival but the wind is already blowing in a different direction and cannot be reversed. The smart elites are starting to see this and are hedging their bets. The dumb or stubborn ones may want to start looking at countries with non-extradition treaties or start blowing the whistle on someone above them and fast. The window of opportunity to make the choice is closely quickly. “I was just following orders” will not cut it when the dollar collapses and Disneyland shuts down. There have not been any major arrests and people have seemingly gotten away with all their frauds and crimes. This too will change and 2011 will represent a change in trend in this regard. We have entered the terminal phase of this ponzi scheme economy and those responsible for its creation and its continued support at the expense of the vast majority of the populace will see their foul deeds rise to the surface.
Earlier this year I wrote two piece that I think are worth re-reading and I have attached links to them. The first was “A Time to Speak Out” and the second was the “The Elites Have Lost the Right to Rule” . When I wrote these articles many of the themes addressed were completely out of the mainstream, yet in an amazingly brief period of time many of the frustrations I voiced are now popping up everywhere I look. It’s strange and rewarding to see the topics I and countless others have been discussing on the “fringe” break into the light of day. Now that these concepts are out there is no stopping the avalanche that is about to hit the oligarchs smack in the face. As Gandhi said “An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.”
This brings me to discuss what I think is one of the most important letters from an elite I have seen in 2010. I am referring to Bill Gross’ most recent piece. Now when I say he is an “elite” I am not saying he is part of some vast conspiracy to turn us further into serfs. What I mean is he is one of the most fabulously wealthy people in America. He also happens to have made his fortune in the financial services industry and runs the country’s largest bond fund. This is a person that has every reason and incentive to play nice with the other elites and their corrupt institutions at the top of which lies the Federal Reserve banking cartel. What he did in his latest letter was far from “playing ball.” Here are some of the notable quotes and the entire letter can be found here .
“Was it relevant in 2004 that John Kerry was or was not an admirable “swift boat” commander? Will the absence of a mosque within several hundred yards of Ground Zero solve our deficit crisis? Is Christine O’Donnell really a witch? Did Meg Whitman employ an illegal maid? Who cares! We are being conned, folks; Democrats and Republicans alike.”
“Perhaps, as a vocal contingent suggests, our paper-based foundation of wealth deserves to be buried, making a fresh start from admittedly lower levels. The Fed, on Wednesday, however, will decide that it is better to keep the patient on life support with an adrenaline injection and a following morphine drip than to risk its demise and ultimate rebirth in another form.”
“Check writing in the trillions is not a bondholder’s friend; it is in fact inflationary, and, if truth be told, somewhat of a Ponzi scheme. Public debt, actually, has always had a Ponzi-like characteristic.”
“The Fed, in effect, is telling the markets not to worry about our fiscal deficits, it will be the buyer of first and perhaps last resort. There is no need – as with Charles Ponzi – to find an increasing amount of future gullibles, they will just write the check themselves. I ask you: Has there ever been a Ponzi scheme so brazen? There has not.”
Ok, so what is Bill Gross up to you ask? I will give you my two cents. This guy is not as fabulously wealthy as he is for being a dope (although this cannot be said for a lot of people in this industry that are merely financial engineers that would become extinct overnight without 0% interest rates but that’s another story). Bill Gross sees the writing on the wall. He see the winds of change and is hedging his bets. He is throwing out a carrot to those that criticize the completely corrupt and ponzi scheme economy and financial system we have today which benefits only those that speculate on the taxpayers dime. We could end this fake and destructive economy by ending the Fed in its current form (at the very least everything they do must be transparent) and restoring the rule of law. He attacks the false left/right paradigm and rightly points out that both the Democrat and Republican establishment have sold out the people to line their own pockets. In the second quote he actually explores the notion that “our paper-based foundation of wealth deserves to be buried.” Then finally he points out what many others have but almost no one is the mainstream ever admits. The U.S. government is running a giant ponzi scheme with regard to its debt. Hmmm do you want to own gold or treasuries?
Truth be told, what Bill Gross did in this letter is to create the ultimate hedge for himself. He didn’t say these things earlier when they were just as true as they are today and certainly must have been clear to someone of his intelligence. He said it now. He said it now because he can see the writing on the wall. The important thing is not that he ultimately defends what the Fed is doing (which he unfortunately does) but that he felt the need to hedge himself and distance himself from the system. As he writes in the final paragraph, “We haven’t been around for 35+ years and not figured out a way to avoid the November axe. We are a survivor and our clients are not going to be Turkeys on a platter.” Indeed, the axe is going to fall on the oligarchs and if you don’t want to be a turkey on a platter you had better choose sides and fast. As the great Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote in his 1836 essay Nature, “There are new lands, new men, new thoughts. Let us demand out own works and laws and worship.” Well said sir, well said.
All the best,
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/28/2010 10:24 -0500
Submitted by Mike Krieger of KAM LP
The Tipping Point has Arrived
Our age is retrospective. It builds the sepulchres of the fathers. It writes biographies, histories, and criticism. The foregoing generations beheld God and nature face to face; we, through their eyes. Why should not we also enjoy an original relation to the universe? Why should not we have the a poetry and philosophy of insight and not of tradition, and a religion by revelation to us, and not the history of theirs? Embosomed for a season in nature, whose floods of life stream around and through us, and invite us, by the powers they supply, to action proportioned to nature, why should we grope among the dry bones of the past, or put the living generation into masquerade out of its faded wardrobe? The sun shines today also. There is more wool and flax in the fields. There are new lands, new men, new thoughts. Let us demand out own works and laws and worship.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nature
I believe we have finally breached the tipping point in the socio-political landscape of the United States of America. There will be no going back from here. Everyone on all levels of society including the elites must make a choice. Will you stand for real reform and an end of the feudalistic rule of the oligarchs and their paid-off puppets that line the streets of Washington D.C., or will you keep your mouth shut and play the old and dying game in the context of a completely different cultural environment?
While many will disagree with what I am about to say, I believe the oligarchs and the Federal Reserve have already lost.
This will not be clear to the vast majority at this time because the powerful institutions that dominate and rob us will continue to fight for survival but the wind is already blowing in a different direction and cannot be reversed. The smart elites are starting to see this and are hedging their bets. The dumb or stubborn ones may want to start looking at countries with non-extradition treaties or start blowing the whistle on someone above them and fast. The window of opportunity to make the choice is closely quickly. “I was just following orders” will not cut it when the dollar collapses and Disneyland shuts down. There have not been any major arrests and people have seemingly gotten away with all their frauds and crimes. This too will change and 2011 will represent a change in trend in this regard. We have entered the terminal phase of this ponzi scheme economy and those responsible for its creation and its continued support at the expense of the vast majority of the populace will see their foul deeds rise to the surface.
Earlier this year I wrote two piece that I think are worth re-reading and I have attached links to them. The first was “A Time to Speak Out” and the second was the “The Elites Have Lost the Right to Rule” . When I wrote these articles many of the themes addressed were completely out of the mainstream, yet in an amazingly brief period of time many of the frustrations I voiced are now popping up everywhere I look. It’s strange and rewarding to see the topics I and countless others have been discussing on the “fringe” break into the light of day. Now that these concepts are out there is no stopping the avalanche that is about to hit the oligarchs smack in the face. As Gandhi said “An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.”
This brings me to discuss what I think is one of the most important letters from an elite I have seen in 2010. I am referring to Bill Gross’ most recent piece. Now when I say he is an “elite” I am not saying he is part of some vast conspiracy to turn us further into serfs. What I mean is he is one of the most fabulously wealthy people in America. He also happens to have made his fortune in the financial services industry and runs the country’s largest bond fund. This is a person that has every reason and incentive to play nice with the other elites and their corrupt institutions at the top of which lies the Federal Reserve banking cartel. What he did in his latest letter was far from “playing ball.” Here are some of the notable quotes and the entire letter can be found here .
“Was it relevant in 2004 that John Kerry was or was not an admirable “swift boat” commander? Will the absence of a mosque within several hundred yards of Ground Zero solve our deficit crisis? Is Christine O’Donnell really a witch? Did Meg Whitman employ an illegal maid? Who cares! We are being conned, folks; Democrats and Republicans alike.”
“Perhaps, as a vocal contingent suggests, our paper-based foundation of wealth deserves to be buried, making a fresh start from admittedly lower levels. The Fed, on Wednesday, however, will decide that it is better to keep the patient on life support with an adrenaline injection and a following morphine drip than to risk its demise and ultimate rebirth in another form.”
“Check writing in the trillions is not a bondholder’s friend; it is in fact inflationary, and, if truth be told, somewhat of a Ponzi scheme. Public debt, actually, has always had a Ponzi-like characteristic.”
“The Fed, in effect, is telling the markets not to worry about our fiscal deficits, it will be the buyer of first and perhaps last resort. There is no need – as with Charles Ponzi – to find an increasing amount of future gullibles, they will just write the check themselves. I ask you: Has there ever been a Ponzi scheme so brazen? There has not.”
Ok, so what is Bill Gross up to you ask? I will give you my two cents. This guy is not as fabulously wealthy as he is for being a dope (although this cannot be said for a lot of people in this industry that are merely financial engineers that would become extinct overnight without 0% interest rates but that’s another story). Bill Gross sees the writing on the wall. He see the winds of change and is hedging his bets. He is throwing out a carrot to those that criticize the completely corrupt and ponzi scheme economy and financial system we have today which benefits only those that speculate on the taxpayers dime. We could end this fake and destructive economy by ending the Fed in its current form (at the very least everything they do must be transparent) and restoring the rule of law. He attacks the false left/right paradigm and rightly points out that both the Democrat and Republican establishment have sold out the people to line their own pockets. In the second quote he actually explores the notion that “our paper-based foundation of wealth deserves to be buried.” Then finally he points out what many others have but almost no one is the mainstream ever admits. The U.S. government is running a giant ponzi scheme with regard to its debt. Hmmm do you want to own gold or treasuries?
Truth be told, what Bill Gross did in this letter is to create the ultimate hedge for himself. He didn’t say these things earlier when they were just as true as they are today and certainly must have been clear to someone of his intelligence. He said it now. He said it now because he can see the writing on the wall. The important thing is not that he ultimately defends what the Fed is doing (which he unfortunately does) but that he felt the need to hedge himself and distance himself from the system. As he writes in the final paragraph, “We haven’t been around for 35+ years and not figured out a way to avoid the November axe. We are a survivor and our clients are not going to be Turkeys on a platter.” Indeed, the axe is going to fall on the oligarchs and if you don’t want to be a turkey on a platter you had better choose sides and fast. As the great Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote in his 1836 essay Nature, “There are new lands, new men, new thoughts. Let us demand out own works and laws and worship.” Well said sir, well said.
All the best,
People Now Dropping Dead In The Gulf
Riki Ott: ‘People Now Dropping Dead’ In the Gulf
October 24, 2010 by Shepard
Riki Ott
The Intel Hub
By Shepard Ambellas
On the sixth month anniversary of the oil disaster in the gulf we are still witnessing a complete media blackout.
The people, particularly in Grand Isle, have been poisoned by tyrants that care more about their pocketbooks than human life or mother earth.
According to Riki Ott, marine toxicologist and Exxon Valdez survivor:
“The people that did evacuate (the gulf) are glad they did”
And for good reason.”
” I am dealing with about 3 -4 autopsies right now… I know of people who’s esophagus’ are de-solving, disintegrating… I know of people with 4.75% of their lung capacity, with enlarged hearts… All of these people have oil in their bodies.”
The gulf oil spill is admittedly a Dept. of Defense operation as reported on by the Army Times and the Intel Hub.
Multiple C-130′s, military and Coast Guard, along with various types of Evergreen Air aircraft and boats have been used to carry out the spraying operation in and around the region.
Boats equipped to spray have also been spotted and well documented by journalists such as Dahr Jamail. There have been reports of out of state contractors and military conducting spraying operations in throughout the region.
Reports are circulating of deaths, along with people finding VOC’s and other toxins in their bloodstream. The reports also include dizziness, sore throat and trouble breathing, all symptoms of chemical exposure.
Unfortunately, the regions economy has been devastated, with the fishing industry being the hardest hit. People have lost their medical insurance and more as they are overwhelmed with financial and toxic doom.
Groups such as Project Gulf Impact and even some law firms are extending a helping hand to people in need.
One of the most unreported cases of murder, corruption and poisoning is taking place right here on American soil while the sleeping masses escape reality due to corporate media control.
October 24, 2010 by Shepard
Riki Ott
The Intel Hub
By Shepard Ambellas
On the sixth month anniversary of the oil disaster in the gulf we are still witnessing a complete media blackout.
The people, particularly in Grand Isle, have been poisoned by tyrants that care more about their pocketbooks than human life or mother earth.
According to Riki Ott, marine toxicologist and Exxon Valdez survivor:
“The people that did evacuate (the gulf) are glad they did”
And for good reason.”
” I am dealing with about 3 -4 autopsies right now… I know of people who’s esophagus’ are de-solving, disintegrating… I know of people with 4.75% of their lung capacity, with enlarged hearts… All of these people have oil in their bodies.”
The gulf oil spill is admittedly a Dept. of Defense operation as reported on by the Army Times and the Intel Hub.
Multiple C-130′s, military and Coast Guard, along with various types of Evergreen Air aircraft and boats have been used to carry out the spraying operation in and around the region.
Boats equipped to spray have also been spotted and well documented by journalists such as Dahr Jamail. There have been reports of out of state contractors and military conducting spraying operations in throughout the region.
Reports are circulating of deaths, along with people finding VOC’s and other toxins in their bloodstream. The reports also include dizziness, sore throat and trouble breathing, all symptoms of chemical exposure.
Unfortunately, the regions economy has been devastated, with the fishing industry being the hardest hit. People have lost their medical insurance and more as they are overwhelmed with financial and toxic doom.
Groups such as Project Gulf Impact and even some law firms are extending a helping hand to people in need.
One of the most unreported cases of murder, corruption and poisoning is taking place right here on American soil while the sleeping masses escape reality due to corporate media control.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
For those that listen to WRUW 91.1 FM Wednesdays at 6:30PM go here:!/profile.php?id=1667169356!/profile.php?id=1667169356
Texas Police Officers FIRED for being TEA Party members
Police Officers FIRED for being TEA Party Members
Before It’s News
Oct 27, 2010
Today I received a plea for help from the Tawakoni Area TEA Party. They have a Mayor that is out of control and hates the TEA Party too. He has fired 2 long time officers for no other apparent reason than the simple fact that they belong to the local TEA Party chapter.
West Tawakoni is a small town in East Texas, they don’t have a lot of TEA Party members and I am not sure how well connected to the media they are, but I know how connected I am, and I know that I have friends in the powerful, and LARGE Dallas TEA Party. I an certain that they will want to get involved in this.
This has been sent to Drudge, Breitbart, FOX and Friends, several local media here in the Dallas area, but I can’t stress this enough, the MEDIA needs to get ALL OVER this one. If you have ANY contacts in the media, send this to them.
The media, and most of Conservative America got their knickers in a twist over Juan Williams being fired by NPR, a case that was, in MY opinion, a libber reaping what he had sown, but if Conservative America can get involved and outraged over that, what will their reaction to this be?
I sincerely hope it’s not one of apathy.
Please, feel free to forward this to your email list and to ALL media that you may have contact with! It is that important!
From Lake Tawakoni Area TEA Party News
On October 20, 2010 Police Chief Jack Schultz was put on 10 days unpaid suspension at which time he will be terminated. This is a man that has served this city for twenty years and acts as a fatherly figure to his community while keeping us safe.
Sergeant John Becket has Proudly & Bravely served his community for over nine years and operates as a protector and referee of the law instead of a small town speed trap cop as the mayor has publicly announced he wants in he new police department.
These are the sole actions of Mayor Pete Yoho and are being done against the will of the majority of the city council.
A coup d’état ( or /ku de.ta/) or coup for short (French for overthrow of the state), is the sudden unconstitutional deposition of a government, usually by a small government’s surrender; or the acquiescence of the populace.
From Stormin’ Norman:
Re-Call Time For Mayor Yoho…run him out of town!
Mayor Pete Yoho has to go! The citizens of Lake Tawakoni have the right to re-call the mayor and fire him. They can do this at any time they see fit and apparently the time is fit! This has got to be the most un-American action taken by any mayor in the history of the country. Did the mayor of Chicago get rid of Barack Obama as a community organizer for Obama’s ties to the Communist Party USA? You just don’t fire someone for their political party affiliation…Oh, but we’re going to do that on November 2nd !!! ~ Norman E. Hooben
From Texas TEA Parties:
Police Chief Suspended and Police Officer terminated for affiliation with Tea Party-West Tawakoni, TX Friday, October 22nd, 2010
Subject: City Council Meeting in Tawakoni October 26, 2010
As most of you all know Johnny Beckett was terminated as an Police officer in West Tawakoni Wednesday Oct 20th and Chief Jack Schultz on Suspension by the Mayor of West Tawakoni Pete Yoho. The main reason for this action is their affiliation with the Tea Party. During last Tuesday nights meeting the Mayor publicly slandered the LTATP, Jack Schultz, Johnny Beckett, Candy Schultz, Bill Creed, Ed Watson, Carol Soloman, Laura Beckett, and my self. We need all members of the Tea Party to be at the next meeting at city hall Tue, Oct 26th at p.m.. These men are great officers and deserve all of our support. Chief Schultz has been on the police force for many many years and he also served as a volunteer fireman when ever needed. Help is needed. SOURCE
From American and Proud:
Police Chief and Sgt Fired for Tea Party Activities?
Posted on October 26, 2010 by Robert
From TexasFred by way of Lake Tawakoni Area News
This, if true is disgusting. Evidently these men were fired because of their tea party affiliations. They were exercising their 1st amendment rights to assemble and to speak their mind. They felt drawn to the Tea Party patriots and an idiot mayor decided they had to go for their actions? Fire up the torches boys we got a target in Lake Tawakoni!
Now it’s time for ACTION!
Before It’s News
Oct 27, 2010
Today I received a plea for help from the Tawakoni Area TEA Party. They have a Mayor that is out of control and hates the TEA Party too. He has fired 2 long time officers for no other apparent reason than the simple fact that they belong to the local TEA Party chapter.
West Tawakoni is a small town in East Texas, they don’t have a lot of TEA Party members and I am not sure how well connected to the media they are, but I know how connected I am, and I know that I have friends in the powerful, and LARGE Dallas TEA Party. I an certain that they will want to get involved in this.
This has been sent to Drudge, Breitbart, FOX and Friends, several local media here in the Dallas area, but I can’t stress this enough, the MEDIA needs to get ALL OVER this one. If you have ANY contacts in the media, send this to them.
The media, and most of Conservative America got their knickers in a twist over Juan Williams being fired by NPR, a case that was, in MY opinion, a libber reaping what he had sown, but if Conservative America can get involved and outraged over that, what will their reaction to this be?
I sincerely hope it’s not one of apathy.
Please, feel free to forward this to your email list and to ALL media that you may have contact with! It is that important!
From Lake Tawakoni Area TEA Party News
On October 20, 2010 Police Chief Jack Schultz was put on 10 days unpaid suspension at which time he will be terminated. This is a man that has served this city for twenty years and acts as a fatherly figure to his community while keeping us safe.
Sergeant John Becket has Proudly & Bravely served his community for over nine years and operates as a protector and referee of the law instead of a small town speed trap cop as the mayor has publicly announced he wants in he new police department.
These are the sole actions of Mayor Pete Yoho and are being done against the will of the majority of the city council.
A coup d’état ( or /ku de.ta/) or coup for short (French for overthrow of the state), is the sudden unconstitutional deposition of a government, usually by a small government’s surrender; or the acquiescence of the populace.
From Stormin’ Norman:
Re-Call Time For Mayor Yoho…run him out of town!
Mayor Pete Yoho has to go! The citizens of Lake Tawakoni have the right to re-call the mayor and fire him. They can do this at any time they see fit and apparently the time is fit! This has got to be the most un-American action taken by any mayor in the history of the country. Did the mayor of Chicago get rid of Barack Obama as a community organizer for Obama’s ties to the Communist Party USA? You just don’t fire someone for their political party affiliation…Oh, but we’re going to do that on November 2nd !!! ~ Norman E. Hooben
From Texas TEA Parties:
Police Chief Suspended and Police Officer terminated for affiliation with Tea Party-West Tawakoni, TX Friday, October 22nd, 2010
Subject: City Council Meeting in Tawakoni October 26, 2010
As most of you all know Johnny Beckett was terminated as an Police officer in West Tawakoni Wednesday Oct 20th and Chief Jack Schultz on Suspension by the Mayor of West Tawakoni Pete Yoho. The main reason for this action is their affiliation with the Tea Party. During last Tuesday nights meeting the Mayor publicly slandered the LTATP, Jack Schultz, Johnny Beckett, Candy Schultz, Bill Creed, Ed Watson, Carol Soloman, Laura Beckett, and my self. We need all members of the Tea Party to be at the next meeting at city hall Tue, Oct 26th at p.m.. These men are great officers and deserve all of our support. Chief Schultz has been on the police force for many many years and he also served as a volunteer fireman when ever needed. Help is needed. SOURCE
From American and Proud:
Police Chief and Sgt Fired for Tea Party Activities?
Posted on October 26, 2010 by Robert
From TexasFred by way of Lake Tawakoni Area News
This, if true is disgusting. Evidently these men were fired because of their tea party affiliations. They were exercising their 1st amendment rights to assemble and to speak their mind. They felt drawn to the Tea Party patriots and an idiot mayor decided they had to go for their actions? Fire up the torches boys we got a target in Lake Tawakoni!
Now it’s time for ACTION!
60 Minutes report: even people with Masters degrees cannot get work-at 2 years
There are many, many more unemployed than there are slave wage jobs.
Best to find your own way to make money.
Best to find your own way to make money.
If the Tea Party can't or won't do something about this then they're wasting their time.
Top Official at NJEA (New Jersey Education Association) discussing what he describes as a rigged election in Hudson County, NJ.
If the Tea Party can't or won't do something about this then they're wasting their time.
Top Official at NJEA (New Jersey Education Association) discussing what he describes as a rigged election in Hudson County, NJ.
Breaking...official caught on video admitting voter fraud
A union official with the New Jersey Education Association has been caught on video admitting to election-rigging in the state.
"In Project Veritas’s latest video, Wayne Dibofsky, the associate director of the New Jersey Education Association, candidly tells a story about voter fraud in NJ. We did our due diligence to see if the story is tied to poll results. But unfortunately the Hudson County Clerk’s office’s division of elections only keeps records going back five years, the Daily Caller has reported. So the video is circumstantial evidence against a growing suspicion that many states’ voting fraud is institutionalized and rampant."
Teachers' unions such as the NEA and tne NJEA, along with numerous other organizations that represent teachers across the country, are known for pushing liberal candidates for public office and encouraging their members to vote for such persons.
Now it appears that at least one of these unions is directly involved with election tampering, which is a felony.
As reported earlier today, reports across the country this week indicate widespread attempts to rig voting machines, skew the vote by failing to send ballots to military personnel serving overseas, and other such shenanigans in an obvious attempt to steal this election.
The NJEA claims that the report and video are 'fabricated.' According to the Star-Ledger, the organization is considering possible legal action.
However, the video is one more piece of evidence that creates doubt in the minds of voters that this election--and past elections--are being conducted fairly in this country. And with so much at stake in 2010, honest, reputable elections are an absolute necessity.
From The Gulf Stream To The Bloodstream - THE VIDEO BP DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SEE!
Riki Ott - People Are Now Dropping Dead In The Gulf
Researchers discover oil plume drifting 300 miles from Macondo well (VIDEO)
October 26th, 2010 at 01:44 PM
Scientists say oil is still out there in the Gulf, WWL, October 25, 2010:Transcript Excerpts
The data collected during the voyage is still being analyzed, but there are several preliminary findings causing concern. The first is the presence of orange-colored droplets on crabs, similar to ones found on crabs in a Tulane University lab back in July. Whether the latest droplets are oil or dispersant — or something else entirely — is not clear.
“We suspect that this has something to do with the oil spill,” Taylor said. “We haven’t done the chemical analysis yet to find out what these droplets are, but that’s in progress.”
The second discovery was of an oil plume, found by researchers from Texas A&M University. They found it 300 miles west of the site from where the Deepwater Horizon Rig exploded. There is also evidence of oil from the spill found in the sediment of the Gulf floor.
“We’ve confirmed because we had a fingerprinted at an independent lab that the oil that we found close to a mile deep in the sediment is from the BP Horizon site,” Hocevar said.
more here:
...If you don't hold them responsible they will keep doing-and do worse. Learn from history for once!
British Petroleum has won the PR war by pushing the oil it deliberately unleashed on the Gulf of Mexico... and ultimately the world's oceans... pushing that oil under the waves with Corexit 9500. Americans go back to wondering who will win this year's Super Bowl.
America moves on from spill; Gulf coast feels abandoned
'People don't really care about the people who were affected'
BP stops the massive gusher
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Image: Chris Sherrill
Michelle Rolls-Thomas / AP
Chris Sherrill, owner of Staycations Beach Weddings, in the kitchen of Champs Place as he prepares for an event in Gulf Shores, Ala. Sherrill and other business owners along the Alabama Gulf Coast feel forgotten since the oil well has been capped and attention has been moved elsewhere.
The Associated Press
updated 10/10/2010 9:05:10 AM ET 2010-10-10T13:05:10
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — About 800 miles from the Gulf of Mexico, Dave Edmonds is struggling to remind people about the BP oil spill.
There aren't many magazine covers with photos of oil-drenched birds now that BP has capped its massive gusher at the bottom of the sea. People aren't looking online for information about the historic spill like they were a few weeks ago.
So Edmonds, who lives on the Delaware coast, has started a nonprofit organization to keep the disaster on people's minds with a website and social networking campaign.
"Awareness has dropped. People don't really care about the people who were affected. They don't care about the fish life," said Edmonds, founder of Taking Back the Gulf.
For Gulf residents fighting for economic survival, a nation's short attention span is deeply unsettling, especially with oil still washing ashore. Yet it's unclear whether Americans are turning their attention elsewhere, or whether it's just the media that have.
Either way, people like Chef Chris Sherrill feel abandoned.
"It's amazing how quickly the American public forgot that this was one of the worst manmade disasters in U.S. history," he said. His wedding catering and event business in Gulf Shores, Ala., is teetering because few brides are still coming to the beach for weddings.
The slight isn't necessarily intentional. Walking with his girlfriend in a park in Des Moines, Iowa, Michael Gauthier said he wonders about the oil's lingering impact on the environment, and he fears for Gulf residents.
"It's not in your face every day so you forget about it. Who doesn't have bills to pay and work to go to? Who has time to think about what's going on in Louisiana?" said Gauthier, 26.
'Hello, there's plenty of oil'
What's going on is the continued arrival of oil washing ashore, although in lesser amounts than during the summer. Dire predictions of environmental Armageddon have yet to materialize, but there's also no consensus on how badly the ecosystem has suffered.
At first, no one could agree on how much oil was spilling into the Gulf; now there's disagreement over how much remains. A commission this week faulted Barack Obama's administration for multiple missteps, including an effort to block scientists from telling the public how bad the spill could be early on.
"If someone could say it will affect this, our shrimp are going to be poisoned for 10 years, people would think this is a bigger deal maybe," said Scott Peterson, 37, also of Des Moines.
Peterson's sentiment was echoed by Kathy Yoder, whose family works a farm in Washington, Maine. She said people may be dismissing the spill because the impacts don't seem as devastating as first predicted.
"What irritates me is people act like it's all gone because it's not floating on top of the water," she said. "I'm like, 'Hello, there's plenty of oil under the surface.'"
Recent research also raises the question of whether the spill is being overlooked outside the Gulf region, or if information on recent developments is just harder to come by. A Pew Research Center study found that only 1 percent of news coverage was dedicated to the spill last month, down from 22 percent during the height of the crisis.
However, a separate Pew survey found that 34 percent of the people responding to a poll in mid-September said they were still very interested in the spill — making it the top news item that week in terms of public interest. Participants were presented with news topics and asked how much they were following them.
But even if people say they're interested when asked directly, information from Google suggests that they're not searching as much for information about the spill online.
Interest wanes The term "Gulf oil spill" was a hot search on Google for weeks, peaking in mid-May as a sense of doom built around the fate of coastal towns, marshes and beaches. Soon, photos were all over the media of oiled marshlands and crude washing in with the surf on beaches.
Conditions on some parts of the coast improved in July, and Google searches had decreased dramatically by late that month, when BP finally capped the well and oil stopped flowing into the deep-blue waters off the coast of Louisiana.
Even more Web users lost interest through August despite the occasional blip, and people now enter in the Gulf oil spill search terms about as often as they did in April before the horrendous rig explosion and unstopped gusher grabbed the coast by the throat. Far more common today are searches for information about the economy, actress Lindsay Lohan or the University of Alabama's top-ranked football team.
One place where interest remains high is Cordova, Alaska. The northern fishing community of 2,200 was devastated after the tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground in Prince William Sound in 1989, and Gulf residents have visited to learn from survivors of the Alaska spill.
"I think like all things media-related, when you see it often enough, it's pushed to the back of your mind," said Rochelle van den Broek, executive director of Cordova District Fishermen United. "But here, it's in our minds a little bit more than other places because it's a subject so close to people."
In Louisiana, Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser became the face of the oil spill during the summer, meeting with Obama and conducting countless media interviews. The parish still sends out regular news releases with photos of fresh oil, almost begging someone to notice.
Nungesser said it's no accident that America has spill amnesia. He faults BP commercials for portraying the region as being healthier than it really is, for focusing more on successful aspects of the cleanup than the havoc the gusher created.
"What's frustrating to me is that they're obviously setting the stage for pulling out," Nungesser said.
BP has said it's in for the long haul, and Chef Sherrill said the company needs to be. He has creditors all over the country, and he regularly must explain to them that he can't pay his bills because the spill dried up business and there's simply no money.
"It should be a crime what is happening down here," Sherrill said.
America moves on from spill; Gulf coast feels abandoned
'People don't really care about the people who were affected'
BP stops the massive gusher
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Image: Chris Sherrill
Michelle Rolls-Thomas / AP
Chris Sherrill, owner of Staycations Beach Weddings, in the kitchen of Champs Place as he prepares for an event in Gulf Shores, Ala. Sherrill and other business owners along the Alabama Gulf Coast feel forgotten since the oil well has been capped and attention has been moved elsewhere.
The Associated Press
updated 10/10/2010 9:05:10 AM ET 2010-10-10T13:05:10
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — About 800 miles from the Gulf of Mexico, Dave Edmonds is struggling to remind people about the BP oil spill.
There aren't many magazine covers with photos of oil-drenched birds now that BP has capped its massive gusher at the bottom of the sea. People aren't looking online for information about the historic spill like they were a few weeks ago.
So Edmonds, who lives on the Delaware coast, has started a nonprofit organization to keep the disaster on people's minds with a website and social networking campaign.
"Awareness has dropped. People don't really care about the people who were affected. They don't care about the fish life," said Edmonds, founder of Taking Back the Gulf.
For Gulf residents fighting for economic survival, a nation's short attention span is deeply unsettling, especially with oil still washing ashore. Yet it's unclear whether Americans are turning their attention elsewhere, or whether it's just the media that have.
Either way, people like Chef Chris Sherrill feel abandoned.
"It's amazing how quickly the American public forgot that this was one of the worst manmade disasters in U.S. history," he said. His wedding catering and event business in Gulf Shores, Ala., is teetering because few brides are still coming to the beach for weddings.
The slight isn't necessarily intentional. Walking with his girlfriend in a park in Des Moines, Iowa, Michael Gauthier said he wonders about the oil's lingering impact on the environment, and he fears for Gulf residents.
"It's not in your face every day so you forget about it. Who doesn't have bills to pay and work to go to? Who has time to think about what's going on in Louisiana?" said Gauthier, 26.
'Hello, there's plenty of oil'
What's going on is the continued arrival of oil washing ashore, although in lesser amounts than during the summer. Dire predictions of environmental Armageddon have yet to materialize, but there's also no consensus on how badly the ecosystem has suffered.
At first, no one could agree on how much oil was spilling into the Gulf; now there's disagreement over how much remains. A commission this week faulted Barack Obama's administration for multiple missteps, including an effort to block scientists from telling the public how bad the spill could be early on.
"If someone could say it will affect this, our shrimp are going to be poisoned for 10 years, people would think this is a bigger deal maybe," said Scott Peterson, 37, also of Des Moines.
Peterson's sentiment was echoed by Kathy Yoder, whose family works a farm in Washington, Maine. She said people may be dismissing the spill because the impacts don't seem as devastating as first predicted.
"What irritates me is people act like it's all gone because it's not floating on top of the water," she said. "I'm like, 'Hello, there's plenty of oil under the surface.'"
Recent research also raises the question of whether the spill is being overlooked outside the Gulf region, or if information on recent developments is just harder to come by. A Pew Research Center study found that only 1 percent of news coverage was dedicated to the spill last month, down from 22 percent during the height of the crisis.
However, a separate Pew survey found that 34 percent of the people responding to a poll in mid-September said they were still very interested in the spill — making it the top news item that week in terms of public interest. Participants were presented with news topics and asked how much they were following them.
But even if people say they're interested when asked directly, information from Google suggests that they're not searching as much for information about the spill online.
Interest wanes The term "Gulf oil spill" was a hot search on Google for weeks, peaking in mid-May as a sense of doom built around the fate of coastal towns, marshes and beaches. Soon, photos were all over the media of oiled marshlands and crude washing in with the surf on beaches.
Conditions on some parts of the coast improved in July, and Google searches had decreased dramatically by late that month, when BP finally capped the well and oil stopped flowing into the deep-blue waters off the coast of Louisiana.
Even more Web users lost interest through August despite the occasional blip, and people now enter in the Gulf oil spill search terms about as often as they did in April before the horrendous rig explosion and unstopped gusher grabbed the coast by the throat. Far more common today are searches for information about the economy, actress Lindsay Lohan or the University of Alabama's top-ranked football team.
One place where interest remains high is Cordova, Alaska. The northern fishing community of 2,200 was devastated after the tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground in Prince William Sound in 1989, and Gulf residents have visited to learn from survivors of the Alaska spill.
"I think like all things media-related, when you see it often enough, it's pushed to the back of your mind," said Rochelle van den Broek, executive director of Cordova District Fishermen United. "But here, it's in our minds a little bit more than other places because it's a subject so close to people."
In Louisiana, Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser became the face of the oil spill during the summer, meeting with Obama and conducting countless media interviews. The parish still sends out regular news releases with photos of fresh oil, almost begging someone to notice.
Nungesser said it's no accident that America has spill amnesia. He faults BP commercials for portraying the region as being healthier than it really is, for focusing more on successful aspects of the cleanup than the havoc the gusher created.
"What's frustrating to me is that they're obviously setting the stage for pulling out," Nungesser said.
BP has said it's in for the long haul, and Chef Sherrill said the company needs to be. He has creditors all over the country, and he regularly must explain to them that he can't pay his bills because the spill dried up business and there's simply no money.
"It should be a crime what is happening down here," Sherrill said.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Week Ending October 22, 2010 Sunday Night Deathburger Report
By John Galt
October 24, 2010
I’m applying the “KISS” principle with this report. And here we go into the next 2 weeks where all hell could and probably will break loose on a geopolitical scale……
By John Galt
October 24, 2010
I’m applying the “KISS” principle with this report. And here we go into the next 2 weeks where all hell could and probably will break loose on a geopolitical scale……
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Sgt. Charles Dyer, going by the YouTube name July4Patriot put out a series of videos that began the Oath Keeper movement:
Charles Dyer quickly became a star of the Patriot Movement and did speeches:
Basically, July4Patriot became too much for a tyrannical government to tolerate. They were looking for an excuse to arrest him, and his bitter ex-wife provided it by leveling false accusations of child abuse.
Then a consensual search by Dyer's girlfriend turns up what was apparently a M203
Charles Dyer's affidavit:
A Well Regulated Militia has been keeping track of the ups and mostly downs of this ongoing tragedy:;f=47;t=000017;p=1
Then Dyer was found Not Guilty on the federal weapons charges:
...This was in April that he was acquitted; so the feds started to get Dyer through the state child molestation charges, though he was free:
About the weapons charge: from Breacher:
Well, first of all, the central facts of the case, which became the central facts of the aquittal were posted here and put out in a video (by me) a month ago.
The "grenade launcher" was a 37mm.
Apparently there had been some indication early on that it was not "real" but one of the deputies had checked it out, photographed or took notes on it, then check with BATF the next day. BATF came back with a "hit" on the serial number, but apparently there was some issue of the serial number not being exactly the same as the one from the theft. That is another can of worms. I have to check the numbers on the replica pictures again, but apparently they used part of the number on the replica, and the way the computer at ATF is, it came back with a "partial match" then went through some other "confirmation process" based on numbers and reports. The original deputies had doubts about whether or not it was real, and apparently Dyer's girlfriend had also mentioned that it was not really a grenade launcher. So they went back to get it, got her permission to get the thing to be "checked out" and she gave consent.
Someone took a tape measure to the muzzle, figured it was around 4 CM, which is 40mm, and called it a case when they socked the launcher away and went on with their case.
The feds apparently saw my video, then ignored it as full of shit misinformed rambling, but my information was based on a message that Dyer had gotten out to his family, which in turn came our way here at the forum. I immediately checked out the airsoft situation since I am familiar with the stuff and had known of some prior situations involving some airsoft replica PAQ-4 IR lasers that had been circulating in Southern California a few years ago (some Marines had bought them in Japan, imported them with their personal goods, then were repacking them in leftover military packaging and selling them as "stolen military devices" which go for four times the money at California gun shows (PAQ-4s went for $1200 to $1800 at the time, airsoft replica units $150 to $250, the higher end airsoft replicas could only be told apart if they were disassembled next to a real PAQ-4 for comparison). The Marines were apparently investigated then cleared, with the investigators thinking it was a pretty slick move to play on unsuspecting customers who thought they were buying illegal merchandise.
Back to the Dyer thing, I knew of some small airsoft replica item makers out of Hong Kong who even sometimes used parts of the real items in the replicas.
That led me to thinking about what Randy Shivak had told me years ago about differences in M203 receivers and the justification for his having such high cost - the metal looks the same on all of them, but the real ones have stronger metal. Asian laws are such they can't legally use the high strength forged aluminum for their replicas, but considering they play with cast alloys that can indeed match the weight, then there is the metal strength issue.
Randy is the only accessible expert that I knew of on the matter, but I had not talked to him in years. I explained the situation to a few people on Dyer's defense team (metalchick included) then made the video to hopefully clarify the issue. My personal circumstances and having gotten the information third hand would have made it a problem for me to testify as an expert, so I assisted them in contacting Randy Shivak directly.
Randy was initially hard to get a hold of and took a little convincing to get involved. As it was, one top airsoft expert I went to outright refused to get involved due to fears of more retaliation from the BATF (same guys who had a shipment confiscated a couple of months ago). His employees showed me the stuff, but their boss did not want me photographing anything in the store or making a video there, so I went online to find comparable photos and a guy doing a review of a replica M203 he had imported from a custom maker in Asia.
I also explained to metalchick and Nancy that they needed to examine the launcher, but they explained the feds were not letting anyone handle the evidence. I then explained that if they got good pictures of the breech and breechface mechanism, I might be able to tell from the pictures (the "firing pin" arrangement on the airsoft ones is different, and is not even going to match an original when converted to 37mm).
The feds apparently were not providing clear photos either.
So it turned out, they were only going to allow a brief examination of the evidence at the trial, so Dyer's mother and a person helping with the case made the plans to fly Randy Shivak to the court (apparently against the wishes of the lawyer). Apparently the feds had been listening to the phone calls between Shivak, Nancy and Dyer's mother as they went back and forth on how to measure and check over the launcher in the courtroom. At that point, they were still not having a lot of faith in their lawyer. The lawyer was telling them not to fly Randy out.
Apparently at that time, there began a shitstorm over among the feds. What we figure now is the FBI had been listening to the conversations and going over the various internet postings and seen how the BATF were withholding access to the evidence, and instead of me flying out, they were going to be flying in a guy who is undisputably the nation's top expert on the M203, and a neutral expert witness. He apparently explained on the phone or made mention of needing to bring a certain type of dial caliper to measure the breech. Things went back and forth between the NSA, FBI And ATF, and shit started rolling down on the ATF since they never used a dial caliper to measure the breech to see if the thing was a 37mm or 40mm, and the FBI and NSA (or whoever else had been going through the phone logs) apparently had other info that Dyer was claiming it was a 37mm all along.
The US attorney was committed to prosecuting the case, but apparently contacted Dyer's lawyer and gave several concessions as far as not entering in a bunch of other testimony, as long as the lawyer would make sure Shivak does not show up. Off the record, he apparently admitted to the lawyer that they used a ruler, and not a dial caliper to measure the breech of the "grenade launcher". There was also an issue of an "overstrike" on the serial number of the launcher which is as yet, not entirely resolved. It is kind of looking like the serial number that was a "near match" on the receiver of the launcher got modified so that it would be an "exact match" but the jury people had a problem with the way it looked and that was one of the points they made in the acquittal. That and someone mentioned that the launcher was "too light" as if made from lighter metal than it should have been made of (the airsoft and many 37mm units are cast, not forged). Thus, the case got quickly shunted to the jury, basically the US attorney trying to gamble it as quickly as he could before Shivak could show up.
That also put some question on Dyer's attorney, who had more to gain by really slamming the prosecution hard and waiting for Shivak to show up, considering it was something of a close call to begin with (the jury had come back once for additional instructions and was about to be hung in a mistrial instead of not guilty verdict). The Not Guilty verdict, however, basically closed the weapons case.
When the weapons case was won, the bail got lowered considerably, and someone came up with bail money for Dyer, but apparently there were several conditions laid on the "release", part of which was that he not associate with ARM in some way, but I am not sure how much of that is on paper or not. I told Nancy to have him at least register here, but she said the advice given to him was to stay off the net for a while and let things settled down.
Now the child rape charge is moving forward, but apparently it is out somewhere that the DNA evidence checks were negative.
End Quote
The snitch in the bogus weapons case cropped up: it was Mike Hollingsworth of "patriot" Armory:
Mike Hollingsworth of "Patriot Armory":
Interview by Alex Jones... sheesh:,alex-jones-interviews-michael-hollingsworth-aka-entryman-part-1,alex-jones-interviews-michael-hollingsworth-aka-entryman-part-2
GOOGLE VIDEO SEARCH: itle&resnum=4&ved=0CBkQqwQwAw&fp=2edb0d09f429b650
Google video search of Hollingsworth's Patriot Armory: vision&cd=2&ved=0CFoQ1QIoAQ&fp=c2f9c198599aec5e
Here's a photo of the fucker:
From Breacher-this explains why Alex Jones never got involved in the July4Patriot case...
From what I gather on what little Dyer has said about the case and from a few others close to it, the defense became aware of Hollingsworth making an offer of testimony for pay to the prosecution, and he was apparently rebuffed by them to some degree, so he turned around and made the videos. It is not really all that clear who he was working on behalf of when he made the videos, whether it was part of a "package" of efforts he was trying to sell to the feds, trying to cover his own ass for involvement with one or more of the Oklahoma groups, or just plain idiot. Apparently Dyer got the audio from the video as part of the discovery package from the prosecution or from someone playing turnabout on Hollingsworth.
There are other verified snitches we know about at this point in some of the other cases over the last ten years, but nobody is coming up with a comprehensive database. Interestingly, such databases are regularly maintained by criminal defense lawyers who work drug cases.
Apparently there was something else in Hollingsworth's background the US attorney did not want to contend with in the courtroom. I know we have a Kurt Hollingsworth POS in the pacific NW. I think he is running a detention center in WA state. He is a politically ambitious liar who has dabbled in local politics and given the quality of people these two turned out to be, it would not surprise me if they are related.
Considering that Michael Hollingsworth is associated with Alex Jones now, it explains how Alex Jones was not saying much about the J4P case.
End Quote...
Wasn't he at the Oath Keepers meet on Lexington Green...
On July 19, new charges were added:
Update, not sure of the status of the original charge but the government is making the following moves:
1. They have added some sort of firearms theft or receiving stolen property charge to the state charges, apparently a firearm passed from federal custody to state custody was attributed to one confiscated from his house and had a serial number removed or altered. The new charge is a state charge, not federal, as the federal case has been closed since his acquittal on the stolen grenade launcher charge.
2 No plea offer has been made by either side.
3 The state has initiated action to remove the 5 year old daughter from the custody of Dyer's girlfriend and place the child in custody of the state. Dyer's girlfriend has been living with him and after his arrest, with his parents since the beginning of this case. The government had originally duped her into giving permission to search his house when this all started, and apparently had expected her "continued cooperation". The threat being that if she were not "cooperative enough" her child would be taken away. It looks like the government (state level) is making moves to make good on its threat.
Another update:
One set of new state level charges deals with essentially the same issues that the original federal charges did, a clear violation of the double jeopardy issue in the constitution, but prosecutors have been playing that game in other cases for a long time. They will make attempts on someone in every jurisdiction they can, and coordinate their efforts to gain a conviction.
No word on the molestation charges being dropped as a lot of us expected to happen, but few if anyone outside the local prosecutor's office is treating those charges right now as having any credibility.
From Texas Resistance:
A woman in our unit who speaks with Sgt. Dyer's mother said she was told today that they are also charging him with having stolen firearms and that she thinks he will be railroaded to prison on the false charges of molesting his daughter. She tells me that Sgt. Dyer will be put in the corrupt prison that he used to work at as guard but lost his job there for blowing the whistle on the ongoing corruption. The woman in our unit said she thinks Sgt. Dyer will be falsely convicted, chained to the floor in the prison and beaten to death by the guards that he blew the whistle on.
Comment from Breacher: If this were a whistleblowing incident with retaliation, we can get verification on it and then spread word through the prison system. If anything uncouth like that happens to J4P on the inside, well, think 1972, the wave that started in Attica...
That's why it was so incredibly important to find out where he was being held, because if his just turned up messed up or dead after being locked up, we know who would be held responsible. Stuff does not happen inside those jails and prisons without the staff A: knowing about it, and B: being in on it in some way.
J4P was already minimizing the incident where he was kept in one meal a day isolation for a week or so, but in reality, that was a human rights violation, especially for a non-felon with no prior arrest record on pretrial confinement. He apparently fears the retaliation that would happen if he were to make an issue of it, my guess is they also threatened his parents.
Those things also don't happen without the direction of the prosecutors involved, and the unwritten prosecutors; the judges and their staff who are quite often the unofficial order givers in these types of situations.
If they kill or badly maim him, then it will be mandatory for someone somewhere from within the militia movement to say goodbye to their friends and family, pack up their bags of party favors and take a one way trip to Oklahoma to see that justice is done, do something that will sear the issue into the memories of as many people possible, and then meet up on the other side of the river...
July4Patriot then put up a new YouTube video and did a interview:
July4Patriot interview:
lo bandwidth version:
9-05 update from Breacher: Talked with one of the defense team on Saturday. The prosecutor is going for LIFE plus a few years on the gun charges. It is looking like the government wants this to be an all or nothing situation.
I have previously done legal research on some other molestation cases and first time offenders generally don't get hit that hard, and then there is the credibility factor on these divorce situations usually leading to charges being thrown out when someone fights them to the max. Even the sentences the prosecutor is asking for on the weapons charges are pretty heavy - signs of an alternate agenda which is to make an example of dyer as punishment for his political stance.
They entirely plan on locking him up forever. Dude wants to "fight" it in court, IE, plead and argue.
As for gang status to the patriot movement, it has not been happening yet, but there have been several individuals classified as "high threat individuals" meaning that they get classified as the equivalent to a one man gang, then get shunted over to higher levels of security, often maximum security (as what happened to you know who...) and then the Koernke treatment, where Mark was basically locked up one on one with psychopaths who had previously killed cellmates.
We have an existing but weak infrastructure in place in the federal system, but not so much in any of the state prisons.
• Posted by Nancy Genovese on October 14, 2010 at 9:30am
• Send Message View Nancy Genovese's blog
Update on related case of Dyer, JULY4PATRIOT
I have not posted any new updates on these cases for a long while, I post only when allowed to put out info. All of you have been so kind, so helpful, and loyal to our site and its cause as a resource for those wrongfully arrested. I thank you for this.
October 13, 2010 there was to be a trail. Cps has been demanding Dyer sign a doc saying he was guilty, BEFORE his own abuse trial, along with a demand to take CPS abuse classes for two years with his girl friend. This family has been harassed, non stop. Yesterday, there was a trial set, to address these issues.
The judge, never allowed this due process take place. Without seeing Dyers evidence the judge ordered Dyers girlfriend and child leave him and the family may not see this little girl. The judge also said if the trial did take place he would remove the girlfriends child, today, regardless of the evidence.
Welcome to America!!!
Below is a statement Charles Dyer posted last night. With the permission to post from Charles Dyer;
I sat for 4 hours alone tonight with tears streaming down my face. Doing the best I could to fill M16 magazines, prep body armor, and adjust my gear , barely able to see. During this time there must have
been a thousand questions that ran through my head. The main one. How
can the government take our children without due process? How can they
destroy a family without hearing both sides of a story..... refusing to
hear both sides of a story. Now, you may be wondering how I could have
such strong feelings about the family in NH, but the truth is, this
isn't about them. This is a story about my family.
I had court today against CPS. Was supposed to be a cut and dry case. Here's the back story. I have been charged with rape of a child. Most of you know the background of those charges, some of you may not. The evidence against
me is the allegation itself. That is all. Since they have no other
evidence and are angry that I was found not guilty of my Federal
charges, they have attempted time and time again to goad me into either
admitting guilt or fighting them with violence. They have been
unsuccessful and have now decided to attack my family as a last resort. A
lot of you know that my wife admitted to cheating on me and doing drugs
in 2009 which caused me to file for divorce and attempt to fight for
custody, resulting in her filing false charges on me that were
eventually dropped. Later in 2009, I started a relationship with a woman
that has been a close family friend since 2005. She has a daughter that
is 6 and I have been in her life for 5 of those years. She even calls
me dad and I always think of her as my daughter (I will refer to her as
such in the rest of this story). Those 2 girls are the best thing that's
ever happened to me. She is a patriot and fully awake. Her daughter
asks when mommy and I are getting married so we can be a family. I
explain to her that we ARE a family. Not having a government document
doesn't lessen our familial bond, but again I am proved wrong by that
I try not to cry as I'm thinking about this next sentence. Tonight I got on my knees beside the the bed with my daughter and said the last bedtime prayer that I ever will with her, and kissed her on the
forehead for the last time. She has no idea that tonight was the last
time that shell see me. All I can do now is sit and cry with her mother
as the tyrannical government has now stolen my family from me because of
my refusal to back down or shut up.
The CPS case. Because there were allegations of child sexual abuse made against me, and because I live with a child in my home, CPS stepped in, back in April and told me that I could never be
alone with the child. I gladly cooperated, wanting no trouble from the
agency after the horror stories I have heard. We decided to allow my
daughter to stay with my parents at night (which she adamantly refers to
as her Grandma and Grandpa). CPS came to my home on several occasions
and one time I told them they could not enter my home without some type
of paperwork. The deputy with her said "You don't have a choice" and
opened the door to allow the CPS worker in. I had no way to defend my
home since my 2nd amendment rights have been suspended until 2013. CPS
informed me that they were going to take her daughter if she continued
to allow her to associate with me. I explained to the worker that this
is because of false allegations and I will be found not guilty at my
trial. She sternly informed me that it didn't matter if I was found not
guilty. They didn't have to uphold the same level of evidence as a
criminal court. All they have to have is a belief that harm "may" come
to the child at some time in the future. As far as she and CPS(called
DHS here) were concerned, I was a child molester and even if I get found
not guilty, that changes nothing because once CPS has you down as
having a "history" it doesn't go away. And even if I move to another
state, they will contact the CPS in that state and report that I am a
child molester. Next CPS told us that in order to keep from having court
involvement, all I had to do was to take a sexual predator class where I
would be forced to admit that I am a child molester and go through
therapy to correct the "condition". Well of course being a free American
that can't be forced to give my money to an agency that is corrupt,
forfeit my time to their agenda for something I didn't do, and violate
my 5th amendment rights... I said no. So the CPS and DA file a
"deprived" case against my girlfriend in an attempt to take her daughter
away from us on the following grounds 1.####### has allowed her
daughter to associate with Charles Dyer even after learning of his
propensity to sexually abuse children. 2. ######## has refused to follow
a voluntary service plan. I don't have the paper in front of me, if I
made a mistake, Ill correct it at a later time, but these were the
reasons for taking her from our home. Yet, they were unable to take
emergency action and remove her from the home because there was no
evidence of abuse and the CPS worker had done a 30 minute taped
interview with the child and declared that no abuse, sexual or other had
ever occurred. This brings us to court today.
The court hearing. (Or lack there of). After months of researching Oklahoma state law and family court case laws outlining what they can and CAN NOT take your child for, we showed up this morning
quite positive that we would win this case. Not to mention we showed up
with a video tape of my wife admitting to drug use, adultery, and
willingness to commit perjury to win our custody dispute.... and an
audio tape of the CPS worker saying there was "no eminent threat" to the
child. We were ready to go to war. My girlfriend went into the court
room with our court appointed attorney.(we are broke from fighting my
cases). The attorney placed our case paperwork all over the table and
was ready to fight. The DA called the attorney out of the courtroom. She
came back and informed my girlfriend that the judge was going to rule
that I have no contact with her daughter whatsoever. My GF argued with
the attorney and asked how they could do this without seeing our
evidence and that this wasn't right. The attorney said that she needed
to sign paperwork agreeing not to allow me to see her daughter and she
would take non-offender sex abuse classes/therapy. If she refused and
made the judge do a hearing AT ALL, that he would adjudicate her child
as deprived. (At which time the child can be taken as a ward of the
state.) She argued with her attorney and DA about the situation. That it
was not right or fair that the judge would rule before ever hearing her
evidence. How could the judge not care? That's his job isn't it? After
a lengthy argument, she requested to speak to me in the hallway. Once I
found out about the situation, I was floored with the same questions.
While speaking to the attorney, a man motioned to our attorney to come
to him. He spoke in a low tone to her saying that if her client refused
to sign the agreement, that the child would be adjudicated deprived.
That's all I could hear as I was listening the best I could and they
were standing about 15 feet away. Then he turned to me and said "What
are you looking at? You got a problem with me?" I responded " I didn't
say shit to you. What's YOUR problem?" He then said that I had nothing
to do with this and wasn't going to impact his case and told me that I
needed to stay out of this before my GF loses her child. I was
astonished at the aggressiveness of this man. Only to have my GF later
tell me..... wait for it..... THAT was the judge...... (I will confirm
100% before I post his information and contact number). We
were appalled an confused about what was going on. There is no longer a
presumption of innocents in this country. We knew at this point that the
judge had no care about what we had to say or the peoples rights that
he is charged with protecting. He was bought and paid for by someone
with much more power than we have. My GF agreed to sign the document and
went back into the courtroom. The attorney went to the back with the
judge once again and when she came back, she informed my GF that now he
want the Dyers' completely out of it and they can have no contact with
her daughter (obviously because of the hallway incident). That means
that my mother (nurse) of 68 years of age with a perfect record and my
father (Preacher) of 73years of age with a speeding ticket in the 80's
are no longer allowed to be around a child that they refer to as their
grand child. I thank god I have my parents tonight. If they did not
allow me to live with them, the government would have faced me with a
very easy decision tonight of being homeless until I found a place to
stay or kicking my GF and daughter out on the street. My daughter will
now spend thanksgiving and Christmas without her dad and I will be alone
without my best friend or daughter. Our family was shattered today by
CPS and a corrupt judge, with absolutely no evidence presented and our
rights grievously trampled on.
After thought. My girlfriend has cried almost constantly for the last 11 hours. She looked up at me today with watery eyes and pain in her heart as I embraced her and she asked me "What do we do? How do
we fight against this? How can we keep them from doing this to us?" I
pulled her close to me so she could not see the tears that were welling
up in my eyes, because I knew the only answer I could give her was one
that I couldn't bare for her to hear. One that brings us back to
the beginning of this story. Filling M16 magazines, prepping body armor,
and adjusting my gear. My heart is broken. My will to continue fighting
the legal process with petitions and the use of law, a flickering
flame, all but extinguished by mistreatment, lies, threats, stripping of
rights,multiple false arrests, and continual constitutional violations.
To what length is a normal American expected to continue to use the
legal system? Is it after their rights have been stripped, their homes
invaded, their families destroyed, their children stolen, and the legal
system refuses to even make a simple attempt at defending a persons
rights? Please ask yourself that after you finish reading this. At what
point would you stand up and say no more?
I thank all of you, for reading this statement and update,
Alert patriots!!!!!!! J4Ps girlfriends daughter was seized by the CPS even after he and his GF
followed their demands that he could not be around her pending his trial
in Jan.The couple even had the girl sent to Tennessee to his sisters
home and gave the sister custody until this mess could be resolved! CPS
seized the girl in Tennessee and at this time that's were J4Ps
Girlfriend, Amanda's Daughter is being held!!!!
We are planning a protest in Duncan Ok at 9:00Am Monday at the courthouse in Duncan!!
All who can come please do!! I will be there along with J4P, Layton, Neo
Patriot and OD Brooks!! We need a good showing to show these corrupt
Traitors that we as people are sick of this behavior from them!!
Please Be cool headed and as peaceful as you can if you come to this event!!
As many of you already know this situation has gotten way out of line!!
IM NOT LAYING DOWN ON THIS ONE ARE YOU??? I can be contacted at 830-591-3177
10/26 UPDATE:
From Breacher at AWRM.ORG:
A few confirmations.
According to a recent interview with J4P, it is confirmed that Bret T Burns is the prick responsible for the prosecution.
The child grabber is an Abigail (Abby) Wilson out of Duncan OK, however the grabber from TN is as yet unidentified. Wilson was the order-giver in the situation.
"FBI agent Gene Poole" is something of a legend in FBI circles, up to the point he was listed as deceased in 2000 after 20 years of service. Given their maximum age of 55 for FBI service, and the original "Gene Poole" did not have any sons go into the FBI, I am thinking it might be a fake "working name". An inside joke of sorts among the FBI people.
A couple of local deputies and a police officer have also made things personal. One, likely a former coworker was trying to reel the others in a bit (J4P worked for the SO a short time before Joining the Marines).
Hello everyone,
Feel free to ask any questions that you want. I have tough skin and if I can't answer something, I'll let you know. I am an open book and have NOTHING to hide. Ask anything. I may only have a few months before
they try to lock me up with a life sentence, so ask now or forever hold
your peace :-P
Questions and answers...
Q.-Can you give us some contact numbers to these people in the agencies that are trying to destroy you so we can show our support?
A.- Sure thing. The D.A. that has added extra weapon charges on me for not admitting to rape as well as taking my GF to court in an atttempt to
take her daughter because I refuse to give up my 5th amendment rights
and take sexual predator classes is Bret Burns. His work address and
number are
Bret T. Burns
101 S. 11TH
Duncan, Oklahoma 73533
Phone: (580) 255-8726
The number to the DHS official that is heading up the CPS case that told
me "It doesn't matter if you're found not guilty, as far as DHS is
concerned, you are a child molester and will be forever" "We don't have
to have the same level of evidence as a criminal jury. We just have to
say there "MAY" be a threat to the child" is named Abby Wilson
Abigail Wilson
1805 W. Plato Rd.
Duncan, OK 73534
Phone: (580) 251-8300
The number to the FBI agency where the Agent that was caught making a
false written statement, threatened my 68 year old mother that if she
didn't cooperate that they would "make" enough charges to put her son
away for 40 years, lied to me that my GF was a felon, lied on the stand
at my state preliminary hearing, and told me he would arrest my GF if I
asked for my attorney again during the interrogation was last known
working at the following
Agent Gene Poole
410 SW 5th St., Room 309
Lawton, OK 73501
Phone: (580) 353-3090
The deputy that was all too eager to arrest me on false charges of
violating a protective order even though I had 2 other witnesses
collaborating my story a couple of weeks ago after my wife lied that I
violated the order, only to be released an hour later because a video
tape surfaced, showing I was telling the truth and she was the one lying
is follows. (NOTE: Deputy Lawson Gutherie treated me with the utmost
respect and was responsible for having me released. He should be
Deputy Lemons (A.K.A. Officer Unfriendly)
Stephens County Sheriffs Dept
101 S 11th St # 104
Duncan, OK 73533-4758
(580) 255-3131
I placed 4 trash bags of trash in trash bins at Clear Creek lake. There
are no signs ormarkings that say not to. The city workers dug through my
trash and found my name on something, so Officer Smith ordered them to
get all the trash from around the lake, trespass on my property, back a
truck into my yard, and dump trash in my yard including broken glass and
used condoms where my GF's daughter plays. He was sitting at my drive
way watching them. I video taped it and when I cleaned it up, it was 13
huge Hefty bags stuffed to capacity. This was on September 14th.
Officer Rusty Smith
Duncan Police Department
Duncan, OK
Dept Phone: (580) 255-2112
Every statement I made above is fully true and I have witnesses, video,
and audio proof to back up my statements except for Agent Poole
threatening me during interrogation. I was in hand cuffs, in their
custody, and unable to record the conversation. This is about 25% of the
constitutional violations that they have enacted against me..-
Q.- What happened to make the DA think they could bring charges of "Child Rape" against you?
A.- I do have to watch what I say however, since it is a pending trial. I feel fairly comfortable with saying the following. I haven't lived with my wife and daughter since 2008. She moved to Oklahoma and I was in the
Marine Corps and attending aviation school. My wife admitted to me that
she was sleeping around and doing drugs around May-June of 2009. I told
her that I was going to fight for custody of my daughter. That day was
the first time I ever was charged with anything in my life. (That's when
I was arrested and charged in the Marine Corps). She tried to have me
arrested so I couldn't take our daughter from her. The 2 charges were
found to be fraudulent and dropped. About 7 months later 2 more charges
were brought on by her. She said I had militia members in and out of my
house and I raped my daughter. This is what caused the charges for the
grenade launcher because they thought I was a domestic terrorist. I was
found not guilty of the grenade launcher. Then about 2 weeks ago she had
me arrested for violating a protective order. She lied to the cops
(after I had them come there) and said I approached her screaming when
actually she is the one that did it to me. I was arrested, but after a
video surfaced that showed she lied, I was released an hour later.
So in summary, I'm 30 and never had legal trouble in my life. However,
from June of last year on the day I threatened to get custody of my
daughter, I have now been arrested for 4 separate charges that she made
against me (3 of which were dropped after investigation and the rape
charge that I face) as well as the Grenade launcher that I was found not
guilty of.
The evidence that the D.A. has is a statement made by my daughter. That's it.
Q.- So the weapons case and the domestic case are non-related. They were just combined by the DA in order to discredit you and try and bring a
sentence upon you.?
A.-The weapons charges have nothing to do with the rape charges, other than the fact that they entered my home on a DNA warrant to get evidence against me, which they found NONE. And while they were there, they saw
the grenade launcher. Then the next day without warrant, they decided to
come back and remove all of my weapons from my home while I was in
jail. NO WARRANT or permission.
The second day I was arrested, and the first time I met Agent Gene Poole
of the FBI, he made it very clear why I was there. He stated "I guess
July4Patriot won't be making any videos any time soon" I said "I guess
not" He laughed and walked out of the room. They also confiscated my
mask.... (Dunno what that has to do with rape or weapons charges) and a
speech I was working on. Doesn't take a scientist to put 2 and 2
together. I was given my mask, body armor, ammunition, and all my
military gear back after I was found not guilty. They kept the speech.
Questions: Who owned the house? Who gave Consent to search?
Was there a Warrant? If so what evidence was used to establish a need, and what was named in the search?
If consent was not given by the owner then anything found must be ruled inadmissible in court.
I am familuar with some of the details as I was Co-Hosting Jim's ARM show at the time.
If they found something they were not looking for they cannot charge you for that.
But since when has that mattered. The tree of liberty is mighty parched ...
.A.-Consent to obtain the M-203 was given by my GF. She didnt want to, but the day before, they detained her for 8 hours and threatened to take her
child from her. The next day, they ordered her to come to the house and
get in a squad car. The Deputy told her that he told the FBI that she
was cooperating and didn't want the FBI coming after her if she refused
to sign. She didn't at first, but reluctantly did sign. Her name is not
on the lease, but she had resided there for about 35 days. The next day
when they removed the weapons from the house, they called my father to
the house and entered without any warrant or authorization from me or my
GF and removed all of my weapons from my home after going through each
and every serial number.
His plea to the American Patriot and his appreciation for the support that he has receive in the Patriot movement.
Thank you for any assistant you are able to help out with. I understand with the economy as it is. I saved up money so that I could travel the
country and train with militias and speak across the nation. About 3
weeks before I was supposed to be in Montana I was arrested. Now I have
had to borrow close to $50,000 from my parents for legal fees and they
put their farm up as collateral for the $150,000 bail.
For paypal directly to my mother, the site is (upper right chip in icon)
The physical address is P.O. Box 47 Marlow Ok, 73055
And I won't give up. They'll have to kill me or put me in prison to shut
me up. Im fed up with everything they are doing to the American people.
Charles Dyer quickly became a star of the Patriot Movement and did speeches:
Basically, July4Patriot became too much for a tyrannical government to tolerate. They were looking for an excuse to arrest him, and his bitter ex-wife provided it by leveling false accusations of child abuse.
Then a consensual search by Dyer's girlfriend turns up what was apparently a M203
Charles Dyer's affidavit:
A Well Regulated Militia has been keeping track of the ups and mostly downs of this ongoing tragedy:;f=47;t=000017;p=1
Then Dyer was found Not Guilty on the federal weapons charges:
...This was in April that he was acquitted; so the feds started to get Dyer through the state child molestation charges, though he was free:
About the weapons charge: from Breacher:
Well, first of all, the central facts of the case, which became the central facts of the aquittal were posted here and put out in a video (by me) a month ago.
The "grenade launcher" was a 37mm.
Apparently there had been some indication early on that it was not "real" but one of the deputies had checked it out, photographed or took notes on it, then check with BATF the next day. BATF came back with a "hit" on the serial number, but apparently there was some issue of the serial number not being exactly the same as the one from the theft. That is another can of worms. I have to check the numbers on the replica pictures again, but apparently they used part of the number on the replica, and the way the computer at ATF is, it came back with a "partial match" then went through some other "confirmation process" based on numbers and reports. The original deputies had doubts about whether or not it was real, and apparently Dyer's girlfriend had also mentioned that it was not really a grenade launcher. So they went back to get it, got her permission to get the thing to be "checked out" and she gave consent.
Someone took a tape measure to the muzzle, figured it was around 4 CM, which is 40mm, and called it a case when they socked the launcher away and went on with their case.
The feds apparently saw my video, then ignored it as full of shit misinformed rambling, but my information was based on a message that Dyer had gotten out to his family, which in turn came our way here at the forum. I immediately checked out the airsoft situation since I am familiar with the stuff and had known of some prior situations involving some airsoft replica PAQ-4 IR lasers that had been circulating in Southern California a few years ago (some Marines had bought them in Japan, imported them with their personal goods, then were repacking them in leftover military packaging and selling them as "stolen military devices" which go for four times the money at California gun shows (PAQ-4s went for $1200 to $1800 at the time, airsoft replica units $150 to $250, the higher end airsoft replicas could only be told apart if they were disassembled next to a real PAQ-4 for comparison). The Marines were apparently investigated then cleared, with the investigators thinking it was a pretty slick move to play on unsuspecting customers who thought they were buying illegal merchandise.
Back to the Dyer thing, I knew of some small airsoft replica item makers out of Hong Kong who even sometimes used parts of the real items in the replicas.
That led me to thinking about what Randy Shivak had told me years ago about differences in M203 receivers and the justification for his having such high cost - the metal looks the same on all of them, but the real ones have stronger metal. Asian laws are such they can't legally use the high strength forged aluminum for their replicas, but considering they play with cast alloys that can indeed match the weight, then there is the metal strength issue.
Randy is the only accessible expert that I knew of on the matter, but I had not talked to him in years. I explained the situation to a few people on Dyer's defense team (metalchick included) then made the video to hopefully clarify the issue. My personal circumstances and having gotten the information third hand would have made it a problem for me to testify as an expert, so I assisted them in contacting Randy Shivak directly.
Randy was initially hard to get a hold of and took a little convincing to get involved. As it was, one top airsoft expert I went to outright refused to get involved due to fears of more retaliation from the BATF (same guys who had a shipment confiscated a couple of months ago). His employees showed me the stuff, but their boss did not want me photographing anything in the store or making a video there, so I went online to find comparable photos and a guy doing a review of a replica M203 he had imported from a custom maker in Asia.
I also explained to metalchick and Nancy that they needed to examine the launcher, but they explained the feds were not letting anyone handle the evidence. I then explained that if they got good pictures of the breech and breechface mechanism, I might be able to tell from the pictures (the "firing pin" arrangement on the airsoft ones is different, and is not even going to match an original when converted to 37mm).
The feds apparently were not providing clear photos either.
So it turned out, they were only going to allow a brief examination of the evidence at the trial, so Dyer's mother and a person helping with the case made the plans to fly Randy Shivak to the court (apparently against the wishes of the lawyer). Apparently the feds had been listening to the phone calls between Shivak, Nancy and Dyer's mother as they went back and forth on how to measure and check over the launcher in the courtroom. At that point, they were still not having a lot of faith in their lawyer. The lawyer was telling them not to fly Randy out.
Apparently at that time, there began a shitstorm over among the feds. What we figure now is the FBI had been listening to the conversations and going over the various internet postings and seen how the BATF were withholding access to the evidence, and instead of me flying out, they were going to be flying in a guy who is undisputably the nation's top expert on the M203, and a neutral expert witness. He apparently explained on the phone or made mention of needing to bring a certain type of dial caliper to measure the breech. Things went back and forth between the NSA, FBI And ATF, and shit started rolling down on the ATF since they never used a dial caliper to measure the breech to see if the thing was a 37mm or 40mm, and the FBI and NSA (or whoever else had been going through the phone logs) apparently had other info that Dyer was claiming it was a 37mm all along.
The US attorney was committed to prosecuting the case, but apparently contacted Dyer's lawyer and gave several concessions as far as not entering in a bunch of other testimony, as long as the lawyer would make sure Shivak does not show up. Off the record, he apparently admitted to the lawyer that they used a ruler, and not a dial caliper to measure the breech of the "grenade launcher". There was also an issue of an "overstrike" on the serial number of the launcher which is as yet, not entirely resolved. It is kind of looking like the serial number that was a "near match" on the receiver of the launcher got modified so that it would be an "exact match" but the jury people had a problem with the way it looked and that was one of the points they made in the acquittal. That and someone mentioned that the launcher was "too light" as if made from lighter metal than it should have been made of (the airsoft and many 37mm units are cast, not forged). Thus, the case got quickly shunted to the jury, basically the US attorney trying to gamble it as quickly as he could before Shivak could show up.
That also put some question on Dyer's attorney, who had more to gain by really slamming the prosecution hard and waiting for Shivak to show up, considering it was something of a close call to begin with (the jury had come back once for additional instructions and was about to be hung in a mistrial instead of not guilty verdict). The Not Guilty verdict, however, basically closed the weapons case.
When the weapons case was won, the bail got lowered considerably, and someone came up with bail money for Dyer, but apparently there were several conditions laid on the "release", part of which was that he not associate with ARM in some way, but I am not sure how much of that is on paper or not. I told Nancy to have him at least register here, but she said the advice given to him was to stay off the net for a while and let things settled down.
Now the child rape charge is moving forward, but apparently it is out somewhere that the DNA evidence checks were negative.
End Quote
The snitch in the bogus weapons case cropped up: it was Mike Hollingsworth of "patriot" Armory:
Mike Hollingsworth of "Patriot Armory":
Interview by Alex Jones... sheesh:,alex-jones-interviews-michael-hollingsworth-aka-entryman-part-1,alex-jones-interviews-michael-hollingsworth-aka-entryman-part-2
GOOGLE VIDEO SEARCH: itle&resnum=4&ved=0CBkQqwQwAw&fp=2edb0d09f429b650
Google video search of Hollingsworth's Patriot Armory: vision&cd=2&ved=0CFoQ1QIoAQ&fp=c2f9c198599aec5e
Here's a photo of the fucker:
From Breacher-this explains why Alex Jones never got involved in the July4Patriot case...
From what I gather on what little Dyer has said about the case and from a few others close to it, the defense became aware of Hollingsworth making an offer of testimony for pay to the prosecution, and he was apparently rebuffed by them to some degree, so he turned around and made the videos. It is not really all that clear who he was working on behalf of when he made the videos, whether it was part of a "package" of efforts he was trying to sell to the feds, trying to cover his own ass for involvement with one or more of the Oklahoma groups, or just plain idiot. Apparently Dyer got the audio from the video as part of the discovery package from the prosecution or from someone playing turnabout on Hollingsworth.
There are other verified snitches we know about at this point in some of the other cases over the last ten years, but nobody is coming up with a comprehensive database. Interestingly, such databases are regularly maintained by criminal defense lawyers who work drug cases.
Apparently there was something else in Hollingsworth's background the US attorney did not want to contend with in the courtroom. I know we have a Kurt Hollingsworth POS in the pacific NW. I think he is running a detention center in WA state. He is a politically ambitious liar who has dabbled in local politics and given the quality of people these two turned out to be, it would not surprise me if they are related.
Considering that Michael Hollingsworth is associated with Alex Jones now, it explains how Alex Jones was not saying much about the J4P case.
End Quote...
Wasn't he at the Oath Keepers meet on Lexington Green...
On July 19, new charges were added:
Update, not sure of the status of the original charge but the government is making the following moves:
1. They have added some sort of firearms theft or receiving stolen property charge to the state charges, apparently a firearm passed from federal custody to state custody was attributed to one confiscated from his house and had a serial number removed or altered. The new charge is a state charge, not federal, as the federal case has been closed since his acquittal on the stolen grenade launcher charge.
2 No plea offer has been made by either side.
3 The state has initiated action to remove the 5 year old daughter from the custody of Dyer's girlfriend and place the child in custody of the state. Dyer's girlfriend has been living with him and after his arrest, with his parents since the beginning of this case. The government had originally duped her into giving permission to search his house when this all started, and apparently had expected her "continued cooperation". The threat being that if she were not "cooperative enough" her child would be taken away. It looks like the government (state level) is making moves to make good on its threat.
Another update:
One set of new state level charges deals with essentially the same issues that the original federal charges did, a clear violation of the double jeopardy issue in the constitution, but prosecutors have been playing that game in other cases for a long time. They will make attempts on someone in every jurisdiction they can, and coordinate their efforts to gain a conviction.
No word on the molestation charges being dropped as a lot of us expected to happen, but few if anyone outside the local prosecutor's office is treating those charges right now as having any credibility.
From Texas Resistance:
A woman in our unit who speaks with Sgt. Dyer's mother said she was told today that they are also charging him with having stolen firearms and that she thinks he will be railroaded to prison on the false charges of molesting his daughter. She tells me that Sgt. Dyer will be put in the corrupt prison that he used to work at as guard but lost his job there for blowing the whistle on the ongoing corruption. The woman in our unit said she thinks Sgt. Dyer will be falsely convicted, chained to the floor in the prison and beaten to death by the guards that he blew the whistle on.
Comment from Breacher: If this were a whistleblowing incident with retaliation, we can get verification on it and then spread word through the prison system. If anything uncouth like that happens to J4P on the inside, well, think 1972, the wave that started in Attica...
That's why it was so incredibly important to find out where he was being held, because if his just turned up messed up or dead after being locked up, we know who would be held responsible. Stuff does not happen inside those jails and prisons without the staff A: knowing about it, and B: being in on it in some way.
J4P was already minimizing the incident where he was kept in one meal a day isolation for a week or so, but in reality, that was a human rights violation, especially for a non-felon with no prior arrest record on pretrial confinement. He apparently fears the retaliation that would happen if he were to make an issue of it, my guess is they also threatened his parents.
Those things also don't happen without the direction of the prosecutors involved, and the unwritten prosecutors; the judges and their staff who are quite often the unofficial order givers in these types of situations.
If they kill or badly maim him, then it will be mandatory for someone somewhere from within the militia movement to say goodbye to their friends and family, pack up their bags of party favors and take a one way trip to Oklahoma to see that justice is done, do something that will sear the issue into the memories of as many people possible, and then meet up on the other side of the river...
July4Patriot then put up a new YouTube video and did a interview:
July4Patriot interview:
lo bandwidth version:
9-05 update from Breacher: Talked with one of the defense team on Saturday. The prosecutor is going for LIFE plus a few years on the gun charges. It is looking like the government wants this to be an all or nothing situation.
I have previously done legal research on some other molestation cases and first time offenders generally don't get hit that hard, and then there is the credibility factor on these divorce situations usually leading to charges being thrown out when someone fights them to the max. Even the sentences the prosecutor is asking for on the weapons charges are pretty heavy - signs of an alternate agenda which is to make an example of dyer as punishment for his political stance.
They entirely plan on locking him up forever. Dude wants to "fight" it in court, IE, plead and argue.
As for gang status to the patriot movement, it has not been happening yet, but there have been several individuals classified as "high threat individuals" meaning that they get classified as the equivalent to a one man gang, then get shunted over to higher levels of security, often maximum security (as what happened to you know who...) and then the Koernke treatment, where Mark was basically locked up one on one with psychopaths who had previously killed cellmates.
We have an existing but weak infrastructure in place in the federal system, but not so much in any of the state prisons.
Update on related case of Dyer, JULY4PATRIOT 10.13.2010• Posted by Nancy Genovese on October 14, 2010 at 9:30am
• Send Message View Nancy Genovese's blog
Update on related case of Dyer, JULY4PATRIOT
I have not posted any new updates on these cases for a long while, I post only when allowed to put out info. All of you have been so kind, so helpful, and loyal to our site and its cause as a resource for those wrongfully arrested. I thank you for this.
October 13, 2010 there was to be a trail. Cps has been demanding Dyer sign a doc saying he was guilty, BEFORE his own abuse trial, along with a demand to take CPS abuse classes for two years with his girl friend. This family has been harassed, non stop. Yesterday, there was a trial set, to address these issues.
The judge, never allowed this due process take place. Without seeing Dyers evidence the judge ordered Dyers girlfriend and child leave him and the family may not see this little girl. The judge also said if the trial did take place he would remove the girlfriends child, today, regardless of the evidence.
Welcome to America!!!
Below is a statement Charles Dyer posted last night. With the permission to post from Charles Dyer;
I sat for 4 hours alone tonight with tears streaming down my face. Doing the best I could to fill M16 magazines, prep body armor, and adjust my gear , barely able to see. During this time there must have
been a thousand questions that ran through my head. The main one. How
can the government take our children without due process? How can they
destroy a family without hearing both sides of a story..... refusing to
hear both sides of a story. Now, you may be wondering how I could have
such strong feelings about the family in NH, but the truth is, this
isn't about them. This is a story about my family.
I had court today against CPS. Was supposed to be a cut and dry case. Here's the back story. I have been charged with rape of a child. Most of you know the background of those charges, some of you may not. The evidence against
me is the allegation itself. That is all. Since they have no other
evidence and are angry that I was found not guilty of my Federal
charges, they have attempted time and time again to goad me into either
admitting guilt or fighting them with violence. They have been
unsuccessful and have now decided to attack my family as a last resort. A
lot of you know that my wife admitted to cheating on me and doing drugs
in 2009 which caused me to file for divorce and attempt to fight for
custody, resulting in her filing false charges on me that were
eventually dropped. Later in 2009, I started a relationship with a woman
that has been a close family friend since 2005. She has a daughter that
is 6 and I have been in her life for 5 of those years. She even calls
me dad and I always think of her as my daughter (I will refer to her as
such in the rest of this story). Those 2 girls are the best thing that's
ever happened to me. She is a patriot and fully awake. Her daughter
asks when mommy and I are getting married so we can be a family. I
explain to her that we ARE a family. Not having a government document
doesn't lessen our familial bond, but again I am proved wrong by that
I try not to cry as I'm thinking about this next sentence. Tonight I got on my knees beside the the bed with my daughter and said the last bedtime prayer that I ever will with her, and kissed her on the
forehead for the last time. She has no idea that tonight was the last
time that shell see me. All I can do now is sit and cry with her mother
as the tyrannical government has now stolen my family from me because of
my refusal to back down or shut up.
The CPS case. Because there were allegations of child sexual abuse made against me, and because I live with a child in my home, CPS stepped in, back in April and told me that I could never be
alone with the child. I gladly cooperated, wanting no trouble from the
agency after the horror stories I have heard. We decided to allow my
daughter to stay with my parents at night (which she adamantly refers to
as her Grandma and Grandpa). CPS came to my home on several occasions
and one time I told them they could not enter my home without some type
of paperwork. The deputy with her said "You don't have a choice" and
opened the door to allow the CPS worker in. I had no way to defend my
home since my 2nd amendment rights have been suspended until 2013. CPS
informed me that they were going to take her daughter if she continued
to allow her to associate with me. I explained to the worker that this
is because of false allegations and I will be found not guilty at my
trial. She sternly informed me that it didn't matter if I was found not
guilty. They didn't have to uphold the same level of evidence as a
criminal court. All they have to have is a belief that harm "may" come
to the child at some time in the future. As far as she and CPS(called
DHS here) were concerned, I was a child molester and even if I get found
not guilty, that changes nothing because once CPS has you down as
having a "history" it doesn't go away. And even if I move to another
state, they will contact the CPS in that state and report that I am a
child molester. Next CPS told us that in order to keep from having court
involvement, all I had to do was to take a sexual predator class where I
would be forced to admit that I am a child molester and go through
therapy to correct the "condition". Well of course being a free American
that can't be forced to give my money to an agency that is corrupt,
forfeit my time to their agenda for something I didn't do, and violate
my 5th amendment rights... I said no. So the CPS and DA file a
"deprived" case against my girlfriend in an attempt to take her daughter
away from us on the following grounds 1.####### has allowed her
daughter to associate with Charles Dyer even after learning of his
propensity to sexually abuse children. 2. ######## has refused to follow
a voluntary service plan. I don't have the paper in front of me, if I
made a mistake, Ill correct it at a later time, but these were the
reasons for taking her from our home. Yet, they were unable to take
emergency action and remove her from the home because there was no
evidence of abuse and the CPS worker had done a 30 minute taped
interview with the child and declared that no abuse, sexual or other had
ever occurred. This brings us to court today.
The court hearing. (Or lack there of). After months of researching Oklahoma state law and family court case laws outlining what they can and CAN NOT take your child for, we showed up this morning
quite positive that we would win this case. Not to mention we showed up
with a video tape of my wife admitting to drug use, adultery, and
willingness to commit perjury to win our custody dispute.... and an
audio tape of the CPS worker saying there was "no eminent threat" to the
child. We were ready to go to war. My girlfriend went into the court
room with our court appointed attorney.(we are broke from fighting my
cases). The attorney placed our case paperwork all over the table and
was ready to fight. The DA called the attorney out of the courtroom. She
came back and informed my girlfriend that the judge was going to rule
that I have no contact with her daughter whatsoever. My GF argued with
the attorney and asked how they could do this without seeing our
evidence and that this wasn't right. The attorney said that she needed
to sign paperwork agreeing not to allow me to see her daughter and she
would take non-offender sex abuse classes/therapy. If she refused and
made the judge do a hearing AT ALL, that he would adjudicate her child
as deprived. (At which time the child can be taken as a ward of the
state.) She argued with her attorney and DA about the situation. That it
was not right or fair that the judge would rule before ever hearing her
evidence. How could the judge not care? That's his job isn't it? After
a lengthy argument, she requested to speak to me in the hallway. Once I
found out about the situation, I was floored with the same questions.
While speaking to the attorney, a man motioned to our attorney to come
to him. He spoke in a low tone to her saying that if her client refused
to sign the agreement, that the child would be adjudicated deprived.
That's all I could hear as I was listening the best I could and they
were standing about 15 feet away. Then he turned to me and said "What
are you looking at? You got a problem with me?" I responded " I didn't
say shit to you. What's YOUR problem?" He then said that I had nothing
to do with this and wasn't going to impact his case and told me that I
needed to stay out of this before my GF loses her child. I was
astonished at the aggressiveness of this man. Only to have my GF later
tell me..... wait for it..... THAT was the judge...... (I will confirm
100% before I post his information and contact number). We
were appalled an confused about what was going on. There is no longer a
presumption of innocents in this country. We knew at this point that the
judge had no care about what we had to say or the peoples rights that
he is charged with protecting. He was bought and paid for by someone
with much more power than we have. My GF agreed to sign the document and
went back into the courtroom. The attorney went to the back with the
judge once again and when she came back, she informed my GF that now he
want the Dyers' completely out of it and they can have no contact with
her daughter (obviously because of the hallway incident). That means
that my mother (nurse) of 68 years of age with a perfect record and my
father (Preacher) of 73years of age with a speeding ticket in the 80's
are no longer allowed to be around a child that they refer to as their
grand child. I thank god I have my parents tonight. If they did not
allow me to live with them, the government would have faced me with a
very easy decision tonight of being homeless until I found a place to
stay or kicking my GF and daughter out on the street. My daughter will
now spend thanksgiving and Christmas without her dad and I will be alone
without my best friend or daughter. Our family was shattered today by
CPS and a corrupt judge, with absolutely no evidence presented and our
rights grievously trampled on.
After thought. My girlfriend has cried almost constantly for the last 11 hours. She looked up at me today with watery eyes and pain in her heart as I embraced her and she asked me "What do we do? How do
we fight against this? How can we keep them from doing this to us?" I
pulled her close to me so she could not see the tears that were welling
up in my eyes, because I knew the only answer I could give her was one
that I couldn't bare for her to hear. One that brings us back to
the beginning of this story. Filling M16 magazines, prepping body armor,
and adjusting my gear. My heart is broken. My will to continue fighting
the legal process with petitions and the use of law, a flickering
flame, all but extinguished by mistreatment, lies, threats, stripping of
rights,multiple false arrests, and continual constitutional violations.
To what length is a normal American expected to continue to use the
legal system? Is it after their rights have been stripped, their homes
invaded, their families destroyed, their children stolen, and the legal
system refuses to even make a simple attempt at defending a persons
rights? Please ask yourself that after you finish reading this. At what
point would you stand up and say no more?
I thank all of you, for reading this statement and update,
Alert patriots!!!!!!! J4Ps girlfriends daughter was seized by the CPS even after he and his GF
followed their demands that he could not be around her pending his trial
in Jan.The couple even had the girl sent to Tennessee to his sisters
home and gave the sister custody until this mess could be resolved! CPS
seized the girl in Tennessee and at this time that's were J4Ps
Girlfriend, Amanda's Daughter is being held!!!!
We are planning a protest in Duncan Ok at 9:00Am Monday at the courthouse in Duncan!!
All who can come please do!! I will be there along with J4P, Layton, Neo
Patriot and OD Brooks!! We need a good showing to show these corrupt
Traitors that we as people are sick of this behavior from them!!
Please Be cool headed and as peaceful as you can if you come to this event!!
As many of you already know this situation has gotten way out of line!!
IM NOT LAYING DOWN ON THIS ONE ARE YOU??? I can be contacted at 830-591-3177
10/26 UPDATE:
From Breacher at AWRM.ORG:
A few confirmations.
According to a recent interview with J4P, it is confirmed that Bret T Burns is the prick responsible for the prosecution.
The child grabber is an Abigail (Abby) Wilson out of Duncan OK, however the grabber from TN is as yet unidentified. Wilson was the order-giver in the situation.
"FBI agent Gene Poole" is something of a legend in FBI circles, up to the point he was listed as deceased in 2000 after 20 years of service. Given their maximum age of 55 for FBI service, and the original "Gene Poole" did not have any sons go into the FBI, I am thinking it might be a fake "working name". An inside joke of sorts among the FBI people.
A couple of local deputies and a police officer have also made things personal. One, likely a former coworker was trying to reel the others in a bit (J4P worked for the SO a short time before Joining the Marines).
Hello everyone,
It was suggested by a couple people that I open a discussion thread to answer any questions that you all may have. Apparently even up until today, alot of people thought I was still in Jail. I was released in
April after being found not guilty by a Jury of my peers on Federal
charges for failing to register a destructive device. I was brought back
to my county and charged with Child Rape and released on $150,000
April after being found not guilty by a Jury of my peers on Federal
charges for failing to register a destructive device. I was brought back
to my county and charged with Child Rape and released on $150,000
Because of my refusal to admit to child rape and the lack of evidence that the DA has here, on the day of my preliminary hearing(about 7 months after being arrested) he decided to hit me again
with the destructive device by claiming I knew it was stolen even though
I proved in a Federal court that I didn't. Also they are claiming I had
a rifle that I knew was stolen because it had serial numbers
"professionally" removed. The FBI and local law
enforcement couldn't even tell where the serial numbers were supposed to
be until a gunsmith told them, but I am expected to it seems. Not to
mention that the rifle was taken from my home without ANY WARRANT
whatsoever. They entered my home, started rummaging through my arsenal
without a warrant, checking serial numbers and that's what they found.
They also confiscated my mask I wore in my videos and a speech I was
working on that is now posted at
with the destructive device by claiming I knew it was stolen even though
I proved in a Federal court that I didn't. Also they are claiming I had
a rifle that I knew was stolen because it had serial numbers
"professionally" removed. The FBI and local law
enforcement couldn't even tell where the serial numbers were supposed to
be until a gunsmith told them, but I am expected to it seems. Not to
mention that the rifle was taken from my home without ANY WARRANT
whatsoever. They entered my home, started rummaging through my arsenal
without a warrant, checking serial numbers and that's what they found.
They also confiscated my mask I wore in my videos and a speech I was
working on that is now posted at
they try to lock me up with a life sentence, so ask now or forever hold
your peace :-P
Questions and answers...
Q.-Can you give us some contact numbers to these people in the agencies that are trying to destroy you so we can show our support?
A.- Sure thing. The D.A. that has added extra weapon charges on me for not admitting to rape as well as taking my GF to court in an atttempt to
take her daughter because I refuse to give up my 5th amendment rights
and take sexual predator classes is Bret Burns. His work address and
number are
Bret T. Burns
101 S. 11TH
Duncan, Oklahoma 73533
Phone: (580) 255-8726
The number to the DHS official that is heading up the CPS case that told
me "It doesn't matter if you're found not guilty, as far as DHS is
concerned, you are a child molester and will be forever" "We don't have
to have the same level of evidence as a criminal jury. We just have to
say there "MAY" be a threat to the child" is named Abby Wilson
Abigail Wilson
1805 W. Plato Rd.
Duncan, OK 73534
Phone: (580) 251-8300
The number to the FBI agency where the Agent that was caught making a
false written statement, threatened my 68 year old mother that if she
didn't cooperate that they would "make" enough charges to put her son
away for 40 years, lied to me that my GF was a felon, lied on the stand
at my state preliminary hearing, and told me he would arrest my GF if I
asked for my attorney again during the interrogation was last known
working at the following
Agent Gene Poole
410 SW 5th St., Room 309
Lawton, OK 73501
Phone: (580) 353-3090
The deputy that was all too eager to arrest me on false charges of
violating a protective order even though I had 2 other witnesses
collaborating my story a couple of weeks ago after my wife lied that I
violated the order, only to be released an hour later because a video
tape surfaced, showing I was telling the truth and she was the one lying
is follows. (NOTE: Deputy Lawson Gutherie treated me with the utmost
respect and was responsible for having me released. He should be
Deputy Lemons (A.K.A. Officer Unfriendly)
Stephens County Sheriffs Dept
101 S 11th St # 104
Duncan, OK 73533-4758
(580) 255-3131
I placed 4 trash bags of trash in trash bins at Clear Creek lake. There
are no signs ormarkings that say not to. The city workers dug through my
trash and found my name on something, so Officer Smith ordered them to
get all the trash from around the lake, trespass on my property, back a
truck into my yard, and dump trash in my yard including broken glass and
used condoms where my GF's daughter plays. He was sitting at my drive
way watching them. I video taped it and when I cleaned it up, it was 13
huge Hefty bags stuffed to capacity. This was on September 14th.
Officer Rusty Smith
Duncan Police Department
Duncan, OK
Dept Phone: (580) 255-2112
Every statement I made above is fully true and I have witnesses, video,
and audio proof to back up my statements except for Agent Poole
threatening me during interrogation. I was in hand cuffs, in their
custody, and unable to record the conversation. This is about 25% of the
constitutional violations that they have enacted against me..-
Q.- What happened to make the DA think they could bring charges of "Child Rape" against you?
A.- I do have to watch what I say however, since it is a pending trial. I feel fairly comfortable with saying the following. I haven't lived with my wife and daughter since 2008. She moved to Oklahoma and I was in the
Marine Corps and attending aviation school. My wife admitted to me that
she was sleeping around and doing drugs around May-June of 2009. I told
her that I was going to fight for custody of my daughter. That day was
the first time I ever was charged with anything in my life. (That's when
I was arrested and charged in the Marine Corps). She tried to have me
arrested so I couldn't take our daughter from her. The 2 charges were
found to be fraudulent and dropped. About 7 months later 2 more charges
were brought on by her. She said I had militia members in and out of my
house and I raped my daughter. This is what caused the charges for the
grenade launcher because they thought I was a domestic terrorist. I was
found not guilty of the grenade launcher. Then about 2 weeks ago she had
me arrested for violating a protective order. She lied to the cops
(after I had them come there) and said I approached her screaming when
actually she is the one that did it to me. I was arrested, but after a
video surfaced that showed she lied, I was released an hour later.
So in summary, I'm 30 and never had legal trouble in my life. However,
from June of last year on the day I threatened to get custody of my
daughter, I have now been arrested for 4 separate charges that she made
against me (3 of which were dropped after investigation and the rape
charge that I face) as well as the Grenade launcher that I was found not
guilty of.
The evidence that the D.A. has is a statement made by my daughter. That's it.
Q.- So the weapons case and the domestic case are non-related. They were just combined by the DA in order to discredit you and try and bring a
sentence upon you.?
A.-The weapons charges have nothing to do with the rape charges, other than the fact that they entered my home on a DNA warrant to get evidence against me, which they found NONE. And while they were there, they saw
the grenade launcher. Then the next day without warrant, they decided to
come back and remove all of my weapons from my home while I was in
jail. NO WARRANT or permission.
The second day I was arrested, and the first time I met Agent Gene Poole
of the FBI, he made it very clear why I was there. He stated "I guess
July4Patriot won't be making any videos any time soon" I said "I guess
not" He laughed and walked out of the room. They also confiscated my
mask.... (Dunno what that has to do with rape or weapons charges) and a
speech I was working on. Doesn't take a scientist to put 2 and 2
together. I was given my mask, body armor, ammunition, and all my
military gear back after I was found not guilty. They kept the speech.
Questions: Who owned the house? Who gave Consent to search?
Was there a Warrant? If so what evidence was used to establish a need, and what was named in the search?
If consent was not given by the owner then anything found must be ruled inadmissible in court.
I am familuar with some of the details as I was Co-Hosting Jim's ARM show at the time.
If they found something they were not looking for they cannot charge you for that.
But since when has that mattered. The tree of liberty is mighty parched ...
.A.-Consent to obtain the M-203 was given by my GF. She didnt want to, but the day before, they detained her for 8 hours and threatened to take her
child from her. The next day, they ordered her to come to the house and
get in a squad car. The Deputy told her that he told the FBI that she
was cooperating and didn't want the FBI coming after her if she refused
to sign. She didn't at first, but reluctantly did sign. Her name is not
on the lease, but she had resided there for about 35 days. The next day
when they removed the weapons from the house, they called my father to
the house and entered without any warrant or authorization from me or my
GF and removed all of my weapons from my home after going through each
and every serial number.
His plea to the American Patriot and his appreciation for the support that he has receive in the Patriot movement.
Thank you for any assistant you are able to help out with. I understand with the economy as it is. I saved up money so that I could travel the
country and train with militias and speak across the nation. About 3
weeks before I was supposed to be in Montana I was arrested. Now I have
had to borrow close to $50,000 from my parents for legal fees and they
put their farm up as collateral for the $150,000 bail.
For paypal directly to my mother, the site is (upper right chip in icon)
The physical address is P.O. Box 47 Marlow Ok, 73055
And I won't give up. They'll have to kill me or put me in prison to shut
me up. Im fed up with everything they are doing to the American people.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Update on related case of Dyer, JULY4PATRIOT 10.13.2010
• Posted by Nancy Genovese on October 14, 2010 at 9:30am
• Send Message View Nancy Genovese's blog
Update on related case of Dyer, JULY4PATRIOT
I have not posted any new updates on these cases for a long while, I post only when allowed to put out info. All of you have been so kind, so helpful, and loyal to our site and its cause as a resource for those wrongfully arrested. I thank you for this.
October 13, 2010 there was to be a trail. Cps has been demanding Dyer sign a doc saying he was guilty, BEFORE his own abuse trial, along with a demand to take CPS abuse classes for two years with his girl friend. This family has been harassed, non stop. Yesterday, there was a trial set, to address these issues.
The judge, never allowed this due process take place. Without seeing Dyers evidence the judge ordered Dyers girlfriend and child leave him and the family may not see this little girl. The judge also said if the trial did take place he would remove the girlfriends child, today, regardless of the evidence.
Welcome to America!!!
Below is a statement Charles Dyer posted last night. With the permission to post from Charles Dyer;
I sat for 4 hours alone tonight with tears streaming down my face. Doing the best I could to fill M16 magazines, prep body armor, and adjust my gear , barely able to see. During this time there must have
been a thousand questions that ran through my head. The main one. How
can the government take our children without due process? How can they
destroy a family without hearing both sides of a story..... refusing to
hear both sides of a story. Now, you may be wondering how I could have
such strong feelings about the family in NH, but the truth is, this
isn't about them. This is a story about my family.
I had court today against CPS. Was supposed to be a cut and dry case. Here's the back story. I have been charged with rape of a child. Most of you know the background of those charges, some of you may not. The evidence against
me is the allegation itself. That is all. Since they have no other
evidence and are angry that I was found not guilty of my Federal
charges, they have attempted time and time again to goad me into either
admitting guilt or fighting them with violence. They have been
unsuccessful and have now decided to attack my family as a last resort. A
lot of you know that my wife admitted to cheating on me and doing drugs
in 2009 which caused me to file for divorce and attempt to fight for
custody, resulting in her filing false charges on me that were
eventually dropped. Later in 2009, I started a relationship with a woman
that has been a close family friend since 2005. She has a daughter that
is 6 and I have been in her life for 5 of those years. She even calls
me dad and I always think of her as my daughter (I will refer to her as
such in the rest of this story). Those 2 girls are the best thing that's
ever happened to me. She is a patriot and fully awake. Her daughter
asks when mommy and I are getting married so we can be a family. I
explain to her that we ARE a family. Not having a government document
doesn't lessen our familial bond, but again I am proved wrong by that
I try not to cry as I'm thinking about this next sentence. Tonight I got on my knees beside the the bed with my daughter and said the last bedtime prayer that I ever will with her, and kissed her on the
forehead for the last time. She has no idea that tonight was the last
time that shell see me. All I can do now is sit and cry with her mother
as the tyrannical government has now stolen my family from me because of
my refusal to back down or shut up.
The CPS case. Because there were allegations of child sexual abuse made against me, and because I live with a child in my home, CPS stepped in, back in April and told me that I could never be
alone with the child. I gladly cooperated, wanting no trouble from the
agency after the horror stories I have heard. We decided to allow my
daughter to stay with my parents at night (which she adamantly refers to
as her Grandma and Grandpa). CPS came to my home on several occasions
and one time I told them they could not enter my home without some type
of paperwork. The deputy with her said "You don't have a choice" and
opened the door to allow the CPS worker in. I had no way to defend my
home since my 2nd amendment rights have been suspended until 2013. CPS
informed me that they were going to take her daughter if she continued
to allow her to associate with me. I explained to the worker that this
is because of false allegations and I will be found not guilty at my
trial. She sternly informed me that it didn't matter if I was found not
guilty. They didn't have to uphold the same level of evidence as a
criminal court. All they have to have is a belief that harm "may" come
to the child at some time in the future. As far as she and CPS(called
DHS here) were concerned, I was a child molester and even if I get found
not guilty, that changes nothing because once CPS has you down as
having a "history" it doesn't go away. And even if I move to another
state, they will contact the CPS in that state and report that I am a
child molester. Next CPS told us that in order to keep from having court
involvement, all I had to do was to take a sexual predator class where I
would be forced to admit that I am a child molester and go through
therapy to correct the "condition". Well of course being a free American
that can't be forced to give my money to an agency that is corrupt,
forfeit my time to their agenda for something I didn't do, and violate
my 5th amendment rights... I said no. So the CPS and DA file a
"deprived" case against my girlfriend in an attempt to take her daughter
away from us on the following grounds 1.####### has allowed her
daughter to associate with Charles Dyer even after learning of his
propensity to sexually abuse children. 2. ######## has refused to follow
a voluntary service plan. I don't have the paper in front of me, if I
made a mistake, Ill correct it at a later time, but these were the
reasons for taking her from our home. Yet, they were unable to take
emergency action and remove her from the home because there was no
evidence of abuse and the CPS worker had done a 30 minute taped
interview with the child and declared that no abuse, sexual or other had
ever occurred. This brings us to court today.
The court hearing. (Or lack there of). After months of researching Oklahoma state law and family court case laws outlining what they can and CAN NOT take your child for, we showed up this morning
quite positive that we would win this case. Not to mention we showed up
with a video tape of my wife admitting to drug use, adultery, and
willingness to commit perjury to win our custody dispute.... and an
audio tape of the CPS worker saying there was "no eminent threat" to the
child. We were ready to go to war. My girlfriend went into the court
room with our court appointed attorney.(we are broke from fighting my
cases). The attorney placed our case paperwork all over the table and
was ready to fight. The DA called the attorney out of the courtroom. She
came back and informed my girlfriend that the judge was going to rule
that I have no contact with her daughter whatsoever. My GF argued with
the attorney and asked how they could do this without seeing our
evidence and that this wasn't right. The attorney said that she needed
to sign paperwork agreeing not to allow me to see her daughter and she
would take non-offender sex abuse classes/therapy. If she refused and
made the judge do a hearing AT ALL, that he would adjudicate her child
as deprived. (At which time the child can be taken as a ward of the
state.) She argued with her attorney and DA about the situation. That it
was not right or fair that the judge would rule before ever hearing her
evidence. How could the judge not care? That's his job isn't it? After
a lengthy argument, she requested to speak to me in the hallway. Once I
found out about the situation, I was floored with the same questions.
While speaking to the attorney, a man motioned to our attorney to come
to him. He spoke in a low tone to her saying that if her client refused
to sign the agreement, that the child would be adjudicated deprived.
That's all I could hear as I was listening the best I could and they
were standing about 15 feet away. Then he turned to me and said "What
are you looking at? You got a problem with me?" I responded " I didn't
say shit to you. What's YOUR problem?" He then said that I had nothing
to do with this and wasn't going to impact his case and told me that I
needed to stay out of this before my GF loses her child. I was
astonished at the aggressiveness of this man. Only to have my GF later
tell me..... wait for it..... THAT was the judge...... (I will confirm
100% before I post his information and contact number). We
were appalled an confused about what was going on. There is no longer a
presumption of innocents in this country. We knew at this point that the
judge had no care about what we had to say or the peoples rights that
he is charged with protecting. He was bought and paid for by someone
with much more power than we have. My GF agreed to sign the document and
went back into the courtroom. The attorney went to the back with the
judge once again and when she came back, she informed my GF that now he
want the Dyers' completely out of it and they can have no contact with
her daughter (obviously because of the hallway incident). That means
that my mother (nurse) of 68 years of age with a perfect record and my
father (Preacher) of 73years of age with a speeding ticket in the 80's
are no longer allowed to be around a child that they refer to as their
grand child. I thank god I have my parents tonight. If they did not
allow me to live with them, the government would have faced me with a
very easy decision tonight of being homeless until I found a place to
stay or kicking my GF and daughter out on the street. My daughter will
now spend thanksgiving and Christmas without her dad and I will be alone
without my best friend or daughter. Our family was shattered today by
CPS and a corrupt judge, with absolutely no evidence presented and our
rights grievously trampled on.
After thought. My girlfriend has cried almost constantly for the last 11 hours. She looked up at me today with watery eyes and pain in her heart as I embraced her and she asked me "What do we do? How do
we fight against this? How can we keep them from doing this to us?" I
pulled her close to me so she could not see the tears that were welling
up in my eyes, because I knew the only answer I could give her was one
that I couldn't bare for her to hear. One that brings us back to
the beginning of this story. Filling M16 magazines, prepping body armor,
and adjusting my gear. My heart is broken. My will to continue fighting
the legal process with petitions and the use of law, a flickering
flame, all but extinguished by mistreatment, lies, threats, stripping of
rights,multiple false arrests, and continual constitutional violations.
To what length is a normal American expected to continue to use the
legal system? Is it after their rights have been stripped, their homes
invaded, their families destroyed, their children stolen, and the legal
system refuses to even make a simple attempt at defending a persons
rights? Please ask yourself that after you finish reading this. At what
point would you stand up and say no more?
I thank all of you, for reading this statement and update,
Alert patriots!!!!!!! J4Ps girlfriends daughter was seized by the CPS even after he and his GF
followed their demands that he could not be around her pending his trial
in Jan.The couple even had the girl sent to Tennessee to his sisters
home and gave the sister custody until this mess could be resolved! CPS
seized the girl in Tennessee and at this time that's were J4Ps
Girlfriend, Amanda's Daughter is being held!!!!
We are planning a protest in Duncan Ok at 9:00Am Monday at the courthouse in Duncan!!
All who can come please do!! I will be there along with J4P, Layton, Neo
Patriot and OD Brooks!! We need a good showing to show these corrupt
Traitors that we as people are sick of this behavior from them!!
Please Be cool headed and as peaceful as you can if you come to this event!!
As many of you already know this situation has gotten way out of line!!
IM NOT LAYING DOWN ON THIS ONE ARE YOU??? I can be contacted at 830-591-3177
• Posted by Nancy Genovese on October 14, 2010 at 9:30am
• Send Message View Nancy Genovese's blog
Update on related case of Dyer, JULY4PATRIOT
I have not posted any new updates on these cases for a long while, I post only when allowed to put out info. All of you have been so kind, so helpful, and loyal to our site and its cause as a resource for those wrongfully arrested. I thank you for this.
October 13, 2010 there was to be a trail. Cps has been demanding Dyer sign a doc saying he was guilty, BEFORE his own abuse trial, along with a demand to take CPS abuse classes for two years with his girl friend. This family has been harassed, non stop. Yesterday, there was a trial set, to address these issues.
The judge, never allowed this due process take place. Without seeing Dyers evidence the judge ordered Dyers girlfriend and child leave him and the family may not see this little girl. The judge also said if the trial did take place he would remove the girlfriends child, today, regardless of the evidence.
Welcome to America!!!
Below is a statement Charles Dyer posted last night. With the permission to post from Charles Dyer;
I sat for 4 hours alone tonight with tears streaming down my face. Doing the best I could to fill M16 magazines, prep body armor, and adjust my gear , barely able to see. During this time there must have
been a thousand questions that ran through my head. The main one. How
can the government take our children without due process? How can they
destroy a family without hearing both sides of a story..... refusing to
hear both sides of a story. Now, you may be wondering how I could have
such strong feelings about the family in NH, but the truth is, this
isn't about them. This is a story about my family.
I had court today against CPS. Was supposed to be a cut and dry case. Here's the back story. I have been charged with rape of a child. Most of you know the background of those charges, some of you may not. The evidence against
me is the allegation itself. That is all. Since they have no other
evidence and are angry that I was found not guilty of my Federal
charges, they have attempted time and time again to goad me into either
admitting guilt or fighting them with violence. They have been
unsuccessful and have now decided to attack my family as a last resort. A
lot of you know that my wife admitted to cheating on me and doing drugs
in 2009 which caused me to file for divorce and attempt to fight for
custody, resulting in her filing false charges on me that were
eventually dropped. Later in 2009, I started a relationship with a woman
that has been a close family friend since 2005. She has a daughter that
is 6 and I have been in her life for 5 of those years. She even calls
me dad and I always think of her as my daughter (I will refer to her as
such in the rest of this story). Those 2 girls are the best thing that's
ever happened to me. She is a patriot and fully awake. Her daughter
asks when mommy and I are getting married so we can be a family. I
explain to her that we ARE a family. Not having a government document
doesn't lessen our familial bond, but again I am proved wrong by that
I try not to cry as I'm thinking about this next sentence. Tonight I got on my knees beside the the bed with my daughter and said the last bedtime prayer that I ever will with her, and kissed her on the
forehead for the last time. She has no idea that tonight was the last
time that shell see me. All I can do now is sit and cry with her mother
as the tyrannical government has now stolen my family from me because of
my refusal to back down or shut up.
The CPS case. Because there were allegations of child sexual abuse made against me, and because I live with a child in my home, CPS stepped in, back in April and told me that I could never be
alone with the child. I gladly cooperated, wanting no trouble from the
agency after the horror stories I have heard. We decided to allow my
daughter to stay with my parents at night (which she adamantly refers to
as her Grandma and Grandpa). CPS came to my home on several occasions
and one time I told them they could not enter my home without some type
of paperwork. The deputy with her said "You don't have a choice" and
opened the door to allow the CPS worker in. I had no way to defend my
home since my 2nd amendment rights have been suspended until 2013. CPS
informed me that they were going to take her daughter if she continued
to allow her to associate with me. I explained to the worker that this
is because of false allegations and I will be found not guilty at my
trial. She sternly informed me that it didn't matter if I was found not
guilty. They didn't have to uphold the same level of evidence as a
criminal court. All they have to have is a belief that harm "may" come
to the child at some time in the future. As far as she and CPS(called
DHS here) were concerned, I was a child molester and even if I get found
not guilty, that changes nothing because once CPS has you down as
having a "history" it doesn't go away. And even if I move to another
state, they will contact the CPS in that state and report that I am a
child molester. Next CPS told us that in order to keep from having court
involvement, all I had to do was to take a sexual predator class where I
would be forced to admit that I am a child molester and go through
therapy to correct the "condition". Well of course being a free American
that can't be forced to give my money to an agency that is corrupt,
forfeit my time to their agenda for something I didn't do, and violate
my 5th amendment rights... I said no. So the CPS and DA file a
"deprived" case against my girlfriend in an attempt to take her daughter
away from us on the following grounds 1.####### has allowed her
daughter to associate with Charles Dyer even after learning of his
propensity to sexually abuse children. 2. ######## has refused to follow
a voluntary service plan. I don't have the paper in front of me, if I
made a mistake, Ill correct it at a later time, but these were the
reasons for taking her from our home. Yet, they were unable to take
emergency action and remove her from the home because there was no
evidence of abuse and the CPS worker had done a 30 minute taped
interview with the child and declared that no abuse, sexual or other had
ever occurred. This brings us to court today.
The court hearing. (Or lack there of). After months of researching Oklahoma state law and family court case laws outlining what they can and CAN NOT take your child for, we showed up this morning
quite positive that we would win this case. Not to mention we showed up
with a video tape of my wife admitting to drug use, adultery, and
willingness to commit perjury to win our custody dispute.... and an
audio tape of the CPS worker saying there was "no eminent threat" to the
child. We were ready to go to war. My girlfriend went into the court
room with our court appointed attorney.(we are broke from fighting my
cases). The attorney placed our case paperwork all over the table and
was ready to fight. The DA called the attorney out of the courtroom. She
came back and informed my girlfriend that the judge was going to rule
that I have no contact with her daughter whatsoever. My GF argued with
the attorney and asked how they could do this without seeing our
evidence and that this wasn't right. The attorney said that she needed
to sign paperwork agreeing not to allow me to see her daughter and she
would take non-offender sex abuse classes/therapy. If she refused and
made the judge do a hearing AT ALL, that he would adjudicate her child
as deprived. (At which time the child can be taken as a ward of the
state.) She argued with her attorney and DA about the situation. That it
was not right or fair that the judge would rule before ever hearing her
evidence. How could the judge not care? That's his job isn't it? After
a lengthy argument, she requested to speak to me in the hallway. Once I
found out about the situation, I was floored with the same questions.
While speaking to the attorney, a man motioned to our attorney to come
to him. He spoke in a low tone to her saying that if her client refused
to sign the agreement, that the child would be adjudicated deprived.
That's all I could hear as I was listening the best I could and they
were standing about 15 feet away. Then he turned to me and said "What
are you looking at? You got a problem with me?" I responded " I didn't
say shit to you. What's YOUR problem?" He then said that I had nothing
to do with this and wasn't going to impact his case and told me that I
needed to stay out of this before my GF loses her child. I was
astonished at the aggressiveness of this man. Only to have my GF later
tell me..... wait for it..... THAT was the judge...... (I will confirm
100% before I post his information and contact number). We
were appalled an confused about what was going on. There is no longer a
presumption of innocents in this country. We knew at this point that the
judge had no care about what we had to say or the peoples rights that
he is charged with protecting. He was bought and paid for by someone
with much more power than we have. My GF agreed to sign the document and
went back into the courtroom. The attorney went to the back with the
judge once again and when she came back, she informed my GF that now he
want the Dyers' completely out of it and they can have no contact with
her daughter (obviously because of the hallway incident). That means
that my mother (nurse) of 68 years of age with a perfect record and my
father (Preacher) of 73years of age with a speeding ticket in the 80's
are no longer allowed to be around a child that they refer to as their
grand child. I thank god I have my parents tonight. If they did not
allow me to live with them, the government would have faced me with a
very easy decision tonight of being homeless until I found a place to
stay or kicking my GF and daughter out on the street. My daughter will
now spend thanksgiving and Christmas without her dad and I will be alone
without my best friend or daughter. Our family was shattered today by
CPS and a corrupt judge, with absolutely no evidence presented and our
rights grievously trampled on.
After thought. My girlfriend has cried almost constantly for the last 11 hours. She looked up at me today with watery eyes and pain in her heart as I embraced her and she asked me "What do we do? How do
we fight against this? How can we keep them from doing this to us?" I
pulled her close to me so she could not see the tears that were welling
up in my eyes, because I knew the only answer I could give her was one
that I couldn't bare for her to hear. One that brings us back to
the beginning of this story. Filling M16 magazines, prepping body armor,
and adjusting my gear. My heart is broken. My will to continue fighting
the legal process with petitions and the use of law, a flickering
flame, all but extinguished by mistreatment, lies, threats, stripping of
rights,multiple false arrests, and continual constitutional violations.
To what length is a normal American expected to continue to use the
legal system? Is it after their rights have been stripped, their homes
invaded, their families destroyed, their children stolen, and the legal
system refuses to even make a simple attempt at defending a persons
rights? Please ask yourself that after you finish reading this. At what
point would you stand up and say no more?
I thank all of you, for reading this statement and update,
Alert patriots!!!!!!! J4Ps girlfriends daughter was seized by the CPS even after he and his GF
followed their demands that he could not be around her pending his trial
in Jan.The couple even had the girl sent to Tennessee to his sisters
home and gave the sister custody until this mess could be resolved! CPS
seized the girl in Tennessee and at this time that's were J4Ps
Girlfriend, Amanda's Daughter is being held!!!!
We are planning a protest in Duncan Ok at 9:00Am Monday at the courthouse in Duncan!!
All who can come please do!! I will be there along with J4P, Layton, Neo
Patriot and OD Brooks!! We need a good showing to show these corrupt
Traitors that we as people are sick of this behavior from them!!
Please Be cool headed and as peaceful as you can if you come to this event!!
As many of you already know this situation has gotten way out of line!!
IM NOT LAYING DOWN ON THIS ONE ARE YOU??? I can be contacted at 830-591-3177