Thursday, January 24, 2013





Because they are a clandestine scam organization, probably run by the Israeli government or some other scam center in the U.S., when you click the link today, after I said I was going to nark on them, it just says "nothing to see here". But they don't own the WAYBACK MACHINE so I was able to tear them out of a new pair of undies. And if they want to scam their way out of pulling that little trick, I photographed the entire computer at this cyber cafe, with that reality on the screen. Yesterday there were links to their companion servers, which censor web sites and hunt the web for topic related subjects to make them vanish as desired. I got those documented but forgot to bring that to this cyber cafe, so I will post that tomorrow.

And surprisingly, on the updated page I saw yesterday, they are blocking upwards of 500 million web sites and e-mail addresses under the guise of them being spoof e-mails and web sites, so the list is growing QUICKLY, - up by over 100 million in only a month. Anyone should realize that my web site is no spoof, and therefore this organization exists FOR ONE REASON ONLY - TO SILENCE THE REAL TRUTH MOVEMENT WHILE HACKS SPIKE IT INTO THE GROUND LIKE A TOUCHDOWN FOOTBALL.

Many of you have noticed that the truth movement has been going downhill in the last little while, and HERE IS WHY. This organization has not been around long, as evidenced by the December 6th 2012 page in the wayback machine, which reads:

See our historical results/progress here. Oldest IP: 1185 days listed. Over the last 30 days: V4BL/DDNSBL blocklist has been updated by one IP every 0.049 seconds. Over the past year the list has grown by 309,536,835 IPs. At any given moment, there are more than 25M new IPs queued awaiting basic compliancy checks."

Basic "Compliancy checks"? You mean, if you do not COMPLY WITH THE ZIONIST AGENDA YOU GO IN THE TRASH????? There you have it. No wonder why I have been blown away and unable to communicate. I wonder how much has really been blocked? What should the truth movement REALLY look like? No wonder why much of the great insightful stuff appears to be vanishing, while being replaced with kooky bullshit.

I have had several people offer me over $50,000 to keep this web site running and not have me living poorly. From different people. NOT SPAM, and they all just magically vanished. I wonder why.

I am certain that the only reason why this site is visible is because I told everyone to mirror it. AND DO THAT, PLEASE, INCLUDING THE NEWS RELATED PICTURES, DONT JUST LINK TO THEM, GET THEM OUT OF HERE.

V4BL, a hostile .ORG has GOT TO run on (at least) a 40,000 core super computer or cloud computer, because it funnels the entire web through it, a fact made reality by what it is - a total internet filter. It gets All e-mails, all communications, and they decide what lives and dies. This was outlined clearly on their web site yesterday, and now it just says "nothing to see here" because most likely they watch this web site, and knew this would be today's report which I announced would be coming yesterday. Needless to say the only front end they REALLY need is "nothing to see here" because they are a hostile organization that until now, until they screwed with me, flew under the radar.


I got direct proof of mail tampering. This was made possible because they monitor everything, and knew I knew what server on the web was tasked to destroy me, so they stopped using that server to prevent me from documenting it on video or whatever else I might come up with, and instead were allowing the mails to hit my server as normal, where people are now logged in and waiting on MY SERVER for whatever comes in as it comes in, and having people decide what I get on a mail by mail basis.

GOOD NEWS: They fell asleep at the switch, and I bagged hardcore proof about what is going on.

Below is an image of the two mail clients opening the same mail box approximately 45 seconds apart (the first one hung for at least four minutes, so I opened the second one. The second one caught the last thee mails they decided to delete, which never showed up in the first mail client opened - they stalled it until they finished their job.

These particular mails were not important to me - the $1500 is a repeated spam and I can't read Hebrew anyway. But whoever was censoring the mail would not be able to assess that if they had an entire pile to go through quickly, they were doing rapid deletes and not being careful. The mails they allowed were just regular newsletters. I guess that is better than total darkness in the box.

Here is the background scenario -

Yesterday I discovered that Jimstonefreelance had been blacklisted by a highly secretive blacklisting organization, which is an .ORG that has massive computers, computers massive enough to funnel the entire internet through them. When an e-mail to an address to someone they are trying to destroy comes up, the server will ditch the mail. That is what today's report was going to be about. But I came up with something even better -

Because I had worked a way to prove that e-mails will not make it through that computer, which no doubt has to be a super computer, "they" stopped having my mails get blocked by it, and instead had someone do manual deletes. Well THEY FELL ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH and had a whole pile of them they had to censor while letting the spam and newsletters through, to provide plausiblility that I am just crazy and not censored. And they screwed up. And I got it on video, absolute proof I am being messed with.

When I opened my mailbox, it was taking forever, and I MEAN FOREVER. And I guessed that they had an enormous pile of them to dig through, so they had my computer on hold while they destroyed all meaningful messages. These would be whistle blowers, donation offers, antidepressant stories, and really good news tips.


I figured they would not be on the ball, and just guess it was another one of their pals logging in with a different mail client to speed things up. So that is what I did. I opened a different mail client and went into the same box. And I caught the last few mails they decided to censor. You could see them in the second mail client, and the other, which finally opened a little later, did not have them. So I started a video rolling, with the mails showing that got censored, and hit refresh with the second mail client with the video rolling, and they vanished from the screen.

This is the only way you can prove censorship, once deleted they are off the list, and the only way you could possibly see them vanish from the screen just by refreshing (they were unread mails, to cover that base) is if they vanished from the mail server without ever being deleted or opened by the mail client.

This is hardcore proof that "THEY" are trying to destroy me. But I always knew it. My Neomailbox, which is what the secure contact form sends the mail to, was obviously left on the full censorship list because it is the primary contact for this site, and has had NOTHING in it for several days. (most days at least 10 or 15 people will use the contact form, and some days over 30 will).


A few legitimate mails are getting through now.

What they seem to be doing is allowing mails through that do not have anything I can use in them, but they are real, (normally most news is tips on what to report, and that is not happening now.) Well, I got one really interesting mail today that is very cryptic, and at first I thought it was just random statements put together. I think whoever sent it wrote it that way on purpose, to get it past the censors. It was not a death threat, many of you who read this site have seen that cryptic death threat that was sent to me a couple years ago and though this at first appeared to be the same, it was in fact a very intelligent concealment of a really interesting message.

"Many plans within took 5words to disembowel physics,all of sciences,and put
the mystery of all mysteries laid bare for all to see.
Perhaps you should get around more.
Try the history comments on Bill Nye,creation not for children,some hundred or so
comments back about a week ago.Game over,globalists will be eviserated too,hypnotist
rabbis,terrorists.No shade dark enough for lady liberty's light to pierce.As I have
written,so it will be done,as the ancients put it,timely quote.
The science community is my family,many respectful people,gave great reactions,no
critics of my statement,only profound introspection,and next to a noble prize,I left
them to talk about this mind that speaks clearly from the gates of eternity...."

Hmmmm . . . . . . . .

It is probably going to take mails written that way to get through the censors. It takes a few reads to understand it. This was no doubt intentionally done this way.

Sabotage news tips ONLY in the boxes now!

They are hell bent on sabotaging this site, and today I received an e-mail that was either an attempt at sabotage or V4BL changed their source code as a result of one of only two mails that made it into my box. The other was asking things about Fukushima, saying the report was too difficult to understand. Too bad. Anyway, the bogus news tip was this:

"looked in the source code on

at the very end it says:

!-- Begin: Global Thermonuclear War --

A simple google search revealed this:

(like in the 1983 movie, War Games, where Matthew Broderick thinks he has exploited the extensive help system to help him hack into the kid's game, "protovision", but he was in actuality hacked into the Help system of a complicated, US Defense Department, WOPR Computer System. Inadvertently preparing to begin global thermonuclear war with himself playing as a Soviet Red against US!)"

Only problem is, it is B.S.

So they are now faking real mails, and I have to cover my butt. From here, if I type V4bl into the browser, it says "nothing to see here". The first time I used a proxy, it hit the page. After that, the proxies all said they could not access it. But I do not give up, and went over to internetdefensesystems, which is the root I found via DNS lookup, typed that in, and got a link from that site to I then right clicked the link and viewed source without opening it, and bam, got the whole thing and there is nothing there of the sort, it was just the code that would render the same page in the wayback machine.

So WHY the spoof? Well, I NAILED THEM, 100 PERCENT PROOF POSITIVE. Between Internet defense systems, which blows away web sites, and V4BL, which blows away e-mails, there is a real monster out there that will DEFINITELY DESTROY THE TRUTH MOVEMENT.

And they would laugh as I discredited myself, by saying someting existed in the code that anyone else would no doubt be allowed to see with ease and verify I was full of it. And AHH YES, their motto is "Because someone had to defend the web". Yeah right. Someone had to defend zionist interests and destroy dissenting sites. This is why this web site has not exploded to the forefront, because no one can get a mail through about it. They have been wiping it out for a long time.

So the word is still, if you send a mail, it will go into the digital abyss.

It is time to go into overdrive and body slam that rotten organization. If we fail at this, we will lose the web to THEM ALONE.




Because they are a clandestine scam organization, probably run by the Israeli government or some other scam center in the U.S., when you click the link today, after I said I was going to nark on them, it just says "nothing to see here". But they don't own the WAYBACK MACHINE so I was able to tear them out of a new pair of undies. And if they want to scam their way out of pulling that little trick, I photographed the entire computer at this cyber cafe, with that reality on the screen. Yesterday there were links to their companion servers, which censor web sites and hunt the web for topic related subjects to make them vanish as desired. I got those documented but forgot to bring that to this cyber cafe, so I will post that tomorrow.

And surprisingly, on the updated page I saw yesterday, they are blocking upwards of 500 million web sites and e-mail addresses under the guise of them being spoof e-mails and web sites, so the list is growing QUICKLY, - up by over 100 million in only a month. Anyone should realize that my web site is no spoof, and therefore this organization exists FOR ONE REASON ONLY - TO SILENCE THE REAL TRUTH MOVEMENT WHILE HACKS SPIKE IT INTO THE GROUND LIKE A TOUCHDOWN FOOTBALL.

Many of you have noticed that the truth movement has been going downhill in the last little while, and HERE IS WHY. This organization has not been around long, as evidenced by the December 6th 2012 page in the wayback machine, which reads:

See our historical results/progress here. Oldest IP: 1185 days listed. Over the last 30 days: V4BL/DDNSBL blocklist has been updated by one IP every 0.049 seconds. Over the past year the list has grown by 309,536,835 IPs. At any given moment, there are more than 25M new IPs queued awaiting basic compliancy checks."

Basic "Compliancy checks"? You mean, if you do not COMPLY WITH THE ZIONIST AGENDA YOU GO IN THE TRASH????? There you have it. No wonder why I have been blown away and unable to communicate. I wonder how much has really been blocked? What should the truth movement REALLY look like? No wonder why much of the great insightful stuff appears to be vanishing, while being replaced with kooky bullshit.

I have had several people offer me over $50,000 to keep this web site running and not have me living poorly. From different people. NOT SPAM, and they all just magically vanished. I wonder why.

I am certain that the only reason why this site is visible is because I told everyone to mirror it. AND DO THAT, PLEASE, INCLUDING THE NEWS RELATED PICTURES, DONT JUST LINK TO THEM, GET THEM OUT OF HERE.

V4BL, a hostile .ORG has GOT TO run on (at least) a 40,000 core super computer or cloud computer, because it funnels the entire web through it, a fact made reality by what it is - a total internet filter. It gets All e-mails, all communications, and they decide what lives and dies. This was outlined clearly on their web site yesterday, and now it just says "nothing to see here" because most likely they watch this web site, and knew this would be today's report which I announced would be coming yesterday. Needless to say the only front end they REALLY need is "nothing to see here" because they are a hostile organization that until now, until they screwed with me, flew under the radar.


I got direct proof of mail tampering. This was made possible because they monitor everything, and knew I knew what server on the web was tasked to destroy me, so they stopped using that server to prevent me from documenting it on video or whatever else I might come up with, and instead were allowing the mails to hit my server as normal, where people are now logged in and waiting on MY SERVER for whatever comes in as it comes in, and having people decide what I get on a mail by mail basis.

GOOD NEWS: They fell asleep at the switch, and I bagged hardcore proof about what is going on.

Below is an image of the two mail clients opening the same mail box approximately 45 seconds apart (the first one hung for at least four minutes, so I opened the second one. The second one caught the last thee mails they decided to delete, which never showed up in the first mail client opened - they stalled it until they finished their job.

These particular mails were not important to me - the $1500 is a repeated spam and I can't read Hebrew anyway. But whoever was censoring the mail would not be able to assess that if they had an entire pile to go through quickly, they were doing rapid deletes and not being careful. The mails they allowed were just regular newsletters. I guess that is better than total darkness in the box.

Here is the background scenario -

Yesterday I discovered that Jimstonefreelance had been blacklisted by a highly secretive blacklisting organization, which is an .ORG that has massive computers, computers massive enough to funnel the entire internet through them. When an e-mail to an address to someone they are trying to destroy comes up, the server will ditch the mail. That is what today's report was going to be about. But I came up with something even better -

Because I had worked a way to prove that e-mails will not make it through that computer, which no doubt has to be a super computer, "they" stopped having my mails get blocked by it, and instead had someone do manual deletes. Well THEY FELL ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH and had a whole pile of them they had to censor while letting the spam and newsletters through, to provide plausiblility that I am just crazy and not censored. And they screwed up. And I got it on video, absolute proof I am being messed with.

When I opened my mailbox, it was taking forever, and I MEAN FOREVER. And I guessed that they had an enormous pile of them to dig through, so they had my computer on hold while they destroyed all meaningful messages. These would be whistle blowers, donation offers, antidepressant stories, and really good news tips.


I figured they would not be on the ball, and just guess it was another one of their pals logging in with a different mail client to speed things up. So that is what I did. I opened a different mail client and went into the same box. And I caught the last few mails they decided to censor. You could see them in the second mail client, and the other, which finally opened a little later, did not have them. So I started a video rolling, with the mails showing that got censored, and hit refresh with the second mail client with the video rolling, and they vanished from the screen.

This is the only way you can prove censorship, once deleted they are off the list, and the only way you could possibly see them vanish from the screen just by refreshing (they were unread mails, to cover that base) is if they vanished from the mail server without ever being deleted or opened by the mail client.

This is hardcore proof that "THEY" are trying to destroy me. But I always knew it. My Neomailbox, which is what the secure contact form sends the mail to, was obviously left on the full censorship list because it is the primary contact for this site, and has had NOTHING in it for several days. (most days at least 10 or 15 people will use the contact form, and some days over 30 will).


As far as I go, they now want me isolated, cut off from all help, and silenced. AND THESE ARE THE TOPICS THAT TRIGGERED IT:

ANTIDEPRESSANTS, and INDUSTRIAL VIRUS ATTACKS. I am quite sure the "fluoxytil" fluoride mouth rinse piece did not help my mail censorship status much either. -HOWEVER-

I am certain that the agenda is to:

Destroy america with antidepressants and industrial viruses

Destroy america with antidepressants and industrial viruses

Destroy america with antidepressants and industrial viruses


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