Tuesday, April 04, 2006


(reading's good for you)

(excerpt from "Message to Mr. and Mrs. America)
J. Croft

Are you content, satisfied with your life and all the toys you've hocked the rest of your life's labor for? Does your work at that megacorporation you bust your hump for fulfill your desires?

Do you have enough time for your loved ones with all the bills you have to make? Be able to give them the love and attention and guidance we all need? Do you even have energy to spend a few minutes to play catch? Read a book? Share a hard-learned life lesson to them, so they can do better than you? How 'bout a hug?

Do you have enough to live on-even so much you don't have to borrow? Can you enjoy a trip somewhere for the weekend-you can get away from that office and your barely human overseer-er, manager, can't you? Do you have anything to set aside for, in case of your car breaking down, or you lost your job?

Do you feel at ease with the society you live in? The increasingly difficult struggle to make ends meet, the invasion of illegals, the ever increasingly choking presence of law enforcement, the decreasing availability of quality jobs you can live on? Can you honestly say to yourself that all the advertising, all the programming in the magazines, the papers, the television-that push for you to just consume, consume, consume and for God's sakes don't ask hard questions-that doesn't bother you as you sink ever deeper into debt trying to live up to expectations?

Do you go to church? Do you watch those televangelists on TV? Are you at ease with what they preach-restricted as they are by their 501c(3) corporate status that restricts how and what they can talk about if they want to retain their tax-free status? Did you know that under corporate status they are regulated by the Internal Revenue Service as far as political speech, social issues, and anything that may be construed as "anti-government" and get shut down? Reading that, do you think they would tell the truth about what's going on, even in their own ranks? Is it okay to ignore the outright use of religion like a truck stop whore to push for more war, more murder of God's creation-your fellow Human Beings?

Do you think your public servants are truly there to protect you? That they'd honor your Constitutional Rights, and never target you for speaking your mind about what's wrong? Do you think your tax burdens at approaching 50%, are fair and just? That all the laws, the YARDS of bookshelves filled with the U.S. Code, that the bureaucrats and lawyers generate are there to preserve our liberties and our way of life? That you can take a politician's election night promises as gospel truth? That they're all altruists, and don't have any ulterior designs for more power?

Do you trust the police without question-that those that accuse the cops of abuse of authority and brutality are liars or just wrong? That cops are really there to protect us all, from the poorest to the richest? That when they pounce on you on the roads out nowhere, charging at you at dangerous speeds and making you jump and temporarily lose control of your vehicle, that it's just to look out for you?


You're in danger-you, I, and every other American-of losing it all. Already being content and satisfied with our lives and our society has become a dim memory, a fleeting wish. Nostalgia. We can't possibly be content when we have to work much harder for much longer hours, for much less to live on. Our jobs, our labors only satisfy and enrich the mega rich we work for.

We work for others, and most of the fruits of our labors go to others-if not the mega rich who own/control the megacorporations then the government, in all it's manifestations and taxes. For us, a small pittance; enough for us to make that monthly payment on that debt millstone called a mortgage. Auto loans, credit cards-that we're programmed as "consumers" to enter into like lemmings, like idiots when we see something advertised on the TV-that electronic narcotic. It is a narcotic because watching the boob tube for more than a few seconds stimulates your right brain into producing pleasure hormones, even if you're watching a crap ass reality tv show.

Yes we've been made into idiots, admit it. Our education system is not made to educate, it indoctrinates with just enough educating for us to read the big lettered offers on loans and credit. Just enough education to ignore the fact that that offer comes with terms of payment on the fine print that'd make a loan shark envious. Just enough education for us to not question where exactly we got that impulse to buy that bigger TV, or that bigger SUV half of us can't seem to handle on the road. (hint, the idea probably came from that TV you want to replace with a plasma screen) Critical thinking, an awareness of our history, a basic sense of right and wrong-what's that to you as you heed the battle cry: "Let's go to the mall!"

So, we're consuming idiots for what little compensation we're allotted for our labors. And the sorry excuse for the money we use seems to have less and less purchasing power year after year. Yet we work ourselves all the harder to keep up the programmed expectations of having that bigger plywood and sheet rock home, the cars, and all the other junk sold to us by our American Idol, the TV. Television's the source of our programmed desires, our beliefs as modern day Americans. And that TV's content is created by a interlocking network of basically a handful of megacorporations-owned by a few rich old white men. The gatekeepers that somehow sing the same tired tune on up to 150 channels. Same WAY too rich old white men who benefit from the status quo as the government… the status quo that's killing you. Rigging the economies of the world so you're forced to work yourself to death(if they haven't sent that work to Mexico, China, or India). Work so much you wind up alienating your spouse, your children, making them dependent on the TV set for the attention you're denying them.

That's the slow death; there's also the quicker, more painful death that we're increasingly at risk from, thanks to generations of traitors that we've allowed to run this great nation of ours. Traitors are everywhere folks!

Traitors who know that when you put tax and regulatory barriers to entrepeneurs, when you ship good, even decent wage paying jobs overseas you force people out on the street when they can't make their mortgage or rent because they have to eat. Or when you steal their legal livelihoods you create criminals.

These traitors are everywhere you find power, and it's all because we've ALLOWED ourselves to be put to sleep by the TV and that chimera pushed as the American Dream and all it's petty trinkets that has only pushed us into chains of debt slavery to their banks!

So who are these traitors? How are they so powerful that they can manipulate generations of people like this? As far as I've been able to determine by study, "they" are a group of interbred-inbred really-megarich, violent sociopathic bluebloods who literally think they own the world and that their actions to literally dismantle America and the World, are just consolidating their power.

You may have read or heard rumors about their names: Rockefeller, Rothschild, Bush. You'll occasionally hear about their organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers, Skull and Bones. I'm sorry to say the rumors are true, and they're the rich old white men who's lackeys acting as the cultural and media gatekeepers made the title "conspiracy theorist" a slur even worse than "enviromentalist wacko", "right wing extremist" or "n*gger".

Sounds crazy to you? Want to stop reading? Want to label these words as the products of one of those conspiracy types: the kind who run around in cammies, toting gun show special tec-9's, picking their nose, oogling their kinfolk, and claiming microchips are implanted up their ass?

Ever ask yourself where that automatic impulse to make those snap judgements, to think those thoughts without any consideration of their truth came from?

The culture. More specifically that TV you spend hours in front of. And, thanks to that electronic narcotic you paid hundreds for at a nice interest, and forty bucks a month for the cable, you're conditioned so that when someone presented by "them" is labeled a "conspiracy theorist", you immediately discount anything he or she has to say, no matter how true.

The greatest trick the Devil ever played was to convince people that he doesn't exist. "They" have done the same thing; owning all the levers of human power, they get their dupes to get their dupes, dupes to implant in the media they directly control that conspiracies are for kooks, not kids or anyone else.

Someone brings up valid critiques of how the Warren Commission report was pure crap? Have Peter Jennings host a crap ABC News Special using patently erroneous data, or the Mythbuster dorks go by that erroneous data and staged a patently botched and biased test.

Government story on 9/11seem like lies? (and they really are lies)All the media you're likely to take in outside of the internet will paint the same brief story; we "weren't prepared somehow" the greatest military power in history: then show the World Trade Center go down, and then cut in with some video of our troops on some wild goose chase in the middle east. More people question it? Have your stooge who controls Popular Mechanics do a purge of his writing and editorial staff and do a state approved whitewash.

Here's a example that you'll have to relate to: ever wonder where all the jobs went? You'd think there wasn't a problem at all except you not consuming more by watching the teleprompter readers at CNBC having a heart attack about America having a "service economy"(financial traitors like them and their masters getting rich hustling their share to your dumb ass at peak prices). Meanwhile, you want any pictures of what their treasonous service economy has done to deindustrialize America: if you're too cowardly to roll through Detroit, LA, Buffalo, Flint, NYC, or Pittsburgh, try hitting the temp services, or catch a Feed the Children special at 1am.

But hey; the TV's never lied to me!

There are conspiracies folks. And America's got the greatest tangle of them controlling our very perceptions of reality. "They" really are in control; the puppetmasters, the hidden hands of history, they've used as many front organizations and bad guys(and "good guys") as required to:

1)Keep Human Civilization repressed and ignorant, and dependent on their institutions, their resources and technologies. Why else would we be stuck with 20mpg SUV's after a hundred years? Explain the crappy space shuttle that takes a minor miracle to complete a mission? Explain Microsoft?

2)Occasionally cull this "herd" with wars pitting their front men against each other-using us all as their cannon fodder.

It's a hidden history. A good primer can be found going through the articles at Rense.com. Also, go to silver-investor.com and look up their archives; specifically the articles by Charles Savoie about the Pilgrim Society. Also infowars.com and rumormillnews.com are good background sources on "they".

They're the "they"-and "they" have been sucessful in hiding their agenda for generations. As you'll find out, "they" have long ago infiltrated universities-where our educators, our lawyers, our sucessful businessmen, our politicians, our military commanders, our bureaucrats, our media gatekeepers go through. They go through college and from day one are comprehensively and systematically brainwashed in a ideology that turns high school kids into unthinking elitist puppets. Puppets who've been twisted into pushing whatever part of the Agenda they've been trained for. Slaves.

…Yet, these puppets, these robots, these slaves, they either have no ideal what they're helping to push or they've become so twisted by the traitors, they're now traitors themselves.

Our Educators-most of them so far up Karl Marx's ass they couldn't be surgically separated. They push a vague form of American brand socialism that's created the colossus of government choking us like kudzu. They're trained to churn out all the unknowing and knowing socialists that comprise all the other classes of college graduates, who take socialism as American as apple pie.

…And almost none know of the treasonous programming they indoctrinate us with.

Our Lawyers-who also become our judges and politicians. They're also trained in this anti-American socialism and push for more laws, more regulations drafted by their "comrades" and enforce these tyrannies on us all. And charge us hundreds of dollars a hour to be represented by them in their courts. Where they steal more of our hard earned money with judgements of fines and confiscation and jail time.

…And almost all are aware that "they" want it to be like this, and if they want the power and the petty comforts being their tools allots them, they will continue to oppress their fellow man with this insidious form of slavery.

Our Businessmen-churned out by business schools, they manage the massah's megacorporations that market us to death with their shoddy products that don't last or become obsolete, and poison our air, land and waters in the process. Poison us as well. These megacorporations have taken over everything, and driven private entrepeneurs, family farms, and flag waving American companies out of business or overseas. They're interlocked so in essence they're one vast incorporation-that's owned in part by the Federal Government when their stocks collapse and the government goes in and buys the stocks to keep Wall Street going! A many-faced monopoly that mutually owns each of it's components, a devious form of communism but with a Armani suit. These corporate suits, these traitors think nothing of cozying up to a tyrannical federal government, and advancing the beast's agendas. Just think-their labors help steer the slave galley all of us are cooped up in as we're pushed to row faster and faster for less bread and water.

…And all have long ago sold out to the beast so they can have that wannabe mansion in that gated community.

Our Military and Police-deserving to be lumped together because they've become one Habeus Corpus violating entity. Our armies "peacekeep" and enforce government will like cops, and our cops are suiting up like punk ass ninjas with military ordnance and armored vehicles, like they were the a-team. Strutting around on a power trip many of these people are nothing but puppets, many of whom who have no ideal what freedom is and how precious it is, go about enforcing the massah's many, many enslaving edicts as if on a mission from God. Open season on average citizens to harass and intimidate? Taser little kids repeatedly and cuff em' up? Knock around some(fill in preferred slur)? Ambush folks after the bar even though they're driving safely? Expose decent citizens to the homosexual rape palaces known as our prisons for exercising their Constitutional recognized Rights to Free Speech, Assemble, Petition for Redress of Grivences, and Bearing Arms for our God-Given Right of Self-Protection? No problem, just another day taking out the trash. Many of them would literally wear a swastika armband as long as they get to carry that badge and gun and mess with ordinary folks all day.

…And one day, a few of these traitors in black will have their jackboot on your throat, or pump fifty thousand volts of electricity into your kids or your grandmother. Maybe they'll just pump 'em full of lead.

Our Bureaucrats-a lot of them think they're serving "the public" but to a bureaucrat(or a cop)it's a nebulous term that envelops the People, yet at the same time doesn't include us as Individuals. Really, it's more of a synonym with the State, which has in America grown into the greatest socialistic tumor in history. Global in reach now, it's self-imposed borders of authority entrench themselves deeper and deeper into American life like kudzu. Kudzu's a plant that was imported from Japan into the South that not only grows at a prodigious rate, choking all around it, it's roots can extend down to a hundred feet-bogarting nutrients and sunlight from all around it. That's the American government.

…And our "public servants" serve this cancer in order to have a secure job, a bit of that "good life" falsely promised to all of us if we just "went along". All at the fifty percent tax burden you're forced to shoulder, and the unending regulation of what's supposed to be a "free society".

Our Media-some of the most obnoxious socialists outside of a university political science department work to shape our culture, our views, what we buy, wear, drive, live in, think and say. They have vast power and have a effective monopoly thanks to the megacorporations that own it. These house slaves preach the supremacy of the state, the chimera known as the American Dream that enslaves all that aspire for it in debt in a vain attempt to attain it. And it's not like the trash they sell us is worth watching or reading or wearing-there's literally all sorts of programming that keeps us asleep. Asleep to all the traitors running around, destroying this great nation of ours. It also subconsciously lowers our expectations of ourselves and others as our media's insidious mediocrity is pushed as virtues, and it's hurt us so badly. Few anymore even think about excelling, because a People who think about excellence also tend to think about things like Freedom and Prosperity. No. "They" can't have that so part of the literal programming of our TV softened minds is the lifting up of being mediocre. Just do your job good enough to keep it. Play on the weekend. Obey the laws without so much as a thought of protesting their justness in a supposedly free society.

…And they all know the real scandals, the buried bodies, the missing, the abuses of power. And also they also know it's suicidal to try and expose the corruption we've all let metasize in this country.

…And yes-there are good folks still, in all of these controlled institutions, but they're in the minority-pining away just like you for a hero to save the day.

There isn't a organization existing now that'll do that. The Republican Party machine has been taken over by a pack of people either planning armageddon so they can get to heaven or want to profit off the manufacturing of war materials. The Democrats would do the same thing, only under a United Nations government that would make ours, as bad as it is, look like a paragon of small governance.

There isn't a person in power that'll do that now. Remember JFK? He started making noise about pulling out of Vietnam, détente with the Soviet Union, and dismantling the Federal Reserve-and he got blasted in broad daylight. He sure as hell ain't riding back from his grave on a white horse, and neither is anyone else gonna jump on that pony ride, or in a red striped black van that's gonna save the day for you. Mr T ain't gonna bitchslap some sense into the cops before they taser the next toddler acting out because she hates that crappy day care center she's stuck in by her overworked parents. Face Man isn't gonna run for Congress and win, and singlehandedly push laws through to dismantle all the agencies and their agents that choke Americans and their efforts. Hannibal Smith isn't going to your kid's university and chase all the idiot marxist professors out by firing his assault rifle at their feet. And Howling Mad Murdoch sure as hell isn't going to steal a Army gunship and use all those traitorous CEOs, bankers and politicians rolling in their limos for target practice.

It's going to be up to us. You. We are going to have to be our own heros. We are the ones ultimately who are responsible for our society by our actions and inactions, definitely, and so it's up to us to clean it up.

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