More evidence US military is Gulf crime perpetrator
Facts highlighted in the work of marine toxicologist and Exxon Valdez survivor, Dr. Riki Ott, published in her Huffington Post article, BP's Promise Versus What BP Really Means: Some Insights on Making People Hole (Whole) and Just Us (Justice) in the Gulf, leave little mystery about who is responsible for the ongoing Gulf mega-disater, including the aerial spraying of lethal dispersants not only over water, but on human populated areas - and falsehoods about limits of the sprayed poisons.
Only a tiny amount of the Corexit poison is lethal. Without intense mass detoxification, up to 40 million Gulf Region people could already be poisoned. Shortly before his untimely death, oil Guru Matt Simmons had predicted that mass evacuation was the sole way to prevent a heavy human death toll.
Ott writes:
"It turns out that dispersants are not -- and never were -- explicitly banned within three miles of the coast or in less than ten meters of water (the "nearshore environment") as USCG, EPA, NOAA, and other federal officials have staunchly maintained. The Coast Guard and states can approve dispersant use in nearshore environment on a case-by-case basis across the Gulf if the incident commander decides the toxic chemicals were "expected to prevent or minimize substantial threat to the public health or welfare, or to mitigate or prevent environmental damage."
In fact, neither of policies for Region IV (Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida) or Region VI (Louisiana) have any areas where dispersant use is expressly banned. Louisiana even has an expedited process for requests to spray dispersants in the nearshore environment."
Marine biologist and toxicologist Dr. Chris Pincetich warned in a Project Gulf Impact interview several weeks after Gulf operatives began spraying Corexit, that birds would be a mechanism for carrying the poison to people in other parts of the nation and the world. (Censored Gulf news: Dr. Pincetich on Intel Hub Radio tonight (video), Dupré, Examiner, July 10, 2010; also see Gulf continual gusher, Synthia, arsenic, plague and dead birds (video))
Can American public halt military assault against it?
As the Gulf Operation health and ecological impacts intensify, the public needs to pressure their respective states to file for Freedom of Information Act documentation according to Ott who writes:
"The Louisiana Bayoukeeper has requested that the State of Louisiana provide documentation of dispersant spraying and experimental release of bio-engineered bacteria in nearshore areas under the Freedom of Information Act. Organizations in Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida would be wise to do the same. This information is critical for understanding health and ecological impacts as well as economic harm." (Emphasis added)
Ott's article reconfirms that the military's objective in the Gulf operation is not a human one, and that military has been conducting a huge Gulf Psychological Operation (PSYOP) on an unwitting and pacified public . Consistent with the petrochemical-industrial-complex acts in other nations, unlike what the public has been led to believe, the U.S. Coast Guard's job has not been to assess impacts on the ecosystem or human health.
The U.S. military has headed the Gulf operation, formerly through Coast Guard commandant, Retired Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen, the "National Incident Commander."
Using the repeatedly used term, "BP oil spill," part of the military Psychological Operation, (PSYOP) Allen had said in October that he "transferred oversight of the BP oil spill response" to another military officer, Rear Admiral Paul Zukunft at the Unified Area Commander, in New Orleans. (Admiral Allen Steps Down as Gulf Oil Spill Response Commander, Environment News Service, October 1, 2010)
"Allen also served as commander of the Coast Guard's Atlantic forces in their response to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. (Environment News Service)
During Mr. Jeff Rense's interview with Dr. Tom Termotto on Rense Radio Network, January 19, using the term "treasonous," Dr. Tom explained the necessity of holding accountable leaders of the Gulf operation's continued catastrophic impact on planet, humans and all life.
Since Allen is no longer immune from legal means to hold him accountable, he was named by Dr,. Termotto in the radio interview.
Allen now claims that if he had it to do over again, "on Day One of the disaster he would have taken control of the air space" according to
Allen is now a senior fellow with the RAND Corporation.
In December 2009, the RAND Corporation, a research arms of the Military-Industrial-Homeland Security Complex, released a study report, A Stability Police Force for the United States: Justification and Creating U.S. Capabilities."

The police force is to be a “hybrid” military-law enforcement unit created within the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) for a "range of tasks, such as crowd and riot control, special weapons and tactics (SWAT), and investigating organized criminal groups (any group that the regime determines to be a "terrorist" anywhere - including at home, as dictated by the Commander in Chief, Barack Obama. Peace workers are the greatest threat to the military plan, thus targeted, as proven by recent SWAT team treatment of the young American human rights workers.
Maintaining military backed NWO status quo requires public pacification called "stability" by Homeland Security and military affiliates. From petro-dollar to imperialistic military atrocities globally where rich resources are, the Illuminati NWO's Full Spectrum Dominance is being implemented by the petro-chemical-military-industrial-complex.
As the RAND study report asserts, "Establishing security is the sine qua non of stability operations, since it is a prerequisite for reconstruction and development. Security requires a mix of military and police forces to deal with a range of threats." The Gulf Region appears to be a prime example of NWO's U.S. corporate-military "reconstruction and development."
By May 16, 2010, it was revealed to the public that USNORTHCOM was preparing military operations within the U.S., working with DHS, state and local law enforcement on U.S. soil. (See: Maj. Dale Greer: 123rd Airlift Wing Public Affairs, Units make history with Air Force’s first homeland defense ORI, June 3, 2010, located on; cited in Gassed in the Gulf (Part II) Toward Full Spectrum Dominance, Dupré,
“We’re thinking ahead over the long term" said Army Maj. Gen. Abner C. Blalock, Alabama’s adjutant general during a DoD roundtable.
As the military thinks over the long term to meet their soulless objectives, the public struggles to live for today. Remaining in denial, however, that the U.S. military is both spearheading the Gulf operation and planning further treasonous death and destruction on U.S. soil is more than naive.
Denial lends needed support for military oppression, violence against messengers of truth, and ultimate demise of many more innocent Americans by slow-kill military grade weaponry.
Copyright Deborah Dupre, Examiner 2011. All rights reserved.
Deborah Dupré, B.S., M.S., DipContEd, QMHP from U.S. and Australian universities, has been a human and environmental rights advocate over 25 years in the U.S., Vanuatu and Australia. Support her work by subscribing to her articles and forwarding the link of this article to friends and colleagues or reposting only title and first paragraph linked to this Examiner page. Emails Send targeting and Gulf illness news tips to her with your name or anonymously. See her Vaccine Liberty or Death book plus Compassion Film Project DVDs at
Only a tiny amount of the Corexit poison is lethal. Without intense mass detoxification, up to 40 million Gulf Region people could already be poisoned. Shortly before his untimely death, oil Guru Matt Simmons had predicted that mass evacuation was the sole way to prevent a heavy human death toll.
Ott writes:
"It turns out that dispersants are not -- and never were -- explicitly banned within three miles of the coast or in less than ten meters of water (the "nearshore environment") as USCG, EPA, NOAA, and other federal officials have staunchly maintained. The Coast Guard and states can approve dispersant use in nearshore environment on a case-by-case basis across the Gulf if the incident commander decides the toxic chemicals were "expected to prevent or minimize substantial threat to the public health or welfare, or to mitigate or prevent environmental damage."
In fact, neither of policies for Region IV (Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida) or Region VI (Louisiana) have any areas where dispersant use is expressly banned. Louisiana even has an expedited process for requests to spray dispersants in the nearshore environment."
Marine biologist and toxicologist Dr. Chris Pincetich warned in a Project Gulf Impact interview several weeks after Gulf operatives began spraying Corexit, that birds would be a mechanism for carrying the poison to people in other parts of the nation and the world. (Censored Gulf news: Dr. Pincetich on Intel Hub Radio tonight (video), Dupré, Examiner, July 10, 2010; also see Gulf continual gusher, Synthia, arsenic, plague and dead birds (video))
Can American public halt military assault against it?
As the Gulf Operation health and ecological impacts intensify, the public needs to pressure their respective states to file for Freedom of Information Act documentation according to Ott who writes:
"The Louisiana Bayoukeeper has requested that the State of Louisiana provide documentation of dispersant spraying and experimental release of bio-engineered bacteria in nearshore areas under the Freedom of Information Act. Organizations in Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida would be wise to do the same. This information is critical for understanding health and ecological impacts as well as economic harm." (Emphasis added)
Ott's article reconfirms that the military's objective in the Gulf operation is not a human one, and that military has been conducting a huge Gulf Psychological Operation (PSYOP) on an unwitting and pacified public . Consistent with the petrochemical-industrial-complex acts in other nations, unlike what the public has been led to believe, the U.S. Coast Guard's job has not been to assess impacts on the ecosystem or human health.
The U.S. military has headed the Gulf operation, formerly through Coast Guard commandant, Retired Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen, the "National Incident Commander."
Using the repeatedly used term, "BP oil spill," part of the military Psychological Operation, (PSYOP) Allen had said in October that he "transferred oversight of the BP oil spill response" to another military officer, Rear Admiral Paul Zukunft at the Unified Area Commander, in New Orleans. (Admiral Allen Steps Down as Gulf Oil Spill Response Commander, Environment News Service, October 1, 2010)
"Allen also served as commander of the Coast Guard's Atlantic forces in their response to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. (Environment News Service)
During Mr. Jeff Rense's interview with Dr. Tom Termotto on Rense Radio Network, January 19, using the term "treasonous," Dr. Tom explained the necessity of holding accountable leaders of the Gulf operation's continued catastrophic impact on planet, humans and all life.
Since Allen is no longer immune from legal means to hold him accountable, he was named by Dr,. Termotto in the radio interview.
Allen now claims that if he had it to do over again, "on Day One of the disaster he would have taken control of the air space" according to
Allen is now a senior fellow with the RAND Corporation.
In December 2009, the RAND Corporation, a research arms of the Military-Industrial-Homeland Security Complex, released a study report, A Stability Police Force for the United States: Justification and Creating U.S. Capabilities."
The police force is to be a “hybrid” military-law enforcement unit created within the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) for a "range of tasks, such as crowd and riot control, special weapons and tactics (SWAT), and investigating organized criminal groups (any group that the regime determines to be a "terrorist" anywhere - including at home, as dictated by the Commander in Chief, Barack Obama. Peace workers are the greatest threat to the military plan, thus targeted, as proven by recent SWAT team treatment of the young American human rights workers.
Maintaining military backed NWO status quo requires public pacification called "stability" by Homeland Security and military affiliates. From petro-dollar to imperialistic military atrocities globally where rich resources are, the Illuminati NWO's Full Spectrum Dominance is being implemented by the petro-chemical-military-industrial-complex.
As the RAND study report asserts, "Establishing security is the sine qua non of stability operations, since it is a prerequisite for reconstruction and development. Security requires a mix of military and police forces to deal with a range of threats." The Gulf Region appears to be a prime example of NWO's U.S. corporate-military "reconstruction and development."
By May 16, 2010, it was revealed to the public that USNORTHCOM was preparing military operations within the U.S., working with DHS, state and local law enforcement on U.S. soil. (See: Maj. Dale Greer: 123rd Airlift Wing Public Affairs, Units make history with Air Force’s first homeland defense ORI, June 3, 2010, located on; cited in Gassed in the Gulf (Part II) Toward Full Spectrum Dominance, Dupré,
“We’re thinking ahead over the long term" said Army Maj. Gen. Abner C. Blalock, Alabama’s adjutant general during a DoD roundtable.
As the military thinks over the long term to meet their soulless objectives, the public struggles to live for today. Remaining in denial, however, that the U.S. military is both spearheading the Gulf operation and planning further treasonous death and destruction on U.S. soil is more than naive.
Denial lends needed support for military oppression, violence against messengers of truth, and ultimate demise of many more innocent Americans by slow-kill military grade weaponry.
Copyright Deborah Dupre, Examiner 2011. All rights reserved.
Deborah Dupré, B.S., M.S., DipContEd, QMHP from U.S. and Australian universities, has been a human and environmental rights advocate over 25 years in the U.S., Vanuatu and Australia. Support her work by subscribing to her articles and forwarding the link of this article to friends and colleagues or reposting only title and first paragraph linked to this Examiner page. Emails Send targeting and Gulf illness news tips to her with your name or anonymously. See her Vaccine Liberty or Death book plus Compassion Film Project DVDs at
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