The Screams of A Child Abducted by Monsters
The picture below shows two Israeli soldiers from the so called “border police” unit capturing Palestinian child Mahmoud Al Abbasi, 10 years old from the East of the occupied city of Jerusalem, on January 21 2011.
Please try to find an answer to the questions below by writing to the so-called Israeli Embassy in your country and to the Israeli occupation spokespersons (their e-mail addresses are below), and to your elected representatives.

Did you know that the Defence for Children International in Palestine sent out on January 6 2011 an appeal concerning the jailing of three children, Muslim Mosa Ode, age of 10, Adam Mansour Al-Rishiq, age of 7, and Imran Mohammad Mansour 11, who were jailed by the monsters in the picture above and their colleagues?
Imran was jailed after being run over by a criminal settlers in Jerusalem.
Muslim O. – On 18 October 2010, a 10-year-old boy from Silwan, in occupied East Jerusalem, reported having being grabbed and beaten by three men in civilian clothes and taken to the Al-Mascobiyya interrogation centre for questioning. Under Israeli law, a child below the age of 12 should not be interrogated.
Mohammad G. – On 25 October 2010, a 12-year-old boy from Silwan, in occupied East Jerusalem reported being grabbed and beaten by a policeman on his way to school and then taken to the Al-Mascobiyya interrogation centre for questioning.
Adam R. – On 24 November 2010, a seven-year-old boy from Silwan in occupied East Jerusalem reported being beaten by soldiers on his way to school. The experience has made Adam fearful of leaving his home.

The Israeli embassy in your country: (list of Israeli diplomatic missions worldwide).
IDF spokesperson e-mails:
aliza_lan [at] idf [dot] gov [dot] il,
idf [dot] deborahgrau [at] gmail [dot] com
idfnewsdesk [at] gmail [dot] com
idfnadesk [at] gmail [dot] com
idfnadesk [at] idf [dot] gov [dot] il
idf [dot] centcom [at] gmail [dot] com
idfnewmedia [at] gmail [dot] com
idfspox [at] gmail [dot] com
lfrd [at] idf [dot] gov [dot] il
hafakot [at] idf [dot] gov [dot] il
madorarie [at] idf [dot] gov [dot] il
mekomit [at] idf [dot] gov [dot] il
meniv [at] idf [dot] gov [dot] il

Please try to find an answer to the questions below by writing to the so-called Israeli Embassy in your country and to the Israeli occupation spokespersons (their e-mail addresses are below), and to your elected representatives.
Mahmoud Al Abbasi, 10 years old
Do you think that the soldiers seen in the picture below belong to the human race? Do you think these are soldiers or monsters? Do you think that capturing and terrorizing children is a war crime? What descriptions that can be given of a state which feels powerful when its soldiers terrorize children? What would you do if your son was the child who cries and screaming between the steel hands of these monsters?
What do you do if you knew that your tax money was being used for the benefit of the monsters in the pictures above and below?
What do you do if you knew that your tax money was being used for the benefit of the monsters in the pictures above and below?
Did you know that the Defence for Children International in Palestine sent out on January 6 2011 an appeal concerning the jailing of three children, Muslim Mosa Ode, age of 10, Adam Mansour Al-Rishiq, age of 7, and Imran Mohammad Mansour 11, who were jailed by the monsters in the picture above and their colleagues?
Imran was jailed after being run over by a criminal settlers in Jerusalem.
Mohammad G. – On 25 October 2010, a 12-year-old boy from Silwan, in occupied East Jerusalem reported being grabbed and beaten by a policeman on his way to school and then taken to the Al-Mascobiyya interrogation centre for questioning.
Adam R. – On 24 November 2010, a seven-year-old boy from Silwan in occupied East Jerusalem reported being beaten by soldiers on his way to school. The experience has made Adam fearful of leaving his home.
A Jewish colonist car ran over Imran Mohammad Mansour, who was arested later.
IDF spokesperson e-mails:
aliza_lan [at] idf [dot] gov [dot] il,
idf [dot] deborahgrau [at] gmail [dot] com
idfnewsdesk [at] gmail [dot] com
idfnadesk [at] gmail [dot] com
idfnadesk [at] idf [dot] gov [dot] il
idf [dot] centcom [at] gmail [dot] com
idfnewmedia [at] gmail [dot] com
idfspox [at] gmail [dot] com
lfrd [at] idf [dot] gov [dot] il
hafakot [at] idf [dot] gov [dot] il
madorarie [at] idf [dot] gov [dot] il
mekomit [at] idf [dot] gov [dot] il
meniv [at] idf [dot] gov [dot] il
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