The Obama You Don't Know.

Washington Examiner series.
Gun store comment & new Obama flag.

So I was in a gun store the other day after dropping Rosey off at work and in addition to window shopping (the only kind of shopping I can afford these days) I was eavesdropping on the conversations which of course was all about politics and the portents of evil in the next Obama administration.
I listened idly until one guy piped up about what he expected to be fratricidal hostilities. Everybody got quiet. I then offered this comment: "You know, we're about to reinvent a class of Americans that hasn't been seen in almost a hundred years."
"What's that?" the counterman asked.
"Civil war veteran," I answered.
I was reminded of that conversation when I saw this post by Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit: "New Obama Flag Looks Eerily Like Blood-Stained Walls at Benghazi Consulate>"
Talk about poor timing…The Obama Campaign recently released their perfected version of the US flag.You can purchase your O-flag at the Obama Campaign website for $35.
Hoft continues:
If the image looks familiar it could be because the red stripes resemble the bloody Benghazi hand prints. The bloodstained walls at the US consulate revealed that the US officials were dragged to their death by peaceful protesters terrorists.
Grim scene: Bloodstains at the main gate believed to be from one of the American staff members of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. (Daily Mail)
It’s hard to know what’s more offensive… That they desecrated the flag, or that they’re pushing a product that reminds Americans of the slaughter in Benghazi?
Personally, I find such a bloody-handed flag to be refreshingly, if unintentionally, honest on the part of collectivists and would suggest that if you want one you'd better get it now because I'm sure the offer will be pulled down shortly on order of Obamanoid Central Command in Chicago.
An Open Letter From Ron Barrett - Barrett Firearms Manufacturing
As posted on SurvivalBlogs:
Dear Fellow Citizens,
In the never-ending battle to destroy our constitution, more "big lie"
propaganda is being dumped on our elected officials. The rhetoric given
forth by the Violence Policy Center (VPC) so easily deceived the
legislators of California, resulting in the banning of fifty caliber
rifles because they are powerful and their bullets punch holes
"My Disaster Gun"

American Rifleman’s Editor-in-Chief Mark Keefe: My Disaster Gun.
*My friend Marty Morgan stayed behind in New Orleans—he lived on high
ground and had plenty of food and water—and he had a rifle, an AKM. He
survived the natural disaster no problem, but knew he might not live
through the rampant anarchy that followed. There is no doubt in his mind
that, if not for that rifle, he would likely not be with us today.
Handguns are handy in such situations—and I will always have one on my hip
in such times—but a rifle is essential. A man with a rifle has options, he
can put distance betw... more »
Drone Warfare's Deadly Civilian Toll: A Very Personal View
I was minutes from ordering a drone strike on a Taliban insurgent – until I realised I was watching an Afghan child at play
Drone warfare insight from a former British drone operator.
Would it be any different here?
Read it here.
"Basically, for everyone who has ever said 'someday I'm going to buy a gun,' that someday is now."
Rising gun sales in New Jersey driven by first-time buyers
AP Lists Useful Urban Survival / E&E Resources
Arctic Patriot links to some good things to know from ITS Tactical.
Please read all these links that you might have future use for, and
watch the associated videos. At best, they could save your life or
property, and at worst, you'll have learned some neat tricks.
Escape and Evade in an Urban Environment
How to Open a Padlock with a Coke Can
How to Escape From Zip Ties40 Unique Places
This stupid gun writer needs to get himself a dictionary.

*Carlos Hathcock in Vietnam.*
1. having an extremely bad reputation: an infamous city.
2. deserving of or causing an evil reputation; shamefully malign;
detestable: an infamous deed.*
Future Rifles that Could Be Deadly Past Two miles.
*"Long-range military snipers have been inching towards the 2-mile mark for
generations. In 1967, infamous Marine sniper Carlos 'White Feather'
Hathcock made a 2,286 yard shot from a modified .50-caliber M2 machinegun. *
Carlos Hathcock "infamous"?!?!? Who is this idiot writer, a descendant of
Ho Chi Minh?
Kurt Hofmann: Josh Horwitz laughably accuses gun rights advocates of disregarding Constitution

The latest from the "government monopoly of violence advocates.
*Ah, yes--CSGV's old "only the government can protect you from . . . the
government" argument. Horwitz dismisses concerns about the need to be able
to resist a government's genocidal ambitions by claiming that the U.S. is a
"democracy" (no--it isn't), and democratic governments don't murder their
According to Horwitz, in order to have "faith" in the Constitution, one
must believe that a power hungry government can be thwarted in its desires
to usurp the power of the people, simply because words on parchment sa... more »
They're going after the big bore rifles again.

An Open Letter From Ron Barrett - Barrett Firearms Manufacturing.
Useful Urban Survival / E&E Resources
Here are some useful links ftom ITS Tactical, a site that is worth
Escape and Evade in an Urban Environment- Because you never know...
How to Open a Padlock with a Coke Can- Your stuff isn't as secure as you
How to Escape From Zip Ties- Being zip tied isn't fun. As Mosby says, "ask
me how I know". It's even less fun when said zip ties are wrapped tightly
with several layers of 100 MPH tape.
40 Unique Places to Stash Firearms
How to make a Lockpick Set from a Windshield Wiper
As rightly pointed out by a commenter, I talk a lot about rural tactical ... more »
Dear France and the West-
Dear France and the West-
If you feel the need to close an embassy in a majority muslim country *over
a cartoon* because you fear for your peoples' lives...
*Uh...maybe it's not such a good idea to be involved in any way with that
country, people, and culture in the first place.*
Just an idea.
Thanks for your time.
Links for 2012-09-19 []
Bob Chapman The International Forecaster Blog - 12 hours ago
- Zombie Banks Never Die They Return To Life As IPOs | Gerald Celente
Trends Blog
Zombie Banks Never Die They Return To Life As IPOs
- ARMAGEDDON | The Battle for Your Soul Taking place NOW! | Gerald
Celente Trends Blog
ARMAGEDDON | The Battle for Your Soul Taking place NOW!
- Dinesh DSouza : The US will look like a Paper Super Power like Canada
if it leaves Afghanistan | Gerald Celente Trends Blog
Dinesh D'Souza : The US will look like a Paper Super Power like Canada
if it leaves Afghanistan
- Sovereign Citizens Movement on main stream media | G... more »
Miss K's World

Miss K has the proper amount of FU gene, methinks. ;)
Øbama Sells Altered US Flag Posters On His Website
Øbama didn't make the posters below either but he's selling them on his
Øbama for America website.
Besides the obvious replacement of the stars with his lame 'ZERØ'
symbol, and only 9 stripes, do these posters remind you of anything?
Keep on ignoring the issue Øbama.
We wouldn't want reality to get in the way of you meeting with a Pirate!
Glock vs Springfield Armory XD?
[image: File:SpringfieldXd45acp.jpg]
Hey ferfal,
I’m sure you have probably got this email before, but just in case you
I have seen posts questioning the SA XD, and I can say with certainty
they’re good stuff.
A friend of mine has a Glock 9mm (G 17 I believe, but I cant say I
remember well), and I have an SA XD 9 subcompact.
Fired side by side the action is very similar.
The action on the SA is (get this) smoother, but recoils wasn’t noticeably
different. The Glock felt a little more mechanical. You can feel the slide
run back, and impact the stop during ejecti... more »
Whitewash. All you need to know about the OIG report in one sentence.

*"We were unable to further investigate the communications between Newell
and O’Reilly because O’Reilly declined our request for an interview."*
Now we will see if all those promises that the Committee was waiting for
the OIG report merely to impeach it with other documents and witnesses was
true -- or if this is the end of the line for the hopes of justice and the
rule of law.
I will have more comments after I've read the entire report.
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