Perfect waste of good Kalashnikovs.
AK-47s get extreme makeover in new London art show.
*Palestinian artist Laila Shawa said she was no stranger to the seemingly
ubiquitous assault rifle.
"I'm very familiar with AK-47s so for me it was not a very strange feeling
to carry the gun, but my first question to Bran was 'how many people did
this gun kill?'," she told Reuters, standing next to an AK-47 covered in
rhinestones and butterflies and with the barrel sprayed gold.
"In the Middle East, with the turmoil that we have, and as a Palestinian in
particular, you find yourself at some point in your life having to defend
y... more »
The shape of things to come.
Euro crisis fuels Spanish separatism
*Spain has entered a constitutional crisis. The decision of Catalonia’s
nationalist government to call a snap election in November – which in
practice will amount to a referendum on independence – has opened the way
to Catalan secession. That decision, in turn, may give a lift to Basque
separatists, now running neck and neck with mainstream nationalists in
regional government elections due next month, after winning the largest
number of Basque Country seats last year in local and general elections.
As a Spain trapped in the eurozone crisis trie... more »
File this under "Stupid Buckeye Tricks." Widespread panic at the corner of Hoplophobia Street and Moron Avenue in Fairborn, Ohio.
OMG! Shotgun Shells! In My Garage! OMG!
Praxis: 10 Things That Make a Tactical Knife
What is a Tactical Knife? Every Company seems to make them. Everyone seems
to carry them. Or do they?
Virtual House Arrest Ordered for Minors in East St. Louis
Angered by the recent murders of four young people, the mayor announced
today that police are going to impose drastic new measurers to keep teens
off the streets. “There is something going on in the community at this
point that we’ve got to safeguard them and keep them off the streets,”
Mayor Alvin Parks said. “There are people shooting at each other for no
reason whatsoever.”
"Tyranny is a non-partisan activity." Arctic Patriot has a great idea: National Buy-A-Gun Day....11.6.2012

Many of us are very tired of our voices not being heard, and of our
liberties being time and again ignored or suppressed by those who claim to
be our "leaders" and "representatives". We the people are often left to
vote for the continuation of such suppression by choosing between the
establishment's candidates. This applies whether one has a "D" or an "R"
after his or her name. Tyranny is a non-partisan activity. And we're sick
of it.
ABC Stings TSA - Catches Agent Stealing iPad
yes. The TSA keeping us safe from terrorists by stealing from
This time they got caught red-handed in a sting by ABC news.
In the latest apparent case of what have been hundreds of thefts by TSA
officers of passenger belongings, an iPad left behind at a security
checkpoint in the Orlando airport was tracked as it moved 30 miles to
the home of the TSA officer last seen
Freedom's Brushfire and Battlefield USA: Morality
Freedom's Brushfire hits it out of the park once again.
Battlefield USA also weighs in on the subject, highlighting America's
mission to spread degeneracy and family destruction around the globe.
Wait. I meant "democracy". And Libertinism liberty.
Something, somewhere, is the guide we use to make decisions and
What is your absolute authority?
We all have one, you know, whether we admit it or not.
No, no, no, no, no.

I saw this cartoon from a conservative source today, and it somewhat
saddened me, as it is typical of what I hear and what people think.
No, no, no, no, no.
*Wake up.*
Even "conservatives" are looking to government for the economy and economic
No, no, no.
A free economy will go through cyclic gyrations no matter how limited a
government is. Economic performance is not an indication of effective
governance, and the thought -even if in jest- that a legislator be
evaluated according ... more »
III Arms Website

Dan is one of those great Patriots who is helping us with his professional
skills, and I am deeply indebted to him for the effort.
Go take a look at and cruise our website.
We'll be adding to it in the near future - stuff like order forms, option
forms, links...
If any of you need a professional to help with your web presence, leave Dan
a note here in comments!
Thanks, Dan!
Links for 2012-09-26 []
Bob Chapman The International Forecaster Blog - 13 hours ago
- Graphene: The Next Tech Revolution? | Gerald Celente Trends Blog
Graphene: The Next Tech Revolution?
- Graphene The Wonder Material that will Revolutionize our Future |
Gerald Celente Trends Blog
Graphene The Wonder Material that will Revolutionize our Future
- Ahmadinejad Embraces the Jews! Rejects Zionism! | Gerald Celente
Trends Blog
Ahmadinejad Embraces the Jews! Rejects Zionism!
- Ahmadinejad Embraces the Jews! Rejects Zionism! | Gerald Celente
Trends Blog
Ahmadinejad Embraces the Jews! Rejects Zionism!
- The Truth About Oil, Fake Wars ... more »
Wait, I thought gays in the military just wanted equality?!
Didn't take long to shatter that lie.
I know, I know.
The slippery slope argument is alarmist and foolish.
Even so, for some reason, it always turns out to be true.
Wonder why that is?
Preparedness: Vitamin tablets for your food Stash!
Canned food loses vitamins as time goes by and dry staples such as rice,
wheat and beans lack the nutritional properties of fresh food. Especially
due to the lack of fresh goods, including meat, fruits and vegetables, it’s
a good idea to add vitamin pills to your supply. FerFAL
I do! I do! Pick me!
Faulkner County follies: Who needs an $11,000 sniper rifle?
Latest Member of Reporters For Censorship
CNN and MSNBC Pundit Arrested for Vandalizing Anti-Muslim Ad In N.Y. Subway
People's World (the newspaper of the Communist Party USA) sez: "U.S. gun culture diagnosed as a social disease."

Gee, and all this time I thought communism was a social disease.
*More analysis is needed on this tragic phenomenon, particularly from the
perspective of the Marxist theory of alienation, whereby some citizens
become estranged from their own humanity.
In the meantime, to protect ourselves we need a "National Commission on
Hate Crimes and Mental Health;" the tightening of gun laws; a huge
reduction of public access to guns; banning of sales of the most lethal
guns, assault weapons, etc.; national restoration of the mental health
system; and a banning of huge ammo clips -- for just... more »
DumpDC: Real Money

Many of you know Russ over at DumpDC. Russ is a hardcore secessionist, and
believes it is the only viable way for Liberty to survive.
I have debated hard in the last 2 years against secession. I still do -
but I have to admit it is merely an argument of semantics at this point.
You see, I am leading the charge for a Tribe to bail out of the line of
fire, to build walls and stay safe, fed, and ready to defend liberty after
everyone else has winded themselves. That is, by any definition, getting
out of Dodge - *secession* in a very physical way if not ideological. The
only real ... more »
Home Defense: 'If You Can’t Protect It, You Don’t Own It'
you can’t protect it, you don’t own it;” this popular prepping phrase
describes the mentality the unprepared have about you and your preps.
I’m not saying it’s fair that people could steal from you, but it’s a
reality, and a concern you should not take lightly. The fact is that
crime seems to escalate in the aftermath of a disaster; something we
have seen with many disasters, and as
RIBZ: A Review
If you run irons on your AR, here is a resource that you should consider.
Included is a downloadable/printable 50y zeroing target.
If you already know about it, consider this a review.
Yes, optics are good. Magnifying optics extend your range, and "red dots"
improve speed and accuracy from unconventional firing positions.
When my unit was issued Aimpoints in the early 2000s, our M4 "expert"
qualification rate went from a fairly low percentage to almost 75%, and the
next time around, I believe it was in the 80 or 90% range.
This took some of the steam (pride) out of my sails, as I h... more »
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