*Federal, state and local government together now consume 37 percent of the economy. Can we not see where this is leading us, by looking at Spain or Italy — or California?* ** One facet of the Citadel that entices and excites me very much: We will not ask for a dime from any Government entity. We will not be part of the problem. We will be part of the solution. And when Government inevitably Implodes because they spend too much, we will remain standing tall and able to care for ourselves. Here's PJB's column. Kerodin III
COMMENT: Kerodin and his Citadel might want to make some contingency plans in case the beast doesn't collapse but sees them as an example to be wiped off the map. Make some allies with your neighbors...
David Codrea: IG Fast and Furious findings corroborate earlier Wide Receiver reports
Spending a considerable portion of its analysis on the Operation Wide Receiver Bush-era firearms trafficking surveillance program, the Office of Inspector General’s massive report on Fast and Furious gunwalking released Wednesday corroborates much information presented to Gun Rights Examiner readers almost a full year ago.
Links for 2012-09-21 [del.icio.us]
Bob Chapman The International Forecaster Blog - 10 hours ago
- Financial Cold War to get colder - America Losing To China | Gerald Celente Trends Blog Financial Cold War to get colder - America Losing To China - George Galloway ~ French Anti Islam Cartoons add fuel to the Fire | Gerald Celente Trends Blog George Galloway ~ French Anti Islam Cartoons add fuel to the Fire - Armageddon ~ The Mother Of All Battles | Gerald Celente Trends Blog Armageddon ~ The Mother Of All Battles - Psychic Intuitions Special ~ Coast 2 Coast AM Sept 20 2012 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog Psychic Intuitions Special ~ Coast 2 Coast... more »
Idaho State Flag

The above is the Idaho State Flag. I want to remind you of some hardball politics. Wherever we decide to buy our property and build our futures together in the spirit of the original Pioneers of America, please consider that in most counties that we are considering our population will be significant, by percentage. That means we will have immediate weight at the voting booths. When we decide what county we will claim as our home, it will be prudent, and I feel necessary, for some of our III Patriots to take one for the Team and run for office in the County and perhaps elsewhere. ... more »
Just be sure to start throwing your influence around locally. One town won't hold out like perhaps a whole section of Idaho could.
Citadel: Real Money

Bonnie Gadsden sent me a link the other day regarding the possibility of a Citadel Bank. Look at this model and consider gold and silver "coins" minted by the bank and used as an optional means of paying debts. We'd have to work around that pesky "Only FedGov may issue currency" thing, but we could surely mint artistic "commemorative tokens" in various weights... Here's the link. Kerodin III
You could also issue scrip based on labor.
The Next Panic
Europe’s crisis will be followed by a more devastating one, likely beginning in Japan.
Citadel Command & Control

Let's discuss our options for how to govern in the Citadel, here. Let's not stop talking about our fundamental Agreement/Rules. Please remember on every thread as we discuss these matters: We intend to live by Jefferson's Rightful Liberty. A few basic agreements between like-minded Souls are all we should need. A few mechanisms to permit the machine to function. Even when you consider a stockade and punishment scenario as was raised, remember this: No man or woman in the Citadel will ever take you by force and put you in a stockade for violating one of our Agreements. If you b... more »
TSA Worker Charged With Possession Of Child Porn
More from the TSA perverts! Andrew Smeal is facing 25 counts of possessing child pornography showing young children engaged in sexual acts.Smeal works at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. (as a TSA agent)(source) Public executions should be brought back for guys like this and those who make the crap! Funny how the TSA hires criminals, assholes, perverts, and muslims
TSA Goon caught with kiddie porn is like the sun rising-you can count on it. Hunt them all down!
An Accurate Picture of the Inside of a "Modern Artist's" Mind
An obscene and sorry waste of space that people call "art" is coming to NYC. Who wants to bet that the Christians riot and do horrible things to people over it?* Anyone? This is America, where we allow anything and everything under "free speech", twisting and perverting the intent of the founders, and using so-called "liberty" in every way except that which it was meant to be used. In all seriousness though, Serrano's attempt at "art"* *is rather silly. *No image man could make could come close to capturing the glory of Christ.* With this in mind, this "art" only betrays his i... more »
III Arms Company Blog

III Arms is growing up, folks. The company blog is live, here. It'll start slow, limited to III Arms business and firearms in general. Several writers will be participating, so feel free to drop in. III Bloggers - I hope you'll add III Arms blog to your blogroll! Here's the site. Kerodin III
And that's how you do that...

Do you think we have motivated people working on this project, or what!? Here's the link. Kerodin III
Lies and more lies.
President Obama Falsely Claims Fast and Furious Program “Begun Under the Previous Administration”
A Point About Family Self-Defense
Go here to see an interesting picture that makes a good point about citizen disarmament. A very good point. This blogging platform is giving me fits today, so I posted it on my alternate Wordpress site. *Welcome To The Insurgency* is a Wordpress blog I created to "test drive" that platform. I just might move there for good before too long.
Cops Raid Wrong House - Kill Owner
Our informant says this is the house. What could go possibly go wrong? A 61-year-old man was shot to death by police while his wife was handcuffed in another room during a drug raid on the wrong house. Police admitted their mistake, saying faulty information from a drug informant contributed to the death of John Adams Wednesday night. They intended to raid the home next door. If you
More traitors needing to got rid of.
My Unconventional Corporate Finance Paper
I recently wrote and submitted a rough draft of a paper for my final project in a Corporate Finance class. In it, I had to choose two corporate bonds out of a list and compare and decide on one to invest in based on risk, return, etc., etc. I would not invest in bonds right now. I think doing so during record low interest rates and an inflationary environment is silly, and completely disregards the time-value of money. Right now is not a good time to be a lender, it is a good time to be a borrower. Borrowing currency to secure tangibles. Not to get a new phone, not to get a fan... more »
Competition Finale: The Little Rifle That Could
With the small game stage complete, and stage 1 of the big game under my belt, I had only part 2 of the big game left to shoot. Remember that my goal was modest due to using a rifle that was new to me and potentially not optimized for the task of long range shooting. The rifle was my new FN PBR-XP, chambered in .308 Winchester with a 20” barrel. There were a lot of fancy rifles at the shoot. Mine was among the more modest that I saw there. The only other one I saw that compared was a Remington 700 PSS with a 24” barrel. I know there was another .308, but everything else that... more »
Links for 2012-09-20 [del.icio.us]
Bob Chapman The International Forecaster Blog - 1 day ago
- The Two Bit Freak Show with Leaked Videos | Gerald Celente Trends Blog The Two Bit Freak Show with Leaked Videos - The Two Bit Freak Show with Leaked Videos | Gerald Celente Trends Blog The Two Bit Freak Show with Leaked Videos - The Two Bit Freak Show with Leaked Videos | Gerald Celente Trends Blog The Two Bit Freak Show with Leaked Videos - WW3 in The Middle East as Prophesied in The Bible | Gerald Celente Trends Blog WW3 in The Middle East as Prophesied in The Bible - Was Jesus Married ? Ancient Papyrus Reopens The Debate | Gerald Celente Tre... more »
Home Invader Repellent

From Oleg Volk: Home invader repellent. If they're all bunched around at the door like the murderers were who gunned down Jose Guerena for no reason whatsoever, there might even be some left over for the range. The courts are not, in the end, the ultimate arbiter of law and justice in America-Citizens are, and what they tolerate becomes the law of the land. *Resist
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