J. Croft
What do you do that is so important that it keeps you from facing what’s wrong with America?
What the hell could be so fascinating about some billionaire owned sports club or some skank celebrity that it keeps you glued to that electronic narcotic known as the TV set for hours at a time?
Is it that there’s so much wonderful sh!t on that it keeps you from finding out what’s really going on-like how come cops nowadays are so psychotic they tazer and shoot children?!
How come voting Democrat isn’t cleaning up the government?! Or stopping inflation or the continued disembowelment of America’s economy, or stopping the stage managed drug war?
Maybe it isn’t that American culture is so fascinating, maybe it’s just plain FEAR.
You’re not alone:
There’s a Working Family; Dad, Mom, maybe two or three Children. There’s love, but they’re not together. They can’t be. Dad works the night shift at the auto plant-because his Dad got him in and it was good money(relatively speaking)for a wage job. Yet Dad’s constantly worrying not only about pleasing his demanding bosses, but about threats of wage cuts, benefit cuts-kids gotta have braces and shots full of mercury and viruses, and other modern day hustles like health insurance.
Mom works through the day, at a diner-dealing with all kinds of customers, the leering stares of her boss sexually fantasizing about her… not that she’d be tempted by his slovenly greasy ass. She hates her job, but she needs it, oh so badly, and that lecherous pervert she calls “sir” knows it. Job performance is key; it’s a frantic pace serving the lunch rush and screw ups wreck the whole rhythm of work flow. In the back of her mind Mom worries about her kids, how much she and her husband haven’t been around for them.
Both FEAR that despite their best efforts they won’t be able to give their Children the opportunity to go to college and raise themselves up in status-although that FEAR is never, ever talked about since everybody KNOWS America is all about equality… unless you’re black or latino, or some other kind of white trash.
There are millions of Americans, of all ages, ethnicities and cultures. They all get up at a time they don’t want to, travel to a job they don’t care for. They endure a gauntlet of stultifying work, horrible managers and bosses, and then commute back and forth hoping they don’t get pulled over for going at the wrong speed or noticing their taillight’s broke because they had to spend the money on rent or groceries or gas-the last two items the prices never seem to fall! They come home and after that physical and mental ordeal they’re so drained understanding how their nation and destiny have been systematically stolen is… just not happening.
You think all these Americans don’t have the dread of their bosses deciding their job’s the next to be outsourced to Chinese slave labor, and their paycheck-to-paycheck existence will come to a end in a alleyway begging for change?
Yet, without much hope they set their alarm clocks to get up the next morning and do it all over again.
There are thousands of otherwise decent folks who made the horrible lapse of judgement and became government bureaucrats. Whether it’s for the pay or they perceived they were doing society some good they went to college, took the requisite pol sci courses with the neo-Marxist professors and whatnot. They passed their civil service exams. Then they found out the real deal; they found themselves a part of the beast, the amalgamation of federal, state and local government that through the tyranny of (supposedly) good intentions robs us all of our money, our time, our wellbeing, our Lives and our very Freedom. They work with power hungry little trolls, each of them brainwashed by their college professors to believing themselves the “intelligentsia” the “elite”, each of them the king of their own anthill. They work for a caste of neo-marxist administrators, career politicians-all lawyers, all traitors.
You think these Americans don’t live in constant FEAR that they serve the beast and it’s sole purpose is to conquer and to consume and to destroy the futures of our nation, our planet and every person it can? That all the purposely designed bureaucratic misery they and their kind come down on each and every one of us-that somehow if they can’t stop it or even slow it down they just might face judgment for their crimes one day?
Yet without much hope they get up each morning and pick their battles as best they can without getting fed to the beast themselves.
There are millions of Americans, born in the backwoods, the trailer parks, the gutted out factory and mining towns of what their-our common-enemies dub “flyover country”. Born without, they struggle with hunger, with poor health, poor education. They struggle with trying to make ends meet in a economic dead zone, that “American Dream” exported long ago. Most of all they struggle with class and racial bigotry licensed by their enemies-our enemies-through the culture and official government policy. America’s white n!ggers, the peoples of the South and Appalachia, if they would wake up, shed their blind loyalties, their blind hatreds perhaps they and the blacks and all the latinos exploited like slave labor could forge a new America, truer to what we think this nation should be.
Except they still hang on to their delusions and prejudices, in FEAR that their lives truly are that worthless, that the stereotypes are that true. Or even that they have always been and always will be America’s white n!ggers.
Yet they get up at four in the morning, and get to the factories and coal mines and try to make their bills.
There are hundreds, thousands of beautiful, talented men and women who every day attempt to make their childhood dreams reality in the cesspool known as the entertainment industry. Most are crushed in the attempt at penetrating what amounts to a racket that demands you sell out-put out on the casting couch-to a ideology and a lifestyle that does great harm not only to themselves but to the nation as they’re used as pawns for social engineering and thought control. A few actually make it. Most don’t and either head back home to salvage what’s left of their lives or use themselves up salving the pain of having their dreams crushed with drugs. Some are in a hellish no man’s land of being one great project from success yet so terrifyingly close to oblivion-and time is not on their side. They’ve made horrible mistakes or twists of fate and they try to struggle on, but as much as their friends and family support them those that run the entertainment industry treat them like plutonium… as if their scandals and treasons don’t deserve the death penalty. They’d love to blow the lid on the whole sordid thing but know their voice would never be heard.
You think these men and women don’t have their fears, and dread how inevitable they are?
Yet they go from one audition to another, not giving up, going for Greatness irregardless of their past failure, the tragedy that hangs over their head like a sword.
There are Police Officers who stay true to their oaths to protect and uphold the Constitution. These lone souls do their best to protect the People from not just the criminal element on the streets, but the criminal element that has entrenched itself in positions of power. Daily they walk a tightrope between doing what’s right and being able to do their jobs amidst the sneers of those that love their jobs, love their power, love that no matter what happens to America they’ll most likely keep their jobs as massah state’s overseers.
You think the brave cops that work in that enviroment don’t have moments of fear, of despair?
Yet they strap their bulletproof vest and gun on every day and face their own mission impossible.
There are millions of Americans-probably a lot like you in some ways yet different. The existence they live doesn’t have nearly the opportunity to work a 9 to 5 job for the reward of maybe 5% of the effort they put into it. No, these Americans are stuck in economic and social dead zones, trapped by poverty, lack of opportunity and culture. These Americans could just say the hell with it and resign themselves to being without, being beaten or shot for the crumb they struggled to get. Most do, but some don’t; they band together and however way they can… even if it means hurting you… they struggle against their circumstance, against the power structure oppressing them. All to even TRY to grab a peace of that American Dream that’s promised on the TV.
You think these gangbangers, these criminals, these Designated Urban Boogeymen don’t have their moments of despair, of FEAR it’s all futile?
Yet they get up every morning and do what they got to, against us, because the rest of us ceded control of our Nation to those criminals in three piece suits that proclaimed themselves “experts”.
There are hundreds of thousands of Americans who remember what that meant once. Remember in their hearts and minds our history, our true purpose. Not to die with the most toys but to help kindle the flame of Freedom, to be an example to the rest of Man to emulate, to even improve on. They write, make videos, pass out flyers, get on the low powered nearly unnoticed college radio station week after week. They wage a herculean struggle against the socially engineered apathy, resignation, and most of all, the FEAR of nearly everyone around them. Apathy enough to tune out the in-our-face treason, resigned enough to settle for perhaps enjoying the weekend ball game as the sum of one’s purpose, fearful enough to forget that together, united as one voice they still have the power to say NO!
This collective psychological surrender is what those hundreds of thousands of Patriot Americans struggle against. You think for one second they don’t reckon with the certain knowledge that they’re playing with fire by speaking out? I know for a fact I struggle with that FEAR of futility, of being brutally and permanetly silenced.
Yet, we still lay their hands on the keyboard. Grab the latest bunch of flyers, our camcorders, sit by the mikes and at their assigned time thousands of people listen to them for the Truth, hoping that they remain on the air, that they don’t burn out and quit, or worse be silenced by massah state.
It rules our lives, our thoughts.
FEAR has shaped us, molded us into worker bees for massah corporation and massah state. Molded us into overseers. Molded some of us into resisting being enslaved by massah by either criminal activity or practically accepting a vow of poverty and a perpetual set of crosshairs on our foreheads by assuming the lonely, despised title of Patriot.
FEAR is what most Americans grow up with. FEAR of being hit by Mom and Dad. FEAR of being punished by those entrusted with what’s known as “education”. FEAR we’ll violate some infraction and suffer the wrath of authority… which dovetails nicely into the slots massah state and massah corporation had planned for us all along. FEAR that, if we’re not “productive citizens” that not only will we not partake in the cruel, increasingly fleeting mirage known as the er, “American Dream”, that we’ll even wind up as homeless, or common criminals.
FEAR of exclusion-which the homeless and common criminals face every day. Of being socially exiled into a underclass in a nation trained by college “educated” social scientist to both think in terms of class, status and at the same time hold oh so desperately onto the mortgage, the no interest lease on the family land yacht, the slave labor made baubles that once upon a time, fucking Americans made for themselves!
Yeah, if you’ve followed my writings at http://freedomguide.blogspot.com www.apfn.org http://indymedia.org and now at www.rumormillnews.com I’ve written repeatedly and at times excessive length about how enslaved we are.
Enslaved by a century of government and corporate policy in how we gain our sustenance, how we shelter, clothe and feed ourselves. Enslaved by the opinions and thoughts of others that out of deliberately engineered childish ignorance we adopt as our own because it came out of that electronic narcotic, the TV.
Most of all, we’re enslaved by simple, craven FEAR. Animalistic, natural FEAR of being dependent on a inherently evil system, of losing what little we’re permitted by it. And that reaction is counted on by those social scientists that prostitute themselves to the beast, to massah state and massah corporation.
We are owned by massah, slave-mind, body and soul. That is the root of your FEAR-that you’re really a slave.
Well, you are. So am I.
We’re property; our birth certificates are filed with the goddamn federal department of commerce!
Massah state owns the land your mortgaged home sits on. Want to dispute that, try not paying the rent-er, property tax for a single year. Try it and then you can experience just how wonderful being dirty, hungry, cold and a constant target of thugs and thug cops is.
We have millions of miles worth of PUBLIC ROADS we paid taxes to create, yet we have to apply to massah state for permission to use them with a car that they can revoke at any time.
We have a Constitutional Right to Bear Arms except where prohibited by law and by what type.
More and more places you can’t smoke. Social drinkers become the target of DUI law racketeering that feeds back to the court, the prison system and the lobbyists that get a piece of that action.
Nazi-ass “political correctness” chokes free debate-there are certain subjects that can get you labeled a “racist” or “radical” or “kook”. You know which ones; like the FACTS about 9/11, or how many people really died in Nazi concentration camps during World War II, or who really shot Kennedy. People have literally been imprisoned for saying the wrong thing.
Want to exercise your religion? Better be a minority because the nazi-assed ACLU will jump down your throat for any “public displays” if you’re a mainstream Christian. Have a church? That had better be registered by the internal revenue service if you want it tax free-and then there’s “political activity” that you’re prohibited from engaging in.
You can forget about a fair trial even if the enemy doesn’t declare you a “terrorist” and “rendition” you to a foreign country to be tortured.
All your other Constitutional Rights are simply not recognized by massah-and do you even know what the hell they are?! When’s the last time you read YOUR Bill of Rights?
We have what’s bullshitted to us as a representative government yet most of these clowns are related to each other by ancient bloodlines. It’s the truth: Google BURKE’S PEERAGE. They certainly act like royalty spending our money and at the same time stealing our rights until we’re now keeping quiet in honest fear we’ll be picked up on suspicion of terrorist activity. And spend the rest of our lives being tortured for that suspicion.
You’re afraid all the above and a lot more are true, which is why you willfully hide from facing the terror every day. Just keep working fo’ massahs an’ bide your time for the weekend where you can hit the bar or watch the game or take that road trip or whatever else nonsense you keep yourself occupied with to unwind while your nation-OUR NATION-is systematically destroyed.
Guess what slave? Things will never, ever get better until you make up your mind to face your FEAR.
Nothing of consequence to restore what’s been stolen from us will be gained until we are willing to sacrifice our comfort, our very lives in order regain our Freedom.
That means facing our FEAR.
Funny thing about “fear”, it’s like a schoolyard bully; it’s a real menance, and looks like it’ll crush your ass and go grab a six pack for all it’ll think of you. You face it down and give it a good asskicking and it don’t come back.
Oh, the troubles will certainly still be there but it’s the FEAR that is the central pillar that supports the structure of tyranny that keeps you and me enslaved. Yes massah state and massah corporation are formidable but take away that central, supporting pillar of FEAR and their whole house comes crashing down upon them. It’s just that massah’s still in business because not enough people have faced their ingrained fear down.
How do you face down your FEAR?
Good question, because the answer’s different with every individual.
Some will FEAR having to change their views… okay a lot of people will. Fools of all ages, vocations and colors hold onto their timeworn prejudices like family heirlooms. If you consider your great grandpa’s ball and chain from slavery a priceless heirloom you could make that argument.
For what? You really think, white people, that to keep hating blacks is going to lift you out of your home grown third world hellhole called Appalachia? Or save your dying Middle America-murdered by the same pack of blueblooded traitors that run our nation into the ground like it’s a birthright?
You really think, black, that every white person’s a Klan member? You KNOW how fucked up America is, the shafting that’s the real deal. You think blame all whiteys is going to lift you out of the home grown third world hellhole called the inner city? Or save your dying dream of making it in Middle America-murdered by the same pack of blueblooded traitors that run our nation into the ground like it’s a birthright?
You really think, latino, that you’re going to pull off this “reconquista” daydream-or at least get even from those greedy enough to exploit you for seven bucks a day(is it lower?) You think-considering you pull off the impossible and make it past all the millions of Americans who will fight you to the bitter end, and make a blood enemy for generations to come-that this “Aztlan” is going to get you Freedom? Prosperity? Consider whose running the campaign; all they want is a empire of their own so they too can exploit you for seven bucks a day.
See the hustle of race hatred? It’s perpetrated by the very people you’re taught-programmed-to look up to. They try to frame America in the ideal of race or even to a safe point for them, class. Those are lies-America is a IDEAL of Freedom brought into reality. Freedom is for everyone and while THIS America has truly betrayed Freedom, has done it’s utmost to kill it and get away with it, OUR America will rise again… or could if you’d get over your FEAR.
Maybe loss of your most cherished hatreds isn’t your problem… maybe it’s what you think you have:
Some will FEAR losing what they perceive as their friends. Americans make “friends” way too easily so they don’t value people, just like they’re trained to not value anything else. What you need to truly fear is not having anything you hold precious, that means something. What in your miserable lives is worth more than living free in a land clean of toxicity, in a society that upholds that Freedom?
Some will FEAR losing their jobs, their lifestyle-your lifestyle’s slavery! Wake the hell up and know that the five percent of the fruits of your labors massah corporation kicks to you for all your sweat and tears, government takes half, and your mortgage, car loan and credit cards bills take the rest. All of it benefiting a few thousand way too rich old white men that control the corporations, the government. What is it about being dependent on massah is more attractive than freeing yourselves from their chains and learning how to sustain yourself and work for yourself?
A whole lot will FEAR the time and effort it will take liberating yourself-it might mean missing your favorite shows on TV. Thirty seconds into watching that damn thing your mind essentially falls into a sleep-like state… so ask yourself what is it about allowing our enemies to literally PROGRAM you that is worth more than taking time away from TV worship to waging a peaceful revolution?
…While we still have a political system we can affect change with?
Some will FEAR losing what they reckon as their “freedom”. First off, you know you’re really not Free; otherwise you wouldn’t have read this far! To massah state you’re sure as hell not free to:
*work one’s profession
*bear arms in defense of one’s self and theirs
*conduct business
*buy or sell
without massah’s tax or license. Certainly not without the blessings of massah’s army of bureaucrats and agents and thugs who exploit that we won’t stand for our rights. Certainly not unite with others being oppressed like cr*ckers or n!ggers or b&aners who’s being crushed by massah when they get uppity.
And certainly, everyone will FEAR losing their lives. Know this: your body’s genes will make more mistakes than can be fixed and you’ll wear out, but you, your soul is eternal. Everyone’s going to face death someday and the only cure for that is to have a purpose from God to set things right. Again:
And no I’m not talking about that bucktooth douche Joel Osteen’s self indulgent me generation pandering garbage. You people have had enough of being made to feel good. You feel so good it’s killing you; everyone going through bankruptcy now, or are gonna, you think they don’t regret not facing reality before the party ended?
Your party will end too. You know this, otherwise like I stated, you wouldn’t have read this far.
I’ll spell your purpose out to you: it’s to help reclaim the America we’ve all let go of for the false promises that have made you a debt slave. That have made you forget one of the most important lessons of history… you can’t count on your enemies to respect what’s yours. It takes fire and spilled blood and inflicting unbearable tragedy and death to secure what’s yours. And yes, that’s NOT a lesson taught in the state run publik skools and the megacorporate owned media and cultural outlets. Teaching Freedom doesn’t make for good slaves.
Two centuries ago brave men, some of them rich, gave all to gain Freedom. I have some examples here, cribbed from a favorite book of mine, Hologram of Liberty: Signers of the Declaration of Independence…
FRANCIS LEWIS had his home burned and his wife tortured by the British for two years. She died shortly after her release.
JOHN HART’S home was looted and burned, his ailing wife died and his 13 children scattered. He eluded capture by sleeping in caves.
The 1,000 acre estate of LEWIS MORRIS was ransacked and burned. His home was destroyed, his cattle butchered, and his family driven off.
RICHARD STOCKTON was imprison and repeatedly beaten at the brink of starvation. His home was destroyed, his papers burned.
CARTER BRAXTON saw virtually every merchant ship he owned sunk or captured. He was forced to sell off his land.
THOMAS NELSON, JR. led 3,000 Virginia militia against the British. Redcoats took refuge in his own home, so he turned a cannon on it.
Doesn’t sound like you or me does it?
I’ll tell you the truth: the only difference between them and us is they realized that there are Ideals worth fighting for that are more precious than their own loved ones lives. That to struggle for a Future of their own design is worth more than all the gold, all the land and businesses and ships and goods they could ever hope to acquire. www.hermes-press.com has some more philosophical thoughts about the greater need of humanity has to overcome one’s own intolerable losses. Yes the struggle for Freedom will get this ugly.
Order Hologram of Liberty at www.javelinpress.com learn how a pack of bankers and lawyers hijacked the American Revolution-OUR Revolution and turned it into the beast we all struggle with every day. Then order Boston’s Gun Bible.
Yes-a SMART, hopefully PEACEFUL Revolution but I’m not counting on our enemies to be peaceful.
See, elements in government actually WANT a armed uprising of some kind after they’re done using this country up to forge their “new world order”. Collapse the economy when the Americans are no longer needed or wanted as consumers and soldiers.
Being without the knowhow to fight properly or even just to survive, millions will starve helpless. Millions more will throw themselves blindly at government forces, guns at their hips blazing away wasting ammo as the TV taught them that gosh, the good guys shot this way and the bullets hit the bad guys why ain’t this work-ugh.
Millions more will toady up to their enslavers, now fully unveiled for the beasts they are hoping for another piece of bread to fuel their starving bodies in another day of abject slavery.
Yes, millions will die when the financial props holding the corpse of America’s economy are kicked out from under us… with all the factories gone, everyone a debt slave to keep up the appearances of prosperity, our military stretched to a breaking point so it’ll destroy itself destroying the rest of the planet… So that means learning some basic trades, like repair work, metallurgy, agriculture. Google Lindsay’s Technical Books, spend a couple hundred bucks and then find something that matches your temperment. Kurt Saxon also has some good info in his Survivor series-order that at www.survivalplus.com . Also, check out www.survivalblog.com for a lot more articles.
As for guns… violence will be unavoidable-it’s the enemy’s plan and sooner or later somebody will snap and wage war on the government. At that point martial law plans will be implemented and that hapless rebel will be used as a domestic Osama Bin Ladin-a straw man to justify the government finally being honest in how much they hate us. All the patriots who think just buying some gun show special SKS, some clips and taking their marksmanship lessons from the TV set are going to be easy pickings for all the over testosteroned psychopathic cops and agents massah state has been psyching up for decades… to take YOU out.
More fools tricked into thinking they’re superior for some stupid neo-marxist reason.
So if you want to stand a chance, learn how to shoot. Go to www.rwva.org the Revolutionary War Veterans Association. Keep the rhetoric to yourself and concentrate on learning how to shoot. Then hit a gun show to buy unpapered(unregistered to the government) firearms and ammo and TRAIN. SWAT shoots a thousand rounds a week in training-what’s your excuse, Real World Denver on?
Make five quality friends that you can depend on with your life. Make them EARN your friendship for a change-hopefully they’ll do likewise. Fast “friends” will become fast enemies when everything is gone.
Get a mountain bike and extra chains and innertubes. The fuel will be cut off. Be prepared to abandon your worldly goods and become a nomad to stay Free.
Stock up on hand tools, basic 19th and 20th century technical books, basic foodstuffs, seeds. This society’s designed to implode easily so you’ll have to sustain yourselves. Get land near a small town with adequete mix of goods and services well away from the highways and cities. Start growing your own food.
Learn a basic trade or three or more. Survival won’t be the best hunter, trapper, or nut gatherer it’ll be the person who can weld, machine, cook, repair, shoot or train others to do likewise.
Go for some road trips. Find some abandoned homes half collapsed, or some caves nobody uses. It could be in the country on in some cracked out ‘hood. You might piss off massah and will have to make a run for it.
Find a militia unit on the internet and train with them, learn. Do it now while you still can associate relatively freely.
GET YOUR FLABBY ASS INTO SHAPE. WEAN YOURSELVES FROM MASSAH CORPORATION’S PROCESSED FOODS, EAT ORGANIC. Massah likes to put all sorts of poisons into us to make us dull and lazy. Eating organic as God intended will clean you out-I speak from personal experience.
Learn how your local government works, who runs it, and look for ways to take over.
I could go on all day but the Revolution must be a peaceful one if possible. Go to my blog, look up Message to Mr. and Mrs. America, it’s my basic plan to retake our nation peacefully through self reliance and team work in taking over government from the grassroots.
But the Revolution must first start in your heart. You must face down your faults, your prejudices, your FEAR before you’re able to stand against the coming storm and be counted as worthy of Freedom.
You can’t-you won’t-be able to stand unless you’re truly right with God.
Don’t’ roll your eyes I’m not talking about joining a church. In fact I say avoid them. They preach lies and being IRS approved will get down on both knees for massah state.
No, your true church is in your heart, your soul. Jesus said the Kingdom of God is within.
Ever take the time to just tune everything else out and just feel your heart?
Hint: that’s where Our Father lies. Take time, make some silence, or just cruise in your car that’ll work and just listen.
Next thing you’ll know, you’ll be changing your diet, you’ll be exercising, stop watching TV.
You might even start figuring out your true talents, and what it would take to do what you’re meant to do.
You might even stop working so much at massah corporation’s peon job-which’ll cut into your shopping budget but you’ll be selling off all that crap you’ve accumulated as a salve.
You might even start challenging all those “authority figures” you’ve been trained to think are good in spite of being so rough. You might start thinking “no they’re not overworked they’re just assholes” and fight for your rights.
You might start going to websites like www.awrm.org, www.americanminuteman.net and www.rwva.org and start asking for advice on how to properly arm up. You might start hitting all those evil gun shows, start looking for tables with prices with no cents or “private seller” signs. You might start acquiring a couple good firearms like a FAL, HK-91 type, or M-14, a dozen or more magazines, web gear to hold your mags, spare parts and all the cased surplus .308 you can lay your hands on. And a good fighting scope and mount. You might sign up for an Appleseed shoot and learn how to use your new purchase properly out to 500 yards(if not more!)
You might actually read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. You might start going to your local city council meetings, and quickly becoming the local political hacks worst nightmare. You might start raising awareness of others-not all at once because that didn’t work for you either and the person who tried came off as a babbling kook… but only because you were so ignorant.
No, you might start at points the average ignorant FEARFUL ‘murikan can relate to, like how jobs have become America’s number two export(behind weapons and wars)and how illegals are imported to further depress your slave wages. Then you might go into how corporations are run and how the CEO’s and the Boards of Directors are also on other corporations and subsidiaries Boards, revealing how all the corporations really do work in lockstep. www.theyrule.net gives a graphic Flash presentation.
You might go further next time you talk with your mark and talk about how those CEO’s are all lawyers and not only that, of old line royal blood, and how their cousins and whatnot also dominate national and state politics like it was their royal birthright. You might go on and state with all that power that they control how these “royals” could NOT POSSIBLY REFUSE TO RIG THE RULES TO THEIR FAVOR.
You might start telling your new friend just how fearful he’s become-how fear has been inoculated into his very psyche by the very centrally controlled American culture. How FEAR controls him, rules him. Or her. You might even go so far as to state the only way to get rid of your FEAR is to face it, with COURAGE-and that you’ve found the only source for that in a nation of fearful sheep is by communing in a quiet place directly with God, Our Father.
You might make some new friends. Together, you might start training together as one of those (gasp)UNDERGROUND militia units. You might start becoming active in your local town’s politics; getting candidates for all the offices and aldermen. You might run on a platform of radical reduction in taxes and revelation of your town's true finances with the Consolidated Annual Financial Report www.cafr1.com which shows where your tax dollars truly go to make more cash by investing in massah corporation(they and massah state truly are one and the same!) That and ending corruption and firing bully cops.
You might win. You might actually keep your election promises and turn your town into a example of Freedom. The People might actually become inspired, make pilgrimages to breathe some Freedom into their starved souls, and inspired replicate what you’ve done in their community.
You might be the one who starts a snowball of profound political change-a political revolution of many individuals and parties working together to secure a common goal; the bottom-up transformation of the American political structure to what the common folk of the First American Revolution fought and died for-and had cruelly stolen from them by the ancestors of the bankers and lawyers that have been laying siege to Our America for the past 220 years!
You might be able to do all that-but only if you will face your FEAR! Only with God given COURAGE to say NO MORE! and be willing to sacrifice as our forefathers did will you and your children have a chance to live Free.
If you’re on the internet here’s a quick test of how willing you are to struggle for your Freedom; go to Edit, click SELECT ALL, then click COPY. Go to all your favorite message boards and whatnot and PASTE this essay, or some other essays that inspire you. Or COPY and PASTE the link from wherever you read this. Or, if this doesn’t quite do the job PLEASE write something that will! I don’t write these essays for myself, but for the hope that people will learn to overcome their FEAR. That everyone will in their own way lead themselves and us all to Freedom.
J. Croft