The 911 Illusion: Patsies & Beneficiaries
by Dean Henderson
(Part one of a three-part investigation of 911 excerpted from Chapter 20: 911 of my book, Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf…)
The alleged killing last year of Osama bin Laden, which
fittingly occurred in a mansion within 1,000 yards of a Pakistani
military training academy, signaled the winding down of the biggest
psychological warfare operation ever prosecuted by the global oligarchy.
The Patsies
In the wake of the 911 terror attacks, Americans
everywhere recited the collective mantra, “Things will never be the
same”. Actually, things had changed very little.
Fifteen of the nineteen alleged hijackers were born in Saudi Arabia, where the
House of Saud dictatorship
has financed Muslim Brotherhood modern-day Assassins and CIA covert
operations since its inception for the benefit of the Eight Families
banking cartel and their
Four Horsemen – whose ARAMCO oilfields are protected
via US military occupation of the Kingdom.
The Assassins this time were members of
al Qaeda, the
cadre of former Afghan
fighters that the CIA trained, then used to carry out proxy wars in
Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Chechnya, Dagestan, Indian Kashmir,
East Turkistan Province in China, Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Kyrgyzstan, Somalia, Algeria and Uzbekistan. The CIA brought
al Qaeda spiritual
leader and Anwar Sadat assassin Sheik Abdul Rahman to the US to recruit
Islamic fundamentalists willing to fight in these CIA wars. [1]
Al Qaeda was headed by Osama bin Laden, who built the CIA’s
mujahideen training
camps in Afghanistan. Bin Laden was House of Saud point man in
recruiting Arab fighters for CIA shenanigans in Central Asia and the
Balkans. Bin Laden’s brother Salem was a business partner and good
friend of
James Bath.
His father Mohammed provided seed money for Bath’s good friend George
W. Bush’s Arbusto Energy. The bin Laden family fortune was managed by
Carlyle Group principal George Bush Sr.
Fifteen of the nineteen alleged hijackers
were born in Saudi Arabia, where the House of Saud dictatorship has
financed Muslim Brotherhood modern-day Assassins and CIA covert
operations since its inception for the benefit of the Eight Families
banking cartel and their Four Horsemen
According to a PBS spokeswoman, within three days of 911 both
Vice-President Dick Cheney and Queen Elizabeth II called PBS to request
copies of two video documentaries the station had done – one on bin
Laden and the other on Islam. Since US intelligence knew all it needed
to know of their foot soldier bin Laden, Cheney and Her Majesty were
more concerned with what the US public had already been told of the
Saudi paymaster so they could factor this into their forthcoming public
relations blitz.
Bin Laden’s second in command Ayman al-Zawahiri heads Egyptian
Islamic Jihad – a Muslim Brotherhood front whose assassins had help from
the CIA in escaping justice in Egypt so they could go to Albania to
fight with the Kosovo Liberation Army. Al-Zawahiri’s sidekick Ali
Mohammed came to the US in 1984. He trained terrorists in Brooklyn and
Jersey City on weekends and instructed US Special Forces at Fort Bragg.
[2] He was later involved in the US Embassy bombings in Africa.
According to the FBI, five of the nineteen alleged 911 hijackers were trained by the US military – three at
Pensacola Naval Air Station and two at other facilities. [3]
Alleged 911 ring leader Mohammed Atta received the $100,000 he needed
to plan and carry out the terror attacks from Standard Chartered
accounts in gold bullion haven Dubai – where US Naval vessels often
Standard Chartered was
founded by the Illuminated Cecil Rhodes. The bank is one of five London
“gold-fixers” and prints Hong Kong’s currency. These accounts were
controlled by 911 paymaster and UAE citizen Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi.
According to British MP Michael Meacher in an article for
The Guardian, M16
recruited up to 200 British Muslims to fight in Afghanistan and
Yugoslavia. Meacher says a Dehli-based foundation describes Omar Saeed
Sheikh – the man who beheaded US journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002 – as a
British agent.

Three of the alleged 911 hijakers were trained by the US Navy at the Pensacola Naval Air Station in Florida.
Meacher says it was Sheikh who – at the behest of Pakistani ISI
General Mahmood Ahmed – had al-Hawsawi wire $100,000 to Mohammed Atta
before 911, a fact confirmed by Dennis Lomel, director of the FBI’s
financial crimes unit. [4] An October 11, 2001 article in
The Times of India
also corroborates this.At a June 25, 2002 conference in Calgary,
University of Ottawa Economics Professor Michel Chossudovsky and former
Los Angeles police officer Michael Ruppert further corroborated this
information based on ABC News reports.They added that ISI Chief Ahmad
was in Washington on September 4, 2001 meeting with CIA Director
George Tenet,
Assistant Secretary of State Richard Armitage, Senator Joe Biden (D-DE)
and the heads of two Congressional intelligence committees. [5]
New York Times reported on February 17, 2002 that the
two congressmen Ahmed met with were Joint Senate Intelligence Committee
Co-Chairs, Florida Senators Bob Graham and Porter Goss. Goss is a
former CIA operative and was appointed Bush Jr. CIA Director in 2004.
When President Clinton and Defense Secretary Cohen had earlier pressed UAE officials to crack down on the
al Qaeda money
shuffle, a senior UAE sheik told them it was difficult to discern
between criminal money and that going to fight CIA proxy wars in Bosnia
and Chechnya. [6]
Ruppert cited a BBC report by
Greg Palast,
which details how the Bush Administration ordered curtailment of an FBI
investigation of the bin Laden family. Minneapolis FBI whistle-blower
Colleen Rowley and Robert Wright – who worked for the bureau in Chicago –
described the same unnamed superior who “obstructed”, “deliberately
thwarted” and “intimidated” their attempts to track down US-based
al Qaeda operatives.
Wright was investigating an
al Qaeda money laundering ring
based in Chicago that may have been plugged into the Nugan Hand/Bank of
Cicero/CIA/P-2 black network based in Chicago – often disguising its
dirty transactions
via the freewheeling Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
Chossudovsky stated his belief that 911 served the US in its quest to
control both Central Asian oil supplies and the Afghan opium trade. He
told the Calgary crowd, “Osama bin Laden is and remains to this day a
CIA asset. Even now his
al Qaeda operatives are working with the
Kosovo Liberation Army who are US allies and with the US-backed forces in Macedonia. Members of
al Qaeda have been protected as they moved into Kashmir where they are now fomenting conflict between India and Pakistan.”[7]
Many of the alleged hijackers were in the country on legitimate US visas. Most were issued at the US consulate in
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
According to Mike Springmann, Chief of the Visa Section at Jeddah
during the late 1980’s, CIA officials ran roughshod over the visa
operation, often overruling Springmann’s decisions not to issue visas to
people he considered dangerous. Often CIA officials would stamp the
questionable applicants’ visas themselves in clear violation of US law.
Bush blocked Secret Service investigations into US-based
al-Qaeda terrorist
“sleeper” cells while he continued to negotiate secretly with Afghan
Taliban officials. The last meeting, headed by Bush NSA and former
Unocal official Zalmay Khalilzad, was in August 2001, just five weeks
before the terror attacks. [9] The Unocal-led consortium offered the
Taliban, through current Afghan President Hamid Kharzai, $100 million to
run its natural gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to the Indian Ocean.
The Bush team offered additional aid to the Taliban, whom they’d already
given over $132 million in 2001, and told them, “You either accept our
offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs.”[10]
Considering the history of CIA/
Four Horsemen/Eight
Families treachery in the Middle East and the toll these schemes have
taken on the Arab world, one could easily interpret 911 as an Arab
response to US imperialism. The trouble is that explanation defies the
According to Mike Springmann,
Chief of the Visa Section at Jeddah during the late 1980’s, CIA
officials ran roughshod over the visa operation, often overruling
Springmann’s decisions not to issue visas to people he considered
dangerous. Often CIA officials would stamp the questionable applicants’
visas themselves in clear violation of US law. [8]
Mohammed Atta’s father, a prominent Cairo physician,
said his son was afraid of flying and insists that he was not a trained
pilot. Atta believes his son was kidnapped and made a patsy by the
Israeli Mossad. He believes Israelis used his son and the other 18
Arabs’ identities as cover to carry out the 911 plot because this would
turn Americans against the Arab world, enhance the Israeli bargaining
vis-Ã -vis the Palestinians and draw the US further
into the Middle Eastern cauldron. Atta’s father stated, “This was done
by Mossad using American pilots.”
Lending credence to the doctor’s charges is the assertion that the
official passenger flight logs for all four American and United flights
that became fuel-air bombs on 911 listed
no Arab passengers. [11] The
Dallas Morning Newsreported that in July 2001 a federal task force pulled the plug on over 500 Arab websites in the US when they raided
InfoCom Corporation in
Texas. Did the Feds want to silence cyber-chat concerning the actual
whereabouts of the “hijackers”? Reports emerged from the Arab world
that many of them had been sighted after 911.
According to
Daniel Hopsicker who wrote,
Welcome to Terrorland…, Mohamed
Atta began working for the US government in Hamburg in 1992. He was
later enrolled in an elite officer training course at Maxwell Air Force
Base in Montgomery, AL. Hopsicker says Atta had pilot licenses from six
countries and wonders why, except to establish a paper trail, he would
even have needed to attend flight school. [12]
Atta spoke Hebrew, snorted coke and lived with a stripper. He met
with various German and Swiss nationals just prior to 911 and was part
of an email discussion on the Middle East that included numerous
employees of US defense contractors. Atta and up to seven other 911
hijackers had received flight training at US military facilities.
Most interestingly, Atta was part of an elite international exchange program run by the American/German Congress-
Bundestag Program
– an organization with close ties to both David Rockefeller and Henry
Kissinger. The group funded Atta trips to Istanbul, Cairo and Damascus;
where he played the role of Islamic fundamentalist. [13]
Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA) wrote in his 2005 book that
two weeks after 911 he presented a chart to the Bush Administration
showing that Atta and other hijackers were being monitored as part of
the Pentagon’s Able Danger program. In September 2006 the Pentagon
Inspector General put out a statement denying Atta’s existence on this
chart. An infuriated Weldon stated, “I am appalled that the DOD IG
would expect the American people to actually consider this a full and
thorough investigation”. [14]
The Florida flight school where the 911 hijackers trained was
Huffman Aviation –
co-owned by Bill Clinton chum Wally Hilliard and Rudy Dekkers, who met
with Atta less than one month prior to 911. One Huffman employee told
Hopsicker, “Early on I gleaned that these guys had government
protection…They were let into the country for a specific purpose. It
was a business deal.”
Huffman’s hangar at Venice Airport is used to maintain the planes of
Caribe Air, a known CIA-front airline that had twenty of its planes
seized by federal authorities at Mena, AR after they were found to have
curried billions of dollars worth of
contra cocaine. Hopsicker
says Caribe could also be tied to Enron, since many of that now-defunct
company’s Caribbean tax shelters had the word “Caribe” in their name.
The Beneficiaries
While much of the Arab world’s mainstream
media echoed Atta’s father’s viewpoint, all US media – corporate and
progressive alike – dismissed these claims as “outrageous conspiracy
theories”. Yet no one could deny that Israel gained a great deal from
the 911 attacks. Israeli
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon –
wanted in Belgium for war crimes – began targeting Palestinian leaders
for assassination as soon as Bush took office, causing US public support
for Israel to wane.
Sharon used 911 to turn the tide, labeling all Palestinians, “bin
Laden terrorists”, and occupying yet more Palestinian territory. Bush
sent General Anthony Zinni to Tel Aviv as Middle East envoy to lend
legitimacy to Sharon’s aggression, while refusing to deal with
Palestinian President Yasser Arafat. The Samuel Huntington CFR Clash of
Civilizations crowd had their pretext for a global war against Arabs
and Muslims.
US defense giants reaped the 911 harvest. In
October 2001 Lockheed Martin led a consortium of corporations awarded
the largest single defense contract ever – a $200 billion deal to build
an F-35 joint strike fighter. The Lockheed-led group included Northrup
Grumman and several British companies including British Aerospace and
Rolls Royce. [16] Amidst the post-911 flag-waving frenzy, the
all-American bidder McDonnell Douglas would have seemed a more
discretionary choice.
Defense stocks surged. Raytheon stock was up 36% in the month
following 911 while the rest of the stock market crashed. The hawks and
their generals pushed for huge Pentagon budget increases, some
advocating a $500 billion defense budget by 2005. In January 2002,
President Bush approved a defense budget of $317 billion. Three weeks
later he increased it to $379 billion, while setting a marker for a $471
billion defense budget by 2007.
The money will line the pockets of the Eight
Families banking cartel which owns the defense companies, pockets
already deepened by Bush tax cut and the subsequent increase in US debt –
which the international bankers make a healthy living financing. Their
point man Bush – cousin to the House of Windsor – saw his dismal
approval ratings skyrocket to over 80% as a fear-driven US public
rallied around the
Four Horsemen President.
The Rockefeller-controlled airlines, near bankruptcy before 911,
glad-handed their way to a $15 billion taxpayer bailout. The insurance
industry, railroads and travel industry soon got in line at the
government trough; their phony far-right anti-government venom
temporarily muted.
The CIA was a major 911 beneficiary, marching out an array of “old
hands” like Richard Armitage, General Barry McCafferty and United Brands
grant recipient Major Andy Messing to extol the virtues of dealing with
unsavory underworld characters when gathering intelligence. The
Clinton Administration had clamped down on this common CIA practice
after revelations of CIA involvement in the Guatemalan death squad
murders of American citizens. CIA torture chambers were once again open
for business.
Most interestingly, Atta was
part of an elite international exchange program run by the
American/German Congress-Bundestag Program – an organization with close
ties to both David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger. The group funded
Atta trips to Istanbul, Cairo and Damascus; where he played the role of
Islamic fundamentalist. [13]
Global civil liberties were a major casualtyof 911.
Within a week of the attacks Bush Attorney General John Ashcroft
announced plans to unleash the CIA and FBI, expanding and combining
their already sweeping powers. With no public debate and near unanimous
Congressional approval – despite the fact that not one Congress member
read it – Bush gleefully signed the ironically-titled USA Patriot Act
into law, suspending big chunks of the US Constitution and bringing the
nation a step closer to outright martial law. Similar legislation was
passed in numerous other countries.
Section 802 of the Patriot Act designated a federal crime broadly
defined as “domestic terrorism”, which cast a broad net over political
dissidents and seemed especially targeted at the growing ranks of
WTO/IMF protestors who have taken a frontal assault on the Eight
Families. Section 411 posed an ideological litmus test for foreigners
wishing to come to the US in a direct affront to the First Amendment.
Section 215 obliterated the Fourth Amendment, allowing the FBI to
obtain a court order to seize a person’s “tangible things”, including
books, documents and computer disks; without suspecting that person of
wrongdoing and without informing that person of the seizure until well
after the fact. Section 218 gave the FBI a green light to spy on
domestic “enemies” and threatened to return the US to the dark days of
J. Edgar Hoover. [17]
Later Ashcroft marched out his new TIPS program, which encouraged
mailmen, utility workers and neighbors to spy on their fellow citizens.
In November 2002 the Bush Administration pushed through the new
Homeland Security Act, whose name conjures memories of Hitler’s
Office of Fatherland Security, which he established within one month of the staged
Reichstagfire and later became the SS. [18]
One provision of the act created an Information
Awareness Office, which would compile a computer database on every
American. The office emerged from the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency – a JASON Society affiliate – that earlier spawned both
the Internet and stealth technology. Heading the office was Admiral
John Poindexter, the five-count convicted felon of Iran/
Contra fame.

Center for Public Integrity revealed
an even more draconian version of the Patriot Act being drafted at
Georgetown University. Dubbed the Domestic Security Enhancement Act,
the draft called for secret arrests – never before allowed in US history
– and
carte blanche deportation of legal immigrants. Another
provision allowed chemical companies to quit disclosing toxic emissions
to the communities in which they operated.
As of February 2003 there had been over 300 rollbacks of the Freedom
of Information Act. [19] In 2004 Patriot Act II passed. Provisions
included a National ID. In 2003 the General Accounting Office dropped
its lawsuit against Vice President Cheney, which would have forced him
to reveal which energy executives he met with secretly to craft the Bush
Energy policy. The right of US citizens to acquire information by
which they could hold their government accountable was seriously eroded
by the events of 911 and the culture of secrecy that emerged in its
But it was the Eight Families banking cartel that
had the most to gain from dialing 911. The day of the terror attacks
there was an unusually heavy volume of financial transactions being
handled at the WTC. The bulk of investment bankers killed in the WTC
worked for competitors of the Big Six old money investment banks.
Cantor Fitzgerald was particularly hard hit.
Merrill Lynch had its own building nearby, as did Deutsche Bank.
Lehman Brothers moved from the WTC to a newly built headquarters just
prior 911. Only seven weeks before 911 a group of wealthy oligarch
investors terminated their lease on the WTC. Investor Larry Silverstein
bought a 99-year lease on the property in July 2001, while the old
money slid out from under it. Silverstein filed a $7.2 billion
insurance claim after the tragedy. The Eight Families insurance
companies involved offered only $3.6 billion.
The President’s brother, Marvin Bush, was on the board of directors
at Securacom – now Stratesec – from 1993-2000. The company provided
security for the WTC, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines.
It had the security contract at Los Alamos Laboratories, when there had
been a number of security breaches at that facility. The firm is
backed by a Kuwaiti-American investment firm known as KuwAm. Current
clients include the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force and Department of
Justice. They carry a Blanket Purchase Agreement with the GSA – meaning
that no other company can compete for these security contracts.
According to David Icke’s bombshell book
Children of the Matrix,
Securacom is
a subsidiary of Crown Agency, a British Crown entity which Icke says
also owns the Agha Khan Foundation. Khan is based in Pakistan and is
spiritual torch-bearer for Islamism, from which groups like
al Qaeda and the Taliban take their cues. This important fact points to Buckingham Palace involvement in the prosecution of 911.
Marvin Bush also sat on the board at HCC Insurance Holdings until
November 2002. That company carried some of the insurance on the WTC.
Brother Jeb – Governor of Florida – declared a state of emergency in his
state one week prior to 911. He personally escorted the alleged
hijackers’ flight school documents to Washington, DC shortly after the
attacks. [20]
New York Mayor Rudolf Guliani was portrayed as the
hero of 911. Yet on November 2, 2001 Guliani ordered New York
firefighters to thin their ranks at ground zero. The day before, 200
tons of gold buried in vaults beneath the WTC belonging to Silver
Triangle gold kingpin/drug money laundry Bank of Nova Scotia was
recovered. Gold prices soon began their meteoric rise. The Bank of Nova
Scotia has extensive ties to both Israel and the House of Windsor.
No one in the fawning corporate media bothered to ask Guliani where
that gold went. Nor did they ask him why. According to Internet
reports, he had ordered 6,000 gallons of fuel stored beneath WTC #7 to
supply his personal bomb shelter. [21]
The explosion of this fuel may have caused WTC #7 – which was clearly
not hit by an airplane – to collapse, destroying sensitive
Enron-related CIA and FBI documents stored there. The CIA ran an
undercover station on the 47th floor of #7. The 23rd and 24th floors of
the WTC North Tower housed FBI covert operations and boatloads of
agency documents.
According to David Icke’s bombshell book
Children of the Matrix, Securacom is a subsidiary of Crown Agency, a
British Crown entity which Icke says also owns the Agha Khan Foundation.
Khan is based in Pakistan and is spiritual torch-bearer for Islamism,
from which groups like al Qaeda and the Taliban take their cues. This
important fact points to Buckingham Palace involvement in the
prosecution of 911.
Louie Cacchioli, a firefighter with Engine 47 in
Harlem said he was in an elevator to the spook-occupied 24th floor of
the North Tower, when he heard explosions. His crew – the first in that
building – believes bombs were set off inside the towers.
In a statement to the
Albuquerque Journal shortly after the
disaster, Van Romero, Vice-President for Research at the world-renowned
New Mexico Institute for Mining and Technology, agreed. Romero, one of
the world’s foremost demolitions experts, stated, “My opinion is, based
on the videotapes, that after the airplanes hit the World Trade Center
there were some explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the
towers to collapse.”[22]
Numerous experts agreed that jet fuel alone burns too fast to have
melted the massive steel structure of the WTC on its own. The orderly
nature of the collapse of both towers also begged inquiry. The
contractor awarded the $7 billion job of cleaning up the WTC rubble was
eerily named
Controlled Demolition –
the same outfit that quickly disposed of the evidence of the Alfred T.
Murrah Federal Building after the Oklahoma City bombing.
WTC scrap metal was expeditiously shipped to China.
Brigham Young physics Professor Steven Jones, who studied the WTC
rubble, says he found traces of thermite explosives all over the stuff.
In September 2006, Brigham Young placed Jones on paid leave for his
efforts at seeking the truth.
Time’s 2001 Man of the Year Rudy Guliani part of a
covert operation to consolidate Crown/Eight Families control over
Persian Gulf and Central Asian oil? In February 2002 Guliani was
knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.
Dean Henderson is the author of four books: Big
Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight
Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network, The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries, Stickin’ it to the Matrix and Das Kartell der Federal Reserve. To subscribe to Dean’s weekly blog, Left Hook, go to
[1] “Bin Laden’s Invisible Network”. Evan Thomas.
Newsweek. 10-29-01. p.42
[2] Ibid
[3] “Bush: We’re at War”. Evan Thomas an Mark Hosenball.
Newsweek. 9-24-01. p.31
The Asian News. 9-30-05.
[5] “US Complicity in 9-11 Attacks Widely Accepted at G6B Summit in Canada”.
[6] “Emirates Looked the Other Way While
al Qaeda Funds Flowed”. Judy Pasternak and Stephen Braun.
Los Angeles Times. 1-20-02
[7] Ibid
[8] “The Hand that Rules the Visa Machine Rules the World”. J. Michael Springmann.
Covert Action Quarterly. Winter 2001. p.41
[9] “US Ties to Saudi Elite May be Hurtng War on Terrorism”. Jonathan Wells, Jack Meyers and Maggie Mulvihill.
Boston Herald Online. 12-10-01
Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth. Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie. Paris. 2001
[11] Taking Aim. Vol. 7. #9
[12] “Lost in Translation”. Len Bracken.
Paranoia. Issue 36. Fall 2004.
[13] “911 and Peculiar Behavior”. Al Hidell and Joan d’Arc.
Paranoia. Issue 37. Winter 2005
[14] “Probe Refutes Report on Hijacker”. Josh White.
Washington Post. 9-21-06
[15] “Paranotes: Flight School CIA Connection”. Al Hidell.
Paranoia. Issue 32. Spring 2003
[16] CNN Headline News. 10-26-01
[17] “The USA Patriot Act”. Nancy Chang.
Covert Action Quarterly. Winter 2001. p.14-17
[18] Taking Aim. Vol. 7. #10
[19] “Now with Bill Moyers”. PBS. 2-7-03
[20] “Part II of Exposing the WTC Bomb Plot”. Fintan Dunne and Kathy McMahon.
[22] Taking Aim. Vol. 7 #10