Thursday, November 15, 2007



J. Croft

As you know our Republic is in mortal danger of dying-is dying before our eyes. Too long have evil men used the power of government offices to enrich themselves at our expense. Expense of our money as we’re taxed above fifty percent, our Freedom as all levels of government make their own “interpretations” of Our Bill of Rights, our security as America is transformed into a police state, we provoke the rest of the planet to wage war against us. Too long have we depended on major corporations for our livelihood, for our news, the products we use, the culture that shapes our attitudes and tastes-only to be rewarded by being exploited at every opportunity, and eventually abandoned.

Abandoned… yes, those in power have abandoned their oaths of office long ago for the power cult that is government service. A cult whose members abuses over the long decades have nearly destroyed us as a Free Nation, and yet has created the very force that will in the end overcome them.


Yes, I too support Ron Paul in his campaign. He is the last chance we have under the present Constitutional system to change America’s course before the evil power cult that has seized power can find a plausible excuse to get rid of that very Constitution without too much objection from the American People. Yes, those American People that struggle day by day, dimly aware that something’s not right but unable to put the pieces together.

You, me-we’ve put enough of those pieces together to see the Truth and we are doing the right thing, the only thing you can do, and that’s to act to save America like Ron Paul. Yet I have to ask this first question; if he does become president, how will he change things? What can Ron Paul as President of the United States of America do?

Ron Paul can cancel out a lot of Executive Orders-and that would greatly aid in dismantling the beast that uses those pieces of presidential writ as authority to run roughshod over us all.

Ron Paul can order the military to come home after having been deployed on a worldwide scale since World War Two. Standing down, and entering into a new international arrangement will go a very long way toward diverting precious energy and resources currently being wasted on warfare. If that’s possible what with the current political situation, a pullback from empire will still mean having a credible deterrent from agressor powers seeking to be the superpower.

Ron Paul can direct the various federal agencies to stand down and perform a top-to-bottom review and investigation of any and all wrongdoings against Americans. Although, how many people are going to be trustworthy in this is a big question.

Ron Paul can issue pardons for millions of unjustly incarcerated Americans-the emptied space in the prisons will house all the criminals that have run rampant in government, provided they go peacefully into custody and not give up their power.

Ron Paul can do a lot as president, but there’s a lot he cannot do:

Ron Paul cannot write the laws or Constitutional amendments needed to clean up the federal government. That is strictly for Congress to do by the Constitution. Ron Paul has nobody partnering with him running for congressional office and even if he did the way the elections are held it would take two more election cycles before Congress is cleaned out of pedophilic traitorous scum.

Ron Paul likewise cannot effect direct change over the fifty states, 67,000 county governments and the over million municipal governments ranging from village councils, townships, to metropolitan governments-all occupied by traitorous criminals who use the law to take advantage of Americans.

Ron Paul is becoming a president. He isn’t going to become a king with absolute power, it’s not in the Constitution and it’s not in his nature anyhow. Too bad because the only way we’re going to make the changes needed is to get a lot more candidates for public office to run… where will we find the tens of thousands of candidates needed to run on a Ron Paul reform ticket?

I can only think of one source, and that’s YOU.

YOU are going to have to become Ron Paul’s political machine.

The democrats and republicans have political machines(no capitalization intentional); people in Congress, in state legislatures, governors, mayors, city councils, sheriffs, police chiefs, judges.

Don’t you know that the beast uses local governments to administer most of its tyranny? Don’t you know half the time these lifetime political apparatchiks run with NO OPPOSITION?

Don’t you know much of the “grassroots” support of the two approved political parties is in local offices, that they recruit the biggest toadies to the machine-who go on to faithfully serve the beast in higher office?

Again, it’s with the machine-the hundreds of thousands of public officials and the army of bureaucrats, agents, and soldier-cops-that the beast uses to impose it’s tyranny. So to fight the beast, fight them where they’re most vulnerable while we’re still under some semblance of a Constitutional Republic; organize and take over local governments. We’ll need to take over a few towns anyway-because nobody has any ideal what it is to live FREE! Even ONE Boss Hog run, cash register law enforcement, Peyton Place little boogerburg of a corrupt town… take it over… institute true reforms… it would be an inspiration to surrounding communities to do likewise.

Yes; find the most oppressed little town you can-forget the cities, we’re not ready just yet. You’re looking for a town where the People are long past miserable, where the cops are unbearably heavy handed and thuggish, the “public servants” are just so jaw droppingly arrogant-like little feudal lords. Which is what they think of themselves.

Such institutionalized criminality will have a long, visible trail of sins. I’m not just talking about the bribes, the kickbacks, the “missing evidence” and “improper procedure” when a friend of theirs gets popped. I’m talking about all the investments purchased with YOUR TAX DOLLARS-while the mayor lies about the “budget” being “short”. If you’ve been to then you know the real deal. I’m talking about all the eminent domain crap pulled on families-having their land stolen for rich developer donors to your “public servants” retirement kitty. I’m talking about the fraud of “real estate” and how property taxes are used to claim false ownership over the People’s lands-stolen through tax auctions.

But having corrupt officials to go up against will do. So let’s get our issues together and have an election already. What, it isn’t election day? Then that’s your first task: get an EMERGENCY ELECTION held.


You need people to run for offices-run for them all you might as well do the job right the first time and clean them all out! Get some WW2, Korea, Vietnam vets to run for mayor, council seats, chief of police, dogcatcher-whatever.

You’re going to need people to manage the campaign while the candidates concentrate on whoring themselves to jaded, apathetic or scared people. Someone to manage the money(should be trustworthy), someone to manage the advertising, the phones, someone to get the dirt on the opposition(shouldn’t be too hard), someone to manage the canvasing, the targeting of specific groups, someone to coordinate all the above.

More important, don’t have your operations in the town you’re taking over, you’re just going to invite the chief of police you’re trying to get rid of to stage a “drug raid” or a “burglary”. Have operations out of town, and have backups of everything.

The most important part though is having people who can attract votes. Doesn’t matter who so long as they can deliver voters. Look up “George Washington Plunkett” on Google to get a better flavor of what I mean.

“How to win a local election” by Lawrence Gray, a lifelong political apparatchik judge in Athens, Ohio is the how to book on holding an election.

And mind any votescamming! And raise holy hell if any attempt to use those goddamn electronic voting machines!


Isn’t it obvious? Everything possible within the public offices taken.

Scrap the traffic laws, the property taxes, divest all the CAFR investments, fire all the thug cops, the uppity bureaucrats. Declare your downtown a tax free business district for Mom and Pop businesses and tax the crap out of Wal-Mart. Liberate your public schools from federal control, rip out the traffic cameras. People WILL notice that your town’s actually Free and a REAL LIFE EXAMPLE is the beast’s biggest fear.

However, one town is just a beginning, a demonstrator of what living under Freedom is like. To guarantee success, your campaign must duplicate what they’ve done-immediately! Go to neighboring communities and seize public offices. Your next goal must be to take over your county government. Why? So you can have one of your candidates become Sheriff… because the Sheriff can throw out State and Federal law enforcement-and unless they’re willing to declare martial law to take back the county government and trigger a civil war they won’t interfere. They WILL interfere with your town government when you take it so you’re going to have to do this anyway.

I go into much better detail about this in my essays, “Message to the Patriot Movement” and “Message to Mr. and Mrs America” at Freedom Guide


I would urge Ron Paul to make a call for his supporters to start active campaigning for local public offices if they want their Revolution to succeed-or survive. This is the last chance at rescuing America’s current political system before economic and political forces force a scrapping of the Constitutional Republic that still gives us a realistic shot at killing the beast through peaceful political means.

J. Croft

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is exactly what we have been doing in Tennessee since 2002