Big Week for Project Gunwalker Scandal: Bomb Damage Assessment Time for both the Justice Department and the Coalition of Willing Lilliputians.

Readers will recall my first post from Monday morning, predicting a
"Big Week for Gunwalker Scandal," beginning with an ATF agent's suggested witness list for Senator Grassley to get to the bottom of the mess. Later that morning I posted my letter to the Consul General of the Estados Unidos Mexicanos in Atlanta -- In English AND Spanish and, more tellingly, BLOCKBUSTER: Open Source Analysis of "Fast & Furious" Bust Confirms It As An Integral Part of the Project Gunwalker Cover-up.
On Tuesday, we covered "Silence is the New Loud" with Sound of Silence: Wagering odds on a scandal, cops become crooks & Kurt Hofmann asks the 1.1 Billion Dollar Question about Project Gunwalker. Later on Tuesday we posted "STONEWALL: The empire strikes back. DOJ issues denial on death of Brian Terry." with the added professional assessment from someone in the government that it was "Standard cover-up material that even a boy of 8 would laugh at." Also on Tuesday we noted that Gun Owners of America had taken official notice of the scandal and was mobilizing its membership.
On Wednesday, we issued A Call to All Second Amendment Activists: There is a way you can help to shine the bright light of truth on the Project Gunwalker Scandal, which began to pay off by the end of the week. Later on Wednesday came "Looks like Grassley's office ain't buying the stonewall on the Project Gunwalker Scandal. Five questions for the Congress to ask under oath." Also on Wednesday came my call to remember "The nameless, faceless dead of the Project Gunwalker Scandal," damning the DOJ's apparent attitude of "What's a few more dead Mexicans in the grand scheme of things?"

Wednesday was a long, long day and around midnight I reported on the discovery of the "Rosetta Stone: David Codrea Posts Grassley Letter to Eric Holder with Project Gunwalker DOCUMENTS," Senator Grassley's bitch slap of AG Holder which concluded with the demand: "The best way to honor (Brian Terry's) memory is to come clean."
On Thursday I described some reaction to Grassley's letter and the leaked documents in ATF Whistleblowers to Senator Grassley: "Welcome to the party, pal!" In the same post I reminded readers, "But remember, the fight against this evil is an open invitation to YOU as well."
On Friday I took the lamestream media to task in "The story upon the stair. The failure of 'authorized journalists' to pick up on Senator Grassley's bitch slap of Eric Holder".
Also on Friday I mirrored on Vince Cefalu's damning CUATF piece "An ATF agent's indictment. 'ATF DIDN'T make every effort to interdict these guns or they WOULD HAVE been interdicted.'" And, later, I had fun at SAC Newell's expense by reporting on the ATF job posting occasioned by his upcoming transfer to Mexico: "Wanted: individual skilled in firearms smuggling, insulting Mexicans, threatening subordinates, massive cover-up . Lack of scruples a plus. Apply ATF."
Friday was every bit as long a day as Wednesday, for I then reported on David's call to Second Amendment activists, "David Codrea: ‘Project Gunwalker’ protest can help kill ATF’s long gun reporting proposal." I later amended that post with a link to Alvie D. Zane's letter to Arizona Governor Jane Brewer which I characterized as an excellent example of David's motto, "Any chair in a bar fight."

Also on Friday, results of our campaign began to flower in other venues. First came "Ask and you shall receive: Stacey Delikat in Phoenix comes through with the first media report on the Grassley letter to Holder."
Then I reported that the Citizen's Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms had joined GOA: CCRKBA calls for Senate investigation of Project Gunwalker Scandal. I observed that the "NRA weinermobile (is) still looking for a parking place."

But I spoke only slightly too soon, because as David reports this morning: "NRA issues statement on Grassley ATF inquiry."
So here we are, on Saturday afternoon, doing a bit of bomb damage assessment from the "Big Week."
Inside reports indicate that this has been a pretty excremental week for Eric Holder and the cover-up crew, full of meetings, nasty questions, and recriminations. On our side, we keep waiting for the Empire to really strike back -- not like that ill-considered "bite me" letter they wrote to Grassley which resulted in the public posting of the Project Gunwalker documents. Lanny Breuer is the subject of some speculation on our side simply because, in the words of one of our brain trust of analysts, he is said to own "Martian intelligence." He is hip deep in this and to expect him to go quietly into the bureaucratic good night of defeat and public dishonor without a fight is a pipe dream.
We haven't seen the last of him, but then he hasn't seen the last of the Coalition of Willing Lilliputians either.
For now, today, both sides are in bomb damage assessment mode. Expect follow-up strikes from both sides of the cover-up of the circumstances of the murder of Brian Terry.

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