Thursday, July 01, 2010



J. Croft


Do it now before you’re part of a herd. Herds get herded-into FEMA camps. Ask a survivor of Hurricane Katrina just how not an option a FEMA camp is. Because when you’re forcibly evacuated at gunpoint by the US military to a FEMA facility you probably dismissed as the wild imaginings of someone wearing a tin foil hat you will be forcibly disarmed, forcibly separated from your family, and forcibly put to some kind of slave labor useful to your new masters. It will be just like prison. You will likely not get out.

The ever-worsening Gulf Oil Catastrophe won’t give you the option of staying either; already there are reports of oil rains, crop damage as far north as Memphis, respiratory ailments. Even without a single hurricane strike(pray) the warm Gulf waters will transform the Corexit dispersant, crude oil, hydrogen sulfide and other horrific compounds spewing uncontrollably from the Gulf Oil Volcano into aerosols. The aerosolized poisons will form into clouds and with clouds come rain, which will drop death wherever those clouds travel.


Roughly, wherever moisture from the gulf travels, move out of that range. Safer bets would be North of the Ohio River, into the Great Plains. The important thing is to get out of the range of moisture and air currents from the Gulf. In a sick twist of fate there’s plenty of room in those regions; bank fraud has emptied the Midwest of family farms, and US government policy has emptied the Great Lakes of industries leaving half-empty towns.


You will need people you know to support each other. Allowing yourselves to be thrown into a situation by yourself will only further endanger yourself and whoever you’re with. That means your family doesn’t count, you need a real group; several full families would be a minimum. You’re not just preserving you and yours, you are preserving the ties, culture of who you are and what you stand for. Cultures the world over have employed this strategy since the beginning of recorded history; Jews, Somalis, Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, Irish, Italians… they stuck together from the Old World to the New. They grouped together in communities. Those who had the best shot at a successful business were backed up by the entire community. They in turn helped the next runner up when the investment funds became available from the first business; one good business spawns several more.

To protect their communities, immigrants did two things:

*Arm up as a group-call them gangs, but you can consider them militias or whatever good sounding term you want.

*Get involved in local government. Not just to have a voice but to ensure that their community was protected from their enemies politically as much as possible.

So, form a group, select a town in the Midwest or Great Lakes and move there together. Whatever you do stay unified as a group so that you are not as easily discriminated against, nor taken advantage of.

So, might as well take the opportunity to start taking the Nation back from those that have perpetrated this situation. AS suggested, coordinate with other groups of refugees and concentrate on one town. Use the recall election process and sweep the local government clean then enact reforms. I’ve written extensively about that here:





Survival is still going to be a priority as this ongoing catastrophe is going to make millions of acres of farmland poisoned. Millions will be displaced, forced into the FEMA concentration camp network yes but millions will make it to wherever they wind up. YOU will be smarter, and have a plan not only to leave before the Southern Diaspora but a plan where they will go and what they will do when they get there.

The number one priority is having potable water. The upper Great Lakes region offers the best chance of security on that front for the most obvious reasons; the Ogalala Aquifier has been recklessly depleted over the past century and a massive influx of refugees from the Gulf and Atlantic coasts will likely finish that underground store… a great pity as all of Earth’s surface waters are fated to be contaminated.

Yes, all of Earth’s waters WILL be contaminated from the aerosolized vapors from the Gulf. Underground stores of water separated from the surface, or ice mined from the polar caps will be the only trustworthy sources not requiring distilling. Distilling takes a lot of energy, a lot of time and the need for food production alone will swamp any such facility.

Number two, but not by much, is the need to produce food. Unfortunately with the impending poisoning of Earth’s entire ecosystem open-air agriculture will become unfeasible as the pollution advances across the globe. The Midwest will be the last region of Earth that will be contaminated but that is but a matter of time. Maybe one more growing season will be possible so that must be taken advantage of to produce as much heirloom seed as possible. Because indoor food production using hydroponics and an artificially induced decrease in the growing time with grow lamps and the use of dry ice will be desperately needed.

Which leads to the third priority-without which the other two will be impossible… security. Roving gangs will be an immediate threat but any town that can muster a company’s worth of riflemen, maybe make a few makeshift cannon, and some time honored defensive tactics can deal with most of those. No, the real threat will be from the government. Organic co-ops and Amish farmers trading raw milk are subjected to SWAT teams. Agenda 21, the feel-good term for American Communism’s plan to steal Americans land for whatever kind of environmental excuse can be ginned up, is being enacted from coast to coast. What we all will have to confront is the most powerful government on Earth-and this confrontation is compounded by two centuries of propaganda claiming we are free-when we really aren’t.

That local political organization I advocated earlier can provide some shielding but against state or federal incursions into your community and your survival will require your community to stand united with other communities and groups.

A single person is easily conquered, a single group is still no problem for the beast; every organization, every group is easily penetrated. A town requires some exertion, but whole states in common cause of both Freedom and SURVIVAL will require a Civil War level effort… unfortunately the US government is prepared to go to that level. Yet there is no alternative, because that is death. One could argue going to the government for aid is the alternative but you think you’re a slave now?! All slaves eventually want to be Free so why even go that way in the first place? You’re AMERICANS-act the part!

One could have your group go separately, prepare the way but that may not be practical given the short time before even the sheer concentration of toxins literally aerosolize and just seep ashore. Upon the declaration of martial law on the coast it most certainly won’t be practical. You will need to convoy.


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