Try to 'gulch', they'll raid you, kill you if they have to but they prefer breaking you and throwing you back into their prison society.
Anyone willing to make this a line in the sand?
We've already had enough crossed without consequences.
Some reports:
Movement to Contact and Resistance
Today I read this by Alvie over at Cliffs of Insanity. It was timely, considering my train of thought today.FedGov wants to molest your family and take naked pictures of your daughters at airports. That's bad enough. Perverts and criminals without TSA badges get beat down, choked out, and sent to jail for stuff like this. I still maintain that any American perpetrating this abuse upon other Americans is no better than a criminal. "I'm only doing my job" doesn't cut it, buddy, when your job involves sexual assault and taking nude pictures of children and their parents. Now they're talking of "tighter security" in other areas like shopping malls, etc.
"Seems pretty clear that the government is going to continue advancing until they make contact with any resistance. Have they hit any yet?
Will they?"
Then I heard a fellow on the radio, on a local show, talking about freedom. The average "Democrat = bad, Republican = good" guy called in and asked what a person could do, besides voting for the Dead Elephant party (I took some liberty and paraphrased here).
Here's the answer: refuse to submit. The guest on the show said this, as well as the host, as well as many callers. They are understanding. Refuse to comply.
In case you didn't get that, here it is again.
I am advocating the refusal to comply with unconstitutional and invasive governmental actions and decrees.
Refuse at the airport. I will be flying soon for various reasons. I will not submit to nude photography and sexual assault. It may cost me greatly. Duh. That's what standing for something does. It sometimes hurts.
I will not submit to it at the airport, or at malls, or whatever "soft" locations at which DHS deems it necessary to abuse Americans citizens. We must refuse wherever unconstitutional actions and decrees are implemented.
The enemies of freedom are advancing to contact. When I was in the military, we called this "movement to contact", and if we hit no contact, well, we kept on rolling until we reached the objective. That's what will happen to us here as well.
We have to stop it, and we have to stop it now. Voting won't change this. This is happening in direct violation of the Fourth Amendment, and nobody in DC, from Ron Paul to President Obama is doing ANYTHING ABOUT IT! No one. Well, people, when our elected officials fail, and they are now, miserably, we must assert our rights or we will lose them forever.
When the enemy conducts movement to contact, the answer is to conduct screening operations to intercept and allow the main body to prepare for a defense or counterattack. We in the III movement must conduct these screening operations and begin the resistance to this assault. We must set the example and show the public that this behavior by our government is not to be tolerated.
All molestation jokes aside, people, we are in the process, right now, of freely giving away our fourth amendment and our dignity. Rights cannot be taken, they must be given away. Freedom cannot be granted, it must be secured.
We have to fight this fight not only at rallies, not only at the polls, not only in our political discussions and verbal "ruckuses" with others, but every day, wherever we encounter it.
It starts with an attitude, a mindset. I will not give up the rights I was born with. I will not freely give away what my children have not yet tasted. A simple phrase:
I will not submit.
Expansion of DHS Gestapo Zones
Napolitano Announces Expansion of Gestapo Zones from Airport to Malls and Hotels:"“The United States is stepping up security at ‘soft targets’ like hotels and shopping malls, as well as trains and ports, as it counters the evolving Al-Qaeda threat, a top official said Sunday,” reports AFP.I believe the term is called "Advance To Contact." The government is doing it.
“We look at so-called soft targets — the hotels, shopping malls, for example — all of which we have reached out to in the past year and have done a fair amount of training for their own employees,” DHS boss Janet Napolitano said."
Are we?
Well no matter, you'll make contact soon enough. Perhaps at the Wal-Mart. Perhaps at the grocery store. Perhaps when you're filling your gas tank.
There sure was a brief uproar about that "domestic extremists" report that DHS put out. You know, the one that said returning veterans were potential domestic terrorists, people with bumper stickers might be terrorists, conservatives, anyone who's white, etc. Oh, but they "withdrew" it, right? So there's nothing to worry about.
So the DHS-emboldened by their victory moved towards "enhanced" searches at airports. Or "Squeezing the Charmin" as I've called it.
There sure was quite an uproar about "touching my junk" right around Thanksgiving. But few had the guts to call it the illegal, state sponsored, molestation, harassment, and invasion of privacy that it is. I note that it hasn't stopped yet either.
Having conquered the airports, the plague of DHS has spread to Wal-MarTSA's TVs.
"Battlespace Prep"-I think it's called. Just conditioning all of you/us to understand that it's time to get snitchy and snoopy on each other. (Say, I thought the left liked a woman's right to privacy?! I thought they didn't like profiling!?)
Then DHS released a video about mobile molestation centers so that they can bring the groping right to you.
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Which only makes sense. I mean, airline traffic either already has declined or will crater in the future when the collapse hits. All those TSA gropers must have work somewhere-not to mention all the ATF agents that will be out of work if Mike is right.
Seems pretty clear that the government is going to continue advancing until they make contact with any resistance. Have they hit any yet?
Will they?
Here's a scenario for you:
Collapse hits. Fuel is scarce so most of America won't be going anywhere except to the store. Which will be a real bitch because they'll all be sold out or looted in minutes. So in order to form a more perfect union, establish social justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for homeland defense, promote universal welfare, the government will control the rationing of foodstuffs. When that happens, a perimeter will be set around the (insert mega store here) and people will be allowed to come and buy bread for their families-provided that they first undergo the molocaust.
What's that? The government can't put agents everywhere? You're correct! Glad you noticed. What that means is that the distribution will take place where there are legions of government lackeys-you'll have to come to them-not the other way around.
It isn't much of a stretch to imagine that the United States of America will die in a Wal-Mart parking lot as patient queues of passive onlookers wait for their turn to buy bread.
More on DHS Expansion Plans
I'd like to expand a little on what I said in the previous post with regard to battlespace prep and the collapse.
Many have marveled that collapse has been staved off this long. But what's the marvel in that? Fake prosperity has been positively bubbly for decades now, so what's a few more years? Besides, staving off collapse is just another part of the battlespace prep.
How so?
The government can't just show up tomorrow with a DHS FAST trailer and an armed crew at every Wal-Mart in America, now can they? They need time. They need time to acclimate the public to the notion of porno scans of our bodies for the privilege of riding the plane. They need time to acclimate the public to the notion of grab and grope should you not consent to the porno scans. They need time to acclimate the public to the notion that between the scanner and the groping, it's an either/or choice, not a neither/nor choice. They need time to acclimate the public to the idea of DHS presence being everywhere-not just within the airports, not just at the borders, but in train stations, bus stations, subways, malls, hotels, you name it. Once the public has accepted this ubiquitous presence, then they will gladly accept a little more. This is precisely what is happening.
And what better time to collapse the ATF and combine them with DHS? Why, when you combine the DHS's DMV attitude and precognition with the ATF's firepower and penchant for dirty tricks both physical and mental, who needs an FBI? But isn't that just exactly the point? Once DHS gets into the business of "pre-crime", what major federal crimes will there be to investigate? Especially when everything is being deemed a National Security issue (take greenhouse gases for example). At this point, the new ATF-DHS abomination called SHAFTD can hand the FBI an ultimatum: "Join or Die." Thanks to the department of pre-crime, there won't be any more work for the FBI. So they can either join with SHAFTD or wither up and die as a bureaucracy as SHAFTD eclipses them.
DHS realizes that Al Qaeda isn't going to try the 9/11 hijacking again. So without another such attempt, the whole raison d'être for DHS evaporates. DHS also realizes that the political winds are blowing in a direction that would allow Congress to seriously defund them and reign them in.
Having "conquered" the airport, the DHS requires a new field of opportunity if they intend to remain afloat as a thriving, cash wasting, crotch grabbing bureaucracy. A revised "mission", if you will. In malls, hotels, train stations, subways, WalMarts, and grocery stores across America, they have found it.
Consider the model:
The Obamanoids have basically extorted the American people with a false choice that they must accept Cap and Trade from Congress, or else the EPA will regulate. (Conveniently, no one is talking about that whole "Hide The Decline" thing anymore-nor how it torpedoes the entire basis for any such regulation-not to mention some that's already on the books.) Having lost the House, Obama's administration is moving to regulate carbon through the EPA-thus giving the finger to America which is what they wanted to do all along.
DHS will follow the same pattern. They intend to put the camel's nose under the tent, get their virtual and physical presence in as many stores as possible so as to expand their "mission" and thus, Queen Janet's fiefdom. If they don't do this, if they aren't allowed, if they are prevented for any reason, then be on the lookout for the false flag domestic terror act. Instead of the Reichstag Fire, perhaps a Sam's Club fire. Another thwarted Christmas Tree bomber for example-something that will provide the opening for them to do it anyway. Or maybe an unthwarted Christmas Tree bomber. Maybe an unthwarted McVeigh like OKC, 1995. Only this time not at a federal building where their kids are, but maybe at a mall where your kids are. Perhaps the event would be used to justify the merger of ATF and DHS. It's not much of a stretch to believe that they're not talking to each other or that there is duplication of efforts (or double omission of efforts) now. Just hypothetically speaking, if DHS wasn't able to stop a bomber because they didn't have the explosives experience like the ATF, then clearly, the two would need to work more closely. Clearly.
If you haven't read Matthew Bracken's Enemies Foreign and Domestic trilogy, then don't despair. It may be coming true faster than you could read the whole trilogy anyway. That's not a comment on Bracken's writing, just the ever accelerating pace of endarkenment.
As a bonus for collectivists everywhere, these DHS greeters at WalMart will be the first wave of government troops to confront the American people and they will do it in the citizen's neighborhood where DHS is on an offensive footing (not the airport where they are on the defensive) and probably intimidate the public out of large scale gatherings where the sheer number of the American citizenry might overwhelm the mechanisms of government in one area or another.
Now back to the timing issue. The DHS must get embedded into the marketplace prior to the collapse if they intend to rule over the ruins. In fact, it may be the only piece of the puzzle left to be completed before the collapse happens.
When the collapse comes, consider this; it has been delayed already many times over by men who intend to reign over the rubble. It could have happened at nearly any point in time already. By all rights, it should have happened, but it hasn't. Why not? Simple. Because it's not time yet. Something is still holding it up. Inertia? Sheer mass? Duct tape? Bailing wire? What I'm suggesting is that the collapse has not yet happened because someone has decided that It is not yet time for it to occur. Those who would reign over the rubble are not even attempting to avoid collapse. They are instead positioning themselves for the backlash of an event that they themselves intend to trigger. Remember what I've said before, outcomes are determined before the game begins. The ultra-wealthy are looking at the mess we're in right now and they know as well as we do that there's no fixing this. There's no unlooting of the treasury. (But isn't it convenient that thanks to TARP, they will have a couple of extra zeros in their account when the currency gets devalued?) So rather than take an uncertain course of recovery for all at the expense of their own ruin, they're committed to a certain course of ruin for all at the expense of their own recovery. Oh sure, it's an ugly scenario, but the outcome is known. That's the important thing to them. I submit that the collapse itself will not be caused by something that "just happened", but by a deliberate, premeditated act of econocide perpetrated by those who think themselves positioned to rule over the rubble."The news slows…people forget
Shares crash, hopes are dashed …people forget
They forget they're hiding."Eminence Front – The Who.
I believe that going forward there are going to be no accidents, no real surprises, no real heading change, no real decline in rate of descent, you will see very little that is actually "news". And as Arctic Patriot notes, when the enemy moves to contact, then it's time to conduct screening operations to intercept and prepare for defense or a countermove.
And, say what you will about Alex Jones-and I certainly have-but I'll get the truth where I find it.
Napolitano Announces Expansion of Gestapo Zones from Airports to Malls and Hotels
Kurt Nimmo
December 27, 2010
As we predicted, Homeland Security and national security state officialdom are in the process of expanding the police state and citizen humiliation grid from airports to hotels and shopping malls.
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How long before you will be subjected to a virtual strip search before you can buy food or other necessities? | |
“We look at so-called soft targets — the hotels, shopping malls, for example — all of which we have reached out to in the past year and have done a fair amount of training for their own employees,” DHS boss Janet Napolitano said.
Big Sis Napolitano knows the government’s “See Something, Say Something” program to acclimate citizens to a police and surveillance state designed to rival anything established by East Germany’s Stasi is more Big Brotherism.
“It just sounds very Big Brother to me, turning in the next door neighbor.” CNN’s Candy Crowley said to Napolitano during an interview on “State of the Union.”
“It’s not,” Napolitano argued. “It depends on the common sense of the American people. I think they have common sense. And it depends on, again … getting through this notion that our safety, our security and the world we live in today is a shared responsibility.”
For bureaucrat Napolitano, the “common sense” of the American people means they will remain timid and apathetic. It means they will not protest and will tolerate going through porno-scanners and having goons stick their hands down their pants before they are allowed to shop at the local mall.
Napolitano defended the ambiguity of the snoop program. She said citizens can figure out for themselves who to snoop on and report to the authorities. Because there is no threat posed by al-Qaeda to the “homeland” – a word Big Sis used during the interview to refer to the United States – the government will receive thousands of calls from people turning in their neighbors for smoking marijuana, disciplining their children, or possessing entirely legal firearms.
“The overall message is everything is objectively better than it was a year ago, particularly in the aviation environment. But we’re also looking at addressing other areas,” Napolitano said about the plan to turn malls and hotels into Gestapo zones where the Bill of Rights does not exist and citizen-subjects are obliged under threat of violence and $11,000 fines to allow minimum wage goons to stick their hands down their pants.
“And so we have enhanced measures going on at surface transportation, not because we have a specific or credible threat there, but because we know, looking at Madrid and London, that’s been another source of targets for terrorists.”
Evidence largely ignored by the corporate media reveals that the Madrid bombings were an inside job. Two patsies, Jose Emilio Suarez Trashorras and Antonio Toro, were government informants, a fact reported by the New York Times and the Times Online. Trashorras had had the private telephone number of the head of Spain’s Civil Guard bomb squad.
In 2005, John Loftus revealed on Fox News that the supposed mastermind of the London bombings, Haroon Rashid Aswat, worked for British intelligence. In 1999, the U.S. Justice Department told prosecutors in Seattle to leave Aswat alone because he was a British intelligence asset.
Napolitano and the government cite the absurd underwear non-bombing as the reason they are aggressively moving the police state from airports to malls and hotels.
“The Detroit Christmas bomber was deliberately and intentionally allowed to keep his US entry visa as the result of a national security override issued by an as yet unknown US intelligence or law-enforcement agency with the goal of blocking the State Department’s planned revocation of that visa,” Webster Griffin Tarpley wrote in February.
Patrick F. Kennedy, Undersecretary of State for Management, revealed this when he testified before the House Homeland Security Committee on January 27.
The underwear non-bomber “Mutallab was a protected patsy being used by rogue elements of the US intelligence community for the deliberate and intentional creation of a high profile incident with the goal of obtaining a large-scale political effect,” argues Tarpley.
The staged event is also providing a pretext to turn malls and hotels into Gestapo zones. It was used earlier this month to promote the government’s snitch program.
It should be obvious where all of this is headed. Following the next staged non-bombing by a clueless patsy, the government will move from malls and hotels into the streets and neighborhoods of America.
How long before you will be subjected to a virtual strip search before you can buy food or other necessities?
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