Monday, January 31, 2011


Identifying Our Friends

By: Chuck Baldwin
Featured Liberty News Radio Columnist
To a packed out crowd of over 500 Montanans who had assembled in minus zero weather to hear me speak, I made the statement, "Not all Christians are our friends, and not all non-Christians are our enemies." Indeed, being able to identify our friends is more than half the battle.

When I spoke of identifying friends or enemies, I was talking about one’s overall positive or negative contribution to the principles of liberty. I will say it again, not all Christians are our friends, and not all non-Christians are our enemies. This is difficult for many Christians to wrap their brains around, I know.

I will go one step further: in America today, claiming a new birth Christian experience means absolutely nothing when it comes to defending liberty principles. After traveling more than 60,000 miles over the past two years to virtually every crack and corner of this vast country, my studied observation is that the ratio of Christians to non-Christians who are true freedom fighters is probably no better than 50%. I will further say that often times Christians are actually greater enemies to freedom than are non-Christians. I never thought I would hear myself say that, but, today, I really believe it.

rest at the link:

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