Monday, May 23, 2011


The other day, Barack Obama did the unthinkable; he asked the Israelis to move back to their pre-Six Day War borders in order to further the peace process.

Now, a lot of people who love Israel (why?) will cite this as further proof that the man's a traitor.  He is for a lot of reasons, but not this.

A lot of people who read Freedom Guide however, are NOT from the USA, Britain, Israel.  I think they're as shocked as I am. 

This is like JFK trying to pull the plug on Vietnam before it became a slush fund of taxpayer funds to the defense industry and a bad joke of a war.  Not quite up to him trying to issue greenbacks directly from the Treasury instead of borrowing federal reserve notes at interest but still, telling Israel to get back to it's 1967 borders... admittedly about impossible to defend... is like hiring Jack Kervorkian. 

Obama has written his own death warrant.


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