First is the bullshit Google News Feed:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=916ea84db4bd7f17&biw=1420&bih=699
Montana fugitive part of new anti-government strainSalt Lake Tribune - Nicholas K. Geranios - Matthew Brown - 1 day ago
Fugitive and former Montana militia leader David Burgert is one of a new breed of anti-government activists who display particular hatred of law enforcement ...
Tip comes up empty in search for fugitive - The MissoulianStill no sign of Montana militia shooter, reward offered - KAJ18 Kalispell Montana NewsMontana scales back hunt for ex-militia leader - ReutersNew York Daily News - NBC Montana all 1167 news articles » | ![]() |
Militia shooter describes himself as "highly reliable"KPAX-TV - Robin ODay - 16 hours ago
David Burgert says he's "very reliable, dependable and highly educated." He says he's looking for electrical and welding work and is CPR certified and has ...
Trail goes cold in manhunt for Montana fugitive - Watertown Daily TimesTrail goes cold in manhunt for Montana fugitive - Newsday (subscription)Trail goes cold in manhunt for Montana fugitive - San Jose Mercury NewsSeattle Post Intelligencer all 180 news articles » | ![]() |
2001 Tape Shows Fugitive David Burgert ArrestedNBC Montana - Will Wadley - 18 hours ago
As NBC Montana has reported all week, armed fugitive David Burgert has an extensive history with law enforcement. A video provided by the Kalispell City ...
Modern American militarized police are a bigger and more immediate threat to the US citizen than is Al-Qaeda.
I know, I know, bad apples and all. Don't paint with such a broad brush. Not all LEOs and "justice" system officials are like this.
Only the ones who kill citizens. And the ones who give the hit order. And the ones who support them. And the ones who exonerate them. And the ones who refuse to press charges. And the ones who talk to the state sponsored hit teams. And the apologists. And every one who has enforced unconstitutional laws. Like those violating the Second Amendment. Or the First. Or the Fourth. My, the field is getting rather slim now, isn't it?
Besides that, well, I guess they're all okay.
When a police officer kills a citizen, it's a paid vacation. When a citizen kills another, even by accident, it's PRISON.
I tell you this, LEOs reading this piece. Your kind seems to not be, on a large scale, capable of differentiating between a "threat" and "non-threat". Your kind arrests, assaults, and, at times, kills people for dancing, taking pictures, defending their homes. You use excessive force to the extent that innocent children are killed, bed ridden elders are tazed, and family pets are killed protecting their homes. Most of this is done because you, collectively, would rather use overwhelming force than detective work and non-violent arrest/apprehension locations and scenarios. Then, when a "mistake" is made, you brush it off and immune yourselves to the punishments and consequences you enforce on us.
Let me ask you this. If you, the "Only Ones", the exalted "heroes" of the community, the "brave" "thin blue line" are unable to differentiate between friend or foe, if you are unable or unwilling to use reason and prudence in your decision making and engagement criteria, if you refuse to stand down in the face of orders, because you love your job more than your countrymen (and don't pretend for a second you're some heroic "public servant"... you enforce the will of the state for money, and that's it.)...
How can you justify Guerena's murder, yet demonize David Burgert??
Here's a bit of advice- You want to lower police fatalities?
"Reasonable and Justified", says you?
"Take immediate action to stop the deadly threat."
Do I encourage anyone throw away his or her life at the hands of a state-sponsored hit team?
No, I do not. I would not presume to tell anyone what to do in such an instance.
You do what you believe is right.
I merely wish to point out the logical conclusion of the logic on prominent display in our nation.
Courts at the state and national level say: "You have no right to be secure, either in your home or person".
Government-sponsored hit teams (SWAT) say:
"BANG!BANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBANG! It's ok boys, let's just let him bleed out for a bit. Stay back ma'am, your husband had it coming."
The investigation into SWAT incident says: "It was justified and reasonable to shoot at a man over sixty times, and then let him bleed out."
Now for the AWRM.ORG thread... my comments last.
Dave Burgert in forum UPN: United Patriot Network at A Well Regulated Militia.
To visit this topic, use this URL:
Also, we have this...
The Real "Project Zero" Story
Over the course of a couple months, I investigated the so-called Project Seven story. (If you want to read the original articles by Cheryl Sabol go here and search for "Burgert"). The result of my investigation ended up with a 3000 + word article revealing vital information such as:
* A World Exclusive No-Holds-Barred Interview with Dave Burgert
* The Names of Members of "PROJECT SEVEN"
* The Approximate size of "PROJECT SEVEN"
* Never Before Published Information on the "informant".
I viewed it as my best piece of work. It examined the evidence and came to a fair and realistic conclusion. Donald Cyphers, however, totally and completely botched this story, rewrote it, omitting key facts which he viewed as negative to the case of Dave Burgert as well as the County Sheriff canidacy of Larry "Chance" Chezem. In the process, he stripped the story of its credibility and thus hurt both Burgert and Chezem in the process.
The fact is that Larry "Chance" Chezem was a member of the group the government called "Project 7" (though he disputes that name), something he admitted to quite freely, while saying that the group had no violent intentions. Regretably, Cyphers saw it as necessary to hide a fact which Chezem had no trouble admitting himself.
Mr. Cyphers inserted his own unfounded opinions into the story without designating them as his own, thus inferring that these were my opinions. As a journalist, I believe it's vital to correct the record of what I really wrote. If this story floats around in Cypher's form, I may never be able to work as a reporter again. So, in the interest of telling the truth and correcting the record, I am publishing the complete story as I wrote it.
Items that were inserted by Donald Cyphers in the September 3, 2002 issue of Montana News Association are in Italics. I did not write them or endorse them.
Items that Donald Cyphers omitted from the story are underlined
(Notes) are in bold
Before I get started, on the front page of the Montana News Association, Cyphers makes two unfounded assertions.
First, the headline over my article on the race between Chezem and Sheriff Jim Dupont reads, "Chezem vs. Dupont: Good v. Evil?". Now, I give Cyphers credit for at least posing this as a question. However, it's a totally ungrounded question.
"Evil" can quickly be devalued if we overuse it. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Tim McVeigh, Osama Bin Laden are all examples of people who are legitimately evil.
The worst things that I found about Dupont is that while I interviewed him in his office, he revealed Chezem's membership in "Project Seven". While Chezem admitted it to me, it wasn't public information and to reveal investigative information as relates to political opponents strikes me as distasteful.
Dupont also could be somewhat discourteous when he gets upset and was not cooperative when I tried to get the interview with Burgert set up. Does this make him evil? No. His opponents made allegations against him, but none have I really seen proven that would suggest he was "evil".
In addition, by planting the question in the reader's mind, you're not reporting the news, you're trying to tell people what to think. If someone is truly evil, we should be able to judge that just by reading the facts. We shouldn't need the paper to tell us.
Second, below the headline, Cyphers writes, "Public Opinion suggests DuPont(sic) has become a "Lame Duck" and is ineffective."
I found no evidence to suggest this is the case, beyond Chezem telling me that he thought that he might just surprise Dupont with a win this Fall. Candidates for office generally believe they're going to win and they receive a lot more contact with people who support them than those who don't. I tend to think he's mistaken, but he may be right. However, we have no evidence to say that the majority of Flathead County thinks Dupont is an ineffective lame duck.
Finally, in the story, Cyphers replaced "I" several times with "Montana News Association". Generally, I wouldn't have a problem with this except that he never paid me for writing this article. Therefore, Montana News Association didn't do anything, I did.
Now, below is the story I sent to Mr. Cyphers.
Project Zero: A Critical Examination of the Project 7 Story
By Adam Graham
Independent Correspondent for the Montana News Association
Kalispell-Last February, the national news media was focused on Kalispell because of an alleged plot to kill several local officials including Sheriff Jim Dupont, Justice of the Peace David Ortley, and District Court Judges Stewart Stadler and Katherine "Kitty" Curtis.
The alleged mastermind of this plot was Dave Burgert, a man who according to police informants took a Constitutionalist group and turned it into a terrorist cell determined to wreak violence on the county, provoke a national guard counterattack, and set the stage for a national civil war.
Six months after the story broke and the FBI began investigating this case, Dave Burgert remains in jail. Not charged with Conspiracy, nor for federal weapons violations (1) but while awaiting trial or appeal on prior issues with police including charges for bail jumping assaulting a peace officer, obstructing a peace officer, and resisting arrest.
Since February, while much has been said and written about the "Project 7" story, generally media accounts have sought out and quoted officials, witnesses in Burgert's misdemeanor trial, and outside groups.
However, except for a brief interview back in April, few have sought Burgert's story. In the past couple weeks, I've taken a fresh look at this case and talked to several people who the mainstream media hasn't, including a wide-ranging interview with Dave Burgert.
Dave Burgert is very candid about his past. A recovering alcoholic and former AA officer, Burgert admits that he committed three felonies, mostly while under the influence.
According to Burgert, it was this history that began his problems with Sheriff Jim DuPont. According to Burgert, DuPont ordered search and rescue chief Jack Thompson to take him off of Search and Rescue due to his prior felony convictions and afterwards informed him in a 1996 phone call that he was not going to be allowed to participate in the County's EMT because of the Felony convictions. Dupont has a history of using his position to try and hinder those that his department may dislike. In this case, according to Burgert, this is exactly what happened.
According to Thompson, this isn't quite accurate. "Dupont had nothing to do with it!" Thompson exclaimed when asked. County insurance rules bar the hiring of convicted felons for Search and Rescue and this process isn't directly handled by DuPont. Due to these insurance rules, the county had no choice in removing Burgert from Search and Rescue. The public may find it interesting that Burgert in fact was already on the Search and Rescue team and was not being hired. So the insurance excuse may be just that--an excuse to carry out Dupont's orders. (2)
Still, over the next five years, Burgert and local law enforcement battled back and forth over police and public safety issues. Burgert made several calls to the police and prosecutor's office regarding concerns about issues such as trespassing, unlicensed drivers, bad check complaints, and assault charges and didn't receive satisfaction.
Burgert developed a reputation for not liking law enforcement. According to Burgert, his friend, Bob Cesnick a 20-year veteran of AA had suffered a near fatal confrontation with police. By January, 2001, he had been cited twice by police for a bumper sticker that says, "Bob C says ---- you, Californians."
On January 5, 2001, Cesnick was driving to a local bar to sing when the Highway Patrol began pursuing him, allegedly for having blue lights on his car instead of the state mandated orange and red. The video of the chase, as taken from the police car showed nothing irregular on the car's lights and Cesnick was never charged with having illegal lights on his car.
Nervous, Cesnick drove to Burgert's house. The video record of the event provides less value after Cesnick's arrival as the the audio is muted for 37 crucial seconds while the audio recording method is switched from recording inside the police car to outside.
According to Cesnick, Burgert told him to go into the house and calm down. Flathead County Deputy Tom Snyder entered the house to grab Cesnick. Burgert told Snyder to get out of his house because he didn't have a warrant. According to a transcript, Burgert warned Deputy Synder that he would "die" if he entered without warrant. Burgert then yanked Snyder out of the house and according to Snyder, punched him.
Burgert's alleged punch was not seen by either of the two highway patrolmen accompanying Snyder, who were only a few feet away. Snyder described it as a "glancing blow". According to Cesnick, no punches were thrown. He said that because of the tightness of quarters, there may have been some accidental elbowing going on, however.
Cesnick said that he had his arm around the back of Snyder's neck "to prevent him from assaulting me". Burgert told him to let go. A highway patrol officer sprayed Cesnick in the face with pepper spray. The can, malfunctioned and didn't give a complete spray, and rather than eliminating Cesnick's "desire to resist", it merely made him more agitated.
After getting Snyder out of his house, Burgert was the calmest of the group. He tried to cool Cesnick down, while Cesnick hurled several expletives at the officers.
The chief highway patrol officer on the chase with obvious fear in his voice, offered "to do this just like we would have on the side of the road" but Cesnick refused. Burgert tried to explain Cesnick's behavior, saying, "Officer, this man is afraid of law enforcement." To which the officer replied, "He shouldn't be."
Burgert wanted his wife, Yvonne to contact neighbors to come as witnesses to what the police were doing. The Highway Patrol officer, however, became nervous and fearing an ambush, declared that he was leaving but that he was going to file charges with the County Attorney.
The police left Cesnick at Burgert's house without decontaminating him. Cesnick said he was unable to sleep that night as his eyes and throat were burning all night long.
Even though he didn't see the any punch thrown, the Highway Patrol officer in charge asked that five separate charges be filed against Cesnick including Disorderly Condust, operating a vehicle with blue lights, obstructing, and attempting to elude in addition to the assaulting a peace officer charge. Burgert, he suggested, should be charged with obstructing and disorderly conduct. Only the Assaulting a Peace Officer charge was filed.
However, careful analysis of the law suggests that even if Deputy Snyder is correct about receiving a glacing blow from Dave Burgert, Burgert may be not guilty, as Snyder himself admitted that he didn't receive any physical damage as a result of the alleged punch.
The State law on Assaulting a Peace Officer (42-5-210) requires that in order to be convicted of assaulting a peace officer, a person must "purposely or knowingly cause" (a) bodily injury to a peace officer or judicial officer; (b) reasonable apprehension of serious bodily injury in a peace officer or judicial officer by use of a weapon; (c) bodily injury to a peace officer or judicial officer with a weapon; or (d) serious bodily injury to a peace officer or judicial officer.
As Deputy Snyder wasn't injured and Mr. Burgert wasn't using a weapon, it seems difficult to imagine that Mr. Burgert committed the offense alleged. :
The next chapter in the Burgert saga happened in November of 2001 when Burgert's attorney and friend, Matt Sisler along with professional process server Dusty Williams were trying to serve papers on a Flathead County woman. They were following her husband, in hopes of locating her, when the husband called police to say he feared he was being stalked. Sisler and Williams were stopped by two Kalispell Police officers, who were investigating the stalking allegations.
Sisler and Williams had given the process papers to Mr. Burgert, who was in the process of catching up with them. According to Burgert, he asked Sisler over a cell phone whether he should remain where he was or come on down to their position. According to Burgert, Sisler told him to come on down.
Burgert arrived, got out of his car and stood still where he was 45-80 feet away. According to the officers on the scene, Sergeant Rick Parker of the Kalispell PD allegedly shouted to Burgert to get in his car and drive away and he'd talk to him later and according to Parker, Burgert shouted back an obscenity. Burgert said he never heard Parker shouting that. Indeed, the videotape by Matt Sisler doesn't record Parker telling Burgert to leave. Burgert blamed Williams' vehicle which he described not only as loud but "extremely loud" for drowning out whatever Parker may have said.
The video does record Parker contacting Officer Kevin McCarvel and telling him to "get him (Burgert) to leave or arrest him." The video records McCarvel walking across the street, pepper-spraying Burgert in the face, and finally beginning to arrest Burgert.
McCarvel testified that he told Burgert to leave and Burgert asked, "Why?" While according to Burgert, McCarvel didn't say anything and he didn't even see McCarvel until he had pulled out the can of pepper spray and was about to spray him.
The video doesn't show great detail of what happened during the first part of the arrest as Sisler pressed the wrong button and instead of zooming in on the scene he froze the scene for 13 seconds. When filming resumed Burgert was yelling at officers for pulling on the wrong arm. Screaming, "You already got that one (expletive)."
Burgert was then taken to the squad car, his face red and eyes tearing up. Burgert fell to the ground in front of the squad car door and according to McCarvel asked for treatment. McCarvel promised treatment when Burgert got to Kalispell's City Jail.
Burgert got in the car, which sped away. And this was all that the jury saw during the Burgert trial. The video records almost half an hour more.
Sgt. Parker finally received enough evidence for him to feel comfortable that Williams and Sisler were acting lawfully. Sisler begged for Burgert's release, asking Parker if its possible for them to "forget this happened" given that Burgert had a legitimate reason for being there and this was all just a "misunderstanding".
Parker, much calmer than at the beginning of the video said that he wished Burgert would "listen to me for once in his life." Parker also said that if Burgert had only gotten his car, Parker would have talked to him later.
The prosecution led by Kalispell City Attorney Charlie Harball argued that Burgert by refusing to comply with officers' requests had obstructed them in the conduct of their investigation. And his falling to the ground and the problems with handcuffing him were a sign of "passive resistance".
Burgert's friends believe that police over-reacted and that Burgert's collapse to the ground was in response to a high dose of pepper spray. According to Missoula Police Officer Mark Horner, the recommended amount of time to use pepper spray on someone is 1 to 2 seconds. From what I saw in the videotape, McCarvel sprayed Burgert for at least three or four seconds. The argument of passive resistance is hurt by Horner's testimony at trial in which he said that the use of pepper spray on a suspect will generally cause them to cease resistance and give up any ideas except getting immediate treatment.
The jury believed the prosecution as Burgert was found guilty in June on both counts and sentenced to one year in the county jail. Burgert's conviction is now under appeal.
After being arrested, Burgert was taken down to the booking room at the City Jail. Many of Burgert's friends cited this as evidence of police brutality as Kalispell Police draped a bag over Burgert's head and Kalispell Police Chief Frank Gardener turned off the decontamination showers that a Kalispell Police Officer turned on.
Burgert was extremely angry after being pepper sprayed. Burgert was spitting up colored sputum as soon as officers left him alone. When they returned to put him in the decontamination shower, Burgert continued to spit up colored sputum. Officers feared that the caustic substance would land on them so they placed a bag over Burgert's head, viewing this as an intentional and voluntary action on Burgert's part.
At this point, Gardener entered the scene and turned off the shower, apparently to save on water. Gardener told Burgert to calm down. Burgert explained that he was in severe pain and having trouble breathing. Gardener told him that they wanted to help him but first Burgert needed to calm down. Burgert restrained himself and was put in the decontamination shower with his clothes on.
After the shower, Burgert sat on a bench and was given a trash can to spit into. Gardener sat down and talked to him. Gardener found Burgert's behavior threatening and hostile and said he was going to go to court to get Burgert's bond repealed. Burgert said he would do whatever it took "to protect himself and his family" and when Gardener mentioned the threat of going to jail, he warned Gardener that no matter what he was sentenced to, he would eventually be released.
Burgert also refused to cooperate with a police officer who wanted some medical information from him. Sgt. Parker came into the booking room and tried to engage Burgert in some conversation. Burgert told Parker to go ahead, leave, and work on trumping up, "whatever felony charges you're going to bring against me."
In January of this year, Burgert went fishing but didn't return from his trip. Burgert said that he was accosted when he went to the fishing hole. And, according to Burgert he feared that if he went home, he would endanger his wife. He decided that if "they were going to come after him" it would be best if he was alone. A month later, Burgert surrendered himself to local police after an all-night stand off.
While he was gone for more than a month, he missed a court appearance. Because of this, he was charged with bail jumping.
Burgert said that he didn't intend to miss the hearing. Cesnick, Burgert's co-defendant missed the same hearing and was not charged with bail jumping. Cesnick said that County Attorney Tom Esch contacted him and told him that he'd missed the hearing and they simply rescheduled it. Burgert contends that if Cesnick was not charged for missing the same hearing, then he shouldn't be charged either.
After Burgert surrendered to police, new allegations came out in the press regarding the alleged plot to kill local officials, a charge that Burgert and his associates deny.
According to Burgert, the group was set up for those interested in survival training and learning to use weapons properly. Burgert denied that he had anything to do with alleged illegal weapons that law enforcement officials have connected to him. Burgert also said that local law enforcement's presentations of weapons to the media made it look like all the weapons found were illegal assault weapons, when, in reality, many of the weapons and ammo found were perfectly legal (including shotguns and rifles).
He said that there was no "hit list" of local officials or encrypted computer files. He did say, that as one of the few people willing to serve legal process papers on public officials, he had a written list of the names and addresses of judges and police officers. He said that he obtained the information whenever he could, so that when people asked him to serve a police officer, he didn't have to pay $75 to obtain their name and address.
When I interviewed Ortley about the Justice of the Peace race last month, the Project 7 case came up. He said that he was "surprised" when he found out that he was on the alleged hit list. He said that Burgert had been in his court many times over the years and that he'd ruled for him about as often as he ruled against him. If Burgert's explanation is correct, Ortley's presence on "the list" may make more sense.
As in a prior phone interview with the Interlake, Burgert was evasive on the question of the size of the group known as "Project 7", refusing to even indicate whether there were more or less than five members of the group. However, another member of the group was more forthcoming. Chance Chezem, the Libertarian Candidate for County Sheriff said that there were approximately fifteen people in the group. Chezem didn't remember who all the members were, but he identified Burgert, himself, Steve and Alice Crawford of Columbia Falls (3), and Tracy Brockway and John Erdman of Kalispell.
According to Chezem, the group never called itself "Project 7". "Project 7" was the name of a militia group that was started back in the 1990s which was totally unrelated to this case. Furthermore, Chezem said that his group had no interest in committing violence, as it would violate their principles.
Chezem said that they generally engaged in innocent activities such as first-aid training and eating Thanksgiving dinner together. According to Chezem, they were also seeking out a potential challenger to Sheriff Dupont.
Several members of the group, including Burgert, had had problems with local law enforcement previously. They believed many officers to be overbearing with a disregard for the U.S. Constitution or that they were unresponsive to their complaints. According to group members members of the public (4) , they never intended to take violent action and only were going to use weapons in self-defense or defense of their country. referring to Project 7.
The evidence leaves room for questions regarding the official law enforcement story (5). During my interview with Dave Burgert, I mentioned another associate of Burgert's whom I was going to talk to. Both Mr. and Mrs. Burgert cautioned me that the woman was mentally unstable.
After leaving the jail, I talked with Mrs. Burgert who said she thought that the former associate's idea for getting her husband out of jail was to break him out.
"With all the trouble I have right now, that's the last thing I need," said Mrs. Burgert.
While many officials have alleged that Project 7 planned to take on the National Guard (which probably outnumbers them at least 5:1), they have not tried to take on the understaffed county jail where Burgert is being held.
The second incongruity in the official story lies with Chezem and Crawford (a write-in candidate for HD 83). Both are seeking political office this Fall. However, to prepare to take violent action against the government, one would have to conclude that peaceful action through elections and legislation was a lost cause. If Chezem and Crawford have reached this conclusion, why are they running in this election?
Furthermore, one also has to wonder why--if these two people have committed serious crimes--are they are not only still in the Flathead Valley but also seeking publicity for their campaigns for public office?
These questions may be best answered by examining the source of the allegations. Burgert's friends hadn't made a big deal out of who the informant was. When I called Mrs. Burgert with a question about the case, the subject came up and she said that the informant wasn't an adult but rather a seventeen year old boy with a history of mental health problems.
According to Mrs. Burgert, the boy came to stay with her and her husband because Mr. Burgert had in the past, helped out troubled boys. When Mr. Burgert disappeared, Mrs. Burgert said the boy pledged to protect her. She said he would often be drinking and firing guns into the air. She finally had to ask him to leave. Mrs. Burgert said she later learned that the boy had been in and out of mental hospitals several times. One initial report that has since been eliminated from newspaper coverage was that Burgert had a romantic relationship with another member of Project 7, Tracy Brockway. Something that could be explained by the boy's attachment to Mrs. Burgert.
Cesnick said the boy had "a Napoleon syndrome" and wanted to be somebody important, in addition to having a "fixation with weapons". He said he was never comfortable when the boy was around.. Erdman, who has had a falling out with Burgert called the informant, "a really disturbed kid".
While Burgert's associates have very self-serving reasons for making their statements and attempts to locate the boy's mother have been unsuccessful, if the story came from the mind of mentally disturbed seventeen year-old, the inconsistencies in this case would be explained.
If this is true, the question that must then be asked is why did local law enforcement believe the boy's story? The large cache of weapons may have been one part of the equation, but more than anything else, the issue can probably be summarized with one word : history.
When I contacted Kalispell City Attorney Charlie Harball about Burgert's conviction back in July, I asked why the city had given Burgert a costly trial given the serious felony charges pending against him? The Prosecution stationed four officers at the trial, used a metal detector to scan all incoming spectators, in addition to flying in witnesses from as far away as the FBI crime lab in Quantico, Virginia for two crimes for which Burgert could serve a maximum of 1 year in jail, ten months of which he'll have already served by the time his trial is held in Havre this November.
Harball mentioned the fact that it would give the FBI more time to complete their investigation, but he also said that it was due in part because Burgert "had a history" with local law enforcement.
When I examined the conduct of Officer Kevin McCarvel, the Kalispell PD officer who pepper sprayed Burgert, in the booking room tape, he was calm, professional, and courteous. He showed no malice towards Mr. Burgert in his conduct. Therefore, its safe to assume he believed Mr. Burgert was a threat when he sprayed him. The reason he viewed him as a threat may be because of his history with local police.
And the same thing could be true on the part of the Flathead County Sheriff's Department. In spite of the fact that Dupont's administration has a history of treating members of the public as common criminals whether compliant or suspect. (6) Given Burgert's history including his statements to Gardener in the booking room tape, and the discovery of the cache of weapons believed to be linked to Burgert, it was easy to believe the story of the informant. In the end, they may have guessed right, only time will tell.
However, it would appear that Project 7, thought to be the story of the year in Western Montana, may be little more than a phantom, created and fed by paranoia, counter-paranoia, and media sensationalism.
Even if it is, the damage has been done for Dave Burgert. Burgert has lost his business. I asked him what he had left, if he was found innocent.
"My wife." He answered. "If I get out soon and get working, we may have a chance to save the house."
Burgert is set to go on trial in Havre on October 31 on charges of Assaulting a Peace Officer and Bail Jumping.
(1) Written before Federal Weapons' charges were filed against Burgert.
(2) Mr. Cyphers did not contact me before writing any of this. If he had, he would have found out that other felons had been barred from Search and Rescue for the same reason. Burgert was on Search and Rescue for all of two months before being pulled off. Thompson said that the reason he had been allowed on is that the county didn't get the background check done earlier.
(3) In a subsequent conversation, Chezem said that he mis-spoke and that Crawford was not a member of Project Seven but rather another man named Steve Morey.
(4) This makes no sense at all. As a reader, there's a huge difference between what actual, real members of the group said and what some "members of the public" think.
(5) Left out of original story. Copy editors didn't catch it either.
(6) Not only is it unproven, it's also a fragment.
Posted by STRATIOTES (Member # 33) on 06-14-2011 07:03 AM:
All this news about Dave Burgert, "militia leader" in Montana gives cause to find the story behind the state-sponsored b.s.
It was the year 2000 on a snow swept highway in NW Montana...
The red and blues started flashing in the rear view mirror. Bob Ceznik [CHECK SPELLING] was nervous driving south on highway 93 in Kalispell Montana. His big tan duelly offered no sense of comfort, with the creeping unease of (as he put it), becoming a victim once again to police brutality.
Bob chose not to stop, but reduced his speed to 35 in a 45. He had no idea why the law enforcement behind him wanted to pull him over, but he was nervous. He pulled a U-ey in Kalispell and returned North on 93 with the intent of stopping at his friend's house: Mr. Dave Burgert. Bob had tuned into a local LPFM and had been introduced to the New World Order, and as an alleged victim of police brutality, he didn't want to be stopped along the road without a witness.
It was a strange time in the Flathead Valley. Agenda 21 was a new concept Bob had been introduced to. He was familiar with the Wild Land Project from Michael Coffman's presentation down in town. On the local talk radio, people were telling of torching Forest Service gates, driving out to Klamath Falls to save water. Heck, Bob had even heard this guy Alex Jones on a local "pirate radio" station. Things were strange. Life was changing, and it wasn't just Bob Ceznik worried about what the future had in store.
The slow speed chase (35 in a 45) continued as the big tan duelly traveled North on Highway 93 to Dave Burgert's house. A second police car joined the slow motion column through the wintry weather. Ceznik pulls into Burgert's house and steps out and Burgert emerges from the door. The arresting officer's microphone strangely shuts off at that point as two officers advance towards the figures Ceznic and Burgert on the porch of the house.
From the recordings collected by the arresting officer, it can be heard that Ceznic is uncooperative with questioning, and Burgert tells Ceznic to "go inside Bob." At this point, the two officers attempting to question Ceznic for a traffic violation attempt to enter Burgert's home. Burgert solely and physically denies them entry and within the recording one can hear the spraying of pepper spray, scuffling and Burgert vocally stating they will not enter his house without a warrant. Burgert tells his wife to call and put the word out... the officers chose to leave the situation for another time.
This is the first event in several events where good, bad, right or wrong, one citizen among millions will eventually chose to pull the trigger on a pistol aimed at a law enforcement officer.
Burgert was now charged with (?interfering with a LEO?), and the local department had taken note of his determination to physically deny them entry to his house without a warrant on a non-criminal traffic violation. They also took note that he seemed to have friends who may or may not be willing to come and aid him should things get nasty.
Burgert was a process server on the side, and actually liked the job. He was working for an attorney familiar with the Montana liberty movement (Matt ???????). Not long after the scuffle on his porch, Burgert was serving papers in downtown Kalispell, MT when several city police approached him. Burgert, unfazed by costumes and metal buttons, reported that he was a court ordered process server and would not be detained. Incident number two unfolds.
Somewhere, within the dungeons of some police data facility, there is video of Burgert taken into the station wearing a black hood. He has been pepper sprayed and "black bagged" like in V for Vendetta. The hood is removed and he is snotting, spitting and tearing as the audioless video shows... again the bag is placed over his swollen face. Officers would later say that he was spitting at them, and they were forced to use a black bag to contain his bodily fluids. Most who have seen this video, I included, have felt the same way Evey felt watching Deitrich carted off in the movie.
Newspaper reports then carry the story through the faked death, the hiding in the woods, the living with a girlfriend married to another man. If one were to pick up the story here, he might seem totally nuts, devoid of reason, cocky and looking for trouble. While I'm not saying that isn't the case, I'm saying that if you don't understand that this man felt that he could not find justice, that a police baton and black bag were what he had learned -Pavlovian style- well, you'd be missing an important part of the story.
Now comes again the state propaganda, touting him as a "militia leader" while they prepare the next round of anti-free state legislation (that's 2nd Amendment for the unlearned). State doctors have officially diagnosed him with some paranoid disorder. He's been in prison for the last 10 years, gulping down whatever psychotropics Dr. Mangela has given him... on parole... and we're supposed to see this fella as some kind of anti-government militia sort?
Has the state media machine mentioned that within this "Project 7", they pledged allegiance to the Constitution of the United States? Well, for the sake of MIAC, they might as well start. That is was an educational organization designed to teach self-sufficiency? Have they mentioned that the whole basis of the "allegations" that this group was beset upon killing judges, police and even the dog catcher, was due to a collection of "Intel Sheet" akin to any SALUTE report one finds in any guard post on some military installation? That the dog catcher was among those listed would show the transparency of such a hollow allegation. Heck, even the Jews were alleged devils to the Nazis! Does the lame-stream-media refer to them as such? Has any reader of the Washington Post pondered the simple fact that if this was some sort of anti-government militia with the intent of murder, that some five or six people were convicted of charges because they hadn't paid a $200 tax?
I write this because I am fully aware that there are gargoyles perched within the District of Criminals, peering down for some opportunity to turn a problem into a reaction and through Delphi get you into their solution. They've been perched like vultures, salivating about some domestic troublemaker with ties to some "militia" who pledges allegiance to the Constitution of the United States. Especially one who is shooting at police.
The story, unwritten by the state licensed media worms, is much deeper. They've taken a man, who had pledged his life for vigilance and truth, who was beaten with bats, gassed and black bagged, ground into hamburger and drugged in a gulag prison system now with a heart to escape this place... and made him an example of you. If they so flippantly can gut the story from Burgert, do you think for a moment that you won't next wear a yoke with his appellation?
Dave Burgert is no hero of morals. He is no mob boss of some secretive militia gray man operation. He is a wounded soul, ground back and forth upon the shredder of a police state. His actions are his own, and he will live and die by them. No, I don't envy nor hate the man. I do know the story however, and I know that if his life can be summed up, I would say that he's been an Amerikan Solzhenitsyn who actually picked up that axe, hammer or poker. Two days ago, newspapers reported that he picked up a pistol and actually pulled the trigger on police... More than 10 years after police forcibly attempted to enter his home without a warrant chasing a suspected traffic violator.
Who will fault Solzhenitsyn for his words today?
Posted by ConSigCor (Member # 7) on 06-14-2011 02:47 PM:
Here's an old thread from the time...
Posted by Greywolf (Member # 2659) on 06-15-2011 12:04 PM:
Yea, it ia all over our news today...
They claim he is the leader of a large militia group intent on killing police, judges and Government officials...
But strangely they have reduced the amount of LEO searching for him.
Is the new child porn on the computer BS now he said he would kill judges and cops BS.
I don't know the man, but something smells with the charges here.
Project 7 huh? sounds like something LEO would come up with.
Posted by ConSigCor (Member # 7) on 06-17-2011 08:42 AM:
From the August 2002 Idaho Observer:
Burgert trial witness lists facts that contradict Daily InterLake lies and deceit
Kalispell case proves oppressive regimes enjoy cooperation from puppet presses
Kalispell-area resident Mike Heit knows Dave Burgert very well. He watched as his friend was pepper sprayed and arrested by Flathead county sheriff's deputies while legaly serving process. He watched as Flathead county tortured his friend by putting a hood on him while the pepper spray burned into him for almost an hour. He watched as the international news picked up the local story that Burgert was part of “Project 7” -- a group of militant anti-government extremists that had a lot of guns and bombs and a list of public officials targeted for execution. The international news media dropped the story because it wasn't true. The FBI didn't even conduct more than a cursory investigation because there was no evidence. That didn't matter, since the intended impression had been indelibly etched into the minds of the Daily Inter Lake's readers.
It all started with an angry email last Thanksgiving weekend. Burgert, a seasoned search and rescue volunteer, circulated a rather profane and ill-advised email after a 14-year-old boy needlessly died of exposure. Probably in an effort to boost his chances for reelection in 2002, Sheriff Jim Dupont decided not to call search and rescue when it was learned the boy was missing. It reportedly took the sheriff and his deputies six hours just to find where the trail began. The boy had died of exposure by the time the inept sheriff found him. Burgert blamed the death on the sheriff because he and his crew, who know every rock and tree in the area and who should have been called, would have found him still alive.
There is more to it. Burgert had also taken the city of Kalispell and the county of Flathead to task on several occasions. He had also been serving civil process on corrupt local authorities. One might say that the local corruption had enough of Burgert and decided that he had to go.
The local media participated in the conviction of Burgert. Their “crimes” in this matter were eloquently stated by Heit, who was just notified that he is now being charged with using profanity on the phone with a Flathead county jailor who was allegedly tampering with Burgert's mail.
The following 4,800-word letter has been edited down for space. The punch line, the final paragraph, is left intact. Indeed, may God have mercy on their souls for what they have done to support the ruination of a country.
Burgert trial witness lists facts that contradict Daily Inter Lake lies and deceit
by Mike Heit
To the Editor of the Daily Inter Lake and Reporter Chery Sabol:
I watched how Ms.Sabol preferred to sleep during the trial for Dave Burgert, and have learned that she was not present at the latest omnibus hearing, from which her most recent article published in your paper was printed. The article is, as usual, full of misleading, derogatory, and defamatory information about my friend and Patriot brother Dave Burgert.
FACT: No legitimate probable cause has been established in the traffic stop of Mr. Cesnik in the beginning of this saga.
FACT: The Montana Highway Patrol officers involved with this case testified to the fact that they had not attempted to verify their “probable cause” for stopping Mr. Cesnik that night.
FACT: The Montana Highway Patrol and the Flathead county sheriff deputy involved in the incident broke both state law as well as violated both the 4th and 5th amendments to the Constitution for the United States of America. Again, video evidence from the Highway Patrol vehicle bear out this truth.
FACT: The testimony and written reports from the original incident entered into evidence at Dave and Bob's arraignment in Mr. Ortley's court bear truth to the fact that it was Deputy Snyder of the Flathead County Sheriff Department who assaulted both Dave and Bob. That Deputy Snyder in fact forcibly entered Dave's home and committed assault against Mr. Cesnik, Dave Burgert, and committed an act of terror against Mrs. Yvonne Burgert who was in the home at the time.
FACT: Dave Burgert is heard repeatedly stating on the Highway Patrol video tape trying to calm everybody down, stating they were all unarmed and that there needed to be a reasonable, peaceful solution to the situation.
FACT: The so called “Probable Cause” for stopping Mr. Cesnik as cited by the Montana Highway Patrol was “Possible illegal blue lights on his pickup truck.”
The media has been directly responsible for the undue bias against Dave Burgert in this case from the beginning. I find this difficult to understand since I know for a fact that you, Ms. Sabol, have seen the video tapes of what has happened in all of the cases involving Dave Burgert, and cried when you saw them!
FACT: There have never been any charges filed against Dave Burgert or any one else involved with Project 7 or the Patriot movement in Montana for conspiracy to kill police, judges or any one else for that matter. You have reported and continue to report, that these “charges” have been dropped. How can charges that have never been filed be dropped? Could it be because there was no conspiracy, that the accusations were from the mind of a young man who has a long history of severe mental unbalance and violence? That you knew about this truth long ago yet chose to ignore it?
His lawyers asked for the trial to be moved, saying the publicity makes it difficult to find an unbiased jury.
FACT: Judge Warner blamed the media for releasing the allegations against Burgert. “He may have been charged in the media with things he didn't do... maybe the press has decided that he's more evil than he could ever hope to be.”
David Burgert has been “found guilty” by the jury of public opinion shaped by the false, malicious reporting and media coverage by you, the television media and many other sources as well as other liberal left wing groups like the Montana Human Rights Network. If the Montana Human Rights Network were truly interested in justice and rights, why haven't they helped to bring to light the activities of the Law Enforcement Community when Dave's home was invaded, when he was falsely accused of the charges for which he was convicted and for the incredible act of terror he underwent at the hands of the Kalispell Police Department?
Ms. Sabol, unlike Ms. Callista Pearson of KPAX television who admitted she had not seen much less heard of the video tape of Dave's arrest on the November charges, where he had a bag placed over his head and suffered a brutal act of terrorism, you have seen it. You know and understand the truth of this fact. Too bad the jury in that trial never saw the truth. Too bad the Foreperson of that Jury is married to a close friend and associate of the Prosecuting Attorney Mr. Harball. Too bad that everyone of those jurors were blatantly lied to and led to come to a decision based upon lies, innuendos and outright deceit perpetrated in large part by you and your cohorts in perjury. Yes, perjury Ms. Sabol, because of your biased, slanted lies and distortion you masquerade as reporting, Dave Burgert has been convicted of a crime that was, in fact, committed by members of the Kalispell Police Department.
FACT: Dave Burgert was lawfully serving process at the time of the assault against him by the Kalispell police and the same Sheriff Deputy Mr. Snyder (whom you chose not to report was under a court order not to have any contact with Dave at the time of his assault against Dave in November) therefore committing a crime themselves since by their own testimony it is a crime to interfere with the lawful service of process! Too bad the jury was not adequately informed of this fact. Judge Warner, I applaud your forthright honesty and integrity in the profound statement that you have made (referenced above).
Warner said he's inclined to move Burgert's trial to Havre and sever it from Cesnik's trial. Warner said he may even combine the assault charge with a felony bail jumping charge pending against Burgert.
Severing it from Mr. Cesnik's charges makes a lot of good sense. Mr. Cesnik failed to stop for the police, though he claims to have a reasonable fear for his life. Why should this incident and any attending charges or trial be made a problem for Dave Burgert, or any other law abiding citizen for that matter? Why didn't the police just leave the scene and seek action against Mr. Cesnik as they eventually did? After all, it was about a possible blue light on Mr. Cesnik's truck. A misdemeanor at worst has now escalated into an unsubstantiated conspiracy of terrorism.
Burgert was represented at an omnibus hearing by attorney Rebecca Dupuis of Polson. He was originally represented by Missoula lawyer Matt Sisler, who was later suspended from practicing law. He was briefly represented by some people in California and was represented last month by Kalispell attorney Don Vernay.
FACT: The summons that Dave Burgert was empowered by the Court to serve was to be served upon the woman whose testimony was the foundation for Matt Sisler's disbarment. Attorney Sisler was merely attempting to serve process in his appeal effort to regain his Bar licensure.
FACT: The “people in California” were not able to represent David adequately. Therefore David's mother is paying for the horrendous legal expenses for David since he has lost his business because of this case and is now completely bankrupt.
FACT: Before Mr. Vernay stood up to give his closiong arguments, he turned to me in the courtroom at Dave's trial in Kalispell and said to my face and loud enough for Dave to hear, “I quit, I am finished with this insanity.”
How many acts of brutal agony must Dave Burgert suffer before he is finally given a fair and even venue to defend himself against clear acts of criminal conduct and tyranny? Dave was not represented by Mr. Vernay, he was misrepresented by him and by the criminal justice system is complicit in this conspiracy. Place yourself in Dave Burgert's position for just a moment and tell me how you would have felt when you heard your defense attorney say he has decided to quit on you?
Then, he was convicted by a jury of obstructing an officer and resisting arrest.
FACT: The testimony by critical witnesses in this trial can be proven as perjury. Dr. Ames clearly lied to the jury. Police Officers clearly lied to the jury. Yet neither the defense attorney, the prosecuting attorney or the judge in this case were interested in seeking the truth. The jury had little choice but to convict Dave Burgert, because the deck was stacked against him from the very beginning. The only assurance of Dave Burgert getting a fair trial is to move the venue some place where the deck is not stacked against him. You have done a very effective job of distorting the truth by lying to the public. You have violated your duty to report honest, factual news in a manner that will present all sides of an event and allow the public to determine for itself what to believe.
FACT: At 10:42 AM, Judge Heidi Ulbricht allowed a change to jury instruction # 9 which the jury was instructed by the bench that they, the jurors, were allowed to decide for themselves if a “known probability” exist that a crime had been committed. The jury was allowed to determine if “ the threat of force, any other means of force or to threaten force” was present at the time of Dave Burgerts arrest. Considering that, at the time of Dave's incident, that law did not exist (and was legislated in response to a recent Montana State Supreme Court ruling involving another act of terror committed by Kalispell Police against another citizen), I must ask: Since when is it lawful or constitutional to use an ex post facto law to convict an American? Should we not expect jurors to make a decision based on the facts of a case not expect them to delve into the realm of trying to decide what may have happened had some unknown act taken place? Better yet, should we not empower a citizens grand jury and seek indictments against Judge Heidi Ulbricht for jury tampering and illegally applying ex post facto laws?
After that, Vernay “essentially fired his client,” according to testimony. Vernay will still represent Cesnik, however.
FACT: At 11:26 AM according to my wrist watch and notes I taken at the trial (you were blissfully asleep Ms. Sabol so I know you missed some really juicy events taking place right in front of you), Mr. Vernay turned to me and made the statement: “I quit, this is insanity, I quit this insanity.” Mr. Vernay did not “fire his client”, he violated his oath. He broke a binding contract to defend Mr. Burgert against the false charges leveled against him by criminals behind badges, criminals wearing black robes, criminals masquerading as lovers of justice.
Mr. Harball in his closing arguments made a statement that, “The jury must send a message to the community...” well, Mr. Harball, the jury did send a message to the community: What crimes have been committed against Dave Burgert and others, the acts of violence, the lying and perjury, the acts of brutal terror they have committed, both by the Kalispell Police Officers and the Flathead County Sheriff's Department are considered acceptable. These criminals with badges can assault you, invade your home with out due process or a properly executed warrant, they can spray you in the face, the nose, the mouth and the throat, they can place a bag over your head without washing off the chemical and treat you like any jack booted thug of a Nazi regime would be expected to do; and there isn't a thing you can do about it! I hope the message to you is clear in the future Mr. Harball.
FACT: The Police knew before the jury returned with it's verdict that Dave was convicted.
Burgert will be prosecuted by John Connor of the state department of justice. County attorney Tom Esch was one of the people on the alleged “hit list” of officials targeted by Burgert and a group called Project 7; he withdrew from prosecution because of that. So did District Judge Kitty Curtis, for the same reason.
FACT: Tom Esch, Kitty Curtis, David Ortley, Jim Dupont, Frank Garner, Deputy Snyder, Sergeant Parker (KPD) and others in law enforcement, have committed crimes against not only Dave Burgert, but against all of us. They know it, the FBI and the State Attorney General know it, because Dave Burgert and many others of us have been investigating the abuse, the crimes and the attacks upon innocent citizens by these and many others since 1998 and have turned our facts over to those agencies in hopes that an end to the reign of brutality and criminal activity by these and others in the system will cease. This is why there is a conspiracy to get rid of David Burgert in Flathead County. If these criminals think for one moment that getting rid of Dave Burgert is going to make this problem of accountability they face disappear or go away, or that threats and intimidation, brutality and violence against innocent citizens is acceptable in a civil society, they are deeply mistaken. Project 7 was and continues to be about teaching and preparing for survival, about learning of our Constitutional foundations, so that we can hold our elected and or appointed officials in all levels of government accountable to their prime directive: To secure the rights of the people. All 56 projects in Montana and many around this Republic are united in this cause.
Burgert and Cesnik are accused of choking and hitting a sheriff's deputy. As they awaited trial, Burgert was charged in a separate incident which prompted the obstructing and resisting charges.
FACT: There were two Montana Highway Patrol Officers and one Flathead County Sheriff Deputy at the scene.
Neither of the two Highway Patrol Officers were able to testify at the hearing in Mr. Ortley's court of seeing Dave attack or abuse or assault Deputy Snyder in any way. They did testify that Deputy Snyder entered into Mr. Burgert's home without a warrant, and that Deputy Snyder assaulted both Dave Burgert and Bob Cesnik.
Deputy Snyder, when shown a copy of his incident report was unable to identify a modification made to his original report stating that Dave Burgert had assaulted him. He did testify that the report had been altered and that he thought it had been done by his shift commander.
FACT: The statement of all three officers involved in that original incident conflicted with one another, the only consistent truth among the three reports made by the officers there was the fact that Dave Burgert did not assault the Deputy!
FACT: According to a statement made under oath by a Montana Highway Patrol Officer in the hearing, Judge Ortley thinks there is something criminal or sinister about being a Constitutionalist. The Patrol officer stated under oath that he, “...knew they were Constitutionalist and we feared for our lives.”
How can we justify this attitude in our constitutional republic to the millions of veterans who have served to defend the Constitution? How do we account for ourselves as a society when our courts hold and perpetrate an attitude of loathing and mockery of that which many have laid down their lives for? Why would any one fear a Constitutionalist in a constitutional republic such as ours is? Could it be that the dominant media's lies and distortion regarding the Patriot community have created a serious breach of trust between those who serve to protect our liberties and those whom they seek to serve?
Burgert disappeared in January and was additionally charged with bail jumping - a felony. He was arrested after an all-night engagement with law enforcement in the woods west of town. No one was hurt and Burgert was jailed on $1 million bond.
FACT: Dave Burgert was denied justice by a criminal justice system out to get him. I understand your ignorance and fear of reprisal by your puppet masters. Fear of a superior force is healthy. However, cowardice and direct efforts to destroy our Republic is not acceptable. You will be held accountable. Because David was wrongfully charged in the incident at his home, and was almost killed by the brutality of the attack against him; because he was financially bankrupted and ruined by the unconstitutional excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment by Judge Kitty Curtis and others, David Burgert had a very reasonable fear for the safety for his life and of his wife and family and chose to flee rather than to face the inevitable fact that he would never come out of this case alive. This is still a very real threat. He is not out of the woods yet. And neither are the freedom loving, law abiding citizens of Flathead County either.
FACT: There was a credible direct threat to Dave Burgerts life made the day of his disappearance by members of the North West Montana Drug Task Force agency (Flathead County Sheriff members to be specific) which prompted Dave to flee. The County Sheriff knows this. It is in a report made by one of the Detectives involved in this case. But knowing Jim Dupont for the Constitutionally ignorant man that he has shown himself to be, I suspect he is too dishonest to admit this fact. That's ok, Mr. Dupont, it, and some interesting evidence of drug use and distribution in Flathead County will come out some day at a fair trial. Also, some very strange and unusual activities are taking place on your watch, Mr. Dupont; murder victims bodies being cremated without family permission, and bodies never showing up at the state crime lab. The list goes on and it is long and sordid, Mr. Dupont. Through the process of exposure and truth you will be held accountable for this and many other things.
(Warner said Cesnik's trial will be held Aug. 28 in Kalispell. Burgert's will likely be scheduled for September or October).
Isn't this an interesting statement on your part, Ms. Sabol. First you report that the trial may be moved to Havre, that it may be separated from the Cesnik trial and that it may be combined with the bail jumping charges. Seems to me that you don't have a solid grasp on reality, Ms. Sabol. If Judge Warner says it will be held that way, don't you think that it will be held that way? I am not so certain the bail jumping charges should be held at the same time however there are obviously reasons why the judge feels they should. After all, if law enforcement had not committed a crime against this man in the first place, there would have been no need for bail and hence there would be no bail jumping charges.
To complete this effort, Ms. Sabol, here are some FACTS I would like you to explore:
FACT: The Constitution for the United States of America, the supreme law of the land, expressly forbids exactly what has happened to Dave Burgert and God only knows how many others in actions perpetrated by Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice and others in the City/ County government system. Why won't you explore these facts and find out how such a crime could happen?
FACT: Deputy Snyder of the Flathead County Sheriff's Department was under a lawful court order to have no contact with Dave Burgert since his assault on Dave at his home prior to the November incident. Deputy Snyder chose to willingly violate this court order and break the law. He committed another assault upon the person of Dave Burgert in November, in collusion with members of the Kalispell Police Department, while Dave was in the act of serving lawful process. Deputy Snyder broke two laws at that point, and quite possibly committed a crime of bodily assault and interference of lawful service of process in addition to previous acts he has committed. Why won't you explore these facts and find out how such a crime could happen?
FACT: Kalispell City Police Officers, in collusion with Chief Frank Garner, have committed acts of violence and terror against the person of Dave Burgert while he was in the act of performing a lawful service of process, a crime they admitted to in the court room of Judge Ulbricht. Why won't you explore these facts and find out how such a crime could happen?
FACT: Mr. Harball's witness Dr. Ames lied and perjured himself in the courtroom. No one in either defense, the prosecution or from the bench, chose to investigate and correct this lie. It was critical in the conviction of Dave Burgert. This is a fact that can be clearly substantiated by a competent attorney under cross examination. Why won't you explore these facts and find out how such a crime could happen?
In conclusion, Ms. Sabol, you and your editor are guilty of jury tampering with your hideous representation of what you call journalism. You have slanted this case and the true facts of it from the beginning. You have aided and abetted in the acts of violence and terror against Dave Burgert, and all citizens of the Flathead. I pray that the Divine Providence so often referred to by our first President George Washington in his many writings, and most eloquently by President Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, that justice of the Almighty God shall indeed visit you for your sins of treason against our Constitutional Republic. Surely you have wrought a damnable deed against freedom and liberty, and justice demands an accounting. President Lincoln said it most eloquently when he stated : “ I fear for my Nation when I reflect that God's justice will prevail.”
May God our Creator have mercy on your souls for the crimes you have committed against innocent people.
Note: This letter has not been published, even in part, by the Daily Inter Lake. It has, however, been received. Can you imagine receiving such a letter in response to your work? Can you imagine what Sabol must have thought as Heit exposed, point by point how she had been used to perpetuate the lies and deceit government uses to justify lawless oppression on the American people? (~DWH)
Posted by J. Croft (Member # 3405) on 06-17-2011 11:14 AM:
quote:Don't (at least some of us) wish!
Yea, it ia all over our news today...
They claim he is the leader of a large militia group intent on killing police, judges and Government officials...
But strangely they have reduced the amount of LEO searching for him.
You remember that dude in Oakland last year or so, shot two motorcycle cops then made a last stand at his sister's home with an AK-47, took out a couple more SWATzis? You remember why he went down for a escort to Valhalla?
Its because his probation officer systematically fucked with him that's why. The enemy wants recidivism because it keeps people enslaved, it keeps the crime rate up to give them business and frightens the sheep. Plus the kind of fucker that becomes a probation/parole officer gets off on the absolute power they wield over their charges. Which is what happened with Mr. Mixon; his POS probation officer kept scheduling meetings then cancelling them, making Mixon waste valuable time going to his office only to get jerked about. The one time he blows it off because the probie established a firm pattern and the fucker puts a warrant out for his arrest. And this guy was your run of the mill Ghetto-American.
Imagine the shit that the enemy inflicts on their ideological arch enemies-oh wait, we don't have to.
Not letting them know where you really live helps, but sooner or later all of us will have to confront the beast... or do it again. David Burgert decided not again. I just hope he's got more of a plan than simply hide in the wilderness because sooner or later you will subconsciously want it to be over with and you do something stupid to get caught. Then you're really in hell.
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