Resist...until it is time to shut 'em down

*Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. ~ Thomas Jefferson*Thank you to all who weighed-in on this issue in the poll, and to all of the bloggers who have chosen to add Jefferson's quote to their blogs. I think the numbers make it clear where our hearts lie.There will come a time when the media circus casts bright lights upon our little piece of the web, and what they see and read will be consistent. We want to be left alone, free and at Liberty.And we mean it.It is not too much to ask that we ...more »
Need Homeland Security at ... Pond Skimming Event?
Participant at the Annual Vail Ski Pond Skimming Competition. Apparently a security risk worthy of having DHS agents present.From a letter written to the editor of the Vail Daily:Vail Daily letter: Need Homeland Security at ... pond skimming event?Armed Homeland Security police were patrolling the Vail Ski Pond Skimming Competition, a joke of a ski race. Joke ski races are now
Sac LEO Suck

UPDATE: Well, shucks. LEO killed someone, and they think it is their baddie. 11:40 ESTYes, the picture above is of Sacramento Ninja LEO in front of the State Capitol.Sacramento LEO: $123,000,000 annual budget. 730+ LEO. 325+ Civilian employees.And they called in CHP.And they called in local Sheriff assets, with air support.And they can't find one 20-something who has jacked at least 2 vehicles and a tractor under their SkyNet. They are a joke.Do you know why Americans have not yet smirked, shirked and thrown off the laughably defective weight of the Tyrants among us? Becau...more »
Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 20 Apr 2012
Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 20 Apr 2012 : America is saving its own...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my blog for the full Story ]]
ESEE Junglas Knife: One Of the Best Big Knives in the Market
ESEE / RAT Cutlery Junglas 10″ Knife with Sheath Join the forum discussion on this post!FerFAL
This'll make you spit...

*The supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution gives the Secret Service the authority to ban guns inside the convention even though Florida law trumps the city's authority to regulate them elsewhere, said Michael L. Seigel, a University of Florida Research Foundation professor of law. The supremacy clause makes the Constitution and the national laws made pursuant to it the "supreme law of the land."*So, the Secret Service can ban 2A from sea to shining sea, if they determine it is necessary to protect POTUS? That is the question that comes to my mind.Here's the entire story, if ...more »
A Most Gracious Rebuke on My Last Post...

The Rightful Butcher Number 1My colleagues at the Sino-American Eternal Friendship League have graciously informed me that it is not Stalin who is the number one butcher of all time; it was Chairman Mao. In that, I stand corrected. Numbers don't lie.America and her allies helped put Mao into power (and helped keep him there), a fact which I will expound on later as time permits.But yes, my friends at the S.A.E.F.L. speak truly and I must admit I was wrong. I am truly a worthless, no good round-eye yángguǐzi.Thanks for the reminder, CA. My head is so buried in the Eastern Fr...more »
L.A. Sheriff Officer Involved Shootings A Badge of Honor
Last month I talked about police officers in New Mexico receiving $500 from the police union when they shoot someone. I speculated on how this would affect their decision to shoot or not to shoot a suspect.Now we have a report from the L.A. Times regarding a 'clique' (PC talk for gang) of L.A. Sheriff officers who think being involved in a shooting makes you more respectable among their
III Gear: New Patches & Shipping

*Shipping of pending orders:* Folks, all pending orders are either in the mail or will be in the mail this weekend.The only exclusions: Hoodies & Cold Steel items. Condor's first shipment has arrived, so if you ordered Condor Gear it'll be shipping as well. It has all been emroidered. All of Zoomie's great stickers are shipping. Some of you have waited far longer than I like. I apologize. Please keep in mind this is not a business, it isn't my day job. I have to work on it when time allows.I have added a new patch, pictured above. They will be in my shop in about 14 days, and wi...more »
Edging closer to a Ruckus, targets are identifying themselves...

Don't believe in Climate Warming? This guy wants to let your house burn down.At least we understand one another.There can be no coexistence.Here's the link.FYI: I did not link to the Alex Jones piece because they deliberately mis-stated the columnist. He did not call for active targeting and burning of non-believers homes. He said *let them burn*.KerodinIII
France: Reviving Nationalism & American Secession

Pat Buchanan notes in his latest column that France is moving away from an identity as a European blend toward her roots as Frenchmen. This includes a growing resistance for her millions of Muslims. Germany recently made it clear that while Muslims were welcome, Islam was not. Obviously, that is a position that will not hold. One cannot live with a foot in both of those camps for long.The grand notion of a unified Europe with walls, borders and national identities falling and blending to one homogeneous new entity is dying, fast. Economic struggles are the hardest in a marriage, a...more »
Gold Radio Cafe - Gold and Silver Financial Review With Bob Chapman
Gold Radio Cafe - Gold and Silver Financial Review With Bob Chapman hosted by...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my blog for the full Story ]]
This full-scale Schlieren image shows the discharge of a .44 Magnum revolver.Lethality comes in threes, you need to accurately hit your target. The "center of mass" hold for pistol shooters is fine for a high probability of lethal effects, but it is almost a guarantee that a center mass hit will not "stop" an attacker. To stop an attacker you have to get a central nervous system shot,
Bob Chapman - A Marine Disquisition - 19 Apr 2012
Bob Chapman - A Marine Disquisition - 19 Apr 2012 : the situation in Greece...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my blog for the full Story ]]
PatComs: NC & PA
Brock & Company are getting together in NC and TL's Summit is next weekend.Full details at CA's place, here.KerodinIII
A Most Perilous Place to Be
The most successful butcher in all of human history is to have his face plastered all over Russian buses.Imagine if one were to want to commemorate Hitler's birthday (today, April 20th) publicly, say, with a performance of his favorite opera today, in Goebbels' opera house. Horrendous, some say! Imagine the outcry, recently seen over a proposed 4-20 showing of *Rienzi*. Even Hitler's parents' graves have been recently desecrated (removed) in the interest of suppressing any sort of show of reverence for Hitler or his family.For the commemoration of the Soviet "Victory Day", Russ...more »
Humans: Our own worst enemy

For those folks who are looking forward to some major paradigm shift in the current state of human affairs, worry not. Whether fact or spin, the concept that fracking may be contributing to Earthquakes is telling of our arrogance as a species.But if the tie between fracking and Earthquakes proves to be nothing more than environmentalist spin, not to worry: Humans have proved time and again that the least responsible among us will find a way to inflict damage upon the species with the latest and greatest.Be it nuclear weapons, microwave disruptors, a biological bug released from ...more »
David Codrea: ‘Gunwalker’ suspect gave ATF and border authorities plenty of clues amidst lies
Couldn't do this one myself.
H.R. 308: Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act
Ms. "Shoulder thing that goes up" is at it again. H.R. 308: Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act112th Congress, 2011–2012 To prohibit the transfer or possession of large capacity ammunition feeding devices, and for other purposes.Sponsor:Rep. Carolyn McCarthy [D-NY4]Status: Referred to Committee h/t to WyoThreeper
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