"The Convergence of a Major Market Event"
My FOREX brokerage has issued a notice that it will not accept any trades
from 6:00PM EST tonight until this Sunday afternoon.
They have issued this statement:
"OANDA believes the convergence of a major market event during off-market
hours represents a potential trading risk and has taken this rare step to
protect traders from excessive rate fluctuations."
*This is a first, in my experience. Of course a market event is always a
risk in FOREX, or trading currencies. This company is *shutting down
trading *to protect itself. Are you ready for this potential "major market
event"?... more »
Examiner.com: Enthusiasm gap

Posted a second Examiner column.
Most of my Examiner columns will deal with mainstream politics, given my
task there of "Tea Party Examiner", so many of you may not be at all
interested. But I have found the venue does give me opportunities to get my
shots in for the folks who have not yet awakened, but may be so inclined.
Here's the link.
WND: Holder faces corruption scandal, too.
Bankruptcy victims allege he's protecting Democrats from prosecution.
Gunwalker events. Lefties blame me for "Issa's conspiracy theory."
The Daily Caller: Issa, Boehner decline ‘Fast and Furious’ meeting with
Holder until DOJ satisfies document subpoena.
Washington Times: Holder aide who erred on Fast and Furious leaves Justice
Greta Van Susteren: Will politics obstruct contempt charges against Holder
in 'Fast and Furious'?
Roll Call: GOP Smells Blood, Bores In on Eric Holder.
*Lefties blame me for "Issa's conspiracy theory."*
Washington Monthly: The Fast and Furious Dog Whistle.
Think Progress: Five Things To Know About The Republican Witchhunt Against
Attorney General Holder
Whatever you do, don't get excited...
That title is one of those fallback phrases my Uncle always had ready for
his nieces & nephews when frustration or fear or other potentially
debilitating emotions/circumstances would suddenly manifest.
His point was simple: The moment you surrender mental acuity, you place
yourself at a disadvantage to every other Soul in the mix. The severity of
the situation changed nothing. It could be as simple as frustration
building because it is hot and your chore is to cut the grass on the slope.
It could be that your foot is caught in a loop of trot line that is rapidly
playing out over th... more »
Remembering Bob Chapman on The Vincent Finelli Show!
Remembering Bob Chapman with Frank Underhill on The Vincent Finelli Show!
[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my blog
http://www.bobchapman.blogspot.com for the full Story ]]
The Flag Resolution of 1777 - Flag Day
On June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress
passed the Flag Resolution which stated:
“Resolved, That the flag of
the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the
union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new
Today is Flag Day, a celebration of the birth of our Nation's Flag.
Flag Day is believed to have
Condor & American Liberty Congress

I've decided I'll wear the Condor Tactical drop-leg rig in DC for the
Liberty Congress. Since there is no telling what the weather may be on
November 3 in DC (It could be snowing or it could be in the 80's), I want
to make sure I am wearing a holster that will be prominent no matter what
outerwear I may need for warmth. An empty belt holster buried under a coat
kinda kills the moment.
I mention this only because I'll be placing a Condor order tomorrow at 3pm
Eastern so if anyone wants to get in under the wire, now is the time. As
far as I know they are still back-ordering the #163... more »
Every contact your child has with Government is deliberate programming

...even 4-H.
Here's the piece from Miss Violet, who saw it from the inside.
Rand ain't Ron

*Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Tuesday introduced the Preserving Freedom from
Unwarranted Surveillance Act, which would require the government to get a
warrant before using aerial drones to surveil U.S. citizens. *
My question: Why doesn't Senator Paul simply stand up and say "This is
already illegal, it violates 4A, we do not need a new law"?
Because the current Political Class is not in the business of respecting
the Constitution, they are in the business of making every act under the
sun either legal or illegal by law, regulation or rule rather than Right.
Here's the story.
Kerodi... more »
Daily Caller: Group releases new ad shooting for Fast and Furious ‘accountability’
Be sure to watch the video.
Pigs must be flying and they must be handing out icewater in Hell.

NBC Discovers Fast and Furious.
Sipsey Street Exclusive: More DOJ Whistleblowers Emerge, This Time From DC. Do they bear "the keys to the kingdom?" "There sure is a sense of renewed enthusiasm here."
*The keys to the kingdom.*
Multiple, previously highly credible, sources close to the Gunwalker
investigation report that there are at least one and perhaps two sources
within the Department of Justice headquarters who have approached the Issa
Committee seeking whistleblower status. One source, who reported that there
were at least two of Eric Holder's subordinates who "came in from the
cold," characterized them as "high-level" DOJ employees "with knowledge of
Eric Holder's actions before and after" the 4 February 2011 DOJ letter
denying that the DOJ and its subordinate agencies k... more »
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