Thursday, June 21, 2012


Even If You're Right, Why They'll Kill You Anyway

Ironwill III at Resistor in the Rockies - 5 minutes ago
When I was on SWAT our view is that "We will always win....even if we have to burn down your entire house by bombing it....we will win". Period. Wow! With a mindset like that, from those who are supposed to 'protect and serve', I guess we should just all roll over and wet ourselves. Go read the post by Curtis and read ALL the links. Do you understand what you're up against? h/t to more »

Back home, recovering, much to the chagrin of MSNBC viewers.

Dutchman6 at Sipsey Street Irregulars - 30 minutes ago
Thanks for all your prayers. Although from the comments on my last health post from the hospital, the MSNBC viewers Rachel Madcow stirred up seem to be fervently praying to Gaia for my death. Didn't print all of them, just the semi-clean ones. Please keep David Codrea and family in your prayers on the death of David's father. more »

My Svengali-like hold on the GOP and NRA.

Dutchman6 at Sipsey Street Irregulars - 36 minutes ago
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy more »

Foodstamp Shutdown Statewide California

george4title at SurviveAndThriveTV - 1 hour ago  NOTE this looks like a trial balloon to gauge reactions when they really do cut off the welfare and pensions for lack of money in the BUDGET... the CAFR tells a different story that's where all our money went!

NorthWest PatCom

Kerodin at III Percent Patriots - 10 hours ago
Miss Violet is considering an event, probably next summer. There are good people we all need to meet, and a few who I know are interested in this PatCom may be there. Read her post, here. Kerodin III more »

Links for 2012-06-20 []

- Gerald Celente : The Too Late is Coming | Gerald Celente Trends Blog Gerald Celente : The Too Late is Coming - Nigel Farage: EUROLAND One Giant Ponzi Scheme! | Gerald Celente Trends Blog - Nigel Farage: EUROLAND One Giant Ponzi Scheme! | Gerald Celente Trends Blog Nigel Farage: EUROLAND One Giant Ponzi Scheme! - Nigel Farage: The EUROZONE is One Giant Ponzi Scheme! | Gerald Celente Trends Blog - Donald Trump - The Euro is doomed | ROBERT KIYOSAKI BLOG - Donald Trump - The Euro is doomed - Donald Trump - The Euro is doomed - Mafia Revel... more »

Resistance S4: The Logistics of Successful Cache Plan Development (Part Two)

John Mosby at NousDefions-We Defy! - 19 hours ago
(*In the previous installment of this article, we discussed--well, I discussed, you read--a great deal of the art and science of locating and hiding caches, in an overview sort of way. In this installment, I will endeavor to get you thinking of methods of packaging the materials to be cached, the contents of the different types of caches, and how to develop a written cache report format. --J.M.*) *Packaging* In reference to caches, the term packaging refers not only to whatever container you decide to hide your goodies in, but also the additional processing needed to protect thos... more »

Love and Hate

Unprofitable Servant at The Arctic Patriot - 1 day ago
For a person to truly love, a person must be able to truly *hate.* I *love* children*,* therefore*, I hate* infanticide. Infanticide involves a certain logic that eventually leads to a frightening end. It has officially and publicly come around to its logical end. *After birth abortion*. Consider the following from a Stand to Reason newsletter. I completely agree with his conclusions (although I refuse to call any baby murder "abortion"). Murdering a baby after he or she passes through the birth canal is logically no different than doing the same thing before he or she makes th... more »

Corralito in France?

Looks like it: “In something we have not seen reported anywhere else, we received contact from a reader, Pierre J., who told us that bank branches are limiting withdrawals now almost everywhere in France. According to Pierre, they are requesting five days notice to withdraw 2000 euro.” –Mark Hi Mark, This has been going on for some time. I dont think it means there’s an imminent corralito but it is one of those signs that show the possibility of one or at the very least, i... more »

So, you want to be like Gabe, eh?

Kerodin at III Percent Patriots - 1 day ago
Rich T has brought Gabe Suarez back into my orbit by posting a link to a conversation recently held at Gabe's site. Then Gabe weighed-in with his own two cents. First: If you put a dime in Gabe's pocket by taking his courses, leave here and do not come back. If you have already done it and are just now learning of his Useful Idiot status in the FSA for the Establishment, I'll forgive you, go forth and sin no more. Second: Do you have the skills to overcome, counter and kill guys like the ones Gabe trains? They *will* be fighting against you. They *do* have skills. They will rarely... more »

Resolution Passed - Holder in Contempt

Ironwill III at Resistor in the Rockies - 1 day ago
Now the resolution will go to Boehner to schedule a house vote. He has the votes to pass including 31 Dems. But does he have the balls? Texas Conservative Republican News has a nice summary of what just transpired. Stay tuned.... UPDATE: Boehner, Cantor Announce House Fast & Furious Contempt Vote Next Week House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) issued more »


Kerodin at III Percent Patriots - 1 day ago
Just a random thought for consideration: Every serious "Movement" on Earth, whether religious, political, ideological, has one thing in common - the Movement has people who are willing to kill and die for their Movement. Why is Christianity descending? They have stopped killing enemies of Christianity. Why is Islam rising? They kill enemies of Islam daily. Why is Tyranny rising? They kill enemies of Tyranny daily. Why have abortionists murdered 53 million+ babies in America alone? Because abortionists walk freely among us. Why is Liberty in America dying? You know the answer... ... more »

Jamie Dimon: You talkin' to me?!

Kerodin at III Percent Patriots - 1 day ago
You'll remember JPMorgan lost a couple billion recently. You'll remember the tough talk from the US Senate, and how they called him to Capitol Hill to "*Get Answers*..." Did you know Jamie Dimon reminded the United States Senators of their true place and value with a set of cufflinks? The links contrasted his perfect white shirt beautifully, with the Seal of the Office of the President of the United States. Who answers to whom? I did not bother watching the hearing. News reports, however, indicate the Senators of the Banking Committee were cartoonish in their deference to the CEO... more »

Øbama Executive Privilege Invoked Over Fast & Furious Documents

Ironwill III at Resistor in the Rockies - 1 day ago
Blue's Blog comes to the correct conclusion: Is anyone surprised? I, and many others, have said it many times before. Fast and Furious goes all the way to the top. obama was involved from the beginning. How could it possibly be that he wasn't? To claim otherwise would be to admit that obama doesn't have control. They're circling the wagons. Read the HuffPost here   more »

Examiner: Healthcare & the Constitution

Kerodin at III Percent Patriots - 1 day ago
New column today challenging Freedomworks, the DC Tea Party and Rand Paul on Healthcare. Here's the link. Kerodin III more »

Credit-to-Cash-to-Credit Cycle

Kerodin at III Percent Patriots - 1 day ago
Monetary systems have been based on debt (credit) since long before coins came into existence. I will give you 4 chickens when they hatch for a bag of feed today. Things generally work ok so long as lenders properly vet borrowers and make only sound investments, and so long as borrowers possess self-discipline and do not borrow more than is reasonable. The real problems began when slick money-players started selling debt as an asset. Once that began, the debt sellers began packaging debt that was of less and less value - like the debt on a McMansion lent to a 5-figure-income fami... more »

Links for 2012-06-19 []

- Gerald Celente - A War With Iran is Imminent - June 18, 2012 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog Gerald Celente - A War With Iran is Imminent - June 18, 2012 - Gerald Celente - A War With Iran is Imminent - June 18, 2012 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog - Max Keiser Blog: Emperor Max Keiser talks Silver (money for future kings) - Emperor Max Keiser talks Silver (money for future kings) - Greece can have better than the Euro - a Silver Backed Drachma - Max Keiser & Hugo Salinas | Gerald Celente Trends Blog - Greece can have better than the Euro - a Silve... more »

Buy a Gun Day: XTAC Review

Kerodin at III Percent Patriots - 1 day ago
Mozart is putting together a great site leading toward November 6th, Buy a Gun Day. Have you mentioned the site to your local gun shop? Here is a link to a review of the Wilson XTAC. God's Pistol comes in all shapes and sizes, and price points. Here's the link. Kerodin III more »

CO AG Says Nope to Lower Tuition for Illegals

Ironwill III at Resistor in the Rockies - 2 days ago
Remember when the Metro State College of Denver board of Trustees granted 'undocumented' students a lower tuition rate than out-of-state LEGAL students? Well John Suthers, the Colorado Attorney General just bitch slapped them.   “After carefully reviewing the state and federal law in this area, my office has concluded that Colorado’s state-supported higher-education institutions cannot

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