An American Revolution Contextual Resource
Some of you may find the following .pdf file available at to be
of some value:
The Pulpit of the American Revolution, or The political sermons of the
period of 1776, with a historical introduction, notes, and illustrations(1876)
This book contains quite a bit of valuable contextual information for those
interested in the founding of America as an independent nation, and the
Revolution in general.
The more I read and study the subject, the more I am convinced that in
addition to earthly concerns and grievances, the American Revolution was as
much a product of the pulpit ... more »
ROTFL...MAO (Takes on a New Meaning)

Mindweapons in Ragnarok links to a story about the Chinese "back door" in
US computer chips.
Good thing the US Government is saving money when it comes to national
defense... we wouldn't want to cut into entitlements or government funding
of La Raza or ACORN. Or the First Lady's visits to known terrorists.
What's the funniest part?
*The US Government put Mao (the harmless "agrarian reformer") into power,
and established Marxist-Maoist China. *
The US Government Violates Yet Another Nation's Sovereignty
How should Americans react to foreign reconnaissance troops dropped onto
our soil by a foreign power?
Does your answer change if it's American recon dropped into North Korea?
Go Hard, Now!

Can you go hard?
I mean, can you drop the civility and the reflex polite smiles when you are
face to face with a Liberal idiot?
Most of you have seen that I am usually patient and tolerant. I can also
speak up and get ugly quickly, both online and in person. And I do not
believe in proportional response.
Consider: Your Liberal co-worker or neighbor goes to the polls and pulls
the lever for politicians who will go to your City Hall, State House and DC
to tax you more, restrict you more, and reduce the quality of life for you
and yours.
Does that co-worker/neighbor deserve your po... more »
So, in the interest of spreading rapport and knowledge amongst the American
resistance-to-be, I'd like to point out that I'm not the only SF/former SF
guy currently teaching classes/clinics. The guys over at SFMedics are
currently offering clinics. I don't know everything they're offering, but,
while I DO teach TC3, up to the Tactical Field Care, inclusive of both the
current doctrinal protocols and expedient modifications for
guerrilla/resistance elements (taught it this weekend, in fact, with an AAR
forthcoming from a participant), I guarantee you that the 18Deltas (SF
medics, for... more »
Gulag Bound: "Hunger Games" Review
A Two-Part review of *The Hunger Games*, from Gulag Bound.
Part One
Part Two
It's not the standard *"The Hunger Games is a good movie because it's
against the evil government"* review.
This review is quite a bit better than that, in my opinion.
Bob Chapman favorite Gold & Silver Mining Companies
Bob Chapman : I think the bigger companies, Agnico-Eagle and Goldcorp,
[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my blog for the full Story ]]
Perspective: Gloom & Doom

Yes, the world around us is moving in directions we do not appreciate.
Yes, finances are tough for most of us and the jobs picture sucks.
Yes, Communists and petty tyrants are seeking to have their way with us.
Every generation has faced and will face most of the same challenges of
Tribes will seek to dominate or eradicate other Tribes.
In every age there will be men who mean to be Masters.
Every man and woman will run into people who do not like them.
Every man and woman will have to endure the pettiest among us, once in a
In our little piece of... more »
Militia Medical Training- Leave the Classroom
I posted much of the following in response to this post at WRSA.
I think that some of the best field medical training I ever partook in
wasn't classroom stuff, but a field exercise complete with OPFOR. Under
somewhat miserable (and wet) conditions, we took our classroom knowledge to
the field, and were evaluated in treating different types of casualties
under different simulated circumstances.
The difference was in the stress, and the possibility that a wrong move
could not only mean the medical provider becoming a casualty, but in the
squad-killing ramifications of having two woun... more »
Memorial Day - Rememberance and Outrage
19, 1775 - American Patriots are struck down in an attempt to prevent
their firearms from being confiscated by British troops, which would
have suppressed their means of their God given rights to self-defense.
Their deaths were not in vain and led to the birth of the united States
of America.
Not to diminish those who fought and died in other wars, such as the War
of 1812, WW1 and WW2,
Casualties in Chicago this Weekend: 25
Two dozen shot in utterly disarmed Chicago this weekend, again proving the
idiocy that is the logic behind citizen disarmament.
*More than two dozen people were shot across the city between late Saturday
afternoon and early Sunday morning.*
*One died and several others are in critical condition in shootings that
left a total of 25 people injured, according to police. A 6-year-old girl
was among the wounded.*
*Five people were shot on the West Side within 20 minutes of each other in
two separate attacks about 2:10 a.m. and 2:30 a.m. Police are investigating
the possibility that t... more »
Occupy DC: Not so much...

Update: Here's the map and schedule for Rolling Thunder Memorial Day in DC. Here's
the link. ~ K
Mrs. Kerodin and I have been in and around DC the last few days, and the
next few days will be more of the same.
Occupy: Nowhere to be found.
Probably a good idea for them, anyway. It's Rolling Thunder in DC this
weekend, and you can't move 20 feet in any direction without finding a
cluster of bikes that are worth $250k. The Mall was blocked off today, and
we enjoyed the bikes from the suburbs of Maryland and Virginia into every
section of the city we traveled. Flags are flying, ... more »
Praxis: More discussion on Guerrilla Logistics.
Resistance S4: The Logistics of Successful Cache Plan Development
Praxis: Marines and Army Eyeing Protective Face Shields

"These face shields do pretty much exactly what you'd think: they protect
the wearer's face from fragmentation debris and rounds as large as 9mm."
Trayvon and those innocent skittles.

Trayvon Martin Shooting – A year of drug use culminates in predictable
violence… Outstanding effort by Threeper Dedicated Dad.
Department of Homeland Insecurity List of Keywords.
Of course "militia" is one of them. Try to make a long sentence using as
many as possible.
Battlefield Prayer: John Paul Strain

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