If Cops Can't Taze a Pregnant Woman, The Terrorists Will Win
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Two survivors of police abuse: Malaika Brooks and her daughter. |
Thanks to a misbegotten ruling from a divided Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, police in nine states have been left at an insurmountable disadvantage when dealing with criminal suspects. At least, that’s what we’re told in a legal brief submitted to the Supreme Court by a coalition of police unions. GASP!
“It won’t be long before the word spreads through society’s criminal underworld that the Ninth Circuit hasn’t simply given them a `get out of jail free’ card, but a `never have to go to jail in the first place’ card,” warns the amicus brief. Rather than subduing criminals, “police officers will now be forced to walk away from people they have arrested.”Yeah cuz if we don't revenue, if we don't stop the spread of cracka al qaeda lemonade stands and pig farmers, the terrorists WILL win... because WE are the terrorists.
The ruling that is fraught with such awful implications, Brooks v. City of Seattle, involved a patently unnecessary Taser attack upon a woman who was seven months pregnant. Bet the tin badge fucknuts would argue otherwise-can't hang out at Dunkin Donuts all day. The unarmed woman, who was not suspected of a violent crime, posed no threat to the three – yes, three – valiant officers who assaulted her. Hey you know pregnant women and their hormones-HA! HA! She was uncooperative, but did not offer any violent resistance. Doesn't matter when your betters want to make quota.
Her sole “offense” was to refuse a demand that she sign a traffic ticket that was eventually dismissed. YOU DON'T EVER REFUSE TO CONTRACT WITH THE COURT, SLAVE!
In March 2010, the Ninth Circuit Court found that Seattle Police Officers Steven Daman, Juan Ornelas, and Donald Jones used excessive force when they committed their attack on Brooks and her unborn child – but that they were entitled to “qualified immunity” because the legal precedents dealing with the use of electro-shock torture on a pregnant woman were ambiguous in 2004. All officers of the court and that includes Barney Fife have had immunity proclamated by... 9 crusty old pedophiles called the Supreme Court.
The assailants were thus left in the clear -- but unsatisfied with their victory. With the support of organizations representing tens of thousands of police officers (including some 30,000 SWAT operators), the officers are appealing that ruling to the Supreme Court, claiming that any limitation on the discretionary use of tasers against non-violent “suspects” constitutes an unacceptable restraint on police discretion and a dire threat to that holiest of social considerations, “officer safety.” These motherfuckers really wear down on my ability to be fascicious they really fucking do-learn how to shoot a rifle and form rifle teams-and find your fucking balls! Note the picture below: these oath traitors in their nazi black uniforms are walking sihoullete targets-plus you get a pistol, ammo, his patrol carbine for the expenditure of one high powered .30 caliber round of choice.
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An unarmed fourteen-year-old girl is tasered in Philadelphia. |
In its brief on behalf of the officers, the Los Angeles County Police Chiefs Association (LACPCA) and the National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) insist that refusing to allow police to use electro-shock torture against a pregnant woman would fatally undermine the principle of “pain compliance” on which social order – as they pretend to understand it – depends. In other words they want to be able to inflict torture on you without having to put in the effort of swinging their aluminum tonfa sticks; all the donuts and pizzas they eat they might stroke out.
On November 23, 2004, Malaika Brooks was taking her son to school when she was stopped by Officer Ornelas, who claimed – wrongly, as it turned out – that she had been speeding. Cops love it when it's your word against theirs-as an officer of the court he can lie and get away with it. When he presented Brooks with a traffic ticket, she refused to sign it out of the concern that doing so would constitute an admission of guilt. Which is to an average American, reasonable-that word however is the most dangerous word in legalese.. She had done the same during a 1996 traffic stop in which the officer, who possessed some residual decency, simply handed her the little extortion note and walked away. Whole nother era now.
Ornelas, unfortunately, chose to escalate the encounter by calling for “backup.” They call for backup for anything, makes them feel good to perpetrate crimes when you got accomplices-just have to use more ammo that's all. A few minutes later, Officer Jones and Sgt. Daman arrived on the scene and began to threaten and berate Brooks. Teamwork. We need to learn that. None of this was necessary: The officers were engaging in a tribal display of primate dominance, rather than carrying out a function related in any way to protection of person and property. When they threatened to kidnap – or, as they called it, “arrest” – Brooks, the woman informed them that she was “less than 60 days from having my baby.” You actually expect humanity out of today's meter maids?
After huddling briefly, the three officers attacked Brooks. Ornelas seized her right arm and -- in the course of less than a minute – inflicted three “drive stun” charges to Brooks’s neck, shoulder, and thigh, an assault that left her with permanent scars. The three officers then dragged Brooks – who had been desperately clinging to the steering wheel, honking the horn, and screaming for help – from the car, threw her face-down and pinned her to the ground. She was handcuffed and then booked on charges of “Refusing to sign” a traffic citation – a misdemeanor – and resisting arrest. I can only say that we all need to develop relations with people who will throw doun for us at a moment's notice. We need to do likewise.
A jury eventually found Brooks guilty of the first “offense,” and acquitted her of the second. The speeding citation was thrown out before Brooks went to court. Brooks filed suit against the officers for assault and violating her civil rights. The officers responded by invoking the well-established – and utterly specious – doctrine of “qualified immunity,” seeking a summary dismissal. The District Court dismissed the assault charge but found that the officers had committed a civil rights violation that nullified their claim to qualified immunity.
The Ninth Circuit reversed that holding as it applied to the defendants, ruling that the officers were protected by qualified immunity and could not be sued by Brooks. However, the Court offered notice that in the future similar taser attacks on non-cooperative but non-violent subjects would constitute excessive force. FUCK THE COURTS THEY PROTECT THEIR OWN
In his dissent, Judge Alex Kozinski maintained that Brooks “had shown herself deaf to reason reason is anything a court official wants it to be it's a write your own law clause, and moderate physical force had only led to further entrenchment…. Brooks was tying up two line officers, a sergeant and three police vehicles – resources diverted from other community functions – to deal with one lousy traffic ticket.”Like generate more revenue-fucking maggots.
Who was responsible for this “diversion” – Mrs. Brooks, who was merely being uncooperative, or Officer Ornelas and his comrades, who needlessly escalated a disagreement over “one lousy traffic ticket” to the point where potentially deadly force was used against someone accused of a trivial traffic offense, rather than an actual crime?
“The officers couldn’t just walk away,” complains Kozinski. “Brooks was under arrest.”
There was no substantive reason why the police couldn’t walk away – if they had been acting as peace officers, that is, rather than as armed enforcers of the revenue-consuming class. See the author is acting from the citizen's perception of 'reasonable'-I'll reiterate that the legal definition allows our enemy to literally write their own law on the spot and do whatever they want so long as they can wrap it up in lawyer-speak.
If a police officer has the option of deploying a reliably deadly weapon in a situation of this kind, he also has the option of backing down and letting the court deal with the merits of the citation. But then he'd be an actual fucking human being and how could his fellow oath traitors count on him to back them up? But the position claimed by the officers – and accepted, in a qualified sense, by the Ninth Circuit Court – is that anything other than immediate and unqualified submission by a Mundane justifies the infliction of summary punishment by a police officer.
The amicus brief by the LACPCA and NTOA(SWAT COPS) lament that the Ninth Circuit Court, while upholding the unqualified “authority” of police to arrest people at their discretion, “has deprived officers of any lawful way of enforcing that authority, at least when the suspect is not engaged in violence directed towards the officers” and has “unnecessarily limited the amount of force that can be used against a suspect who refrains from using violence against the police” (emphasis added). Preceding two italics not mine but fuck these motherfuckers!
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For more on this fatal Taser attack, go here. |
What the police unions who filed that brief are demanding is an open-ended grant of unlimited “authority” to use “pain compliance” against people who passively resist abduction by police. The question of using violent means to subdue a violent criminal suspect is not implicated in any way by this case.
In their petition for certiorari, the officers – whose actions, remember, were upheld by the Ninth Circuit Court – complain that the ruling could “prohibit the use of any low-level physical force against an actually resisting suspect who does not present an imminent threat of harm to the officers, a result that could strip law enforcement of any reasonable and practical means of enforcing the law.”
To which a person whose mind is not hostage to totalitarian assumptions would reply: “And the problem with this is…?” There is NO reasoning with these people, the only thing they understand is effective application of force!
In a reasonably free society, police (actually, peace officers) would not presume to "enforce" the law; they would track down and arrest people plausibly suspected of committing crimes against person and property. They would not be permitted to violate the unconditional law of non-aggression by initiating force, or issue what they assume to be “lawful orders” to people who are not suspected of actual crimes. They certainly would not be permitted to employ “pain compliance” in any situation that didn’t involve legitimate defense against an actual aggressor.
Remarkably, in their amicus brief the officers who committed what should be prosecuted as a felonious assault on Brooks asserted that “it is well established that police officers need not use the least amount of force in effecting an arrest.” And so neither will I in resisting them.
Once again, we’re invited to believe that there would be apocalyptic consequences if police were inhibited in the use of disproportionate force to compel non-violent “suspects” to submit to their supposed authority.
Under the standard prescribed in the amicus briefs filed on behalf of the officers who assaulted Brooks, it’s difficult to find fault with the actions of Beaumont, California Police Officer Enoch Clark.
The JPX weapon is designed for use against armed assailants at a distance of 6 to 15 feet. Its payload of weaponized OC spray is propelled over that distance at less than three one-hundredths of a second, making it (in the words of the company’s promotional literature) “too fast to avoid…. The effect is immediate; there is no chance to resist.”
Clark – a veteran officer and chairman of the local police officers union -- fired his JPX gun into Hernandez’s right temple at a distance of roughly ten inches. The impact shattered the woman’s right eye and inflicted irreparable damage to her left eye as well.
The officer has been indicted on four felony charges. His attorney insists that the officer’s attack was justified in order “to gain compliance and in defense of his person.” If the claims made by and on behalf of the officers who assaulted Mailaka Brooks are sound – if police officers are not legally required to use minimal force when dealing with non-violent “suspects” – it’s difficult to see how Clark’s actions were improper, even though they resulted in Monique Rodriguez being permanently blinded. These bandits of the court need to be hunted down already! It ain't hard...
“It was Brooks’s recalcitrance and resistance that prompted her treatment,” sniffs the officers’ petition for certiorari. “Under both state and federal law she did not have a right to resist her arrest,” which purportedly means that the officers were permitted – nay, required – to employ “pain compliance” techniques against her until she submitted.
Wouldn’t the same principle apply to the actions of Enoch Clark in dealing with the equally recalcitrant Monique Hernandez? His police union attorney certainly thinks so. And let us not forget that any effort to inhibit the police in their sacred mission to impose order would constitute an existential threat to our society.
Deny an intrepid hero in body armor the option of tasing a pregnant woman – or kicking her in the stomach hard enough to cause the near-term infant to defecate in the womb – a reign of terror will ensue, with the “criminal underworld” arising to devour us all.
They don't stop. They won't stop. Pregnant women, kids, lemonade stands... ice cream stands:
Ice-cream spot hits rocky road
Farmer's Great Brook Park stand shut by state over alleged permit violation
Updated: 05/16/2012 09:56:03 AM EDT
You may be out of luck.
The park's popular ice-cream stand was unexpectedly shut down by state officials over the weekend, after the stand's operator made building improvements at the site without getting permission first.
Mark Duffy, who has operated the dairy farm at the state-owned park for 26 years and has a lease with the state to run the stand, said armed Environmental Police officers showed up at stand on Friday evening and stood guard throughout the weekend, turning away customers craving delectable sundaes and frappes.
To make matters worse, said Duffy, the shutdown happened right before the sunny Mother's Day weekend.
Edward Lambert, commissioner of the Department of Conservation and Recreation, said the stand was closed after it was discovered construction had been done without local or state permits. The work, which expanded the stand, included construction on a barn built in 1910 that is adjacent to the stand, he said.
Lambert said he is trying to protect the public's health and safety while tests are conducted at the site.
Read more: http://www.lowellsun.com/todaysheadlines/ci_20635020/ice-cream-spot-hits-rocky-road#ixzz1v9JJ9OZb
Comments for "Police State -- Cops Are Out-of-Control"
Stephen said (May 17, 2012):As a therapist in a small California town (under 10,000) This is what I have learned from clients.
A young man finds his wife cheating on him, goes to the back yard and hangs himself. The police cut him down and he is still alive. They handcuff him and beat him to a pulp.
A man was suicidal, his wife calls 911. He is sitting on the couch and scratches his shoulder. They taser him without warning. As he is trying to get up off the floor one shoots 3 bullets into him. He dies in front of his wife and 15 year old son. The wife and son are arrested (while in total shock and traumatized) are each interrogated for 3 hours. Meanwhile at the home police find a hand gun registered to the wife. They shoot a few holes into the wall and claim they killed him in self defense.
A teenager prankster calls CPS saying his ex girl friend's father was molesting her. The father is arrested and coerced into a false confession. The children (ages 5, 8, 11) are interrogated each for 3 hours. They are told by the police what they must say and brought to the point of tears. The family is bankrupted paying lawyer fees, looses their home. He goes to prison and the kids are traumatized believing they innocently put their own father in prison.
A 15 year old girl is bullied at school, taken into a back ally and forcibly injected with methamphetamine. She comes home and her parents think she is possessed by demons. She fears telling them the truth because the police are supplying the high school kids with the meth. (I hear about the police pushing drugs from numerous clients)
A man is charged with raping a 13 year old girl. He spends 13 years in state prison, survives 2 stabbings. Police hid exculpatory evidence, the DA was in on it. Project Innocence takes his case DNA is not a match. He is released from prison and suing the police for 13 million dollars. Hopefully the number 13 becomes good luck for him this time.
A man is charged with incest with his 14 year old step daughter. She proclaims that her step father never touched her. But it was the neighbor across the street who happens to have the same name. The man across the street is nephew to the judge. The judge tells his nephew to move to another apartment. The step father goes to prison for 10 years. He is now a register sex offender and nobody will hire him.
A 17 year old girl is raped during a break-in. The father hears the commotion and stops the act with a shotgun in the pert's mouth. The Sheriff comes. Its the sheriffs nephew caught red handed. Charges were never placed, in spite of her parent's protests. (they even went to their congressman) The parents are stopped by police for traffic violations every time they drive anywhere. Police show up at the home with search warrants and trash their home on 2 occasions. They move to another state.
A man goes gets a life sentence for stealing a $65 coat at Wallmart. The 3 strikes law needs to be abolished.
Really I can go on and on.....
Rule # 1 NEVER EVER TALK TO THE POLICE. #2. NEVER EVER ASK FOR THEIR HELP, unless it is already a life or death situation.
Remember most cops are school yard bullies that never grew up. Many cops suffer from PTSD and know it. But out of fear of loosing their jobs or having a blemish on their records, they keep quite.
LA County health enforcers conduct door-to-door raw milk confiscation operations
California food police gone wildMike Adams
Natural News
Thursday, May 17, 2012
In a bombshell revelation of the depth of the food police state that now exists in LA County, California, NaturalNews has learned that the LA County health department has unleashed door-to-door raw milk confiscation teams to threaten and intimidate raw dairy customers into surrendering raw milk products they legally purchased and own.

These revelations have surfaced in a recorded NaturalNews interview with Mark McAfee, the founder of Organic Pastures and a food rights advocate. Here’s what he told us:
LA County health enforcers go door to door, demanding your fresh milk
“I received a phone call yesterday morning from a wonderful young gal, a 36-year-old mom out of LA County. She’s one of our UPS customers that we deliver overnight raw milk to her house. When the CDFA was in here the other day on our recall, they demanded to have all our delivery addresses for overnight UPS delivery. We screwed up and [inadvertently] gave it to them, they got it from one of our secretaries here. The LA County health department started calling her, six or seven times, demanding that she give up her raw milk from her own home to the health department.
http://www.infowars.com/california-food-police-gone-wild-la-county-health-enforcers-conduct-door-to-door-raw-milk-confiscation-operations/This has to stop and stop NOW! They will keep squeezing us without end. You cannot reason with these people you can only use force.
Learn how to fight both close quarters and at distance with all weapons.
Get in shape.
Find like minded people and train as a fire team. .30 caliber rifles of whatever make you can afford are the preferred tool, these oath traitors don't carry enough armor to turn back a .308 or a 7.62x54R.
Carry commo, always watch each others back.
If possible travel together but be ready to respond at a moment's notice. Have an escape plan. ;Your friend or you will need a place to hide as their civilian life will be over so you need safe houses.
There is no alternative as this country is effectively an open-air prison and as soon as they can take the guns from those who can offer the most effective resistance all the hunters and gun collectors who can barely shoot and think going along is the best policy will be gone to the FEMA camps.
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