Still struggling.
Doctor's appointment tomorrow. Keep me in those prayers.
If You Support Romney, Stop Calling Yourself A Conservative
I'm tired of so called 'conservatives' and 'Republicans' telling me
that Romney is America's only hope to beat Obama and restore America.
Do you really believe that Romney will improve America, repeal
Unconstitutional 'laws', and attempt to undo the damage already done?
Stop calling yourself a conservative if you do.
You are doing a disservice to the true principled
Cold Steel

Folks, Cold Steel just called - they are shipping our first order tomorrow,
So, if anyone wants to get anything under the wire, get it in tonight.
As soon as they ship to me I will get everything engraved, then shipped to
What's this I hear about the President adopting a new campaign slogan?
Hope and Change has kinda been rendered unusable.
Forward is much better, considering what is coming for us after his
landslide re-election, wherein America looks for the cure for Marxism's
ills in further Marxism.
Like a bed-ridden flu patient swimming in puke.
How fitting for a Marxist. He is a Marxist. This is not debatable.
Anyone who says otherwise simply does not understand Marxism, nor do they
understood Marx's writings.
I have a slogan.
There are many like it but this one is mine.
*Stan... more »
American Liberty Congress

Consider 300 or more Patriots in DC with empty holsters and slings
wearing this shirt and demanding Restoration...
American Liberty Congress.
That is what I am calling the event for November 2 & 3.
Zoomie is currently applying his out-freakin-standing skills to a few
graphics for the event. If you have not purchased a few of his works from
his Zazzle page, please consider it.
The American Liberty Congress is an America 527 event. I will reach out to
Tea Party groups and Militia groups in an attempt to have as many
Liberty-oriented folks as possible in the mix. Given the disgust... more »
Putsch vs. Revolution
An example of a movement with a decent amount of political support (see my
prior piece on "Fighting Without Two Arms"), popular support, financial
support, foreign support, planning, coordination; a movement based upon
communities, a common worldview, and shared goals.
An example of a movement with no political support, no popular support,
extremely limited financial support, no foreign backing, a very small
amount of planning, and bare-bones coordination; a movement based on not
much but a shared worldview and desired goal.
The "business end" of a revolution (or counter-revolution)... more »
Beltane- Profaned Once Again
"May Day" is the day when Marxists around the world get together and
ruin what is otherwise a perfectly good pagan holiday. I used to celebrate
Beltane in my pagan days. My celebrations had nothing to do with a system
that is wholly and completely contrary to the laws of nature. In those
days, I was completely apolitical. Nature was really all that mattered to
Come on, you stupid Marxists, wake up.
*You are, for the most part, protesting against the very things you're
asking for.*
*The problems that we have today are consequences of incremental adoptions
of Marxism.*
Fu... more »
Turn About Is Fair Play - Woman Gropes TSA Agent
Police say they arrested Carol Jean Price, 59, for battery and resisting
an officer after they say she groped a TSA agent at Southwest Florida
International Airport.
Arrest reports say Price was about to board a flight to Ohio when she
was chosen for a pat down at security. Price was reportedly angry about
the extra screening and asked to speak to a supervisor.
TSA agents told
Condor Knives: Kumunga Knife
Condor has been manufacturing tools and knives since 1787. Located in El
Salvador, Condor focused on no-nonsense hard use tools such as machetes.
Recently they’ve expanded their line to include some very interesting
designs. These are pretty good deals because you can get some solid
performing blades for a reasonable rice.
In the first video I show the 10 inch blade Kumunga knife.
Condor Tool and Knife Kumunga Camp Knife 10.25 Blade, Polypropylene Handle,
Leather Sheath
In the second video I go through the Condor catalog talking about some of
their knives.
Join the forum discuss... more »
Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty - 30 Apr 2012
Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty - 30 Apr 2012 , Europe will be the first to go
[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my blog for the full Story ]]
EU Chafes Under Fiscal Responsibility- Demands Another German Credit Card
I might be tempted to agree with the nations in the EU that are rebelling
against Germany's insistence on austerity.
After all, if they want to spend their way into Greek firebomb sessions and
25% unemployment, I say let them.
The only problem is, first they need to quit leeching off Germany's economy
and expecting the Germans to support them and "bail them out".
These shortsighted pukes here aren't helping things any.
Austerity isn't going to undo fifty plus years of Marxist economic policy
overnight. It's a long-term deal.
I will be watching Germany's reaction to this and France... more »
Stand and Do Not Bend: Part Two
Another example of utter steadfastness and selflessness in the face of
hopeless odds, gleaned from my reading on the European Eastern front during
WW2. Werner Wrangel was a soldier in the German *Wehrmacht*.
(Cut and pasted from Wikipedia for brevity)
In a nightly battle near Veliky Luki in December 1942, during a snow storm
raging at minus 25 degrees celsius, Wrangel operated an anti-tank gun at a
frozen hilltop. His gun held a position that formed the link to an
otherwise completely cut-off German Kampfgruppe that came under attack from
a numerically far superior Soviet attack ai... more »
The Little Things
Sometimes we take little things for granted.
*Here, where I am, it is both dark and warm*.
No big deal, right?
Have you ever lived through an always-daylight interior Alaskan summer?
How about an interior Alaskan winter, with nearly unbroken darkness?
Warm *and* dark is new to me.
It's not so bad, I guess.
PT: Again?
With all the writing on obscure history, Iran, radical traditionalism, and
weird people who are all but forgotten, I bet some of you thought I'd
forgotten all about PT.
Nah. I'm gonna harp on it some more. I'm about to hit another heavy cycle.
I've said for a while now that PT is not so much about being fit (well, of
course it is) as it is about teaching the body that it is subject to the
will, and to the mind.
I'm going to start a heavy cycle soon, assisted by some of the supplements
I've discussed before.
Specifically, I will be using:
Universal Animal Pak
Universal Nutritio... more »
An Option for Consideration- Liberty Conference 2012
"What can one man do?"
Here's an option.
III Liberty Conference

I am calling for a III Liberty Conference in Washington DC just days before
the Election and the Buy a Gun Day.
We are in this place of inaction rooted in indecision, in a time that
requires direct, aggressive action to counter the efforts of the Enemies of
Calls for us to mix and mingle in OWS and similar steps are too little, too
late. Calls for us to engage in Secret Squirrel machinations are a stain
upon the noble goal of Restoration of the Constitution, as ratified.
We need to short circuit the process in a way that declares who we are,
what we intend, and conveys ... more »
The Lizard Farmer
A fresh voice.
The Lizard Farmer.
New to me, anyway.
Give him a visit!
Stand and Do Not Bend
Never, Never, *Never* say "We're Too Few!"
Maybe too few to win in the way you would wish, but never too few to *stand*.
Therein lies victory.
Luck will often save a man if his courage holds. But, sometimes, not.
For courage in the face of odds that would shame most of our so-called
"struggles", look no further than the example of* SS Totenkopf* Corporal
Fritz Christen, a man I have just learned about in my WW2 reading. From
Wikipedia for brevity's sake, with added emphasis:
Having missed the Polish campaign, and having cut its teeth successfully in
France, the Totenkop... more »
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