Saturday, July 02, 2011


The Power of NO

The Power of NO!

J. Croft

In our lives we are given a endless series of demands.

Demands on our time, our money, our energies, our allegiances, our beliefs, our patience. These demands, given without a semblance of choice, have molded us into doing things we really wish we didn't have to do.
Submit to the anti-American work culture, which whether you're on the bottom or the top which robs you of the best years of your life in exchange for a mere pittance of what you contribute.

Take out a lifetime of debt to "get" what is sold as the "American Dream" which turns you into a consumer of a bunch of made in China junk.

Support policies and actions that we know harm us all, from ever increasing taxation and regulation to policies designed to socially engineer-create-a underclass and suppressing them to the point where they blindly lash out. You know it as crime and it's not only to generate profits to those that make a living off jailing them by the millions. It's to socially engineer the rest of the nation to support a authoritarian corporate state, to unquestioningly waving a made in China U.S. flag in support of that abomination as it crushes other peoples in senseless war. These wars serve to spawn further hatred of America and it's people, setting up a cycle of misplaced hatred that's going to wind up destroying human civilization.

What's the root cause? We've lost the will to say NO! And back it up as far as we have to, to regain control over our lives, our rights and our destiny.

Looking at our society, it's no surprise we can't say NO to the injustices perpetrated in our name-and on us. From infancy the average American is indoctrinated, conditioned to a set of core beliefs:

*"The American government is full of good people selflessly giving the best years of their lives for public service". A lie-when we know power corrupts, and the government in this country is not only all powerful, but all pervasive. Millions of petty tyrants throwing their weight around wreaking havoc on Americans; claiming to be safeguarding them, but doing anything but. Just step in your local DMV office, or get pulled over by the wrong cop, or God forbid you file hits the wrong agent at the wrong time.

*"You deserve the lifestyle you see on your god the TV (which never ever lies)". With the ever-tightening economic conditions in this country you literally have to be rich to afford that "American dream". For the average American, having that house, SUV, shopping sprees to fill that house full of junk requires that person-having the same spending power in 2005 as in 1975-to go into a lifetime of debt slavery. For modern America; uneducated and mind-crippled by government schooling, bombarded by fashion makeover shows, home makeover shows, MTV Cribs, Desperate Housewives, and all the slick advertising that goes into selling loans the patina of financed "good times" is irresistable.

*"To have the 'American Dream' in the 'Land of the Free' you need to be a productive member of that society". "Productive"-to whom? Productive to your employer, who'll get most of the fruits of your labors? To the various government bodies and agencies taking up to half of the perhaps 5% of what your dedicated service generates for your boss?(that's half your income, for those not understanding that last sentence) Which leaves you with 2 1/2%, or abouts, of the gross profit of your efforts. No wonder you resort to a lifetime of debt slavery to at least FEEL like you're "making it" in modern America.

Come on! You REALLY wanted to be some corporate drone, doing all the work while your CEO and Board of Directors get to use all the corporate profits for themselves, while your efforts help destroy America by sending our productive capacity overseas?

You REALLY want to be a 8.00/hour assembly worker living in constant fear of being downsized, struggling with keeping ever-increasing health care for your body, rapidly deteriorating from all the work you do for massah job? A fast food worker cultivating a face full of zits while your friends are out enjoying themselves, with not a hope of getting health insurance? A Wal Mart slave, helping to drive the last vestiges of American business overseas, in one of the most oppressive work enviroment in the country? A glorified revenue collector, getting nothing from the people you're obstensively charged with protecting but fear and hatred, while crack dealers, thugs, rapists and other criminals prowl the streets… you're otherwise known as a traffic cop?

NO! You REALLY wanted your own company, or at least get some good slice of your labors. You REALLY didn't want to get tied down on that factory job, that restaurant job, that Wal Mart ball and chain because you were STOOPID enough to try living way the hell out of your income bracket. It's what you get for chasing after that now elusive "American Dream".

To repeat myself: it's a beautiful chimera, a ghost of expectations of a era now dead, where Americans could and DID do what they liked. But YOU Mr. and Ms. braindead consumer, you just had to have that lifestyle, even when you said "yes" to a lifetime of back breaking work at jobs you hate. Jobs: with most of your labors stolen by the corporation, and half the rest by the government, and the remainder by the creditors who loan you the money for that crap made in China, and that way overpriced, oversized house.

Worse, you say "yes" to all the laws, all the regulations, the licenses, the taxes that government loves to levy on us all. Except if you're very rich and can bribe politicians of course. You saying "yes", your parents and grandparents saying "yes"-it's gotten to the point where the Bill of Rights is merely a symbolic fig leaf of Liberty on a oppressive fascist state itching to rip it off and expose it's raw, naked authority for all to bow down to.

You said "yes" to your chains of slavery.

I'll let you in on something you were never taught: you can say NO!

"What?! No to my house, my SUV, my shopping sprees at the mall?! You want me to do without?! Be some bum?!"

That's what you're saying, yes. NO however is the only hope you have if you want your Freedom back.

You do want your Freedom back, right? I mean, what I just described as your life-you really want to be a slave? Have, and I'll state this again, 95%(and more) of the fruits of your labors go into someone else's pocket? Live in constant fear of violating some law, some code of conduct in what's supposed to be the "land of the free" and get robbed and imprisoned by the state?

Saying NO is you asserting your Freedom. NO means you can make a choice, are making a choice, and if someone doesn't like it, well too damn bad, no matter who they are.

NO is a act of self-liberation. When someone presents you with a selection of options-none of which are good for you-and you say NO, you're reaffirming the fact that YOU are making the choices in your life. YOU are the one in control of YOUR destiny. Being able to say NO is a God Given Choice, the indispensable part of being Free. To be able to say NO to slick advertising, high taxes, sufforcating regulations, hucksters in three piece suits wanting your vote, and jackbooted state sponsered thugs is as saying NO to the devil himself.

We all need to say NO a lot more than we do. Because everyone in "our" society is pressing us to say "yes" to, let's run through this again so there's no doubt:

*"Yes" to those society elevates as people to emulate… like professional athletes, third rate "reality show" entertainers, teleprompter readers presenting lies called "news" with a inch thick layer of makeup. These shills and yes men are touted by those that run our society as models to emulate and listen to, but what makes whatever the hell they say worth more than what you have to say? Because you saw them on TV that electronic narcotic, that god you devote most of your free time to, that you implicitly trust never to lie to you like the naïve adult-sized child you've been brought up to be by American society?

*"Yes" to, I'll say it again, getting a bunch of overpriced foreign made junk that entails a lifetime of debt payments, that bring on stress at jobs we hate. With the harassment from collectors when we inevitably fall behind on those payments, and most of all, the bitterness when we get old that we didn't do what we WANTED TO. Because we couldn't say NO, since, those celebrities on our TV god sell them.

*"Yes" to, whom they self-refer themselves as the "intelligentisa"; a pack of snobbish two-faced traitors who dominate our educational institutions and media. All day, every day they follow their agendas to define-warp more precisely-the minds of Americans through our "education system" and culture. All to expand and solidify their vision of a socialist America: socialism being stealing what you have and earn for them to control… come to think of it, we've had socialism for a long time in this country. They're the ones who force that socialist agenda onto all the college educated professionals-who become America's manegerial class, who then go along with whatever anti-Freedom pro-state agenda's passed for them to enforce, because they've been trained to think that way.

*"Yes" to thieving, lying professional politicians and bureaucrats who either use flowery language or coarse scare tactics to get your dumb ass to say "yes" to their incompetence, their ever more restrictive rules, their power grabs, and their never ending quest for more of your dollars. They're just men-scared little man sized children who rely on the state for their living; couldn't make it in the real world if they had a trust fund they'd blow it in a year and wind up on welfare or strung out on the streets selling sex for crack. But, because they had to go and get a law degree they can take bolshe-shit and make it into our laws.

*"Yes" to fifth column agents and provocateurs who you know sabotage the causes you fight for, yet are rewarded by your continued allegiance. (Cindy Sheehan, PLEASE TAKE NOTE!) They could be that greasy haired loser who obnoxiously and repeatedly brings up suggestions that are counterproductive, or just to disrupt your agenda. Worse, they could actually be respected leaders running the organization-into the ground. It's done to divert your energies away from being effective, to stem any populist threat to "them".

*"Yes" to every whim of a out of control police subculture that think itself above the Citizenry, as they harass you under the law, taser you, plant evidence and "drop guns", even murder you in cold blood. Meanwhile, the biggest criminals live in opulence deciding all of our fates in the boardrooms and country clubs; people we're all conditioned to respect and revere, touted as paragons of American society… when they're the ones who've hijacked this country! And if you're a good street cop why do you tolerate the continued presence of dirty cops on your force?!

*"Yes" to a pack of hairsprayed bible thumping liars and thieves who scare you with a dogma of a death cult "christianity" designed to get you scared of a apocalypse without offering a way out for mankind. There's a way out for you if you merely confess your sins and drop as much money as you can in their offering plates; which they promptly spend on mansions, bentleys, artwork, five thousand dollar tailored suits, and prostitutes and crystal meth on the weekends. And they have the chuztpah to tell us to keep our genitals in our pants and say no to drugs, and all those other worn assed slogans they spew.

"That's all true, but you say NO to those people you can lose everything."

Lose what? Your wage slavery? Your trinkets you sold yourself down the river for? Honestly, you really need all that crap you see on TV? You get it, use it once or maybe three times then chuck it into the garage with all the other crap you thought was cool. Say no to the wrong person and you lose the ability to accumulate all that garbage that was supposed to salve your pain at being exploited?

It's just stuff.

What do you really need? Clean air, good food, decent shelter from the elements, fulfilling your heart's desires, sharing your love with someone mutually worthy, good friends, a community that trades within itself, takes care of each other, a system of government who's sole purpose is to guarantee our Freedom to get those necessities.

"Try saying NO to the government lately?"

It's because way too few have said NO to the government lately that defying those state-lovers, thugs and other traitorous filth is so hard… on your own.

Rosa Parks said NO. Government made her pay the price of jail but that frail little African-American woman had more guts, more courage than 99% of the chumps reading this-yeah, I'm probably talking about you. A little old lady finally shamed a couple generations of African Americans to stop letting themselves be treated as a bunch of slaves with a little more length to their chains and some nicer clothes.(We're all still servants, but at least we have the option of breaking free of this opulant slavery)

Cindy Sheehan's saying NO on a daily basis, and yes she's getting arrested for it. A grieving mother, ostracized on national television on a daily basis, yet you still see her breathing, still fighting for what's right. Cindy opened her eyes, saw the light and stop permitting herself to being used as a propaganda tool for the powers-that-be… because not nearly enough Americans say NO in the first place!

Yet you're a big, burly 'Murikan-land of the free, home of the brave. Why ain't you weighing the true costs of your slavery. Why ain't you figuring out that there's strength in numbers and convince your friends, neighbors and coworkers that if you UNITE and say NO, TOGETHER, and be able to back up that NO, you can retake your Freedoms. And there's SO MUCH to say NO to!

How about that fiction of a prosperous lifestyle you're financing for the rest of your life? You've read this far; if you really could afford that McMansion, that SUV, the mall shopping you wouldn't have to drown in debt to do it. Get real! Sell that oversized house and get out of that mortgage millstone. Sell all that crap you've got your garage or attic overflowing with and unused and have a yard sale or e-bay it. Get a decent five year old car in good shape for cash. Take that money and pay off your debts, reclaim your Freedom; say HELL NO to being a debt slave!

Another thing you can say NO to: paying withholding on your wages-better yet, working a slave wage job in the first place! How about harnessing you innate talents to support yourself-that's how Mankind got along for at least five thousand years before the Industrial Revolution chained us all to corporate jobs. And doing it all underground market style so there's no tax.

There's SOMETHING you want to do, a passion, a gift you have. And there's a way you can make a living off that gift. Yes, wage slave, people actually still do what they want and survive in this sorry era. You work as a mechanic, or carpenter or plumber; those skills are a no-brainer for underground enterpenurialship. If you're artistic, you can market your creations on the internet. Anyone can grow extra vegetables in their back yard, or use a old truck or van to haul stuff and people around. If you have military training, you can start a protection service or training academy.

Most of all, how about saying NO to having your beliefs shaped by others-like the traitors that educate you, preach to you on those godawful religious programs? Don't let CNN and TBN give you your thoughts and beliefs-think for yourself! You don't need Paul and Jan "ro-beast" Crouch to find God-it's best you do that on your own… whatever your relationship between you and the Almighty is, it can only be between you two! Quit wasting valuable time and money on lying, hypocritical televangelists! Quit being a human bobblehead doll when you watch O'Reily, or Deutshe, or Scarborogh. None of them would know what the truth was if they ever tried to honestly present it. The only one who should be judging that is YOU.

That's saying NO for yourself, but there are many areas in life that are hard to say that to alone-like wherever the state can make you pay for saying NO. For example, to have to ask the government's permission to use YOUR PUBLIC ROADS YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO USE via a license-which they use to categorize, track and control you? Hard, very hard for one person to say NO to a badge heavy cop with the whole state backing him up.

So get backup of your own.

The state has tons of bullies working for it, and a bully is usually reliant on bluff-unless he knows he can defeat you, and a lone person saying NO to him can be defeated. A group saying NO, and able to back that NO up, presents problems for the state; the employment of large amounts of force is bad publicity, unless they can successfully demonize you. Keep the sheeple bolshe-shitted that "their government's looking out for them".

If however, you can get some real numbers; tens of thousands, preferably much more, to stand with you and say NO in unison, then and only then can you defy the state. Getting together, like about ten thousand brave people at a time, having a bonfire and chucking all your ID's and license plates in that sucker would give all those self important buzzcut cops and thieving, lying bureauCRAPS a NO they wouldn't forget! A Boston Tea Party for driver's licenses, property taxes, or other stupid government permits by a sizeable portion of the population will put the no-win situation on them for a change: relent with their anti-American social controls or wage a civil war.

(IMPORTANT REMINDER: organizations are easily penetrated by enemy agents. Don't have one big, top heavy org. directing the movement. Be a movement of Individuals-lead yourself!)

Which reminds me: if you're reading this, and are in "public service", there's a whole lot to say NO to! Like, harassing common working class people, covering up for the richest who systematically loot this country-with you their tools. Not so much as telling your superior NO, but by actions, like being a lot less efficient about helping your asshole boss go after some small businessman or other average American. Paperwork gets lost all the time, mistakes are made typing information into a computer; systems do crash now and again. Also, perhaps that guy who makes it his mission in life to zealously enforce every government edict? Perhaps it's HIS TURN to come under government scrutiny for something or another.

Speaking of "public service" certainly, saying NO to selective service, volunteering for the military, a draft. "What that's unpatriotic!" What's so patriotic about dying for some inbred psychotic blueblood's war? The only call for armed forces is the protection of the nation and it's freedoms from all enemies foreign and domestic, NOT for plundering the planet to maintaining a lifestyle calculated to sucking up so many resources a policy of global domination is mandatory to sustain it. If we're saying NO to feeding that stupid, wasteful consumption there'd be no need for our military to be in other people's lands to safeguard our thieving of their resources! We could live our lives in Freedom, and the rest of the planet could be spared having their economies warped to service ours and keep them down. This is another area where it's best for everyone to say NO, at once, whether getting hit up by that recruiter, or on the front lines.

To accomplish any of this, the people you talk to have to go through the same wrenching psychological and financial struggle to Freedom as you have, or will. The "American Dream" of wasteful prosperity for working a corporate job for a pittance of your efforts has become the chains of slavery. Our consumerism, that salve to ease the pain of not being the masters of our own destiny, has been used by the power elite to economically enslave the rest of the planet to meeting our shopping needs… As ironically our jobs are exported to them to make the crap we buy-robbing us of our individual financial ability to survive.

It's falling apart, this system, and so the power elite will need a new paradigm to maintain their control over the Human Race. That shall be World War III, which is scripted to cause the nations of the world to destroy themselves waging for. The survivors of that war will be so shell-shocked, so destitute they will say "yes" to whatever form of world government the power elite will have for them. And it shall be a form of slavery that will close the book on Human progress and civilization. A few families of inbred, psychotic bluebloods with way too much time and money on their hands are going to blow up the planet and rule in it's ashes because too many of you dumbasses can't see you're being hosed and say "yas suh boss" to whatever they want.

On the other hand, picking up a rifle to defend yourself against some inbred psychotic blueblood with way too much money, and his minions, that's one thing you should say YES to! State's minions love their guns, and would love to be the only ones with guns; they don't like their victims armed. They especially won't like a whole bunch of what they subtextually think of as their "slaves" getting uppity to massah state. So getting one of those "evil assault rifles", preferably a military pattern .308 they've been trying to ban because such weapons enable a lone man to successfully defend himself against a onslaught of traitors and other criminals.

Get one at a gun show from a private seller, and actually shooting it, and learning the fine art of rifle marksmanship is as mandatory a part of being able to say NO as having your loved ones, friends, neighbors and coworkers join you. Rifle marksmanship is a suppressed subject in America; the teaching of it used to be in our public schools! Now it's restricted to hardcore shooting enthusiasts and the police/military-and even THEY get a watered down version of it, lest too many disgruntled veterans who can honestly shoot join some future revolt. That's why you on the "left" are driven to push for gun control!

How do you use a rifle? Well, rather than make this article about twenty pages long I'll just refer you to a website: where you can begin your journey of regaining your Freedom and claiming for yourself the full benefit of the power of saying NO!


Bolshe-shit-adaptation of "bullshit", the lies statists spout for people to go along with their Freedom and property stealing agendas. Those that spout bolshe-shit are usually referred to their superiors as "useful idiots". So check what you say to make sure you're not regurgetating someone else's bolshe-shit.
You can download this and my entire collection of essays  in the Freedom Guide Omnibus 2005-2011 to the right or download from here:

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