Pigs who should be fed to the hogs in forum UPN: United Patriot Network at A Well Regulated Militia.
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Richard Boucher looks like a pretty good attorney. These days, only attorneys who regularly produce can afford to keep their name on the door, so I'm pretty confident he'll get some justice for Jesse Kersey and his family. This is another case I'm going to follow.
Onward and upward,
Posted by ConSigCor (Member # 7) on 06-30-2011 03:04 PM:
Cops Just Love Those Tasers
DAYTON, Ohio (CN) - Dayton police "mistook" a mentally handicapped teenager's speech impediment for "disrespect," so they Tasered, pepper-sprayed and beat him and called for backup from "upward of 20 police officers" after the boy rode his bicycle home to ask his mother for help, the boy's mom says.
Pamela Ford says her "mentally challenged/handicapped" son Jesse Kersey, 17, was riding his bike near his Dayton home when Officer Willie Hooper stopped him and tried to talk to him.
The mom says that "Prior to the incident described below, defendant Hooper knew Jesse and was aware that Jesse was mentally challenged/handicapped and a minor child."
Nonetheless, Ford says, Hooper "apparently took Jesse's speech impediment for disrespect ... [and] began yelling at Jesse and after Jesse attempted to communicate with him[.] Jesse, being a minor and mentally challenged/handicapped, turned and rode his bike back to his home in an attempt to ask his mother, Ford, to help him communicate with defendant Cooper," according to the complaint in Montgomery County Court.
On the way, the mom says, "A neighbor attempted to communicate with Officer Hooper about Jesse's disabilities and was told to go back into his home, or he would be arrested."
As Ford opened her front door, she says, Hooper and co-defendant Officer John Howard, "fired their Tasers, striking Jesse in the back with both probes."
"Once inside the house, defendant Hooper and defendant Howard began to struggle with Jesse, who was standing against the back door with his hands up in front of his face, saying 'Please quit, please quit.'
"On numerous occasions, Ford and a family friend, Christopher Peyton, informed Officer Hooper that Jesse was mentally challenged/handicapped, and that Jesse did not understand what was happening," the complaint states.
But the mom says the cops continued their assault: "Officer Howard utilized his Cap-Stun pepper spray and sprayed Jesse ... [and] struck Jesse with a closed fist in the upper chest area.
"Officer Howard utilized his ASP and repeatedly struck Jesse in the upper left side of his left thigh.
"Back-up units were requested to Jesse's house, wherein upward of 20 police officers from different jurisdictions were present.
"At no point, even after being advised of Jesse's mental challenge/handicap by Jesse's family and numerous bystanders, did defendant Hooper, defendant Howard, or any other police officer present, attempt to communicate with Jesse or explain in terms he could understand as to why Jesse was being chased.
"Jesse was handcuffed and hogtied before being placed in the back of a police cruiser.
"Jesse was charged with assault on a peace officer, resisting arrest, and obstructing official business."
However, "Jesse was declared incompetent by the Montgomery County Juvenile Court and the charges against Jesse were dismissed."
Jesse and his mom seek damages from the city and the two lead officers, for false imprisonment, false arrest, malicious prosecution, assault, battery, excessive use of force, infliction of emotional distress and civil conspiracy.
They are represented by Richard Boucher.
[ 06-30-2011, 06:08 PM: Message edited by: ConSigCor ]
Posted by airforce (Member # 523) on 06-30-2011 07:27 PM:
Posted by Imagrunt (Member # 563) on 06-30-2011 07:27 PM:
If only the city would jettison these two d-bags, then they could pay their own restitution...
Alas, all LEOs are bonded, insured and protected within the criminal (justice?) system which benefits from this type of heavy handed "enforcement" thuggery under color of authority.
Posted by IMCRAY (Member # 4766) on 06-30-2011 07:32 PM:
Feeding these dirt bags to the hogs is not even close to what they deserve .I would be concerned about the hogs.
Posted by airforce (Member # 523) on 06-30-2011 07:40 PM:
quote:I used to advocate doing away with sworn police officers in favor of contracted security for law enforcement, for exactly that reason. But every time I did, I got a lot of blank stares and not much else. I still favor that, but I just don't talk about it much anymore.
Originally posted by Imagrunt:
...Alas, all LEOs are bonded, insured and protected within the criminal (justice?) system which benefits from this type of heavy handed "enforcement" thuggery under color of authority.
Onward and upward,
Posted by ConSigCor (Member # 7) on 06-30-2011 08:06 PM:
What pisses me off...
1. It doesn't take 20 men to subdue one unarmed kid. ...unless they're a bunch of chicken shit bullies who get off on child abuse.
2. Arrogant pricks who refuse to listen to numerous citizens who all explained the situation the same way.
3. Charging the kid with several baseless, BS charges. I guess the kid "assaulted" the cops by just standing there while they stomped the crap out of him.
4. Chicken shit family and neighbors who stood idly by and failed to apply a healthy dose of Rights Enforcement to the tyrants.
[ 06-30-2011, 08:12 PM: Message edited by: ConSigCor ]
Posted by Sniper_762X51 (Member # 168) on 07-01-2011 12:15 AM:
I believe that 99.99% of the board members who actually read my posts knows how I feel about cops.
Well it is crap like this that I have either read about or seen in person or has happened to me that is the cause of converting a person who respected and trusted Police Officers into a person who hates these walking piles of stinking pig excrement almost as much as I hate the Beast Satan.
One of this boards resident cops is as walking pile of pig excrement and is so arrogant that he stated that since I hated cops I must be a Career Criminal since only a Career Criminal would hate cops.
What he didn't realize is I used to carry a badge and that I had friends who were cops. The Gun Shop I used to go to was owned by a small town cop and he was my friend.
Also there are other members of this board who are either cops or ex cops like airforce who I don't hate and actually respect, so I don't hate all cops.
When I was young I used to respect and trust cops but as I got older I learned that cops are not our friends and the more I learn about them the less I respect or trust them. At this time I have lost all my respect for cops and I now consider them not only my enemy and not only the enemy of all Patriots but the enemy of all Americans who are not cops.
quote:I believe it is fact that most cops are chicken shit bullies, and without their gun and backup they would crap their trousers if anyone even said boo to them. And they not only get off on child abuse they get off on abusing anyone who does not worship them. Cops get off on POWER and that is as I see it a FACT.
1. It doesn't take 20 men to subdue one unarmed kid. ...unless they're a bunch of chicken shit bullies who get off on child abuse.
quote:Cops never listen to anyone other then other cops and that is a fact. As far as they are concerned we mere Citizens are nothing but crap to be stepped on.
2. Arrogant pricks who refuse to listen to numerous citizens who all explained the situation the same way.
quote:Cops always charge their victims with as many charges as they can think up, so they can use them as justification for their evil acts.
3. Charging the kid with several baseless, BS charges. I guess the kid "assaulted" the cops by just standing there while they stomped the crap out of him.
quote:This is a hard one. How many of the members of this board if they were neighbors would have taken any physical action against these vile cowards, especially knowing that if they took any action they themselves would end up in prison or dead.
4. Chicken shit family and neighbors who stood idly by and failed to apply a healthy dose of Rights Enforcement to the tyrants.
The unfortunate truth is that anyone who stands up to these vile scum can kiss their normal lives goodbye. So how many people are willing to stand up and go to war against the corrupt system knowing that the only way it will end is with victory or their own death. I believe the people are not yet pissed off enough to risk or even sacrifice their lives for anyone else or any cause, but I also believe that time is running short for our oppressors and that the people are very near the breaking point and when that time comes, cops will live in fear and they will suffer the wrath of the people.
There are 800,000 Law Enforcers, Federal, State County and Local and there are 80,000,000 to 90,000,000 Citizen Gun Owners, so if these Law Enforcers push the people too far it will be as Yamamoto stated in the movie Tora Tora Tora, these cops will only awaken a sleeping giant. By the way there is no proof that Yamamoto actually made that exact statement.
Cops keep pushing their luck and luck can only last so long and when their luck is gone they will start paying with their lives for all the evil that has been committed by Law Enforcers. And sadly since at least their children are not responsible for what their cop parent does, with the lives of their families, since some people will get revenge for the death of their child at the hands of a cop by killing the child of a cop and that is unfortunate but just the reality of what will most likely happen.
Another sad fact is as I see it the only way these atrocities committed by Law Enforcers will stop will be for the people themselves to take physical action so that these badge wearing scum will finally start paying for the Evil that they do.
Until then cops will continue to Taser, Beat and Murder Citizens with impunity.
Now as to the victims family, I know if it was my loved one I would have grabbed up my AR and taken action and that would be the beginning of my personal war against cops. I know I would die but my death would be glorious and my body would be surrounded by the carcases of my enemy. Until people have been pushed to and beyond the breaking point nothing will change but when it does happen, the cops will begin paying and the Government will become even more oppressive and that I believe will be the start of the next Civil War.
Posted by safetalker (Member # 4025) on 07-01-2011 04:09 AM:
What is wrong is that they probably have a protocol where if the "perp" and everyone not in uniform is a possible "perp" until cleared, once approached must be determined as to status. Once the cop began he had to either ID the kid, subdue the kid or determine he was not a "Perp".
This is th new ICS protocol for safety of the Officer where he must make the "Perp" safe by questions, then restraint, then by arrest.
That officer holds a Surety Bond and it should be execised by the parents so the protocol is removed and possibly the Cops. (Both of them)
Posted by Breacher (Member # 1119) on 07-01-2011 05:18 AM:
As much as I sympathize with people in these situations, our main focus at this point is to make damn sure none of our people are involved in it, and when not involved in it, make damn sure we are out of the way when the victims of this sort of abuse start striking back, legally or illegally.
I'll say this, fuck with me like that, or even close to that, and any pig's entire chain of command can and will be looking over their shoulder for a very very long time. Fuck with my family like that, oh, we'll skip that lawsuit stuff alright, payback is a bitch.
Thing is, if we as an organization or movement go stepping in on all of these incidents, are we stepping in on behalf of people who would equally back us up?
We had a defacto vote here a few months ago over whether or not to support Christopher Monfort, and the majority opinion here was to not express support. Me, well, I am not exactly expressing condemnation either. What I am sensitive to is this sort of thing happening then the victims deciding they hate anyone in any uniform, or all white people, or all of society.
Call me "unChristian" but I also have to get off the forgiveness train on these things too. People can all hold hands and sing "Kumbay-ya" and talk about peace, but if the pigs still have the power and the people are increasingly disenfranchised, then its not justice, its not forgive and forget, its the bullies got pacified for a little bit and will come back for even more next time.
Posted by Straycat (Member # 4091) on 07-01-2011 05:59 AM:
Be patient gentlemen. It'll all come to a boil very soon. I'm taking the anger that I have for this kind of shit and storing it in this nice little area inside my brain.
Crap like this you just don't "forget about".
Posted by J. Croft (Member # 3405) on 07-01-2011 01:07 PM:
It's been said before: those who know the score are more likely to hold themselves back than an outraged loved one/friend/acquaintance/bystander who will have had enough. Which will be likely tactically unfortunate for the aspiring avenger because of a likely lack of appreciation for the enemy... though they would have the initiative and perhaps the element of surprise.
Which is why it is up to all of us to go out of our way to help reignite rifle marksmanship. Something else I've discussed here and in my articles. I DID make a tract you can cut up from a single sheet of paper, pass out by the dozens or hundreds:
...well hell, they deleted the tract itself I'll have to replace the coding from another account-but it's a Jack Chick style tract you can print up from a single sheet of double sided printing.
I'll repair it by next week.
But anyway; Christopher Monfront was in retrospect a put up or shut up moment. Someone who took the situation in hand and reached the logical conclusion. He failed and will be paying the price for the rest of his now miserable life. We collectively decided "no, not yet." Which is bad because the enemy moves into more advantageous position. Good for us because it's allowed some more people time to awaken and at least physically prepare.
Is there any mental preparation to setting your whole life on fire for a cause?
I've been having this internal debate for awhile now. Do or wait... it's easy to choose wait... until an oath traitor decides you're the next target of him and his gang.
And that was a gang that swarmed that mentally handicapped child. Out and out thugs, cowards, criminals. Nobody who witnessed what happened to him will ever view the cops the same way again. It's part of the plan to instill terror in the sheep. A gambit betting Americans will not resist en masse until it's too late, when instead of a collapsing America the country is collapsed. They're out of work, gas, food, likely out of their home. If they have kids they'll be screaming for food.
The enemy is betting the light bulbs will come on too late for the bulk of Americans to rise and do something.
And yet... history is both carefully contrived conspiracy and perfect storms of chaos. Mass societal movements and individuals who arise to the occasion and change everything. It's those individuals, history's joker cards, that should scare the enemy.
Someday someone will be brought to action by anger and outrage-but they will know what they are about, and they will have a plan. If he survives the inevitable and massive effort to stop him he could quickly raise an army of the willing.
Maybe, instead of hoping the Gunwalker Scandal will stop the ATF, or Ron Paul, or some other political miracle will actually occur, maybe we should prepare to be that joker card.
...Of course, if one were in that town where that handicapped kid was beaten and tortured by those tin badge gods, if they were to raise a full ticket of candidates, start a emergency recall election over this, throw the elected cocksuckers who hired those thugs and then fired those oath traitors en masse and filed criminal charges against them, THAT would be at least as effective as grabbing your main battle rifle and blasting those fucking freemasonic pigs in the back and then storming the town hall...
Thanks Pete over at Western Rifle Shooters, it fits.
More From Colonel Cooper

“If you look like a rabbit, and act like a rabbit, you will be treated like a rabbit – prey for all predators.”
Stony Loft
– LtCol John Dean “Jeff” Cooper, USMC (retired)
May 10, 1920 – September 25, 2006
...Don't think the Colonel would put up with a pack of punks with badges ganging up on a mentally handicapped child like that. AND, he'd win the gunfight. Probably by himself.
FURTHERMORE: http://exiledonline.com/wn-38-ira-vs-al-qaeda-i-was-wrong/
By Gary Brecher
The Second American Revolution IS winnable, even a violent one:
The IRA had this “Nerf” strategy of not striking back at stuff like this, and not killing civilians, which seemed weak to me. But it worked way, way better than I could have imagined. First of all, by not reacting to LVF hit teams, the IRA kept the focus on the Brits, who they considered the real enemy. The Loyalist hit teams, I realize now, were a classic SAS attempt to turn the whole Ulster fight into a tribal war, so the British could come off as the impartial referees trying to keep the savages from tearing each other apart. If the IRA had settled for taking all these Loyalists down into nice soundproofed basements and giving them some hands-on experience of their favorite games, it would’ve been satisfying short-term but would have fed right into the enemy propaganda model.
Now that I understand what they were doing, I’m blown away by the discipline. That’s the key to every good guerrilla group, that sort of discipline that’s almost creepy, not human. I mean, imagine your cousin just got hacked to death in some gaudy way by these Shankill Butcher guys and you know exactly who did it. Which they did; the IRA always had great intelligence on the streets of Belfast, they knew exactly who was doing these killings. But the order comes down that you can’t take revenge, because it’d look like religious gang warfare and take the focus off the Brits. I couldn’t do it. Those guys did, and I feel ashamed for using a word like “nerf” to make fun of military discipline like theirs.
When you look back at the IRA strategy over the 30-odd years they did urban guerrilla warfare, there’s a clear pattern: They always wanted to shift the violence away from Northern Ireland and to the financial center of London. It was fucking brilliant, and I was too dumb to get it. That’s why they ignored all the Loyalist killings, which would be harder than ignoring a pit bull gnawing your leg, and put all their resources into setting up deep-cover sabotage teams in London.
Grand Hotel, Brighton: “Uh, Miz Thatcher, your hotel is sagging.”By the early 1990s they had men and women working at the airports, the construction industry, and even in British security. And they used their operatives carefully, never spending their lives until they could get maximum effect. In 1984 one of their men rented a room at the Grand Hotel in Brighton, where the Conservative Party was scheduled to have its yearly meeting. He put the bomb under the flooring, paid his bill and left. A month later the long-delay timer went off while Thatcher and all her allies were sound asleep in their rooms. They missed Thatcher—they didn’t call her the Iron Lady for nothing—but she had the novel experience of seeing a few floors fall into her room at 3 am. And the IRA statement afterwards was a model of guerrilla patience: “Today you were lucky, but you will have to be lucky always. We only have to be lucky once.” That’s the way you play it, for the long haul.
The Brighton bomb was designed to kill, because Thatcher was a legitimate target by their reckoning. (In fact, so many Brits hated her that this was about the only time the IRA was popular in England, with people giving them the old “Try, try again!” cheer.) But most IRA bombings, especially the huge truck bombs that won the war for them, weren’t designed to kill. The IRA had a whole system in place with recognized code words that they’d use when they phoned British TV stations, radio stations, and cops to warn them to evacuate the area. They had to do that because both sides realized that when the IRA killed ordinary civilians, they lost. The British tv stations would replay the footage of wounded and killed civilians over and over and over for years, and eventually the IRA worked out a whole new “nerf” (nerf in a very effective way) method of making war without killing people. They’d park a truck near a financial target like the London stock exchange with a multi-hour timer, then call everybody they could. That was to make sure the Army and Intel Services didn’t decide to sit on the warning in the hope of getting a high civilian death toll, which would have been a big defeat for the IRA.
So, I have to admit though it goes against my instincts, “nerf” is the way to go with urban guerrilla warfare. Damn, it’s a weird world.
There were two big, big bombs in the 1990s that settled it: First a huge blast at the London Stock Exchange in 1992 that took the financial district out of play completely, paralyzed the British financial industry. And the only casualty was an idiot photographer who went in after the warning came out hoping to get a great shot. The British media was so frustrated by not having bloody corpses to show that they settled for architecture: the bomb shattered some stupid church from the middle ages and they made that the big tragedy, because face it, nobody cries when the stock exchange gets blown up.
That 1992 bombing didn’t seem to get the message across so they repeated it in 1993, with the Bishospgate Bomb. Same pattern: redundant warnings, everybody evacuated except a few cops.
Result: one KIA (a cop) and one billion pounds damage. A billion and a half dollars in one kaboom.
J. Croft
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