Now the extent of the conspiracy is revealed; about the entire executive branch is involved in one way or another. That's why we'll see a new push for gun control.
Surprise them and yourself: resist.
Obfuscation: Dems Push Gun Control To Hide ‘Gunwalker’ Scandal
They choose a pivotal moment in the Gunwalker investigation to announce a gun-control bill.
July 16, 2011 - 12:00 am

U.S. Representatives Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY), Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD), ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) will join other members and a leading law enforcement organization for an event Friday, July 15th, 11:00 a.m. at the House Triangle to introduce the “Stop Gun Trafficking and Strengthen Law Enforcement Act,” which establishes a dedicated firearms trafficking statute to empower law enforcement to keep high-powered firearms out of the hands of dangerous criminals, including Mexican drug cartels.The exact same agencies that would be charged with enforcing the proposal are currently under investigation — and may eventually face felony charges — because they broke existing laws and participated in widespread gun trafficking. To borrow from a reader, the federal government is using federal agencies to break federal laws so that same federal government can impose more federal laws on the people that did not break the law.
It is Orwellian in its absurdity, and yet entirely real.
For those of you arriving to the story late, the scandal of Gunwalker began when ATF whistleblowers testified about a multi-agency federal program in Arizona called “Operation Fast and Furious.” The program was carried out by a multi-agency task force involving elements of the Department of Justice; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives; the Federal Bureau of Investigation; the Drug Enforcement Agency; and the Internal Revenue Service. It would also have likely required the involvement of the Department of State and the Department of Homeland Security.
As executed, the plot allowed straw purchasers to buy thousands of firearms and deliver them to Mexican drug cartels, presumably so that the ATF could learn who the primary gun smugglers were inside the cartels in order to shut them down. It was recently revealed, however, that at least some of the men the ATF were seeking may have been paid informants for the FBI and DEA.
Within the past week, evidence has emerged suggesting that the plot was not confined to Arizona. Similar programs existed in at least three other regions, including an operation that may have been called “Castaway” that shipped roughly 1,000 firearms to the violent gang MS-13 in Honduras from a multi-agency operation based in Tampa.
These politicians — who seem immune to either common sense or irony — can perhaps be convinced to re-title this legislation the Eddie Espinoza Act of 2011, in honor of the Democratic mayor of Columbus, NM, who was recently convicted of trafficking guns to Mexican drug cartels. Espinoza may face up to 65 years in prison — up to 10 years in federal prison for each of the smuggling counts and up to five years for the conspiracy charge as well as each of the false statement charges — for committing many of the same criminal acts (on a much smaller scale) as those carried out by the federal government that prosecuted his case.
Representatives Maloney, Cummings, and Carolyn McCarthy seem to be far less interested in holding those responsible for Gunwalker to account than they are in persecuting gun owners and hobbling the investigations into the scandal being played out in the House and Senate.
We saw this disreputable behavior from Cummings when he held a minority forum several weeks ago that was focused on blame-shifting instead of accountability, and in the 26-page political report that minimized the magnitude of the crimes perpetrated under the guise of law enforcement while building the case for gun control.
Anti-gun Democrats are pushing laws that would only affect the law-abiding, while attempting to direct attention away from what appears to be a widespread criminal conspiracy by executive branch agencies to arm narco-terrorists and then use the violence caused by those weapons to influence U.S. gun laws.
Americans don’t need more gun laws.
What me need are federal law enforcement agencies, legislators, and elected and appointed officials that aren’t willing to “break a few eggs” — or a few hundred lives — in order to take part in an illegal and murderous conspiracy.
More ‘Gunwalker’ Emails Suggest Gun-Control Conspiracy
Plus: Congressional investigators ask Eric Holder if there is any other evidence that Gunwalker was an anti-gun PR stunt.
July 15, 2011 - 8:46 am
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It was bad enough that more than a half-dozen director-level law enforcement officials and an unknown number of supervisors and managers acquiesced to a plot that armed cartels with more than 2,000 weapons in ATF’s Phoenix Field Operations area. But saying that a combination of groupthink, stupidity, and institutional inertia is to blame for this fiasco is giving dozens of federal law enforcement officers across multiple agencies the benefit of the doubt that they are merely criminally incompetent.
The increasingly more plausible motivation: political appointees of the current administration concocted a scheme to destabilize a friendly government to restore the flagging anti-gun movement.
That scenario would have seemed paranoid just weeks ago, but new evidence appearing almost daily indicates that the “Fast and Furious” scandal based in Arizona may be just one part of a much wider campaign by multiple government agencies acting well beyond the law.
Recent developments indicate that in addition to Fast and Furious in Arizona, another gunrunning operation was headquartered in ATF’s Tampa Field Operations area. It allowed roughly 1,000 firearms to be smuggled to the ultra-violent MS-13 gang in Honduras.
Evidence also suggests that similar multi-agency programs exist in both the Houston and Dallas Field Operations areas covering all of Texas and Oklahoma.
Taken together, this suggests that we are not dealing with an isolated incident, but an ambitious and insidious attempt by the highest levels of a rogue government to reshape our world by any means necessary.
Katie Pavlich broke the story yesterday of a ”smoking gun” email between ATF officials: Mark R Chait, assistant director for field operations with the ATF, copied ATF deputy assistant director for field operations on an email to William Newell, the special agent in charge (SAC) of the Phoenix Field Division:
Bill – Can you see if these guns were all purchased from the same FfL and at one time. We are looking at anecdotal cases to support a letter on long gun multiple sales.Chait was asking Newell to use tracing data to support an initiative supported by the administration to require the reporting of multiple rifle sales.
If that sounds familiar, it should; this week, President Obama pushed an executive order — an end-run around Congress – stating the feds will now require the reporting of multiple rifle sales within a five-day period. That the office of the presidency lacks the constitutional authority to enact such a rule seems irrelevant to this administration, which is certain to see this edict challenged in court if the ATF attempts to enforce it.
Even more damning: the existence of more emails that confirm these same ATF officials and others were colluding to use the Operation “Fast and Furious” guns that they helped smuggle into Mexico as a pretext for the new reporting regulation.
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